1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 April 2013 22 Chinook Salmon Management: A Model Based Approach 23 STEVEN GRIFFITH, The Pennsylvania State University, Atherton Street, State College, PA 24 25 26 Steven Griffith The Pennsylvania State University Atherton Street, State College, PA 16801 555-555-5555 jek5222@psu.edu James Korman The Pennsylvania State University Atherton Street, State College, PA 16801 555-555-5555 slg5338@psu.edu Andy Severns The Pennsylvania State University Atherton Street, State College, PA 16801 555-555-5555 ajs5929@psu.edu RH: Griffith et al. • Chinook Salmon Management 16801 JAMES KORMAN, The Pennsylvania State University, Atherton Street, State College, PA 16801 27 ANDY SEVERNS, The Pennsylvania State University, Atherton Street, State College, PA 16801 28 ABSTRACT 29 There are a series of eight dams that obstruct downward and upstream movement of Chinook 30 salmon on the Snake and Columbia rivers. We explored alternatives action other than the status 31 quo and dam removal as potentials to increase the endangered Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus 32 tshawytscha population in the Marsh Creek sub basin of the Snake River. Those two actions 33 were: (1) summer flow augmentation and (2) the removal of non-native predators. Both actions Griffith et al. 2 34 were aimed at increasing egg to smolt survival rate. Summer flow augmentation increased 35 survival egg-smolt survival by 15% and non-native predator removal increased egg-smolt 36 survival by 23%. Our original matrix model with no management applications yielded a lambda 37 of 0.90. With summer flow augmentation, lambda increased to 0.92 and with non-native 38 predator removal, lambda increased to 0.94. 39 KEY WORDS Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, Snake River, Columbia River, 40 matrix model, flow augmentation, predator removal, 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Griffith et al. 3 56 The Chinook salmon is an anadromous fish species. It spawns in freshwater in the 57 spring/summer and the fry then migrate to coast and grow in the saltwater. The yearlings take up 58 to 3 months until they migrate to the coast and some stay as long as three years in the freshwater, 59 but most only stay about a year (Morrow 1980). They then spend up to 8 years growing in the 60 saltwater before they return to their natal freshwater rivers to spawn and die. Their distributions 61 are located mostly along the west coast of North America from the Bering Strait in Alaska to 62 California and have even been located in the Japanese Islands according to NOAA Fisheries 63 website. The Chinook salmon’s demographic data is compiled into age classes because they only 64 spawn once a year and once a lifetime. The salmon have the potential to start to spawn at age 2 65 when they migrate to their natal streams, but some salmon stay in their saltwater environment 66 and do not migrate to spawn until age 8. Spawning occurs most commonly at ages 4-7(Savereide 67 and Quinn 2004). The statuses of some of the populations of Chinook salmon have been marked 68 as a “species of concern” to an “endangered” status by the Endangered Species Act. This is due 69 mostly from anthropologic activities. According to Idaho Fish and Game, historical data suggests 70 the Chinook salmon population of the Snake River have been in numbers in excess of 1,000,000, 71 and recent data show that this abundance has declined to about 55,000. 72 There is not a single activity that is causing the declining populations, but the activities 73 with the most impact would be commercial fishing and impeded migration due to damming 74 according to the NOAA Fisheries website. The damming of the Snake River has been thought to 75 play a major role in the decline of survivorship and low reproduction rates of the Chinook 76 salmon. The juveniles have impeded migration to the coast, and the adults have impeded 77 migration back to their spawning grounds. There have been recent activities that have increased 78 the abundance. The Snake River population reached a low in the early 1990’s of about 2,500, but Griffith et al. 4 79 has increased to 55,000 in recent years. The management actions currently in place include fish 80 ladders for returning adults, juvenile collection and manually moving down the river, and 81 stocking hatchery raised juveniles. Although, population trends have shown a growth in 82 population, with the current survivorship and reproduction, the population will decline. 83 There is a possibility of increasing the population growth with further management 84 actions. Summer flow augmentation has been shown to have a positive effect on the survivorship 85 of sub-yearling Chinook (Conner et al. 2003). The multiple dams that are currently in place have 86 an impact of the hydrology of the river. The increased temperature and decreased flow decrease 87 the survivorship of the salmon. Multiple reservoirs are opened along the Snake River and have 88 shown to decrease temperature and increase flow. This results in an increase in survivorship of 89 sub-yearling in years with summer flow augmentation by 15% (Conner et al 2003). Another 90 possible management action would be a removal of non-native predatory fish. This method has 91 shown to have an increase in survivorship by 23% ( Cavallo et al. 2012). 92 This study combines data of recent populations’ age class survivorship and fecundity to 93 model population growth. The goal of the study is to model possible management options that 94 will result an increase of the Chinook salmon population by 10%. To do this we will model the 95 population resulting from a status quo action, also model the population from using summer flow 96 augmentation, and model the population after predator removal. 97 STUDY AREA 98 The matrix model data for status quo was from a study by Kareiva et. al. 2000 that took place on 99 the Snake River in Idaho. The study was concentrated around four major dams on the river. A 100 study researching the effects of flow augmentation took place at 10 different sites along the Griffith et al. 5 101 Snake River in Idaho. To monitor effects of predator removal a study by Connor et al. 2003 took 102 place on the North Fork Mokelumne River which included a 1.6 km removal site. 103 METHODS 104 Data regarding demographic rates were gathered from Kareiva et al. 2000. From this data, we 105 constructed an age-based matrix model with a pre-breeding census. Demographic rates are 106 represented by brood years 1990-1994 (Kareiva et. al. 2000). Propensity to spawn was 107 calculated into the survival rates of salmon who had the potential to be reproductively mature 108 (ages 3-5). Fecundity was calculated using numerous variables: the number of eggs per female, 109 propensity to breed, age specific survival, and their upstream movement survival. We looked at 110 ways to alleviate stress and increase the growth rate of the population. The two best methods 111 were summer flow augmentation and the removal of non-native predators. Summer flow 112 augmentation increased survival by 15% and the removal of non-native predators increased the 113 survival by 23% (Cavallo et al. 2012; Connor et al. 2003) We estimated the effects of summer 114 flow augmentation in our model by increasing the survival of age 1 by 15%. We estimated the 115 effects of removing non-native predators by increasing the survival of age 1 (the most predated 116 on) by 23%. We compared the three models amongst each other and made conclusions amongst 117 them. 118 RESULTS 119 The results show the populations decline will be less when summer flow augmentation and 120 predator removal are implemented. Figure 1 shows the abundance of Chinook salmon projected 121 10 years with actions of status quo, summer flow augmentation, and predator removal. The data 122 collected shows that the population has a declining growth rate with an asymptotic lambda of 123 0.90. With the increases in survivorship from either management, neither appears to be able to Griffith et al. 6 124 make the population be stable or increase. Removal of the predators had the greatest increase of 125 survivorship with an increase of 23% in subyearling salmon. This resulted in largest asymptotic 126 lambda of 0.94. The summer flow augmentation had an increase in survivorship of 15% and this 127 resulted in an increased asymptotic lambda to 0.92. The model shows that if there would be no 128 management actions, there would be a 64% decrease in 10 years. Predator removal shows a 129 decrease of 45% in ten years. Summer flow augmentation shows a decrease of 52% in ten years. 130 DISCUSSION 131 The matrix created to model status quo was from a study done by Kareiva et. al. 2000 which 132 incorporated 5 age classes. Individuals were modeled to reproduce at age 3, 4, or 5 and die after 133 reproduction. Therefore no individuals live past age 5. When we modeled status quo with 134 demographics also found in Kareiva et. al. 2000 we calculated an asymptotic lambda of .90 135 indicating a current declining population. 136 To model our first alternative action we found data from a study by Connor et al. 2003 137 which indicated that summer flow augmentation increased the survivorship of sub-yearling 138 salmon. The increase in the rate of flow is to aid the return of sub-yearling salmon to the ocean at 139 a faster rate. This increase also increases survival of sub-yearling salmon by as much as 23% but 140 on average 15% by increasing passage and decreasing predation (Connor et al. 2003). We used 141 the 15% average increase in survival to modify our matrix by increasing our value for age class 142 one contributing to age class two by 15%. That then resulted in our asymptotic lambda changing 143 to .92 which demonstrates an increase in our lambda value and a slower rate of decline of the 144 population. 145 146 The second and more productive alternative action was predator removal. In a study by Cavallo et al. 2012 predators were removed by method of boat electrofishing in order to study Griffith et al. 7 147 the effects of predation on sub-yearling salmon. The study found that after removing non-native 148 predators from a study site sub-yearling survival increased 23%. We used this increase of 23% 149 to modify our matrix by increasing our value for age class one contributing to age class two by 150 23%. This change resulted in an asymptotic lambda value of .94 which was the highest lambda 151 value we achieved with our alternative actions. 152 MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS 153 The approach we used to estimate increases in Chinook salmon populations can be used by 154 managers to project changes in abundance for upcoming years. Our approaches to increase 155 survival may be pertinent to other species of pacific salmon facing similar problems. As an 156 alternative to dam removal or the status quo, managers can target flow augmentation and non- 157 native predator removal during peak times of migration. Our approach found the greatest impact 158 on increasing growth rate was at by targeting the survival rate of age 0 – age 1 according to our 159 matrix model. Other managers can take the approach of targeting this age class using other 160 methods to increase their survival. 161 LITERATURE CITED 162 Cavallo, B., Merz, J., and Setka, J. 2012. Effects of predator and flow manipulation on Chinook 163 salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) survival in an imperiled estuary. Environmental 164 Biology of Fishes DOI: 10.1007/s10641-012-9993-5 165 Connor, W. P.; Burge, H. L.; Yearsley, J. R.; Bjornn, T. C. 2003. Influence of flow and 166 temperature on survival of wild subyearling fall chinook salmon in the Snake River. 167 North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23:362-375. 168 169 Kareiva, P., M. Marvier, and M. McClure. 2000. Recovery and management options for spring/summer chinook salmon in the Columbia River basin. Science 290:977-979. Griffith et al. 8 170 Morrow, J. E., 1980. The freshwater fishes of Alaska. University of. B.C. Animal Resources 171 172 Ecology Library 16:248-249 Savereide, J. W., and T. J. Quinn. 2004. An age-structured assessment model for chinook 173 salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Fish Aquatic Science 61:974-985 174 175 Table 1. Projection for female Snake River Chinook Salmon 1 2 3 4 5 176 177 178 179 1 0 0.013075754 0 0 0 2 0 0 0.8 0 0 Age (years) 3 0.326169151 0 0 1.23375 0 4 5.015714444 0 0 0 1.05125 5 39.66474481 0 0 0 0 Griffith et al. 9 Figures Figure 1. Abundance of Snake River Chinook salmon projected from current year (0) to ten years with summer flow augmentation and predator removal management actions. Griffith et al. 10 Figure 1. 60000 Abundance 50000 current 40000 30000 Predator removal 20000 Summer flow augmentation 10000 both 0 0 2 4 6 Years 8 10 12