Basic Guidelines for Completing a REED for a Functional Behavioral Assessment 1. FBAs will no longer be completed without first obtaining parent consent. You must complete a REED for any FBA. 2. REED Considerations a. Request Page: i. Unless the FBA is tied to either an Initial or Reevaluation IEP, select the Purpose as “Other” and type in “Functional Behavioral Assessment” ii. Add team members. Be sure to include the school social worker and school psychologist. b. Present Level Page, Assessment/Evaluations and/or School Based Observations: i. Describe the need/concern – describe the behavioral concerns in specific, observable terms with as much detail as possible. ii. Describe any previous behavioral interventions that have been tried. iii. List current behavioral supports. c. Plan Page: i. Evaluation Option: Select “The IEP Team has determined, based on the present level of educational performance statement that additional evaluation is required to determine the needs of the student” ii. Determination Options: 1. Unless this is an Initial REED or the FBA is being conducted to determine continued eligibility for a Reevaluation, select “No” for “Data to determine whether the student continues to have a disability or has an additional disability and/or needs special education and related services” 2. Select “Yes” for “Data to determine the present levels of performance and educational needs of the student” 3. Select “Yes” for “Data to determine whether additions or modifications to special education & related services are needed to enable student to meet annual goals and to progress in the general curriculum” 4. Evaluation Area: Functional Behavioral Assessment. This needs to be added twice: once for the school social worker and once for the school psychologist. 3. Role of Student’s Case Manager & SSW/Psychologist in FBA a. Student’s case manager will contact SSW/Psychologist via email once parent has signed REED. The student’s case manager will also play an important role in the evaluation process. b. After REED is signed by Local District Administration it must be scanned and emailed to SSW/Psychologist. c. When SSW/Psychologist receives signed REED he/she will make a contact with the student’s case manager for the following purpose: i. Clarify behaviors of concern ii. Make a plan for interviews, observations, data collection d. Student’s case manager may be asked to assist with data collection in collaboration with SSW/Psychologist. e. SSW/Psychologist will observe student, conduct interviews, and compile data. f. SSW/Psychologist will collaborate to write the final report. g. SSW/Psychologist will upload a copy of the final report to the Evaluation Logs section of the REED in Illuminate. h. Student’s case manager will schedule the IEP for review of the FBA and IEP team consideration of any additional behavioral supports needed for the IEP.