datchet parish council flooding page



There are currently NO Flood Warnings for Datchet

See the new Parish Flood Board outside the Library in Datchet for a more local report including any warnings which will be shown as one of three triangles

Flood Alert Flooding is possible. Be prepared

Flood Warning Flooding is expected. Immediate action required

Severe Flood Warning

Severe flooding. Danger to life

The Datchet Community Flood Plan has divided the village into flood zone with an assigned team of Flood Marshalls

See here for a list of the zones

See here for a map of the zones

See here for the list of Marshalls

There is also a new Community Action Group dealing with flooding Issues for

Datchet - http://www.datchetflood.co.uk/ Please visit their site if you have been affected.

Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead

Royal Borough flooding support 01628 683804

24 Hour Emergency Control Room & Sand Bags - 01753 853517

Emergency Planning Duty Officer - 01628 796865 or visit Royal Borough AT http://www3.rbwm.gov.uk/info/200160/emergencies/1057/extreme_weather

Environment Agency contacts


To sign up for Flood Alerts http://www.environmentagency.gov.uk/homeandleisure/floods/38289.aspx

Or Call Floodline on 0845 988 1188, select option 1 and enter Quickdial number 173197 to get more information

Visit www.gaugemap.co.uk

for current River Flow and Ground Water levels


We have a number of advice leaflets on what to do on a number of safety issues, to do with flooding, these can be collected from the Parish Office.

There is also a new leaflet provided by the Environment Agency on hat to do before, during and after a flood available from the Parish Office and online.

In Summary

Never ever risk your life or the life of someone else trying to save you, a property, or a pet.

Try to keep calm at all times and listen to what the flood warders say.

Never wade barefoot in flood water. Contaminated water can result in serious illness

Use a stick and walk slowly through any flood water to ensure you are aware of any holes, ditches, kerbs or other such hazards.

Keep out of standing water as much as you can. Keep children from playing in flood water as there are health risks. When you come into contact with it wash your hands carefully.

Keep dogs out of flood waters. Contaminated water will soak through into their fur.

The following external links provide some further information about flooding in the area. Please note that the Datchet Parish Council is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

Environment Agency flood warnings for the Datchet area.

The latest flood maps can now be found at the Environment Agency . You can enter your postcode to found out how at risk you are.

The Flood Risk Action Groups (FRAGs) were set up by the Environment Agency and local authorities following the January 2003 floods. Further information can be found from their web site .

Ongoing discussion about the downstream Thames flooding can be found at the Thames Web site.
