d School Plan 2015 – 2017 ```````````````````` Public Schools NSW/School Plan 2015 -2017 Wollar Public School School background 2015 - 2017 SCHOOL VISION STATEMENT Wollar Public School will challenge students of all abilities to achieve excellence in a wide range of academic, cultural and sporting activities. It will equip students for the demands & opportunities of the 21st Century by offering a differentiated, effective & rigorous curriculum as an entitlement to all. A professional & highly motivated staff, in partnership with parents, will encourage each student to achieve their full potential. In a disciplined & caring environment, based on mutual respect, each student will be valued as an individual in their own right and his/her moral development encouraged. Public Schools NSW | School plan 2015 - 2017 | Wollar Public School SCHOOL CONTEXT Wollar Public School is located in the isolated rural village of Wollar, 50km North-East of Mudgee, NSW. It is a small rural school that directly caters for the educational needs of its students from Kindergarten to Year 6. Current enrolments total 8 students, with one full time Principal/teacher, one part-time teacher, a part-time school Administration Manager and one part-time School learning Support Officer (SLSO). Our commitment is to achieve improved student learning, engagement and wellbeing. Our school plan is currently being developed in consultation with staff and the wider community of Wollar and they have proactively engaged in the process to assist in setting the strategic directions for our school in order to continually improve in the quality of our schools’ educational outcomes. V1.1 [26 August 2014] SCHOOL PLANNING PROCESS We work as a staff and community to build our capacity to enhance student learning and sustain continuous improvement. We have consulted with the school community (staff, students & parents) (meetings), administered surveys (staff, students, parents & community) gathered suggestions and data for ongoing improvement review and reflected on progress in relation to the school direction. Wollar Public School’s Plan reflects the strategic directions that have been articulated by staff and community members. www.schools.nsw.edu.au 01 School strategic directions 2015 - 2017 STRATEGIC DIRECTION 1 Teaching & Learning through Sustained Quality Evidence Based Practices STRATEGIC DIRECTION 2 Building Community Engagement The basis for improving student learning outcomes is identifying and implementing the most effective teaching methods, with a high priority given to evidence-based practices. Effective communication among home, school and community contributes to improved student achievement, increased parental participation in children’s learning and enhanced parent, community and student perceptions of teachers and schools. Assessment and Reporting will be used to monitor, plan and report on student learning across the curriculum. Research indicates that strong partnerships between the school, its teachers, the students and the parent community make a positive contribution to learning. Professional learning is paramount to the teaching profession in order to improve individual professional practice. Public Schools NSW | School plan 2015 - 2017 | Wollar Public School V1.1 [26 August 2014] STRATEGIC DIRECTION 3 Leadership & Management Our schools require excellent leaders who will demonstrate instructional leadership with efficient management practices that lead creative, innovative schools with positive learning cultures. www.schools.nsw.edu.au 02 Strategic direction 1: Teaching and Learning through Sustained Quality Evidence Based Practices PURPOSE To ensure student learning outcomes are identified and effective teaching methods are implemented with a high priority given to evidence-based practices to prepare students for the 21st Century. PEOPLE PROCESSES How do we develop capabilities of our people to bring about transformation? Students: Identified students will participate in Literacy and Numeracy intervention programs. How do we do it and how will we know? What is achieved and how do we know? Professional learning around analysing student data and developing responsive programmes. Products: Differentiate curriculum delivery to meet the needs of individual students. Staff: Pre and post assessment data indicates that program differentiation is demonstrating growth for all students. Increased Reading benchmark levels NAPLAN data Progress along the NSW Literacy and Numeracy Continuum in PLAN Best Start Kindergarten Assessment Best Start Assessment data is utilised to assess prior knowledge and achievement standards of Kindergarten to inform planning of appropriate curriculum opportunities to enhance student Literacy/Numeracy achievement. What are our newly embedded practices and how are they integrated and in sync with our purpose? Practices: Teachers draw on and implement evidence-based research to improve their performance and development Parents: Work authentically with staff to exchange feedback and provide ongoing support for their children’s development. . Leaders: The L3 Instructional leader will lead the Professional learning of teachers in effective literacy & numeracy teaching practices. Student, parent & staff satisfaction Public Schools NSW | School plan 2015 - 2017 | Wollar Public School Assessment data to monitor achievements and gaps in student learning are used extensively to inform planning for particular student groups and individual students. Student reports contain detailed information about individual student learning achievement and areas of growth, which provide the basis for discussion with parents. Professional development on the implementation of Language, Learning and Literacy (L3), TEN program & CMIT. IMPROVEMENT MEASURE/S PRODUCTS AND PRACTICES V1.1 [26 August 2014] There are systematic policies, programs and processes to identify and address student learning needs. Teachers regularly use student performance data and other student feedback to evaluate the effectiveness of their own teaching practices. www.schools.nsw.edu.au 03 Effective teacher professional development & coaching is classroom based. Support the implementation of the L3 & TEN program. Public Schools NSW | School plan 2015 - 2017 | Wollar Public School V1.1 [26 August 2014] Teachers work together to provide and receive constructive feedback from peers, school leaders and students to improve teaching practice. www.schools.nsw.edu.au 04 Strategic direction 2: Building Community Engagement PURPOSE PEOPLE PROCESSES Effective communication among home, school and community contributes to improved student achievement, increased parental participation in children’s learning and enhanced parent, community and student perceptions of teachers and schools. How do we develop capabilities of our people to bring about transformation? Teachers, parents, students and community members will work together to participate in and support a range of school activities as partners. Communicate frequently with parents. Students: Participate in student survey. How do we do it and how will we know? What is achieved and how do we know? Teachers and school leaders will listen to the views of students and parents through regular surveys. Products: Support families to participate in their child’s learning through regular communication. Staff: Develop kits and resources to help families work with children at home. Participate in staff survey. Teachers and parent representative body leaders will plan regular family and community learning events at school and community locations Train parents and community members as classroom helpers and to work one on one with students during reading lessons. Parents: Volunteer in the classroom. PRODUCTS AND PRACTICES School and families have worked together to develop strategies to use in the home to support student learning. Families and community members are supported to assist in the classroom and school activities e.g. excursions. Develop kits and resources to help families work with children at home. Parents and community members participate in whole school assemblies and special days. Participate in parent survey. IMPROVEMENT MEASURE/S Participate in whole school assemblies and special days The percentage of community surveys which reflect high satisfaction. Number of participants in family & community learning events e.g whole school assemblies Community partners: What are our newly embedded practices and how are they integrated and in sync with our purpose? Practices: Community members to become involved as guest speakers about their career or life experiences. Number of activities and guest speakers from the broader community. Families and community members contribute to the life of the school in ways that reflect their interests, skills, experience and capacity to do so. School policies and practices, learning activities and community building initiatives are built on a culture of welcome, inclusion and belonging that reflects and respects diversity within the school’s community. Public Schools NSW | School plan 2015 - 2017 | Wollar Public School V1.1 [26 August 2014] www.schools.nsw.edu.au 05 Strategic direction 3: Leadership & Management PURPOSE To ensure that our school leaders have the skills and understanding to lead and manage a school with an effective learning culture. PEOPLE PROCESSES Staff: Maintain effective partnerships with families Parents: Engage in relevant school related programs and activities. How do we do it and how will we know? What is achieved and how do we know? The school is committed to the development of leadership skills in staff and students. Products: Planning and implementation includes processes for resource allocation, professional learning, performance monitoring and reporting. Leaders: Lead teaching and Learning Develop self and others Lead improvement, innovation and change Lead the management of the school Engage and work with the community The School’s financial and physical resources and facilities are well maintained, within the constraints of the school budget, and provide a safe environment that supports learning. Manage available resources to support effective learning and teaching. IMPROVEMENT MEASURE/S High levels of satisfaction with the schools learning culture. Structures and systems are in place to guarantee the delivery of public education at Wollar that is of a high standard. Public Schools NSW | School plan 2015 - 2017 | Wollar Public School PRODUCTS AND PRACTICES Ensure budgets are integrated and aligned with learning and teaching priorities. Continuously review the range and quality of all available resources. V1.1 [26 August 2014] High levels of satisfaction with the schools learning culture. Structures and systems are in place to guarantee the delivery of public education at Wollar is of a high standard. Practices: The school leadership team makes deliberate and strategic use of its partnerships and relationships to access resources for the purpose of enriching the school’s standing within the local community and improving student outcomes. The school’s financial, physical and human resources are managed, effectively and efficiently to achieve the educational goals and priorities. Physical learning spaces are used effectively, and technology is accessible to staff and students. www.schools.nsw.edu.au 06