Erik Andrew Pfeif - Inside Mines

Erik Andrew Pfeif
335 B Canyon Blvd. Boulder, CO 80302
Colorado School of Mines
BSci Metals & Materials Engineering (2007)
Study Abroad: Hong Kong University Spring 2005
GPA: 3.514
MSci Materials Science (2010)
GPA: 3.80
Thesis Topic: Submerged Nondestructive Determination of Hydrogen in Zirconium Alloys
PhD Materials Science (in Progress)
Estimated Graduation Date 12/2013
Thesis Topic: Liquid Nitrogen Submerged Laser Welding of High Nitrogen Steel
Colorado School of Mines
PhD Candidate—Investigating methods to mitigate alloying element loss during laser welding of High
Nitrogen Steels
Advisor: Dr. Stephen Liu ( and Dr. David Olson (
Graduate Research Assistant—Developing and testing submerged nondestructive methods to assess the
waterside corrosion (hydrogen damage) in Zirconium alloys used in fuel assemblies.
Advisor: Dr. David Olson ( and Dr. Brajendra Mishra (
Fall 2007
Undergraduate Research Assistant—Researching methods to increase the oxygen vacancy concentration
in steam permeation membranes (Gadolinium-doped Barium Cerates.)
Supervisor: Dr. Ryan O’Hayre (
Summer 2007
Hazen Research
Intern—aided with froth flotation, elutriation, and processing of Mb, Au, Ag, W, and Fe03
Supervisor: Mr. Chris Schultz (
Summer 2005/6
Los Alamos National Labs
Intern- studied effects of stored defects, temperature, strain rate and geometric effects on the shear
behavior of 1018 steel. Also studied shear effects of high explosive damage within tantalum Supervisor:
Mentor: Dr. Ellen Cerreta (
Rocky Mountain Instruments
Thin Films Lab Technician—Operated a high temperature thin film coating chamber. Produced
multilayered coatings and tested ISO9001 optical components. Assembled DLC thin film deposition
chamber and vacuum tested.
Colorado School of Mines
Student Researcher and Teaching Aid—Developed a system to measure quantify amount of hydrogen in
fuel cladding in a submerged environment nondestructively. Performed hydrogen cycling of Zircaloy material
using a Sieverts apparatus. Characterized hydrogen damage with Inert Gas Fusion methods, Optical Microscopy
and X-Ray Diffraction. Produced a model to explain the interaction of EM waves with the electronic structure of
the material –Developed a system for laser welding under a consistent amount of liquid nitrogen. Developed a
working knowledge of solidification behavior in steels as well as methods to refine welded microstructure and
increase overall weld toughness through consumable design. –Produced raw powder and created porous potential
bone replacement material using Self Propagating High Temperature Synthesis technique. Quantified micro
porosity using scanning electron microscopes. Characterized chemical components of bone replacement material
using XRD and FTIR.
Computing/Data Analysis Experience— Kaliedograph, Grapher , AutoCAD, Mechanical Desktop, Solidworks, Autodesk
Inventor, C++, MSOffice, Signal Express, Labview.
CSM101: Freshman Success Seminar: Peer Mentoring Program (2007)
Student Development and Academic Services: Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
Supervisor: Ms. Sneha Parikh (
HKU English Mentor Program: Middle School English Teacher (2005)
St. Johns College, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong.
2 hours /week
3 hours/week
1. Trends in Welding Research Conference: “Use of Segregation as a Weld Design Opportunity,” 2012.
2. QNDE 2010: “Submerged Eddy Current Method of Hydrogen Content Evaluation of Zircaloy-4 Fuel Cladding,” 2010
3. QNDE 2009 “Assessment of the State of Precipitation in Aluminum Casting A356.2 Alloy Using Non-Destructive
Microstructure Electronic Property Measurements,” 2009.
4. QNDE 2009 “Characterization of Hydrogen Content in ZIrcaloy 4 Nuclear Fuel Cladding”, 2009.
C. Howard, E.A. Pfeif, J. Porter, B. Mishra, D.L. Olson, “Quantitative Assessment of Thermal Diffusion Using Nondestructive Evaluation” AIP
Conference Proceedings, Vol. xxxx, Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol. 31A, (2012) pp.1-9.
E.A. Pfeif, C. Howard, S. Tate, S. Liu, B. Mishra, D.L. Olson, “Use of Segregation as a Weld Design Opportunity,” Trends in Welding Research, (2012)
E.A. Pfeif, Z. Jones, A.N. Lasseigne, K.Koenig, K. Krzywosz, E.V. Mader, S. Yagnik, B. Mishra, and D.L. Olson, “Submerged Eddy Current Method of
Hydrogen Content Evaluation of Zircaloy-4 Fuel Cladding,” AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1355, Review of Progress in Quantitative
Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol. 30A, (2011) pp.168-175.
P. Kiattisaksri, P.J. Gibbs, K. Koenig, E.A. Pfeif, A.N. Lasseigne, P.F. Mendez, B. Mishra, D.L. Olson “Assessment of the State of Precipitation in
Aluminum Casting A356.2 Alloy Using Non-Destructive Microstructure Electronic Property Measurements,” AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1211,
Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol. 29, (2010) pp. 1285-1292.
E.A. Pfeif, A.N. Lasseigne, K. Krzywosz, E.V. Mader, B. Mishra, D.L. Olson, “Characterization of Hydrogen Content in ZIrcaloy 4 Nuclear Fuel
Cladding,” ,” AIP Conference Proceedings Vol 1211, Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Conference Proceedings, Rhode
Island, Vol. 29, (2010), pp. 1317-1324.
L.M. Dougherty, E.K. Cerretta, E.A. Pfeif, C.P. Trujillo and G.T. Gray III, “The Impact of Peak Shock Stress on the Microstructure and
Shear Behavior of 1018 Steel”, Acta Materialia, Vol. 55, No. 18, (2007), pp. 6356-6364.
K.A. Walsh, Beryllium Chemistry and Processing (One of Many Contributing Editors: E.A. Pfeif), ASM International, Materials Park, OH 2009.