SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Scenario Name: Pneumonia (Target audience: Resident RN & RT) Program/Curriculum Specific Objectives: Focus on interdisciplinary problem solving: mucous plug Measurable Objectives 1. The learner(s) will properly identify self and communicate plan of care to patient throughout scenario, attend to all aspects of safety including PPE and hand hygiene. 2. The learner(s) will note patient distress, and perform proper respiratory assessment. 3. The learner will attempt suction with proper technique. 4. The learner(s)will call RT and complete SBAR communication: properly identifying themselves, the patient, the patient’s diagnosis, include that the patient has a trach, thick mucus, attempt to suction with little improvement, report lung sounds, respiratory effort, cough, current vital signs and SPO2, immediate problem of respiratory distress. Learner will convey urgency of situation, and request RT’s immediate presence. a. RT will ensure he/she understands: clarify current RR, SPO2, severity of patient care needs b. RT will instruct RN to increase FIO2 until he/she arrives c. Ascertain if RN has attempted suction, if not, suggest it 5. Respiratory therapy will arrive, perform assessment, communication will be professional, direct, and prioritized to key data points (agree on assessment findings, treatment plan) 6. The learner and RT will share tasks including: admin of albuterol/acetylcysteine via nebulizer, increase oxygen, reassure patient and explain procedure, call MD. 7. The learners will review CXR and recognize significant mucous plug. Authors Names’: Elizabeth Hinkson Renton Technical College Scott Mahoney Providence Regional Medical Center Date Submitted Spring 2013 HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 1 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Will There Be Any Pre-Simulation Lecture? Yes Duration: 10 minutes Expected Scenario Time: 20 minutes Expected Debrief Time: 30 minutes Report and Information Provided To Learners Prior To Simulation Face sheet (see attached), MD orders (see attached), patient history (see attached), (review of systems as report-see attached) Report will include the information below, as well as the information that the Patient just had a portable CXR d/t increased RR. Radiology will call them with CXR results. In order to ensure that learners must critically think and problem solve on their own, we recommend that calling a rapid response NOT be an option. “This is Valencia Johnson, a 73 year old African American lady admitted through the ER a few days ago with right sided pneumonia. She is a full code. She’s had COPD for about 8 years. She has a tracheostomy but hasn’t taken care of it and that is the likely source of the pneumonia. She’s underweight and seems withdrawn. Review of systems: Neuro: The patient is A&O * 3, but nonverbal. She communicates by writing. CV: Heart sounds are normal, pulses are present, and there is some edema (1+ or 2+) Her skin is cool with decreased hair growth. Resp: Lungs sounds are diminished; she has a lot of thick sputum which she has trouble expectorating. Her respiratory rate is in the 20’s with marked increase in effort. Her sat is in the upper 80’s to low 90’s. GI: Positive bowel sounds and dentures. She says she is too tired to eat. She has lost about 25 pounds without trying. GU: Urge incontinence Skin: is intact but will need watching for pressure areas HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 2 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 3 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Patient Information Patient Name: Valencia Johnson Age: 52 Birth date: 02/29/19XX Gender: F Height: Weight:50.9 Kg 5 ft 2in ID band MR #986723-8 Acct. # x. Present Illness: The Patient was admitted through the Emergency Department with a recurrence of severe dyspnea and probable pneumonia. She has had her tracheostomy for about 16 months and documentation from the ED suggests that it has been poorly managed. It seems that the inner cannula had neither been cleaned or changed in at least a week and it was a bit surprising she hadn’t occluded it with mucous. The patient reports some improvement in her shortness of breath now that the situation has been rectified, but she still is observed to be using accessory muscles. She is requiring more oxygen than usual. Social History: Incidentally, she is reporting some self-image concerns. She seems to think her grandchildren are afraid of her and this is why they do not visit. She spent about 3 months in rehab and has been living at home with home health assistance. Her husband is a former accountant with health issues of his own and their family lives in Atlanta. Social Service will need to consult as there has been some question about the suitability of the home environment for Mrs. Johnson. Religion: Baptist Support System: Husband/home health Allergies: PCN Immunizations: Needs PNA and flu vaccine before discharge Attending Physician: Michelle Toth, MD Past medical history: She has been treated for emphysema for about 12 years. She smoked from the age of 16 to about 45. She experiences dyspnea with ADL’s and frequent fatigue that prevents her from leaving her home. She says she has occasional coughing fits, generally in the morning. Her FEV 1 is 45% of predicted. She is noted to have lost 25 pounds in the past 18 months without trying. CXR shows hyperinflation and right lower lobe pneumonia. A sputum sample will be sent. More troubling, Mrs. Johnson has 2+ peripheral edema of the lower extremities and some mild JVD. About a year and a half ago, Ms. Johnson received a tracheostomy following a case of ARDS that occurred during treatment of a strep A pneumonia. She was on the ventilator for about 13 days prior to the tracheostomy and for another 16 after. HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 4 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 5 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Physical description of how you want the manikin to present at start of scenario? Moulage: Middle-aged African American woman Dressed in a hospital gown Use black wig, lipstick/eye shadow to denote gender Sputum for trach, soiled trach dressing Assignment Of Roles (Please indicate below roles to be assigned): Primary Nurse Respiratory therapist (Primary) Observer(s) Secondary Nurse Respiratory therapist (Secondary) Physician available via phone Important Information Related To Roles: Secondary role is supportive and to assist with problem solving, collaboration and to accept delegated responsibilities. Observers are responsible for noting specific behaviors as noted on checklist. Physician/charge role is primarily via phone and should be played by instructor. This role redirects learners to proper treatment, appropriate action. SIM Setup Size 4 shiley dct tracheostomy Foam trach tie Trach collar with aerosol delivery Small volume nebulizer with delivery source Acetylcysteine, albuterol for nebulizing HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 6 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Fidelity (choose all that apply to this simulation) Setting/Environment Med-Surg Props: Equipment attached to manikin: Foley catheter 100 ml output; Urine color yellow O2 40% cool aerosol (O2 flow meter at 15L/min) Monitor attached: Bedside monitor “big numbers” ID band Other: BVM Equipment available in room: O2 delivery device 40% cool aerosol (O2 flow meter at 15L/min) Suction Other: Ambu bag, trach obturator, suction kits (2) trach care kits (2), normal saline 250ml, inner cannula (2), spare trach in box Other Props: Large purse with bible, glasses on chain Medications and Fluids: Other: Small volume nebulizer and unit dose albuterol, Acetylcysteine, and saline Physician Orders see attached Significant Lab Values see attached Diagnostics Available: Labs Values (CBC, ABG, Chem 7) see attached X-Rays (Images) (See attached) Documentation Forms: Physician Orders MAR Shift Assessment Other: face sheet and history Recommended Mode for Simulation Manual Manikin to be used Simman 3G (high fidelity) Scenario Progression Outline Verbalization Expected Incorrect Confederate (Pt/Manikin Interventions Treatment Choice Actions/Additional Cues) That Will Affect Outcome Role Player Cues Patient verbalization Baseline Vital Signs Patient NonIntroduce self If learners fail to recognize Respiratory Therapy TPR: 39C/102.2F, Verbal. and state that patient is in distress, and Physician available 108, 28 purpose of patient will patient will via phone. BP: 162/86 Has a note visit. exhibit signs of increasing SPO2: 84% on pad that says distress including; increased IF the physician is 40% cool aerosol “I can’t Perform Hand HR with increased ectopy, called, the physician trach collar breathe. Help Hygiene increased RR, increased BP will order a RT consult Cardiac Rhythm ST me.” and decreased SpO2, with PACs Recognize increased cough. IF a rapid response is Breath Sounds Patient is non- If fluids are available, called at this point, the Course crackles on verbal and in patient may cry as well. hospital operator will (L) distress report that the rapid Absent breath response is already sounds on (R) Raise head of occupied in a different Heart Sounds bed. location and will not be HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 7 Stage 1 Initial Amount Time in Initial Stage- 5 mins SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE normal S1, S2 Abdominal Sounds normal bowel sounds Other Symptoms: Eyes open, frequent coughing Encourage Cough and deep breath able to arrive for several minutes. Increase FiO2 Perform respiratory assessment Identify need for suction Properly perform suctioning in a timely manner Correct Treatment Choice: Incorrect Treatment choice: Expected Expected Stage 2 Stage 2A Timing Sequence Interventions Timing Sequence Interventions 5 minutes 5 minutes Baseline Vital Signs Realize that T 102.2 / 39 T 102.2 / 39 interventions are P 128 Call RT with P 124 unsuccessful. R 36 proper SBAR R 32 BP 182/94 Convey patient BP 174/90 Call RT using SPO2 76% on Current data, interventions SPO2 80% on current SBAR: FiO2 aerosol trach performed, and FiO2 aerosol trach Convey priority collar severity of the collar patient data, Cardiac Rhythm ST situation Cardiac Rhythm ST interventions with PVCs with PACs performed, and Breath Sounds Breath Breath Sounds severity of the Sounds Course crackles on (L) situation Course crackles on (L) Absent breath sounds on Absent breath sounds IF student calls (R) RT will respond on (R) MD, MD will professionally and Heart Sounds normal direct student to Heart Sounds normal plan to arrive S1, S2 call RT S1, S2 ASAP Abdominal Sounds Abdominal Sounds normal bowel normal bowel sounds sounds IF student calls MD, MD will Other Symptoms: IF a rapid response Other Symptoms: direct student to Eyes closed, is called at this Eyes open, rapid blink, call RT increasingly frequent point, the hospital increasingly frequent coughing, crying and operator will report coughing oral secretions, that the rapid HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 8 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE “difficulty breathing” Verbalization non-verbal Correct Treatment Choice Expected Interventions Stage 3 Timing Sequence 5 minutes Baseline Vital Signs RT arrives T 102.2 / 39 P 124 Brief, accurate, R 32 professional, specific BP 174/90 communication SPO2 80% on Current FiO2 Collaborate and divide aerosol trach collar tasks for patient care: Cardiac Rhythm recognize the ST with PACs probability of a Breath Sounds mucous plug, admin of Course crackles on albuterol/acetylcysteine (L) via nebulizer, increase Absent breath oxygen, reassure sounds on patient and explain (R)Heart Sounds procedure, call MD. normal S1, S2 Abdominal Sounds normal bowel sounds Other Symptoms: Eyes open, increasingly frequent coughing response is already occupied in a different location and will not be able to arrive for several minutes. Incorrect Treatment choice Expected Stage 3A Timing Sequence Interventions 5 minutes Baseline Vital Signs T 102.2 / 39 P 132 If interventions are R 40 delayed, patient BP 88/44 will worsen SPO2 70% on current FiO2 Charge nurse/ MD Cardiac Rhythm ST arrives to direct with frequent PVC’s care if care delayed Breath Sounds Course crackles on (L) Absent breath sounds on (R)Heart Sounds normal S1, S2 Abdominal Sounds normal bowel sounds IF a rapid response Other Symptoms: is called at this Cyanosis and point, the hospital diaphoresis, operator will report increasingly frequent that the rapid coughing response is already Closed eyes occupied in a different location Verbalization and will not be able non-verbal to arrive for several minutes. Verbalization non-verbal HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 9 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Correct Treatment Choice Assess and Treat Expected Stage 4 Timing Sequence Interventions 5 minutes Baseline Vital Signs T 102.2 / 39 Suction and P 124 postural R 32 drainage/percussion BP 174/90 to (R) side SPO2 80% on Current FiO2 aerosol trach collar Cardiac Rhythm ST with PACs Breath Sounds Course crackles on (L) Absent breath sounds on (R)Heart Sounds normal S1, S2 Abdominal Sounds normal bowel sounds Incorrect Treatment choice Other Symptoms: Eyes open, increasingly frequent coughing Stage 4A Timing Sequence 5 minutes Baseline Vital Signs T 102.2 / 39 P 132 R 40 BP 88/44 SPO2 70% on current FiO2 Cardiac Rhythm ST with frequent PVC’s Breath Sounds Course crackles on (L) Absent breath sounds on (R)Heart Sounds normal S1, S2 Abdominal Sounds normal bowel sounds Other Symptoms: Cyanosis and diaphoresis, increasingly frequent coughing Closed eyes Verbalization non-verbal Verbalization non-verbal Expected Interventions Charge nurse/ MD arrives to direct care if care delayed States: “What is the situation? Let’s suction the patient.” HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 10 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Correct Treatment Choice End. Expected Stage 5 Timing Sequence Interventions 5 minutes Baseline Vital Signs T 102.2 / 39 CXR is available P 88 on screen for RN R 28 and RT to review. BP 136/82 SPO2 93% on current Note white out of FiO2 aerosol trach R side. collar Cardiac Rhythm NSR Note patient with PAC's symptom Breath Sounds improvement. (L) side clear (R) side diminished Heart Sounds normal S1, S2 Abdominal Sounds normal bowel sounds Other Symptoms: Eyes open, Verbalization non-verbal What will be discussed in debrief: Did the learner recognize the gravity of the situation? Did the learner perform interventions, skillfully, calmly, and correctly? Was the patient kept informed? Was the SBAR complete? Did the learners demonstrate effective teamwork? Was the respiratory assessment completed properly by both professions, and were findings shared? Were patient care responsibilities shared successfully and did both professions contribute optimally? Did communication unnecessarily delay treatment of patient? Was there evidence of collaboration? HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 11 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Did professional communication occur between disciplines AND include the patient? Did both disciplines fulfill their professional responsibilities, or did they defer to the other discipline? References: Mandell, L.A, Wunderink, R. G., Anzueto, A., Bartlett, J. G., Campbell G. D., Dean N. C., Dowell S.F., File T.M. Jr, Musher D. M., Niederman M.S., Torres A., Whitney C. G. (2007). Infectious diseases Society of America/American Thoracic Society consensus guidelines on the management of community-acquired pneumonia in adults. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 44 (Suppl 2), S27-72. File, T. M., Bartlett, J. G., Thorner, A. R. (2013). Treatment of community acquired pneumonia in adults who require hospitalization. UpToDate. Retrieved from HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 12 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Instructor Check List (return to CHESC assistant at the end of class) Pre-Scenario Check List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Equipment is staged as requested. The learner has been oriented to the simulator. The learner understands the guidelines/expectations for the scenario. Learners understand their assigned roles. The time frame Expectations for simulation met: Yes No. The time frame Expectations for debrief met: Yes No. Audio/Visual Consent signed and turned into CHESC sheet. Attendance sheet completed and given to CHESC staff. Post Scenario If you could change anything next time, what would it be? Comments: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ CHESC Assistant Name: Did the person provide excellent support for the scenario? Yes No Comment Instructor signature ________________________________ Date ________________________ HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 13 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Learner Check List (return to Instructor at the end of class) Pre-Scenario Check List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I have been oriented to the simulator. I understand the guidelines/expectations for the scenario. I understand the assigned role. My questions about the simulation have been answered. I have all necessary equipment for the simulation. Post Scenario If you could change anything next time, what would it be? Comments: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Learner Signature ____________________________________ Date ________________________ HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 14 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Simulation Post-Assessment Methods Checklist Tests Evaluations Turning Point Jeopardy Other Optional Literature References Debriefing Guidelines (Remember to identify important concepts or curricular threads that are specific to your program) 1. Leave the simulation room and go to a conference room, if possible. It allows for deescalation of emotions. 2. Solicit and validate emotions briefly. Validate simisms (the simulation isn’t 100% accurate due to different equipment, personnel etc) 3. What went WELL in this simulation? 4. What DID NOT go well in this simulation? 5. If you could do it again, what would you do differently? 6. Summarize: “What I hear you saying is . . .” HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 15