Syllabus 2015/2016 Part A - Description of the subject Emergency medicine Name of the module/course Group of specific learning outcomes and disaster medicine Group Group name: Nauki code: E kliniczne niezabiegowe Dentistry Department Dentistry Field of study Specialization Level of study Long-cycle studies X* 1st cycle 2nd cycle 3rd cycle postgraduate Form of studies full-time X part-time X 2 3 Year of studies Semester: Type of course mandatory X optional Rank of course principal basic X Language of instruction Polish English X other * mark as appropriate changing into X Form of education Number of hours 5 Lectures (WY) 5 Seminars (SE) 5 Auditorium classes (CA) Major classes - non-clinical (CN) Clinical classes (CK) Laboratory classes (CL) Specialist - master's classes (CM) 5 Simulated classes (CS) Language courses (LE) Practical classes with patient (PP) Physical education classes - mandatory (WF) Professional training (PZ) 6 Self-education Other In total 26 Education goals: - Aim of education is to teach the student diagnosing of the life treating conditions related to trauma, poisonings and internal disorders in children and adults, paying special attention to relationships with the diseases and procedures related to stomatology. - Student also should be able to organize and lead cardio respiratory resuscitation children and adults. Matrix of learning outcomes for module/course in relation to methods of verification of intended learning outcomes and form of classes: The number of core education outcome The number of major education outcome Student who passes the module/course has the knowledge of/knows how to/is capable of Student knows the rules of proceeding with victims of multiorgan injuries Student knows organization of rescue in disasters, steps of the rescue action and extend of first medical aid provided to victims of catastrophe Student defines reasons and mechanism of cardio respiratory arrest and basic rules of resuscitation and post resuscitation treatment Student defines life treating conditions Methods of verification of intended learning outcomes achievement (forming and summary) Form of classes Interactive lectures, tutorials and seminars, written test Interactive lectures, tutorials and seminars, written test WY, SE, CA Interactive lectures, tutorials and seminars, written test CS, CA Interactive lectures, tutorials and seminars, written test Interactive lectures, tutorials and seminars, written test Interactive lectures, tutorials and seminars, written test WY ,SE Interactive lectures, tutorials and seminars, written test Interactive lectures, tutorials and seminars, written test Interactive lectures, tutorials and seminars, written test WY,SE, CA ** enter the symbol W01 E.W4 W02 E.W5 W03 E.W17 W04 E.W18 E.W3 E.W20. E.W4 F.W22. U01 E.U1 U02 E.U2 U 03 E.U3. U 04 E.U4. is able to evaluate and interpret results lab test Interactive lectures, tutorials and seminars, written test SE,CS,CA U05 E.U8 Student recognizes the risk of life-threatening Interactive lectures, tutorials and seminars, written test WY,SE, CS Student knows in which situations patient should be sent to hospital Student knows and understands relationship between oral cavity disorders and general health condition Student is able to differentiate most frequent diseases in adults Student is able to evaluate and describe somatic and psychological state of patient Is able to plan diagnostics and therapy in most frequent diseases in adults WY, SE, CA WY, SE WY, SE S SE,CS U 06 E.U9. is able to diagnose and describe signs and symptoms of shock and acute circulatory failure Interactive lectures, tutorials and seminars, written test SE U 07 E.U10. Interactive lectures, tutorials and seminars, written test SE U 08 E.U17. is able to diagnose sings and symptoms of CNS trauma, vascular diseases of brain, syndromes of dementia and awareness disorders is able to diagnose diseases related to smoking, alcohol intake and other addictions Interactive lectures, tutorials and seminars, written test SE U9 E.U20 Student is able to perform basic procedures and treatments: temperature measurement, controlling pulse, noninvasive measurement, blood pressure, providing oxygen therapy, providing artificial ventilation and supporting ventilation, installing oropharyngeal tube, preparation of surgical Student is able both to lead the team and to act as a team member. Student actively ameliorates his knowledge in the view of emergency medicine and its relationships with stomatology. Interactive lectures, tutorials and seminars, written test CS,SE Interactive lectures, tutorials and seminars, written test CS,SE K. 01 **WY - lecture; SE - seminar (SE); auditorium classes - CA; CN - principal classes (non-clinical); CL - laboratory classes; CN specialist (master's) classes; CS - simulated classes; LE - language courses; PP - practical classes with patient; WF - physical education classes (mandatory); PZ - professional training; SK - self-education Put a cross on a 1 to 3 scale to mark how the above outcomes categorize your classes in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes e.g.: Knowledge + + + Skills + + Attitudes ++ Student's workload (the ECTS credit balance): Form of student's workload Student's workload (h) (attendance, initiative, preparation to classes, verification etc.) 1. Contact hours 20 2. Time dedicated to student's own work 6 Total student's workload 26 The ECTS credits per module/subject 1,0 Remarks Classes content: (please put down the classes subject matter in a concise form with the consideration of the form of classes and bearing in mind the fact that the subject matter should translate into the intended learning outcomes) Lectures 1. Medical rescue in health care systems 2. Introduction to clinical procedures of emergency medicine 3. Introduction to treatment of multiple injuries and multi-organ injuries 4. Sudden ambulatory life threats 5. Organization of lifesaving actions for mass incidents and disasters Seminars 1. Shock – types, patophysiology, diagnosis and evaluation. 2. Local anesthesia – pharmacology, complications, emergency procedures 3. Electrocution and lighting stroke - electrocution patophysiology - lighting stroke patophysiology 4. Traffic accidents – rescue strategies 5. Mass accidents and disasters emergency management Classes 1. Advanced Life Support (ALS) 2. Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) 3. Rescue Airways procedures 4. Cardiac emergences – diagnosis and evaluation 5. Craniocerebral trauma, thoracic, abdominal and extremity trauma – first approach, further evaluation, emergency procedures. Core literature: (according to relevance, no more than three titles) 1. „Emergency Medicine” – L. Pousada, H.H. Osborn, D.B. Levy. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 1996 2. „Emergency Medicine” Judith E. Tintinalli, Gabor D. Kelen, J. Stephan Stapczynski; American College of Emergency Physisian; Mc Graw – Hill, New York, 2012, 8th Edition 3. „ABC of Resuscitation” M.C. Colquhoun, A.J. Handley, T.R. Evans; BMJ Books 2004, 5th Edition Supplementary literature and other aids (no more than three titles) 4. „ABC of Major Trauma” Peter Driscoll, David Skinner, R. Earlam; BMJ Books 2000, 3rd Edition Requirements regarding teaching aids: (e.g. laboratory, multimedia slide projector, other) Audiovisual set, simulation manikin SINMAN, manikins for adult and children resuscitation and rescue procedures, manikin for intubation and airway procedures, manikin for deep vein canulation, trauma manikin, pulsoxymeter, manual and AED defibrillators, backboards, cervical collars, immobilisation equipment, equipment for dressing wounds, airway equipment: laryngoscopes, endotracheal tubes, LMA, LT, nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal tubes, oxygen masks and cannulas, BVM, suction device. Initial conditions: (minimal conditions to be fulfilled be a student before signing up for the module/course) Student reminds the rules of the resuscitation learned at the first year of study. Terms of passing a given course: (please define the form and terms of passing given classes falling within the scope of the module/course, rules for allowing students to sit final theoretical and/or practical exam, its form and requirements that students must meet in order to pass it as well as criteria applicable to each grade) 1. Presences at 90% of classes and seminars, the presence at lectures is strongly recommended but not observed. 2. At least 80% of correct answers in the written test. In exceptional situation supplementary questions may be asked. Grade: very good (5.0) above good (4.5) good (4.0) fairly good (3.5) sufficient (3.0) Criterion for assessment: (applies only to courses/modules ending with an exam) Name and address of the unit in charge of module/course, contact (phone number and email address) Chair of Emergency Medicine, Department of Emergency and Disaster Medicine Bujwida str. 44a 50-345 Wrocław ph. 71 328 60 45 fax. 71 328 60 16 e-mail: A list of persons giving particular classes including: full name, degree/academic or professional title, field of science, profession, form of classes Teacher performing the lectures: - prof. dr hab. Jan Godziński (chirurgia dziecięca, chirurgia onkologiczna) Teachers performing the classes and seminars: - dr hab. Dorota Zyśko prof. nadzw. (medycyna ratunkowa, kardiologia) - dr n. med. Janusz Sokołowski (medycyna ratunkowa) - dr n. med. Krzysztof Dudek (medycyna ratunkowa, torakochirurgia) - dr n. med. Jacek Piechocki (medycyna ratunkowa, anestezjologia i intensywna terapia) - dr n. med. Lilianna Styka (anestezjologia i intensywna terapia) - dr n. med. Kinga Niewińska (medycyna ratunkowa, anestezjologia i intensywna terapia) - dr n. med. Joanna Jakubaszko – Jabłońska (okulistyka) - lek. Barbara Wartenberg (medycyna ratunkowa, chirurgia dziecięca) - lek. Goutam Chourasia (medycyna ratunkowa, chirurgia ogólna) - mgr Marta Kwiatoń (IV rok studiów doktoranckich) - lek. Michał Rutkowski (II rok studiów doktoranckich) Person responsible for the course:: prof. dr hab. Jan Godziński Drawn up on (date): The syllabus has been drawn up by prof. dr hab. Jan Godziński 29.06.2015 r. dr Lilianna Styka Signature of the Head of the unit conducting the course ……………....……………………………………………………………… The signature of the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry ……………....………………………………………………………………