OM514 DOS Qi, Blood & Body Fluids Fall 2015

3808 North Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, Florida 34234
941-355-9080 (fax) 941- 355-3243
Course Syllabus:
OM514 Differentiation of Syndromes: Qi, Blood & Body Fluids
Course Description:
This course describes the patterns of the basic disharmonies of Qi, Blood, and Body Fluids, such
as deficiency, stagnation, rebellion of Qi, stasis, heat, and loss of blood, edema, phlegm and
deficiency of fluids.
Prerequisites: None
Instructional Contact Hours: 15 Hours
Academic Credits: 1 Academic Credit
Homework Hours: 30 Hours
Instructor’s name and contact information: EWCNM Campus Main Line 941-355-9080
Student Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course, the student should be able to:
 Identify and understand the general symptoms of varied syndromes caused by the
dysfunction of Qi, blood, and body fluid;
 Identify and understand the keys of how to differentiate Qi Stagnation Syndrome and Qi
Rebellious Syndrome, and Qi Deficiency Syndrome and Qi Sinking Syndrome;
 Identify and understand the keys of how to differentiate general Blood Deficiency
Syndrome, Blood Stasis, Heat in the Blood, Bleeding Syndrome;
 List and describe the characteristics of Phlegm Syndrome, Substantial phlegm, Nonsubstantial phlegm;
 Describe and compare the characteristics of two types of Edema; Yin Edema and Yang
Modified: 2/8/2016 1:00 AM OM514 Differentiation of Syndromes: Qi, Blood & Body Fluids EWCNM Course
Syllabi Drafted 4/11/2014
P age |1
3808 North Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, Florida 34234
941-355-9080 (fax) 941- 355-3243
Instructional Materials / References:
Required Text:
 Cheng, Xinnong Ed. Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion, Foreign Language Press,
Beijing, 1987.
 Maciocia, Giovanni, Foundations of Chinese Medicine. Churchill Livingstone, 2005.
Recommended Text:
 Deng, Tietao. Practical Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine. New York, Churchill
Livingstone, 1999.
Teaching Strategies
Classroom lecture;
Classroom discussion
Requirements for Successful Completion:
Student success is evidenced by: satisfactory completion of all required assignments, satisfactory
attendance and achieving a passing final grade of 70% or higher.
Student Learning Outcomes Rubric:
(failing grade)
(mid-range grade)
Highly Developed
(high end grade)
Modified: 2/8/2016 1:00 AM OM514 Differentiation of Syndromes: Qi, Blood & Body Fluids EWCNM Course
Syllabi Drafted 4/11/2014
P age |2
3808 North Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, Florida 34234
941-355-9080 (fax) 941- 355-3243
Methods of Evaluation: (example only: to be completed by instructor)
Tests (3) – ~28% each
Homework: 15%
Grading Scale: Standardized & Set By EWCNM
A: 90-100%
B: 80-89%
C: 70-79%
F: 0-69%
Student Responsibilities and Expectations:
Essential Standards for Admission, Progression, and Graduation:
These areas of proficiency include, but are not limited to observation skills, motor skills,
communication skills, analytical skills, and emotional maturity. All technical requirements are
considered essential standards for admission, progression and graduation from the college.
Academic Technical Standards:
East West College of Natural Medicine upholds that there are non-cognitive factors of academic
performance required to be displayed for graduation from this program.
Class Attendance:
Class attendance is a required component of the education at East West College of Natural
Medicine, and instructors are required to take attendance at each class. Regular and punctual
class attendance is expected of all students, and the responsibility for class attendance rests with
the individual student.
Type of Course
Required Attendance
Allowable Absence w/o Make- Withdrawal from Course
Up Assignments
Required: Must Retake Course
100% of Course Hrs.
15 hr. course = 1.5 hrs. missed
30 hr. course = 3.0 hrs. missed
45 hr. course = 4.5 hrs. missed
60 hr. course = 6.0 hrs. missed
0 Hours Allowed
15 hr. course = Missed > 4.5 Hrs.
30 hr course = Missed > 9 Hrs.
45 hr. course = Missed > 13.5 Hrs.
60 hr. course = Missed > 18 Hrs.
0 Hours Allowed
100% of Course Hrs.
0 Hours Allowed
0 Hours Allowed
Didactic Courses
90% of Course Hrs.
Herbal Clinic
Academic Honesty:
EWCNM recognizes the value of academic honesty and requires all students to abide by the code
of conduct and professional ethics. Students are expected to be honest in all areas of their
Modified: 2/8/2016 1:00 AM OM514 Differentiation of Syndromes: Qi, Blood & Body Fluids EWCNM Course
Syllabi Drafted 4/11/2014
P age |3
3808 North Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, Florida 34234
941-355-9080 (fax) 941- 355-3243
academic life. Cheating, plagiarism, violation of test conditions, complicity in dishonest
behavior, or other falsification of academic work is a serious breach of college expectations and
is subject to immediate disciplinary action. A student guilty of academic dishonesty will receive
an “F” in any course in which the work was involved. Additionally, depending upon the nature
of the case and the severity of the infraction, the student will receive a penalty ranging from
probation to expulsion from the college. The official actions of the college may be either
academic in nature or both academic and disciplinary.
Plagiarism is any attempt to represent the work of others as your own. It includes the
unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the
representation of them as one's own original work. Copyright laws protect writers' words as their
legal property. To avoid the charge of plagiarism, students must take care to credit those from
whom they borrow and quote. Students are responsible for accurately citing any sources used in
the research and writing of all assignments. This includes all formats of materials, print and
Dress Code and Professional Demeanor:
Students are expected to wear scrubs during both class and clinic, and to maintain health,
personal hygiene and cleanliness. Clothing and shoes worn while functioning as a medical
student should reflect professional status, provide for mechanical safety of the student and
patients, allow for full performance of all duties, and provide for easy identification of the
student to patients and supervisors and staff.
Code of Conduct:
a) Honesty and Integrity;
b) Respect for Others;
c) Reliability and Responsibility;
d) Commitment to Self-Improvement.
Modified: 2/8/2016 1:00 AM OM514 Differentiation of Syndromes: Qi, Blood & Body Fluids EWCNM Course
Syllabi Drafted 4/11/2014
P age |4
3808 North Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, Florida 34234
941-355-9080 (fax) 941- 355-3243
OM514 Differentiation of Syndromes: Qi, Blood & Body Fluids
Phone: 941-355-9080
Instructor Email:
Office Location: EWCNM Campus
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm
Reading assignment
Homework assignment
Week Number
Chapter/Topic to be covered
(2 Hours/Week)
Week 1:
Qi Pattern Identification: Qi Deficiency
Week 2:
Qi Pattern Identification: Qi Deficiency,
Week 3:
Qi Pattern Identification: Qi Sinking
Week 4:
Qi Pattern Identification: Qi Stagnation
Week 5:
Qi Pattern Identification: Rebellious Qi
Reading: Class notes: Qi Patterns:
Rebellious Qi, MAC pages 446
Week 6:
Test 1
Assignment 1 due (emailed)
Week 7:
Blood Pattern Identification: Deficiency of
Week 8:
Week 9:
Week 10:
Week 11:
Reading: Class notes: Qi Patterns:
Qi Deficiency, MAC pages 445
Qi Patterns Assignment, emailed to
me by date of Test 1
Reading: Class notes: Qi Patterns:
Qi Deficiency, MAC pages 445
Reading: Class notes: Qi Patterns:
Qi Sinking, MAC pages 445
Reading: Class notes: Qi Patterns:
Qi Stagnation, MAC pages 446
Reading: Class notes: Blood
Patterns: Deficiency of Blood,
MAC pages 447; Blood Pattern
Assignment, emailed to me by date
of Test 2
Blood Pattern Identification: Stasis of Blood Reading: Class notes: Blood
Patterns: Stasis of Blood, MAC
pages 448
Blood Pattern Identification: Heat in the
Reading: Class notes: Blood
Patterns: Heat in the Blood, MAC
pages 449
Blood Pattern Identification: Loss of Blood Reading: Class notes: Blood
Patterns: Loss of Blood, MAC
pages 450
Test 2
Assignment 2 due (emailed)
Modified: 2/8/2016 1:00 AM OM514 Differentiation of Syndromes: Qi, Blood & Body Fluids EWCNM Course
Syllabi Drafted 4/11/2014
P age |5
3808 North Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, Florida 34234
941-355-9080 (fax) 941- 355-3243
Week 12:
Body Fluid Pattern Identification:
Deficiency of Body Fluids
Week 13:
Body Fluid Pattern Identification: Edema
Week 14:
Body Fluid Pattern Identification: Phlegm
Week 15:
Test 3
Reading: Class notes: Body Fluid
Patterns: Deficiency of Body
Fluids, MAC pages 450, Body
Fluid Patterns Assignment, emailed
to my by date of Test 3
Reading: Class notes: Body Fluid
Patterns: Edema, MAC pages 451
Reading: Class notes: Body Fluid
Patterns: Phlegm, MAC pages 452
Assignment 3 due (emailed)
Modified: 2/8/2016 1:00 AM OM514 Differentiation of Syndromes: Qi, Blood & Body Fluids EWCNM Course
Syllabi Drafted 4/11/2014
P age |6
OM514 Differentiation of Syndromes: Qi, Blood & Body Fluids
Acknowledgement of Conditions and Obligations in Syllabus:
I (student name) _____________________________ agree to adhere to all EWCN campus
policies and procedures and to follow the conditions and obligations set forth in this course
syllabus. I have reviewed this course syllabus and understand the requirements and expectations
herein. I also understand that I can find all student policies in the Student Manual.
Student Signature: ______________________________________ Date: __/__/____
OM514 Differentiation of Syndromes: Qi, Blood & Body Fluids
Instructor Topical Outline: Material provided must be covered, additional and/or more detailed
information may be added to topical outline, all updates must be submitted to the academic
The Concept of Differentiating Syndromes According to Qi, Blood, and Body Fluids
Differentiation of Qi Disease Syndromes
a. Qi deficiency syndrome
i. Signs/symptoms
ii. Analysis
iii. Treatment method
iv. Addendum: qi fall syndrome (sinking qi)
b. Qi stagnation syndrome
i. Signs/symptoms
ii. Analysis
iii. Treatment method
c. Qi rebellious syndrome
i. Signs/symptoms
ii. Analysis
iii. Treatment method
Differentiation of Blood Disease Syndromes
a. Blood deficiency syndrome
i. Signs/symptoms
ii. Analysis
iii. Treatment method
b. Blood stasis syndrome
i. Signs/symptoms
ii. Analysis
iii. Treatment method
c. Blood heat syndrome
i. Signs/symptoms
ii. Analysis
iii. Treatment method
d. Bleeding syndrome
i. Signs/symptoms
ii. Analysis
iii. Treatment method
Differentiation of Syndromes of Qi and Blood Disease
a. Both Qi & Blood deficiency syndrome
b. Syndrome of Qi stagnation & Blood stasis
c. Syndrome of Qi deficiency & Blood loss
d. Syndrome of Qi deserting with the Blood
Differentiation of Body Fluid Syndromes
a. General concept
b. Fluid deficiency syndrome
i. Signs/symptoms
ii. Analysis
iii. Treatment method
c. Collection and stagnation of Body Fluids
i. Phlegm syndromes
1. Wind phlegm
a. Signs/symptoms
b. Analysis
c. Treatment method
2. Heat phlegm
a. Signs/symptoms
b. Analysis
c. Treatment method
3. Cold phlegm
a. Signs/symptoms
b. Analysis
c. Treatment method
4. Damp phlegm
a. Signs/symptoms
b. Analysis
c. Treatment method
5. Dry phlegm
a. Signs/symptoms
b. Analysis
c. Treatment method
ii. Rheum syndromes
1. Phlegm rheum
2. Suspending rheum
3. Spillage rheum
4. Propping rheum