Directions: Fill in your scantron with the best answer to each of the following questions (2
points each)
1.The dark reaction is given its name because:
a. it does not require light
b. light inhibits its functioning
c. it is poorly understood
d. it involves dark pigments
e. more than one of the above
2. The net equation for photosynthesis produces:
a. water and carbon dioxide
b. water and oxygen
c. carbohydrate and carbon dioxide
d. carbohydrate and oxygen
3. The formation of ATP from ADP would be considered:
a. catabolism
b. anabolism
c. cannibalism
d. desomposition
4. As far as the light reaction of photosynthesis is concerned, what is the role of oxygen?
a. It is a necessary reactant
b. It is a waste product.
c. It is a product that is then utilized in the dark reaction.
d. It is not involved as a product or a reactant.
5. The essential initial role of light in initiating the light reaction of photosynthesis is to produce:
a. free neutrons
b. free electrons
c. free oxygen
d. ATP
e. none of the above
6. The chief purpose of the dark reaction of photosynthesis is the production of:
a. oxygen
b. NADP+
c. carbohydrate
d. carbon dioxide
e. none of the above
7. Glycolysis is:
a. catabolism
b. part of Kreb's Cycle
c. part of cellular respiration
d. a & c
e. b & c
8. Where does electron transport of cellular respiration happen within an animal cell?
a. plasma membrane
b. cytoplasm
c. nucleus
d. mitochondria
e. chloroplast
9. By using the isotope oxygen-18 as a tracer element, it has been possible to show that the
oxygen released in photosynthesis comes from:
a. oxygen-16
b. carbon dioxide
c. water
d. carbon dioxide and water
e. none of the above
10. The function of water in photosynthesis is to:
a. combine with carbon dioxide
b. absorb light energy
c. supply electrons in the light-dependent reactions
d. transport H+ ions in the light-independent (dark) reactions
e. provide molecular oxygen for the light-independent (dark) reactions
11. All the following statements are correct regarding the light-independent (dark) reactions of
photosynthesis EXCEPT:
a. The energy source utilized is the ATP and NADPH obtained through the light reaction.
b. The reaction begins soon after sundown and ends before sunrise.
c. The five carbon sugar is constantly being regenerated.
d. One of the end products is PGAL.
e. The pathway used is usually a 3-carbon pathway, although a 4-carbon pathway does exist in
some species.
12. How many net ATP are produced in the cellular respiration stages of glycolysis through
synthesis of acetyl CoA?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 16
d. 34
13. The fixation of carbon dioxide into energy rich glucose occurs during:
a. glycolysis
b. the Krebs citric acid cycle
c. noncyclic photophosphorylation
d.the Calvin cycle
e.the electron transport system production of ATP
14. Which of the following are heterotrophs?
#1. human
#2. palm tree
#3. lizard
#4. bird
#5. strawberry plant
#6. earthworm
a. all of these
b. 1,2,3
c. 1,3,4,5
d. 1,3,4,6
e. 2,5,6
15. Krebs Cycle of cellular respiration, produces a net gain of:
a. 0 ATP
b. 1 ATP
c. 2 ATP
d. 3 ATP
e. 34 ATP
16. Four identical groups of geranium plants were grown under conditions that were the same
except for the color of light. The least amount of oxygen would be produced by those plants
grown in:
a. red light
b. white light
c. violet light
d. green light
17. After glycolysis, the molecule that was glucose enters the acetyl-CoA step of cellular
respiration as:
a. ATP
b. 2 molecules of pyruvic acid
c. acetyl-CoA
d. an electron
18. The cristae membrane is to respiratory chain enzymes as the thylakoid membrane is to:
a. glycolytic enzymes
b. proteolytic enzymes
c. Calvin cycle enzymes
d. photosystem I and II enzymes
19. Which statement is FALSE?
a. Photosynthesis is initiated by the absorption of light energy by chlorophyll molecules.
b. The chlorophyll molecules of illuminated chloroplasts are raised to a higher energy level.
c. The biochemical activities of the light reaction occur in the grana
d. Some of the energy of the excited electrons is used to split carbon dioxide into carbon and
20. Which statement concerning chloroplasts is FALSE?
a. They make insufficient amounts of ATP to drive the photosynthetic process.
b. They have DNA separate from nucleic DNA.
c. They contain grana
d. They have their own ribosomes
e. They can function outside a cell
21. Sports physiologists may want to monitor athletes to determine at what point the athletes'
muscles were functioning anaerobically. They could do this by checking for the buildup of:
a. ADP
b. lactic acid
c. carbon dioxide
d. oxygen
e. alcohol
22. In glycolysis, the electron carrier molecule _______ is (oxidized / reduced).
a. NAD+ , oxidized
b. NAD+, reduced
c. NADH, oxidized
d. FAD, reduced
e. FADH, oxidized
23. A green plant is kept in a brightly lighted area for 48 hours. What will most likely occur if the
light intensity is then reduced slightly during the next 48 hours?
a. Photosynthesis will stop completely.
b. The rate at which nitrogen is used by the plant will increase.
c. The rate at which oxygen is released from the plant will decrease.
d. Glucose production inside each plant cell will increase.
24. The role of the accessory pigments in photosynthesis is to:
a. absorb and pass energy to chlorophyll a light traps
b. fix carbon dioxide
c. carry hydrogen or electrons
d. donate electrons to the electron transport chain
25. Dehydration synthesis would be considered:
a. catabolism
b. a hydrolysis reaction
c. an endergonic reaction
d. an exergonic reaction
26. Eating a sweet potato provides energy for human metabolic processes. The original source
of this energy is the energy:
a. in protein molecules stored within the potato
b. from starch molecules absorbed by the potato plant
c. made available by photosynthesis
d. in vitamins and minerals found in the soil
27. Energy is said to flow through the ecosystem rather than cycle because it:
a. is passed from one trophic level to the next.
b. is destroyed by each organism as it is used.
c. never returns to be re-used by the autotrophs.
d. increases in supply as it moves up the food chain.
e. is returned to the soil to be absorbed by plants.
28. Glycolysis leads to the production of ____________ and two molecules of ATP. In the absence of
oxygen, fermentation leads to the production of ______________. Glycolysis plus the citric acid cycle
can convert the carbons of glucose to _________ , storing the energy as ATP, _____________ and
a. lactic acid, pyruvate, CO2, NADH, FADH2
b. pyruvate, lactic acid, CO2, NADH, FADH2
c. CO2, NADH, FADH2, lactic acid, pyruvate
d. O2, lactic acid, pyruvate, FADH2
e. glucose, lactic acid, CO2, NADH, FADH2
29. Oxygen is vital to the process of cellular respiration. It allows aerobic organisms to derive a
great deal more energy from glucose than anaerobic organisms are able to. What is the vital
role that oxygen plays in cellular respiration?
a. It is a reactant in glycolysis, necessary for the breakdown of glucose into pyruvic acid
b. Oxygen is a waste product of Kerb's cycle
c. Oxygen is required to build the acetyl-CoA molecule
d. Oxygen is the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain
30. The poison cyanide acts by blocking a key step in the electron transport chain. Based on this
information, why is it that cyanide kills so quickly?
a. Cell run out of oxygen
b. Cells build up toxic levels of CO2
c. Cells can't regenerate NAD+
d. Cells stop producing ATP
e. Cells stop producing ADP
31. The major production of ATP during aerobic metabolism occurs when electrons from
__________ and _____________ are transferred to _______________.
a. FADH2, NADH, H20
b. O2, FADH2, NADH
c. FADH2, O2, NADH
d. NADH, O2, FADH2
e. FADH2, NADH, O2
32. Which of the following statements is true about the Krebs (citric acid) cycle and the Calvin
(light-independent) cycle?
a. They both result in a net production of ATP and NADH.
b. They both require a net input of ATP.
c. They both result in a release of oxygen.
d. They both take place within the cytoplasmic matrix.
e. They both are carried out by enzymes located within an organelle matrix.
33. Which of the following acts as an electron carrier in cellular respiration?
a. NAD+
b. pyruvic acid
c. ADP
d. ATP
34. Lactic acid fermentation occurs in:
a. bread dough.
b. any environment containing oxygen.
c. muscle cells.
d. mitochondria.
35. Select the statement that is correct.
a. Photosynthesis is a catabolic process that breaks down glucose.
b. The Calvin Cycle requires molecular carbon dioxide, ATP, and molecular oxygen in
order to manufacture glucose.
c. Glycolysis is aerobic during fermentation.
d. Most of the ATP in cellular respiration is produced anaerobically.
e. The Calvin cycle is a light-independent metabolism.
36. The energy needed to win a 2-minute footrace is produced mostly by
a. lactic acid fermentation
b. cellular respiration
c. using up stores of ATP
d. breaking down of fats
37.Which of the following is the correct sequence of events in cellular respiration?
a. glycolysis ® fermentation ® Krebs cycle
b. Krebs cycle ® electron transport ® glycolysis
c. glycolysis ® Krebs cycle ® electron transport
d. Krebs cycle ® glycolysis ® electron transport
38. Which of these processes takes place in the cytoplasm of a cell?
a. glycolysis
b. electron transport
c. Krebs cycle
d. all of the above
39. Which parts of cellular respiration generate the carbon dioxide that we breathe out?
a. glycolysis & synthesis of acetyl CoA
b. synthesis of acetyl CoA & Kreb's cycle
c. Kreb's cycle & electron transport
d. glycolysis & electron transport
e. synthesis of acetyl CoA & electron transport
40. If carbon dioxide is removed from a plant’s environment, what would you expect to happen
to the plant’s production of high-energy sugars?
a. More sugars will be produced.
b. Fewer sugars will be produced.
c. The same number of sugars will be produced but without carbon dioxide.
d. Carbon dioxide does not affect the production of high-energy sugars in plants
41. Energy:
a. can be neither created nor destroyed
b. is the capacity to do work
c. usually changes from a useful form to a less useful form
d. can be mechanical, electrical, chemical, or radiant
e. all of these are true
42. Which example illustrates the movement of energy from the sun through living things?
a. Light energy to chemical energy to mechanical energy
b. Light energy to mechanical energy to chemical energy
c. Heat energy to light energy to chemical energy.
d. Heat energy to chemical energy to light energy
43. Bromthymol blue turns to bromthymol yellow in the presence of CO2. When the CO2 is
removed, the solution will return to a blue color. Two green water plants were placed in
separate test tubes, each containing water and bromthymol yellow. Both test tubes were
corked. One tube was placed in the light, the other in the dark. After several days, the liquid in
the tube exposed to the light turned blue. This demonstration illustrates that, during
photosynthesis, green plants:
a. take in carbon dioxide
b. need bromthymol blue
c. give off oxygen gas
d. form ATP molecules
44. During chemiosmosis:
a. energy is generated by coupling exergonic reactions with other exergonic reactions
b. a concentration gradient is generated when large numbers of H+ ions are passively
transported from the matrix of the mitochondrion to the mitochondrion's intermembrane
c. ATP is synthesized when H+ ions move through a protein port provided by ATP synthase
d. none of the above
45. Which of the following is true concerning the role of redox reactions in photosynthesis and
cellular respiration?
a. Photosynthesis involves only oxidations; respiration involves only reductions.
b. In photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is oxidized for form sugar; in respiration, sugar is reduced
to formcarbon dioxide.
c. Photosynthesis involves only reductions; respiration involves only oxidations.
d. In photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is reduced to form sugar; in respiration, sugar is oxidized to
form carbon dioxide.
e. both A & D are true