
MSC Vice-President
Past MSC Officers:
Jean Lopez (2010 - ’11)
Sasha Gupta (2011 – ’12)
Dipankan (Dippy) Bhattacharya (2012 – ’13)
Alice Lu (2013 – ’14)
1. Elections
a. New Curriculum Steering Committee (Jan/ Feb)
b. MSC Class Representative Elections (March, June)
c. MSC Class Representative Elections – incoming 1st yrs (Sept/ Oct)
d. MSC Officers (Jan/ Feb)
e. Transition document
2. White Coat Ceremony (Aug) Makes more sense for the treasurer to do this.
a. Contact Jerry Domian (photographer) (June/July)
b. Smugmug account (Sept – Jan)
3. Student Interest Groups (Sept/ Oct)
a. Student Group Transition
b. Student Group Training
c. Help new groups to form
4. USMLE Step 1 Expo (Oct)
5. Med-station (Aug/ Sept, all year)
a. Update MSC page (Makes more sense for Communications to do this)
b. Student Group Pages
c. Training
6. Class-wide lists (all year)
7. Second Look Weekend (April)
8. Orientation (Aug/ Sept)
9. Educational Policy Committee? (all year)
10. Staff Appreciation? (any time you choose – I did it in the summer) This can be organized by
the Communications Officer or others that are not MSC officers
11. Other
1. Elections:
You will run 4-5 elections.
The first one you already have = New Curriculum Steering Committee (Jan/Feb)
The second one will be the MSC Class Representatives for next year. This is usually
done in the spring, before 2nd years are busy with Step 1. I did it in the first week of
June during orientation week for 3rd years.
Then once the incoming 1st years arrive, you will run the same MSC Class
Representatives for their class (Sept/ Oct)
Lastly you will run the MSC elections for the new MSC officers in (end of Jan/ Feb)
I found it useful to train the new MSC VP on how to do elections by helping them to
run the New Curriculum Steering Committee, but this election can occur much earlier
(I had to remind Dean Belitsky that this was still not done)
*** there is a new MSC Class Representative position you will need to run: Global Health
Advocate. Refer to the MSC by-laws for more details.
We use Medstation to run elections:
1. Ask each class for nominations. I used a google doc:
2. A big part of running elections is to also ensure smooth transitioning between people. I
created a transition document that you can try to modify/ use: (This also exists as a word
3. Go to the medstation (
4. Go to “Groups”
5. Go to appropriate group for elections:
a. MSC Elections for MSC officers
b. MSC Elections Class of 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013 and 5th+ years for Class Elections
c. You will need to create a new page for the incoming 1st years:
i. Go to “Create Site”
ii. Alias “msc2017”
iii. Site Name “MSC Elections Class of 2017”
iv. Set yourself and the new and old VP and communications officers as
v. Add the new 1st years’ emails to the “members” (Get this list from Terri Tolson)
6. Manage  Security
a. You should be made the administrator. If not, you need to contact the past MSC
VP/ Communications Officer. They have administrative access to most of
medstation. If not, contact Lena Parker to give you the VP Keys (administrator of
every medstation group). Lena Parker oversees all the medical school election
stuff and was closely involved with the creation of medstation.
b. Here you will need to make sure the emails of the appropriate people are updated
in order to make sure that all the right people have access to each class's elections.
To do this - get a list of all students organized by class and year from Terri Tolsen
(she updates this in August and December to accommodate the appropriate people
into the different list-servs and groups- but we need to update meditation)
c. Add the emails of people you want to be able to participate in an election and
receive your emails in the Members box (copy and pasting from an excel
d. “Mailing List” tab – This tab currently doesn’t work. This needs to be fixed by talking
to Lena Parker.
i. Click on the “By default, include all site members on this mailing list.” So that
the member list and email list are always synced. You can create the alias at the top for what to type in the “Send” box of an
email to get the email sent to the group.
7. Elections  Manage  New Election
a. *Name: What you want the election to be called (i.e. MSC Officers Election 2011)
b. *Deadline: The deadline for candidates being able to add themselves (which is
never done). Must be the following format:
i. Time with AM/PM MM/DD/YYYY (5:30 PM 03/11/2011)
Deadline*: Upto when people are allowed to nominate themselves. I always
set this to when the elections would begin. It doesn’t really matter since you
will add everyone anyway. I used a google doc for people to nominate
themselves or their friends.
Begin*: When you want the election to begin. End*: When you want the election to end. Finish Url: If you want to direct them to a thank you page, you have that
option. I never used this. End Agreement: I never used this. Conditions: I never used this.
* Must fill in this entry or an error code will be generated.
c. “New Office”
i. Priority: The order in which this office will be presented in the ballot. For
instance, if “President” had priority = 0, “Vice President” had priority = 1, and
Treasurer had priority = 2, then on the ballot, people would first vote for a
presidential candidate, then the vice presidential candidate, and finally the
treasurer candidate. Setting the priority to 0 is the highest priority.
ii. Name: What you want this position to be called (i.e. President)
iii. Positions: How many candidates can win this position. So for MSC President,
this would be 1. For Social Committee, this would be 4. For class presidents
which must run as pairs, you essentially treat them as 1 candidate even
though 2 people will be class presidents.
***If there is no one running for that position, it must be deleted. Also, if there
are fewer people running than called for in that position, it is nice to reduce the
number of positions to the number of candidates.
d. “New Candidate”
Name: Name of Candidate
Affiliation: I leave this blank
Active box: Must check this box
Statement: Copy and paste their statement
8. Elections  Manage  Results or In Progress
a. Can monitor progress of elections or go back to the elections configuration page- if
you still need to make last minute changes.
9. One very confusing point when running all the class elections in the spring is who is
eligible to run for each class. This gets confusing because people take 5th years and are
then uncertain about which group they are eligible for. In the past they used to run
elections by chronological year, so they are eligible to run with the class they matriculated
with. If that class has graduated because they are MD/PhD (and have been here
forever), then they can run for the “5th year+” group.
However, this doesn't make sense because the responsibilities of the 5th years and the
4th years are different. It makes most sense to do graduating class (whether they are 4/4,
5/5, or 8/8 their responsibilities are to organize graduation, alumni stuff and yearbook)
and to do non-graduating class elections (people that are taking a 5th (chronologically
4th) year or MD-PhDs)
To recap, I recommend that you run it as follows:
 1st year Elections (To Matriculate in 2013),
 2nd year elections (Your class - Matriculated in 2012),
 3rd year elections (My class = Matriculated in 2011),
 Non-Graduating Class Elections (5th years and MD-PhDs), and
 Graduating Class Elections (4/4, 5/5, 8/8 years) Terri Tolson can give you a list with enrolled students, and when they matriculated.
10. Last thing is to let the appropriate people know for each election:
In general, you should let each administrator know and cc his or her administrative
assistant. People change so this list needs to be updated.
MSC Committees
Class President
MSC Representatives
Committee on WellBeing
Social Committee
Leader of the group
Contact person Contact person's email
Katrina Eddy
Katrina Eddy
Nancy Angoff
Nancy Angoff
Curriculum Committee
Courses Review
Modules Review
Clerkships Review
Electives Review
Richard Belitsky
Michael Schwartz
Peter Takizawa
Mike DiGiovanna
Eve Colson
Peter Rabinowitz
Emily Stoops?
Katrina Eddy
Katrina Eddy
Dorothy Meyer/
Nicole LaRock
Kathy Castellon
Leigh Cromey
Leigh Cromey
Tracy Yale
Tracy Yale
Alumni Liaison
Library Committee
AAMC Student
Traffic Safety
Global Health
Advocates (NEW)
MSC Officers
John Gallagher
Jean Larson
Katrina Eddy
Nancy Angoff
Kim Heard
John Gallagher
Sandra Alfano
Pharm.D (Chair HIC I
and III) and Maurice
Mahoney MD (Chair
HIC II and IV)
Michelle Orosz,
Jill Aulenti, Jack
LeConche, Terri
Tolson, Katrina
Eddy, Dorothy
Meyer, Nicole
Robert Alpern, Nancy
LaRock, Kathy
Angoff, Richard
Belitsky, Michael
Susan Larkin,
Schwartz, Janet Hafler, Tracy Yale,
Laura Ment, Richard
Leigh Cromey,
Silverman, Jim
Barbara Watts,
Jamieson, Deborah
Susan Sansone,
Cheryl Defilippo,
I reported the results in this google doc:
Transition document:
2. White Coat Ceremony: Makes more sense for the treasurer to do this.
1. Contact Jerry Domian ( in June/ July to make sure he is available
during the White Coat date. He will need a PTAEO number that the treasurer will provide
you. Dave Griffin ( actually schedules Jerry. To get PTAEO the
treasurer will need to have submitted the orientation budget, which will need to include a
price estimate for the picture. The 2011 price was $400. We used to sell
the photos. Costs $35/ month to sell the photos (Keep receipt, get refunded later).
2. After White Coat Ceremony, Jerry gives you a disk with all the photos.
3. Setup Smugmug account – created the business account ($35/ month) that allows you to
sell photos
a. Lots of options – I uploaded the photos, created a watermark so people wouldn’t
just download them.
b. Many different sizes and print options are available. Different sizes affect cropping
of the pictures (buyers can also choose to not crop during checkout). I used 4x6
($10/ $12), 5x7 ($12/ $15), and 8x12 ($20) inches [individual pictures/ group
c. I created 2 different price lists: 1 for the group pictures and 1 for individual pictures
d. Prices were based on size and whether it was an individual picture or group picture
e. I let smugmug hold all profits and transferred all profits at the same time once I
was done selling (January). You need to request payment before the 31st of the
month before and you will get the profits transferred to your account after the 7 th of
the month. So to get paid on Jan 7th you will need to request payment by last week
of December.
f. You will then write a check to Yale for that amount. I believe you also need to give
them the detailed list of sales (.csv file downloadable from smugmug)
g. I recommend closing the account after you have received the money.
4. Some issues that came up with using smugmug –
a. People wanted digital copies. This has pros and cons. Once you give someone a
digital copy they can just email that to everyone and thus no one will need to buy it.
This is especially a concern for the group photo. I didn’t consider selling digital
copies since that had never been done in the past. I gave anyone that ordered
their pictures a digital copy of their pictures at the end. It might be smart to sell the
digital copies of the individual pictures, but not sure about the group pictures. Also
not sure how to price digital copies. It is an option on smugmug though.
b. People were unsatisfied with cropping options – this was a bit silly since people
had the option to not crop.
3. Student Interest Groups (Sept/ Oct)
The VP is also in-charge of all the Student Interest Groups. The main thing here is to help
new student groups to form. Make sure that student groups transition. And remind people
what each student group needs to do, every year, in order to be recognized as an official
student group.
List of all the student groups and their current leaders can be found here:
This list should be updated in October/ Novemebr once all student groups have officially
registered. You can ask Nicolette (or her equivalent) in Student Affairs for this list.
There are a few forms you should be familiar with:
1) Registration form
2) Policies and Procedures
3) Budget Form
4) Reimbursement form
1) In the Spring – email existing student groups to start transitioning.
The transition document I created was for MSC officers mainly but you might want to
modify it for student groups. The registration form also contains a mini transitioning page.
* Every group needs to register every year
2) All student groups must create a medstation page in order to be registered as a student
group. We want to really try to encourage people to use medstation to plan and advertise
their events. Therefore, you will need to organize a medstation training for all student group
leaders. We did it as a combined medstation training, transitioning event where old leaders
officially transition new leaders.
a) In the training, encourage transitioning of documents (like past budget, policies,
b) Show new leaders how to use the calendar and talk about rules regarding
advertising using the student list-servs. Current rule is that you are to only email
the school list-serv no more than 1-2 times for any event. You can email your own
group’s list-serv how many times you want. Medstation sends out a daily email with
all events for that day and the following 2 days.
* This medstation daily email can be something you guys can work on.
There can be some confusion about COVS vs Student Affairs. Most student groups fall under
Student Affairs and gets their funding from Student Affairs (Med students only). COVS was
created as a joint health professional organization (Money comes from other health schools
as well). Only Student groups participating in joint service projects (like DESK, etc.) apply for
There doesn’t exist a good source of funding for groups that are multi-health
professionals but not service project oriented. This is something that needs to be
worked on with Dean Angoff and the deans from the other health professional
4. USMLE Step 1 Expo (Oct)
As VP you will be the official contact person with all the test prep companies that try to sell
stuff to the students. They should NOT contact anyone in the class other than the VP. They
will also try to offer the students helping them free stuff. It is NOT acceptable to accept these
The fairest way to do this is to invite the different test prep companies to come to an expo.
Talk with Dean Angoff in September to get this going/ invite companies, etc.
At the Expo we had:
o Different companies like Kaplan, Princeton Review, Doctors in Training,
o The Library, and
o 3rd and 4th year students (Dean Angoff and Terri Tolson pick these students)
Each party was given 10 mins to advertise/ talk about their products and services and then
there was a table at the end for them to try and sell their stuff.
Princeton Review - Lauren Rubino 203-247-3760,
Kaplan - Nicholas Valentino
Doctors in training -
Library - Judy Spak
5. Med-station (Aug/ Sept, all year)
a. Update MSC page (Makes more sense for Communications to do this)
b. Student Group Pages
c. Training
The MSC page should be updated.
During Student Group Transition, they should update their pages. It is required to update
their medstation page in order to register as a student group.
You should hold 2 training sessions:
1st for student group transitioning/ how to use medstation
2nd for all incoming 1st years
The MSC VP and Communications officers have administrative access to all of medstation
and all student group pages.
Contact Lena Parker ( - Director of YSM Web Planning; Justin Fansler
( – Associate Director of YSM Web Planning;
Mary Hu ( – Director of Institutional Planning and Communications for
medstation related issues.
6. Class-wide lists (all year)
The VP and Communications Officers (and Terri Tolson) have access to all class-wide listservs.
We gave each of the class presidents access to their own list-servs. This way they can also
choose to approve or reject messages to their own class’ email, set up filters etc.
You will periodically get emails about people trying to email the list but who need your
approval. Most of the time it’ll be fine, but occasionally it will be spamming. It is upto you
guys what you want to approve or not
You can change the header that comes with class-wide emails (YSMlist2013) to something
shorter that doesn’t clog the subject line. Also, I changed the settings so that emails to the
class could be infinitely big because the filter kept blocking them.
Medical Student Listservs
Web Link via which you can Manage List Members and Authorized Senders of this list: (password= bulldog) (password=ysm2014) (password= bulldog) (password= bulldog) (password = ysmlist)
If this changes contact Terri Tolsen.
7. Second Look Weekend (April)
This is planned together in conjunction with the Office of Admissions mainly. So Barbara
Watts and Richard Silverman will be your main contacts. Also Dean Angoff will be partly
8. Orientation (August)
This is also planned as a group in conjunction with the Office of Student Affairs.
9. Educational Policy Committee? (all year)
One member of the MSC (VP, Treasurer, or Communications Officer) will sit on the EPC
since they, like the Curriculum Committee (which the President sits on) discuss a lot of
important policies that affect the student body (like mandatory attendance, boards, etc.)
10. Staff Appreciation? (any time you choose – I did it in the summer)
I created Thank you cards for almost all of the staff that affect our lives. Got my class mates
to sign them and gave them to the staff along with a few pieces of candy. This was very well
received and I encourage this tradition to be kept up/ expanded upon.
The list of all the staff that I thanked can be found here: (this list needs to be updated as
people change)
This can be organized by the Communications Officer or others that are not MSC officers.
11. Other
MSC has a cage in the sub-basement - get keys from Jill Aulenti. There are 2 keys other one is with Mary Barney. Sign them out in Student Affairs
Research Study Groups: Dean Angoff felt weird forwarding emails about studies
asking for medical students because she thought it would be perceived as endorsing
them. She didn’t want to endorse them but did want us to know about them (especially
since some of them would have compensation). So she had me create this medstation
group ( I didn’t really pay
attention to it, but it would be good if that were kept relatively updated and emails sent
out whenever you did update it.
This is also now part of the Communications Officer’s responsibility.