Please sign the attendance register, sign up for activities in which you would like to participate and pass it to your neighbor. June 23, 2013 WORSHIP MUSIC I Saw the Light I’ll Fly Away Boundless Love Mighty to Save All Things Are Possible MESSAGE “A God Who Moves Stones and A People Who Move Mountains” Rev. Dr. Margaret Kutz SCRIPTURE Matthew 5:13-16 and 17:20b SPECIAL MUSIC Loving God, Loving Each Other Bridge Band Ministers Pastor Music Director/Organist Director of Spiritual Formation Director of Assimilation and Outreach Middle School Youth Director High School Youth Directors Director of Children’s Ministries Preschool Director Friendship Ministry Church Administrator Secretary Church Website CUMC Preschool Website Newsletter Every Member of the Congregation Dr. Margaret T. Kutz: Joshua Wortham: Rev. Dr. Jim Davis: Margie Ashburn: Carolyn Landis: Jason & Jenni Deckert: Stacey Ferrer: Jenni Deckert: Edie & Jerry Higgins: Sherie Orton: Terry Wisegarver: Gail King: A Community in Christ Chester United Methodist Church Our Mission: Rooted in God, Growing in Christ, Bearing Fruit in the Spirit 12132 Percival Street, Chester, Virginia 23831 * Church: (804) 748-6006 Fax: 748-0859 Web site: * A Stephen Ministry Congregation FRESH START SERVICE June 23, 2013 - 8:30 AM Please sign the attendance register, sign up for activities in which you would like to participate and pass it to your neighbor. WORSHIP MUSIC Let God Arise Father, Spirit, Jesus Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble? Mighty to Save All Things Are Possible SPECIAL MUSIC I Am Free Fresh Start Band SCRIPTURE Matthew 5:13-16 and 17:20b MESSAGE “A God Who Moves Stones and A People Who Move Mountains” Rev. Dr. Margaret Kutz SERVICE OF WORSHIP Fifth Sunday June 23, 2013 in Pentecost Please sign the red attendance register, register for activities which you would like to participate in, and pass it to your neighbor. ENTRANCE Chimes Prelude * * Great is Thy Faithfulness Joan Longo, organ Joshua Wortham, piano Call to Worship Leader: Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless God’s holy name! People: The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Leader: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation! People: My soul does praise Him for the Lord is my health and my salvation! Opening Hymn No. 139 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Opening Prayer O Lord, our God, let all that is in me adore you. All that I am and all that I have comes now with praises before you. May our “amen” be a shout of praise that echoes in this sanctuary and rings throughout eternity, forever adoring you. Amen. Welcome, Community Announcements, and Greeting PROCLAMATION AND RESPONSE Children’s Message Pastor Marg (The children are invited to go with our Director of Children’s Ministries, Stacey Ferrer, for time together. Parents, please meet your child(ren) in Room 119 at the conclusion of worship. ) Anthem Untitled Hymn (Come to Jesus) Chancel Choir Kristen Coker, dancer Prayer for Illumination God our teacher, by your Holy Spirit, open our minds, that as the Scriptures are read and your Word is proclaimed, we may be led into your truth and taught your will, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Scripture Readings Sermon * Hymn No. 529 Offering Offertory Anthem Matthew 5:13-16 and 17:20b “A God Who Moves Stones and A People Who Move Mountains” How Firm a Foundation All Rise Rev. Dr. Margaret Kutz Chancel Choir Lydia Snyder, soloist * Doxology No. 95 THANKSGIVING Pastor’s Prayer for the Church The Church’s Prayer for the Pastor Bill Nabors Our Prayer for Rev. Sylvia Meadows God of the Ages, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. We pray for Sylvia Meadows and her family as she comes to serve you through the ministries of this church. Give her wisdom, courage, and compassion to lead this people of God in the ways of Christ. Make great in her the gifts you have given her that she might impact this community in powerful ways, ways that lift up the name of Jesus, who taught all of us to pray, “Our Father…” * Affirmation of Our Mission, Vision and Values Leader: Chester United Methodist Church is a community in Christ who joins with other United Methodists in the mission People: to make disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Leader: Our vision is to be People: rooted in God, growing in Christ, and bearing fruit in the Spirit. Leader: As disciples of Jesus Christ we believe in the triune God People: and commit to Bible study and prayer that changes the way we live. Leader: We promise to nurture the spiritual formation of children, youth and adults, People: love and care for each other in tangible ways, and share Christ with the world through service. Leader: We pledge to be open, welcoming and accepting People: and commit ourselves to an outward and future focus executed with excellence, integrity and innovation. SENDING FORTH All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name * * * Closing Hymn No. 154 Benediction Choral Amen * Please stand as you are able. Bold print indicates a response in unison. CALENDAR stanzas 1, 2, 4 & 6 June 23, 2013 – June 30, 2013 Today: 8:30 AM 9:45 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 3:00 PM Monday: 6:30 PM 7:00 PM Tuesday: 10:00 AM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Wednesday: 9:00 AM 1:30 PM 6:30 PM Thursday: Friday: 4:30 PM Fresh Start – DFH Sunday School The Bridge Traditions Retirement Reception Boy Scouts – DFH, 116 Christian Believer – 224 Prayer Group – Parlor Dr. Jim’s Study - DFH GS Tp 507 - 229 Bulletin Deadline Prayer Shawl – Parlor Young Adults –Antonio’s GS Tp. 5259 – 208,209 Saturday: 8:00 AM Man in the Mirror - DFH Next Sunday: 8:30 AM 9:30 AM 9:45 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 12:15 PM Fresh Start – DFH Gateway, Little Gateway Sunday School The Bridge Traditions New Pastor Reception This Week’s Music Schedule: Tuesday: 6:30 PM Bridge Band 7:30 PM Community Chorus Thursday: 6:30 PM Fresh Start Band 7:30 PM Chancel Choir Voices of Youth will perform a concert in our sanctuary on Tuesday, July 2, at 7 PM. Please encourage your friends and neighbors to attend and support this musical mission! We are blessed that all guests have chosen to worship with us today. You are invited Leading Ourin Worship TODAY (June 23,in2013) to stop by our Welcome Center the Atrium or the table the Narthex where we Acolytes: 11:00 Hannah Verghese, Leia Verghese have prepared gift bags for you. Information and brochures on our church may be Greeters: 8:30 Terri Dombrowski, Darlene & George Emerson found at our Welcome Center. Thank you for worshipping with us today! 9:45 Karen Davis, Barbara MacIntrye, Will & Don Schmidt 11:00 George & Sophia Verghese, Sandra Stotesberry, Ron Miller Parking Lot Greeters: 9:15 Keith Boyd, Dawn Boyd 10:20 Keith Boyd, Keith Koob Ushers: 8:30 Donna & Bruce Koch, George Bryant 9:45 Jim Watkins, David Ferry 11:00 Emory Large, Harley Young, Harold Crowder, Mike Anderson, Will Herrmann Nursery: 8:30 Robin & Keith Willingham 9:45 Robin & Keith Willingham 11:00 Lorraine Young Welcome Center: 9:45 Lu Henderson Liturgists: Scott Byer, Caroline Johnson The Flowers on the Altar are given to the glory of God in honor of Pastor Marg and Bob by the Church Staff. You are loved and will be dearly missed. You have been a blessing to us! Summer Library Nights for the Children at Broadwater: Thursday evenings from 6:30-7:15 PM in the Broadwater Community Clubhouse. We now have 6 story time volunteers. Please consider helping with this ministry so that we can be a blessing to more of our Broadwater friends. You do not have to commit to coming every week! Sign up in the pew pad or contact Amy Gray at We Welcome into Christian Membership: Carol Mathews Ray who comes to us by transfer from Chester Presbyterian Church. We Celebrate the Holy Baptism of: Vivian Grace Rooks who was born March 5, 2013 to Brandon Cromwell Rooks and Lindsay Joy Morton Rooks. Vivian’s proud siblings are Ethan Cromwell Rooks (age 5) and Julia Lindsay Rooks (age 3). Young Adults (18-35ish) will meet on Wednesday, June 26, at 6:30 PM at Antonio’s in Chester for dinner on the patio! We’ll talk about our plans for the summer which include a weekly Bible Study through parts of July and August, a Flying Squirrels game (July 21), a cookout, and Jumpology (indoor trampoline park!). Contact Joshua Wortham, Megan Carson or Jennifer Brooks for more info. Please RSVP for dinner to Joshua ( This We Believe: (our 2013 Easter musical) is now available on CD for $10 each. Pick up your copy today in the Music Suite and buy one for a friend! Mid-Week Bible Study Quiz Questions: Jesus at the temple at 12. What is the significance of Jesus being 12? What was the Festival when Jesus stayed behind and his parents thought he was “lost”? Why were Mary and Joseph so frantic in their effort to find him? What was Jesus doing when his parents found him? Is this temple incidence mentioned in Matthew and Mark? This week we study the 10 Commandments (Exodus 20) at 7 PM in the fellowship hall. You are invited. KEEP IN PRAYER: Bill Perdue; Earl Tatum; Lavona Thysell; Ricky Watkins; Jim Dyson; Dr. Jim Davis; Brook’s Whitlow (Dr. Jim & Karen’s grandson); Tam Moody; family of Judy Sykes (Kris Spadaccia’s mother);Vann Stanfield; Brooks Whitlow ( Dr. Jim & Karen’s grandson); the family of Helen Jones; Carey Parisi; family of Craig Jellie (Betty Jellie’s son); Buddy Clark (Karen Davis’ father); Pamela Lee Avery; Susan McLeaster (Pam Early’s sister); Arch Cunningham ( Pam Early’s brother); Andy Tack (Pastor Marg’s brother); Ruth Siller; Jane Lee Moore; Amanda Compton (Shannon Puckett’s sister): Ed Bishop; Vickie Lojek; Oliver Nelan; Arnie Beck (Brenda McCormac’s brother); Emily Scott (Phyllis & Dennis Knaack’s daughter); Matt Carson (Luke Carson’s brother); Michael Turner (Bev Nelan’s son-in-law); Peggy Tunstall; Beth Powner; Alexa Nixon; Kate Ewalt; Shirley Conley (Paul Duffy’s sister); Diane Higgins; Angela Butler (Margie Ashburn’s niece); Ann Shelton; Jan Gibson; Margie Burkholder; Audrey Comer; Bea Chase; Karen Nash; Karen Cole and her daughter, Courtney; Ernie Sanders; Joe Furr, Sr.; Jennie Sisler (daughter of Joan & Joe Furr); Nothera Goyne; Doug Wheeler (Judy Dyson’s brother); Brenda Norris; Judy Dyson. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR ARMED SERVICE MEMBERS: In Afghanistan: Heather Tittle Briggs & Travis Cooper (530th HHC from Ft. Lee) SGT Donald Hevener (friend of Anna Nichole Rollins) Adam Scott, former Navy Seal (cousin to Jill Seal and Pat Stanfield) Pentagon: CDR Hersch Weinstock (son of Ann Stuart) Ft. Jackson: PFC Aarun Roy (Stacey Ferrer’s son) South Korea: Air Force Major Britt Warren (nephew of Don & Will Schmidt) Chester UMC on the Web and in the World: The Chester UMC newsletter, The Chimes, is available at Go to “Sermons & Media” then “CUMC Publications” and “CUMC Chimes.” The deadline for submission to the August CHIMES is Wednesday, July 24. Send articles to . Find us on Facebook at “Chester United Methodist Church.” Follow us on Twitter at @ChesterUMC and be a part of the conversation at #ChesterUMC. Receive our Chester UMC Prayer Chain by request. Submit your name and email address to Chester United Methodist Church is a Member-Supported Church. Everything we do is made possible through your faithful giving. Your offerings here go to support the work of Christ in this community and around the world. If you do not have offering envelopes you are welcome to use the offering envelopes provided in the pews or on the table in the back of the Fellowship Hall. You can also give on-line at our church’s website or from your own bank’s on-line services. Kick back this Summer and join the Fresh Start Sunday School Class in Study, Fellowship and Service: Join us for a season of NOOMA. The name NOOMA is an English phonetic spelling of the Greek word pneuma, which is commonly translated to “spirit” or “breath.” Pneumatology refers to the study of spiritual beings, particularly the interactions between humans and God. NOOMA is a series that includes short films, scripture and discussion of issues that we really care about. July 7—Fresh Start Class Tubing on the James—join us as we make plans for our annual Sunday afternoon trip floating down the James. The Fresh Start Class meets every Sunday morning at 9:45 in Room 207. Visitors and new members are always welcome. Call Susan Petrey, 275-9258, for more information. Wesleyan Service Group is selling Chester United Methodist church plates for $10 each. They have a picture of the church on the front and the church history on the back and are great keepsakes. Contact Lorraine Young at 748-6852 to purchase a plate. (Dr. Jim has one on display in his office window if you want to take a peek.) And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17 Leading Our Worship NEXT SUNDAY (June 30, 2013) Acolytes: 11:00 Rachel Dishman, Samantha Payne Greeters: 8:30 Ann Stuart, Julie Ferry, Richard Parisi 9:45 Mindy Kelley, Bruce Johnson, Cathy Epps, Judy McGee 11:00 Bud & Margaret Burke, Janis Hargrave, Blanche Castelow Parking Lot Greeters: 9:15 Don Schmidt, Linda Nabors 10:20 Emory Large, Sandra Dishman Ushers: 8:30 John Ferguson, Bill Comer, Rian Mey 9:45 Jerry Higgins, Bruce Costner 11:00 Ivey Gilliam, Ed Labin, George & Sophia Verghese Nursery: 8:30 Jeff & Janean Trimble 9:45 Jeff & Janean Trimble 11:00 Karen Clark Welcome Center: 9:45 Sandra Dishman Liturgist: Dewain Hammond