Irish FA Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference
Developing an Evaluation for the FIFA Football for Hope ‘Street Feet’ Initiative in partnership
with the Irish FA
1. Background
The Irish Football Association’s vision is to ‘develop, foster and promote football for all in
Northern Ireland’. A core objective of the Association is to ‘reach beyond the game’.
Following an organisational restructure, the Football Development Department was
established in 2014, and the Football and Social Responsibility Unit sits within this. This unit
manages education and outreach initiatives for the Association, and engages with
marginalised and hard to reach groups through football.
The Irish FA secured funding through the FIFA Football for Hope programme, to support a
football outreach and education project throughout 2015/2016. The Association previously
received funding through this programme, to support the Limestone United project based in
North Belfast, which provided positive diversionary activity through football and education for
young people in the area.
‘Street Feet’ is a new initiative that will use the learning gained from the Limestone United
project, to engage other interface groups and areas of deprivation across Northern Ireland.
The project will be delivered in 8 week blocks, providing value based coaching and
education development opportunities for participants. There will also be training and
development opportunities for community leaders, who will receive a handbook and
guidance materials on developing effective community projects. We also hope to develop a
strategy to inform football activities in interface areas across Northern Ireland.
The evaluation will track the progress of the engagement with various groups, assess the
value of the activity provided and provide recommendations for future development.
2. Rationale
The Football Development Department wishes to invite expressions of interest from suitably
qualified individuals/organisations, to carry out an evaluation of the ‘Street Feet’ project. This
work will measure the baseline attitudes of participants before engagement, and assess the
value of the work at the end of the 8 week block. It will also assess the materials developed
and used in the delivery of the programme. This work will be presented through an interim
report in March 2016, and in a final summary report, with recommendations included, in
December 2016.
The anticipated outcomes of the programme are as follows:
Improved physical and mental health
Tackling anti-social behaviour through sport
Greater understanding of how football can bring about positive change
Increased sense of inclusion and well-being amongst marginalised and
disadvantaged groups
Increased long term sustainability
Sharing best practice in the field of football for social development
Each stage of the process will be carefully guided by the Irish FA Football and Social
Responsibility Unit, within the Football Development Department. We anticipate that the
evaluation will highlight the positive social and individual impacts of the project, and the
increased pathways for volunteering and employment.
3. Criteria and Timing
The successful tenderer will be expected to:
Develop a proposal setting out their understanding of the contact;
Establish baseline data in partnership with the Irish FA;
Provide updates at partner meetings;
Provide an interim report in March 2016;
Develop short case studies to illustrate programme impact and purpose;
Produce a final report in December 2016.
4. Qualifications and Experience
The successful tenderer must demonstrate that they, and/or their personnel have:
Experience of evaluation and measuring social impact, providing examples of
relevant experience across similar projects;
Experience of working with volunteer and community based groups, particularly with
marginalised groups, and dealing with sensitive issues in a professional manner;
A knowledge of the broad aims of the Irish FA, and issues prevalent in Northern Irish
Experience of conducting research from both primary and secondary sources.
5. Tender Submission
The evaluation criteria for tender submission will be based on the following information:
A detailed statement demonstrating the tenderer’s knowledge of the Irish FA aims
and understanding of the contract;
Specific expertise and experience of the tenderer in relation to the contract;
Names and brief CV for personnel proposed;
A comprehensive outline of proposed methodology;
A time related plan, establishing an understanding of the contract and level of
engagement with the relevant stakeholders and indicating key milestones to deliver
the contract within the timeframe stated;
A breakdown of all fees and costs involved in undertaking the contract (exclusive of
Following receipt, all proposals will be assessed against the above criteria and, if deemed
necessary, tenderers will be invited for a clarification interview which may include a
6. Submission of Proposal
Proposals must be completed as directed and returned to Cherie White at the following
address by 4pm on Monday 12 October 2015. Tenders must be marked with a note stating
‘Do Not Open until 4pm on Monday 12 October 2015’.
Cherie White
Irish Football Association
Unit B, Adelaide Business Centre
4 Apollo Road
BT12 6HP
An email copy should also be sent to Cherie ( by the deadline
above, clearly marking the email as a tender document. The Irish FA cannot accept
responsibility for postal or delivery delays.
7. Payment
Terms will be agreed with the provider and the Irish FA.
8. Formal Contact and Communication
If you require any further clarification regarding this tender, please contact:
Claire Adams
028 9068 4713