Call for Proposals ADVANCE Distinguished Visiting Scholar Series

UWF Faculty ADVANCE Distinguished Visiting Scholar Series 2015-2016
Call for Proposals from UWF ADVANCE Scholars
Purpose: The purpose of the UWF Faculty ADVANCE Visiting Scholar program is to bring
distinguished scientists and engineers to the UWF campus in order to increase the knowledge of issues
concerning under-represented scholars in academe and to provide UWF faculty with the opportunity to
interact with these scholars.
Up to two competitive awards of $2,500 each will be awarded to ADVANCE Scholars for a
Visiting Scholar in the ADVANCE disciplines for the 2015-2016 year.
Proposals will be rated more favorably if they have not previously received an ADVANCE
Distinguished Visiting Scholar award, if the Visiting Scholar supports the mission of UWF
ADVANCE Program, and if the Visiting Scholar is a member of an under-represented group.
Visiting Scholars are expected to give a disciplinary lecture, participate in an UWF Faculty
ADVANCE networking event if time permits, and meet formally or informally with women
faculty and/or under-represented students and faculty.
For each accepted nomination, the UWF ADVANCE Scholar will be expected to submit a short
report within 30 days of the visit, using the UWF Faculty ADVANCE Distinguished Visiting
Scholar Report template posted at
Note: Nominated Visiting Scholars do not have to be contacted prior to proposal submission.
To nominate a Distinguished Visiting Scholar, please use this sheet as a cover page for your nomination
and provide the following information for your nomination, including the attachments.
Name of UWF ADVANCE Scholar, Department, Email Address, Telephone Number:
Name of Visiting Scholar and Affiliation:
Target Date:
Attachments: Nominations should include a brief description of the nominee including a CV and brief
bio sketch; a brief description of the nominee’s work, and its significance and why the scholar is uniquely
desirable as a visiting scholar; and 1-2 paragraphs explaining how the presentation will broadly meet
UWF Faculty ADVANCE’s mission of “Enhancing a Supportive and Inclusive Culture for Recruiting,
Retaining and Advancing Women Faculty in STEM.” The nomination should include an overview of the
proposed activities during the visit, and a budget and the identification of any matching funds (although
matching is not required).
To acknowledge submission of this nomination, please provide the following signatures:
Department Chair/School Director Signature:
Dean Signature:
Submission of Nomination:
Submit this signed form (as a cover page) along with all attachments via email to
Please email for questions or additional information.