Chapter 7 11 5 . 1. Encipher the following message using 6 3 TWO PLUS TWO IS GREATER THAN FIVE, FOR SUFFICIENTLY LARGE TWO. 13 2. Encipher the following message using 4 7 3 0 5 . 21 2 2 MY GIRLFRIEND’S GOT A GUN - I’LL SPEND THE REST OF MY LIFE PLAYING HIDE AND SEEK1 3. Verify the keyspace for 2x2 matrix encryption. You may do this by either writing a computer program to check the determinants of all possible 2x2 matrices to see which are invertible or by applying the formula provided in Overbey, Jeffrey, William Traves, and Jerzy Wojdylo, On the Keyspace of the Hill Cipher, Cryptologia, Vol. 29, No. 1, January 2005, pp. 59-72 Available online at,. 4. Can every possible digraphic substitution be realized by matrix encryption? Hint: compare keyspaces. 5. Verify the keyspace for 3x3 matrix encryption. You are strongly encouraged to solve this by applying the formula provided in the reference given in exercise 3, although you may write a program and patiently wait… 6. The unicity point for a random N-gram substitution cipher is .90 log(26N)!2 How do you think this compares to that for encryption with an NxN matrix? Explain your reasoning. In chapter 10, I’ll reveal a formula for computing unicity points and an exercise will ask you to go back and calculate it for 2x2, 3x3, and 4x4 matrix encryption, but for now I want you to simply think about it. Perhaps you’ll figure out the key component in the formula before it is unveiled! even even ? Justify your answer! 7. Can an enciphering matrix have the form even even 8. H. Gary Knight provided the following 2x2 matrix encryption ciphertext as his very first problem for readers of his column in Cryptologia.3 QHDIW QQQEI WFRLI YLUIO WQUVC NQDHV SNTQV YRLEP RVMND ERMOA 1 From a song by The Lawndarts. Deavours, C. A., Unicity Points in Cryptanalysis, Cryptologia, Vol. 1, No. 1, January 1977. 3 Knight, H. Gary, Cryptanalyst’s Corner, Cryptologia, Vol. 2, No. 1, p.72. 2 GTNFQ QGWBS TJXCR IWQUH PBQME XMTXH WFXJS ACOZA SPKGS PAOYV NSJQK JXHZU PACAA I. Prior to enciphering, Knight converted the letters to numbers using the assignments A=1, B=2, C=3,… Z=26. He gave two probable words, SUBMARINE and OBSERVING, as hints. Feel free to apply Levine’s attack or brute force a solution with a computer. 9. Levine’s attack depends on parity (even or odd). Is it significant (i.e., cryptanalytically useful) that all vowels are even, if we start our numbering with A=0? We have A=0, E=4, I=8, O=14, U=20, Y=24. 10. Using the assignments A=1, B=2, C=3,…, Y=25, Z=0, and a 3x3 matrix for encryption, Levine obtained the following ciphertext message: MIU GNJ WWU YHZ DNS WVK RFV LLK AMP IGS MIU WKN OEM IEK ORW WAE KZB APL KYP MEU ZMO QIX FHS SJI DDJ KFY BWW HQP KLI NKG TMJ ROB TZE One typo has been corrected for reproduction here. In the May 1961 paper4 where Levine detailed his crib attack, he provided the probable plaintext THREE CONGRUENCES and showed how it may be used to recover the message. Go ahead and do this without referring to the original paper. Note: in the 2x2 example there were 4 possible forms, but for the 3x3 case, there will be 8. 11. Decipher the following message enciphered using a 2x2 matrix. WVUQU FPOJS NJSMT MAGKQ URXJX SBQAU HSCZR LXGWI VXMEC NUWBU KWMJZ UWVGH LXLVH FFUKU EPKZO UHSBY UGEPR JFIUM IIGZR QCEHA FWORX UMDWO DTYET AGKQN FVVRE JOSFG KLYDE OJCGM DVNNL XGWIF TFAQK PDDXL PEIUR SANSL VBZVD NOHJD KVOYM NMYUO DYWML ERTVD WICOT AKAWH DFAIT MDYMT NKROF VSBRD YKQYV FMTGV UHESO RDBHN XGCEK OKFNF KICEO OF JOKFN MWIRD TNZXG POJEI UFPCE TVTNP GWKOE CJVOG HZJIR YSEAL UXADN KMMUR GENQX PSFRS KBDMZ NQJJC VNTNP 12. Decipher the following message enciphered using a 3x3 matrix. WMUHC ONHNG PMYDP BBGAV ZNWRP OMRKH 4 EIHVA JRVCJ TNCPO SWDAG UZSPJ PRMAY SFKJE TNPXJ XWGDL EAKNA OIGYZ KVEJU QSPMU VKSSP FCTMN YKENH OFVBS EAHFB VKXVY AYWTM MSWMG OTJEK VOMFU FQDRU UVILX TXYDH VWFPE TZYUV NXDGE QMMET AVNTF YKMEB VQQSF QPTTN CFZJR MVXIT CPRMK ODHQD YOPLF PYBCI TUTYN GZAYW Levine, Jack, Some Elementary Cryptanalysis of Algebraic Cryptography, American Mathematical Monthly, vol. 68, No. 5, May 1961, pp. 411-418. UBDEX ZUNQV IKLFC EBXQL JVMKU IZUDR NQPXF GUHAA VBXYX CLKJG LZKLS NCRRM XVNFT WBBTG JRPVA IMIYM EQUSM ZNBEP RTYAK YILXV BWETL NVNPC RJXUQ YZCJE SBOEV YZMPU XJ 13. Decipher the following message enciphered using a 4x4 matrix. OFQXB XEFCX HFWBR MHTWR ZHMST DBVKL JDCUG NAWTE XLZJJ SGQRQ VNFES YQSJN BETEK TRCTZ YQEVE EVEHH ZXGQM VSJPT PAMHI ECKKW PQYUE VUSCN FDKKT LPYRJ YIRAW BOPHQ XBMCX DTYML IHQBW LNMRY ZOZHY YFAEL LGOOW REGTU HWCGM VHXSU RIYWF XMJRU FPOMC NCYZE RWJQB PAOWQ WYAMQ DGNTD SCYEH EEKQL ULNPZ QZOMH SUPAD GLXJR CXQWA IFXCH PEQHT NKOWH ALYJB LAQFG IDYGH XISGJ UUAJK YPPFP WKVXX WPYQB QKQFJ WMEWI WIUHZ IDJPJ FRRGK WGEVE STFJM TEJGK DRPTV E NKZWA RLEUB QJZBC CPJRU ANDDO CPLWF RWJQD EIOFG QEHWQ IKRGJ ICMGB ULSFE KKWSV IXEOX KJAIT DBSWY 14. How many plaintext/ciphertext pairs are needed to uniquely determine a 3x3 matrix? If your answer is denoted by n, will any n pairs suffice? If not, what condition must hold to make them sufficient? Chapter 8 1. Suppose the following was presented as the plaintext/ciphertext generated by an Enigma machine. Could the claim be true? Explain why or why not. Plaintext: DERNATIONALSOZIALISMUSHATALLEWERTEZERSTOERT Ciphertext: HEKIFHSLQOOFHECSMZHFVBDUTOPSKEFAJNDLRHEMDFS 2. Express the Atbash substitution cipher below using cyclic permutation notation. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Plaintext Ciphertext 3. Express a Caesar shift of 3 using cyclic permutation notation. 4. For the commercial Enigma, we had H: Input Output ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ JWULCMNOHPQZYXIRADKEGVBTSF H-1: Input Output ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ QWERTZUIOASDFGHJKPYXCVBNML Express each of these in cycle notation. 5. Find all possible factorizations of AD = (UMJWBOKNZPVCL)(GFDAERIQSXYHT) 6. Find all possible factorizations of AD = (UHEBVOKJSX)(QPRLAGDNFZ)(IWY)(MTC) 7. Given the following enciphered session keys, recover the permutations AD, BE, and CF. ANX BRF CCL DMQ EIV FUE GBS HPI ISU GBP OXM DFK PLY FMR XKG UWL MDC VHX JGD KZN LFJ MAT NQB OTM PKR QLG RVH JPA IUT LYH NZE SCF HRJ TIS AON WJO SOA TDP UJZ VXY WEK XYC YHW ZWO RVZ QQU CTD ZAI BGW YSQ ENV KEB 8. In Simon Singh’s The Code Book, he gives an example of what we called the permutation product AD.5 It’s presented in a different format, but is equivalent to AD = (AFW)(BQZKVELRI)(CHGOYDP)(JMXSTNU). What is wrong with this example? 9. In calculating the number of ways an Enigma plugboard can be wired, the identity 26 (2p – 1) (2p – 3) (2p – 5)(1) = 2p 26! ( 26 2 p )! ( 2 p )! (2 p)! p p ! ( 2 ) was used. Prove that this is true. 10. In some systems, enciphering a message twice with distinct keys is no different than enciphering once with some other (single) key. This is the case for any monoalphabetic substitution ciphers, Vigenere ciphers, matrix encryption, and more. Is it the case for Enigma? 11. Is there a way to distinguish messages that have been enciphered twice with Enigma (using two different keys) from messages that have only been enciphered once? 5 Singh, Simon, The Code Book, Doubleday, New York, 1999, p. 152. Chapter 9 1. Complete the decipherment of the Red training exercise begun in this chapter. Warning! The encipherer made several errors. 2. If the sixes alphabets and the twenties alphabets are all known for Red, but a given message may start with any one of those alphabets for each group of letters, how many possible starting positions are there altogether? 3. If the sixes for Purple are E, H, K, P, R, and S, what is the average frequency for the sixes and what is the average frequency of the twenties? Base your answer on the frequencies provided in Chapter 2. 4. If the sixes for Purple are B, D, K, N, S, and W, what is the average frequency for the sixes and what is the average frequency of the twenties? Base your answer on the frequencies provided in Chapter 2. 5. From the Purple ciphertext below, determine the sixes and twenties.6 NHSG AUVY OAOD WAKH QYWG CHBD JLXE ZISJ GESH QHBO PYOE VHRZ XIEE EYHO EQNA EUMS EEOQ X DZAQ VHHV XXOQ WEHM YSOV NUAA QFNU KSYQ RQZH IBSO OTSR AHYK EOCD GOSS ZNYF GFNQ ZRAR SEVG ONTO CATO TXQE SHPS TONE LOWL AXDS RROJ JEAI QSSH HTZR NZFG IWON STOE SZOW EOCE MAES HNNN UEOP JHLH EWNH CYDN SOIS KNSO QARC EOLE VANN SCGM OHTA MEVA BNSC AOLE BONZ VESH BMEM AHEF EMEL ASKM BDSI AOOJ OVHO EBEB UTON SXEV EUEA AKSO AJCL CVSQ MHUS KNQN AJGL IHUL DOEV EIJU AJAK MOQK HOAI PEDA THGD OLEO AOHE LSRE CODA POEB OHDA OZGO EHMN AOMZ IVOE EHES AVAN TIPB HNNY WMNC PSFO EOOG SNAJ TSSL NYNF AANH RAWZ ERSS UEFU LODA OFBE ENSC AEMA PADN JRXR SHNN UHZB DXPP MUAC AAXX CKBW EHKL SGHE OMWQ QCVJ SCES NHKX EBFG SOAO TSAR KESG HDZO FTBS NMZO XSAA VHDD HUMH AMAO HEFA OSOZ AZHX HJOZ IEES HNUN OLOQ HPDN YFNA ESLH DBSP GXAC NUUN ETZO HQYN XCLE LHOB KZWS EHWX GTIF GOZH ZGAA FFNK ITEB HPAH DHXT OJSS TGIG MSLG SZOO ISMV AZOJ RSSA AKTR QSPC YNNE HPXE AKAO LSSA IBVN ZAET ZHNH OHSJ ONOO ESZS DSHJ SANJ AWHT HONO QAWY BJTD CLAN IHPO HYME RXAX UTSB HESD QAHE QHES OHJA IBUS HDLN OSOA ESEZ HZES EQNC FHHS XOEV PKOL WIEH NEAE NROL AEMG FOGE 6. From the Purple ciphertext below, determine the sixes and twenties.7 RCDK HBYM KDEU RYQX HJZZ BQGO XRSR ETYP NZFQ COBA EHYQ YCNJ XKED HTJU TWSP HJQQ BPYK KSOZ XCEQ BLJH XTSW QUPR QXMJ KBEA NUMG QHIE EVQZ IPBF BUZY SKFR WEDZ MKWS RVSM PKGG NZQK NLYH FSSB AKCG CEAI 6 7 Encrypted using the Purple simulator available at Encrypted using the Purple simulator available at YRET SOTE SXUY RAWM DTFC YULQ SSXO YEZH ZURW MBJB LCMP XLGN ARBW GEDD KEUU KYQK KZEF JNEL RLSN HETG JEFQ MLCK WNVN ENZX KYOR IKKJ AOYN QVBR RNDY AMKM HNJT OHHG QZRE WBNS WESA NVEM XTEV KIUS XVHS WYOO EFBL KMGA KAAQ OGJQ LYWL TJMC SIQY YKCO VSHX JKKW LKZQ YESY TIJS SVVI SBLA DUGN TZTU VEWB NSUQ HDUQ NFIH DZIE YWTC SSTS DSQZ WMOQ ZLQO VILV NVGQ OYOM SBCK XHOX PCFE AEGY DDUJ WOJF NAMZ MHZM EDOM EQKC MMBU LUDX GFWM NLAL KMAV JPMQ KTWA VNSP ZCUG UDKZ RUNP VKDY ONNE UHQT NRGM XETA HPRN CHWO HCRJ EQQZ ZNYG HVRW NBNQ CQKY AKNN PIAG CAAF MSHV HWDK E NUQK JCPQ URPL VSYC HVME VZKC OGBB ZGDH HTHI XVCH XINH JKQG QMBB VKHC VSFJ NCFP MAZK NNTQ RFSR DGMD EOGH JGOC QOHM XLUU FQIY AUQN GNOS NSOO HJVU XJKZ KKWK WKAR HFOV HYDN BVMH MQEN QDDN FVTM GBCF HOZX SPGX DJIK UFRH VHHQ QZGD JCUY LJJE FEPE RDWP OCUX FKPZ MQHY PXJN OLUH HNSU ENDA PICK DGPP SXUD IQDB EQWF BKXB KJRB HQMC EAMP XASZ HLDR SNIG LAQM WDNA UBES MOPJ ORNQ FTMH XNUH QDGO QGBI NTAL KKQW LMBT QKWQ DAZO JHQK MKWQ YKZS JBKF BGAZ PEQP NKVR GQJL MIXW OIEB SFRD INQK EVXE RBIE NEXV SQAE ASQU EKWJ FCZU NGQH CUHA CMYD ZKQU ENFL NTWZ SKOG YYWS TXKN BHEB ERPN SKIQ KHTE PRWP ASZM SIXI FYKK GYCG SWWC IIWB AEBP HOGY UCRB GTBC SQIF FOTR WEMJ BTFE THEF IKZE SSYM KNBB KLXK XEBB AQOK GEXT WWPL QPKU MTSQ NHFO BAQE HELF VNIF NOHL QKIA DQKH KWVT OVRS MVCZ SJHH EIKC KZGD GWRV RFNE ALKD XIOQ ZQJK SJES LKPR IALI YSKC HOLC KZHA QMFN EIMJ VGUC AFOE 7. Select the sixes in such a way that their average frequency is as close as possible to the average frequency of the twenties. Would this be desirable? 8. If you have a known plaintext and the corresponding ciphertext in Purple, and the sixes were chosen to be the vowels, how many of these vowels would have to be present (at a minimum) in the messages to uniquely determine all 25 substitution for the sixes? Is there a maximum value? Using the minimum, and the average percentage of vowels in a given message, what is the expected length of the message needed? For the sake of this problem, assume that the message is in English. 9. Suppose you have determined that the sixes for a Purple message are given by E, Q, A, D, R, and H and the partial decipherment of a message is Ciphertext Message BRAXEFQCEVQOOXHECFDLNHQRVQPPLCERP -HE-A-A-E-E---ER--E--REQ-E----HA- Use context and word patterns (not math!) to fill in the missing letters. To make the exercise easier, the plaintext is in English. 10. Suppose you have determined the first ten cycle 1 alphabets for the Purple machine and the first cycle 2 alphabet. Your results appear below. Assume the machine is in a configuration such that the second pattern observed by Genevieve Grotjan holds and use this pattern to determine alphabets 2 through 10 for cycle 2. Cycle 1 Alphabet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WHFXDYRZGJSINTKABUCPQLEMVO YKGFWCSINBPZDQHORTXJUMAVEL LWZBRSMTIUPDFHACVNGXJYQKOE NELCIVAYUSPXKQFZTGJWBRODMH NTYKGJCZXUBPFVMQLRDOASEIHW LOTEUJGKIHMYZBXVNRQAFDCSPW WCXULRGPNVIDMOETZAJHFYQSBK GPZIARVTKQHUEWJXSNOLBFYCMD XGFETNDIZHPJRLYAOCKSVMBUQW BFMWGXJIOCVDUQEPNAYZSTLHKR Cycle 2 Alphabet 1 IVSFNBWXMYQUTPOGDKHZJRACEL 10. Repeat the previous exercise, but this time assume the machine is in a configuration such that the first pattern observed by Genevieve Grotjan holds. 11. How could you change Purple to make it more secure? Chapter 10 1. Calculate the first order entropy, H1, of the following passage from A Clockwork Orange: “Our pockets were full of deng, so there was no real need from the point of crasting any more pretty polly to tolchock some old veck in an alley and viddy him swim in his blood while we counted the takings and divided by four, nor to do the ultraviolent on some shivering starry grey haired ptitsa in a shop and go off with the till’s guts. But, as they say, money isn’t everything.” As this novel was set in the future, the value ought to be a bit higher than it is now. If it isn’t, try to explain why! 2. Have someone else select a sentence from a book so that you can guess at each letter until correct. Keep track of the number of guesses and use the result to estimate the entropy of the text. To be fair, the sentence selected should not be one you are already familiar with! If you recognize the line, start over with a new sentence. 3. What happens to the maximum possible entropy of a language when more characters are introduced? 4. Calculations for the first order entropy of English may be made using the standard 26 letter alphabet or based on a 27 symbol alphabet that includes the blank space between words as a character. If we use this larger character set, should the value we obtain for H1 be larger or smaller? 5. Will the first order entropy of a plaintext message change if it is enciphered with a monoalphabetic substitution cipher? How about the second order entropy? 6. Suppose a long message has been enciphered using matrix encryption. How could we use entropy calculations to determine the size of the matrix that was used? 7. What is the unicity point for 2x2 matrix encryption? What is it for 3x3 matrix encryption? How about the 4x4 case? 8. Bearing in mind that entropy measures disorder in a language, why do estimates of it using larger groups of characters (i.e., digraphs and trigraphs, as opposed to single characters) yield lower values? 9. How many possible meaningful keys should you expect there to be in English for a message 10 letters long that was enciphered using a running key cipher? 10. Shannon estimated the redundancy of English to be 50%. One method he referred to that yields this value is the ability of people to restore English sentences with half of the letters removed. Which of the following can you reconstruct? a. OU ETTE WTC WHA YOU AY ABUT MY AR (26% removed) b. THS SNTNC HS N VWLS ( 35% removed) c. OE F Y AOIE ORR OES S ILD H HPY A (50% removed) d. I RAIG S AE UH AIR Y H PEEC O RDNAC (50% removed) e. BTA WS OE TE OT OUA CMC OK HRCE O TE WNIT CNUY (50% removed) f. SIIT WO A H TM T IE OK EPAN TR OK H GRL UC R IG GE EVC TI I TN HR E ON N TE NPRO T PRU SNE HEVS (60% removed) 11. Suppose the value of H1 for English continues to increase and that at some point in the future it reaches 4.5. At that point, what percentage of letters may be deleted from a typical English sentence without preventing the message from being recovered? 12. What effect does doubling the number of keys in a system have on the unicity point of a cipher? Chapter 12 1. Suppose that just prior to heading into the S-boxes, you have the following string of bits 010100000110101100111101000110110011000011110101. What will the result be immediately after going through the S-boxes? That is, complete the example begun earlier in this chapter. 2. Suppose that just prior to heading into the S-boxes, you have the following string of bits 000110010010111011010110110100111000110110000111. What will the result be immediately after going through the S-boxes? 3. If the result immediately after passing through the S-boxes in some particular round is 10111001101101011100110101001010, can you uniquely determine the bit string that entered the S-boxes in that round? 4. The initial permutation applied in DES is a far from random reordering of the bits. Produce terse computer code to accomplish this permutation. 5. If we were to add a 17th round, what would that round’s key look like? 6. Suppose you consider an n bit key to be just barely secure, for a specific value of n. That is, you don’t believe a brute force attack is realistic, but you wouldn’t be comfortable with a key any smaller than n bits. Moore’s law predicts that the number of transistors that can be fit per square inch on integrated circuits doubles every two years. If we also factor in the fact that transistors are becoming faster, we get the result that processing speed doubles every 18 months. Because of limits imposed by physics, this cannot continue forever, but suppose it continues for the next ten years. How many bits should your key be increased by, if you want it to remain just barely secure ten years from now? 7. Complete the encipherment of the Richard Feynman quote using Levine’s method. 8. Show how the plaintext could be recovered from the ciphertext you found in exercise 4. Apply your technique to the first three ciphertext blocks to verify that it works. 9. In Cipher Block Chaining mode, must the Initialization Vector be kept secret or can it be revealed without compromising the message? 10. In Cipher Feedback mode, must the Initialization Vector be kept secret or can it be revealed without compromising the message? 11. Using the same Initialization Vector for two different messages (under the same encryption key) in Cipher Feedback mode would be bad. Why? Chapter 13 1. Ask your bank what sort of encryption is used in your internet transactions. You may get an answer such as “128 bit encryption.” Without knowing the algorithm, this tells us almost nothing. Try to find out which algorithm is used. 2. In the back and forth mailing scheme that was described to allow communication using classical systems without prior key exchange, I claimed that some of the systems described in Book I would work. For each of the following explain why it would or would not be usable in this manner. a) Caesar shift b) Vigenère c) Playfair d) Matrix Encryption 3. Use the Euclidean algorithm to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 294,906 and 178,549. Also, find integer multiples of these numbers whose sum is the GCD. 4. Use the Euclidean algorithm to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 219,828 and 275,912. Also, find integer multiples of these numbers whose sum is the GCD. 5. Use the Euclidean algorithm to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 875,156 and 12,576. Also, find integer multiples of these numbers whose sum is the GCD. 6. Use the Euclidean algorithm to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 98,545 and 47,521. Also, find integer multiples of these numbers whose sum is the GCD. 7. Use repeated squaring to compute 5100 mod 26. 8. Use repeated squaring to compute 74845 mod 391. 9. Use repeated squaring to compute 66452 mod 817. 10. Use repeated squaring to compute 221007 mod 1479. 11. Use repeated squaring to compute 86243 mod 87. Can you find a quicker way to do this one? 12. Look back at the example used in this text for RSA encryption. Did Bob correctly encipher the first three blocks? Use repeated squaring to check his work. 13. Find 541-1 mod 8692. 14. Find 122-1 mod 761. 15. Find 362-1 mod 2547. 16. Find 47-1 mod 1258. 17. Try to find 230-1 mod 6752. What’s going wrong? 18. Calculate φ(4), φ(8), φ(16), φ(32), φ(64), and φ(128). 19. Calculate φ(9), φ(27), φ(81), φ(243). 20. Based on your answers to Exercises 18 and 19, form a conjecture for the value of φ(nm). Does your conjecture work for φ(42) and φ(43)? What about for φ(52) and φ(53)? For what values does your conjecture seem to work? 21. Suppose n = pq, where p and q are distinct primes. Prove that (n) = (p–1)(q–1). Hint: Don’t count how many integers less than n are relatively prime to n, but rather how many have a divisor in common with n, and then subtract this from the total. The numbers that have a common divisor with n will be the multiples of p and q. 22. Prove the conjecture you made in answer to Exercise 20 for the kind of values for which it appears to work. 23. Let p = 19, q = 29 and e = 215. Encipher the message M = 15 using the RSA scheme. Now decipher your ciphertext to make sure you get 15 back. 24. Encipher the following quote from Whitfield Diffie using e=535 and n = (1009)(1033) = 1042297. “Two people can work on a problem better than one.” Use groups of six numbers for the plaintext blocks. 25. The example supplied to Martin Gardner by the M.I.T. professors for his historic article in Scientific American used the text ITS ALL GREEK TO ME, an enciphering exponent of 9,007 and the modulus 1143816257578888676692357799761466120102182967212423625625618429357 06935245733897830597123563958705058989075147599290026879543541, which was found by multiplying a 64-digit prime and a 65-digit prime together. Generate the ciphertext yourself by converting the message to a single number (it will begin 09201...), raising it the given power, and moding out by the large modulus. Hint: use technology! 26. Go to and do a search for 3^6 mod 5. What happens? Next try M^e mod n using various integer values for M, e, and n. For what size values does Google return answers? 27. Key sizes are often stated in bits, even for a system such as RSA, where part of the key is the modulus. I used base ten numbers throughout this chapter of the text. What is the approximate relationship between the number of decimal digits in a modulus and its length in bits? 28. Typically the primes multiplied together to form the modulus for RSA are of about the same size. Can you find a reason for this? 29. How might the large primes needed for RSA be found? Would it be a good idea to obtain them from some table of large primes? Chapter 14 1. If n = 3713 = pq, and φ(n) = 3588, find p and q. 2. If n = 4386607 = pq, and φ(n) = 4382136, find p and q. 3. If n = 63573413 = pq, and φ(n) = 63557280, find p and q. 4. Can problems like 1, 2, and 3, above, still be easily solved (with technology), if the primes involved are over 100 digits long? Justify your answer. These problems are intended to illustrate why φ(n) must be kept secret. 5. If gcd(C,pq) 1 in RSA, show that you can factor n and hence find d. Show that the probability of gcd(C,pq) 1 is (p + q – 1)/n = 1/p + 1/q – 1/(pq). 6. Suppose Alice uses e = 3 and Bob uses e = 4 and both use the modulus n. If the message M is sent to both Alice and Bob, explain how Eve, having intercepted both copies, can read the message without factoring n. 7. Does your explanation for question 6 still work if Bob changes his e value to 5? Can you modify your answer, so that Eve may still recover the message? 8. The team that factored RSA-576 earned $10,000. Look up two values 1) the number of computing hours the team needed to accomplish this and 2) the minimum wage in 2003. Once you have these figures, multiply them. If the team had to pay the computers for their time, would they have any prize money left over for themselves? 9. Use the Sieve of Eratosthenes to find all primes less than 300. 10. Use Fermat’s method to factor 551. 11. Use Fermat’s method to factor 1617. 12. Use Fermat’s method to factor 12213. 13. Use the fact that 221 = 102 +112 = 142 + 52 to factor 221. 14. Use the fact that 1073 = 72 +322 = 172 + 282 to factor 1073. 15. Can any prime numbers be expressed as the sum of two positive numbers squared? 16. Can any prime numbers be expressed as the sum of two positive numbers squared in more than one way? 17. Fermat number’s were alluded to in this chapter. They are numbers of the form Fn 22 1 . Fermat incorrectly conjectured that they were all prime. He wasn’t often n wrong! Can you determine which is the first Fermat number to be composite? Euler was the first to answer his question. He didn’t use a computer, but you may. 18. In the 1870s, William S. Jevons described in his book The Principles of Science: A Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method how multiplication is easy, but factorization is much harder. He went on to ask “Can the reader say what two numbers multiplied together will produce the number 8,616,460,799? I think it is unlikely that anyone but myself will ever know.” Use Fermat’s factorization method (along with a computer program or a spread sheet such as Microsoft Excel) to prove Jevons was wrong. 19. It took F. N. Cole “three years of Sundays” (ending in 1903) to prove that 267 – 1 is not prime by finding the factors.8 Use modern technology and one of the algorithms described above to find the factors yourself. 20. Factor 236273 using Dixon’s algorithm. Chapter 15 1. The prime number theorem states that the ratio of (n) to n/ln(n) converges to 1 as n approaches infinity. In other words, the percent error goes to zero. What happens to the absolute error? 2. Use Fermat’s test with three different bases (or less, if it fails a test!) to decide if 629 is probably prime. 3. Use Fermat’s test with three different bases (or less, if it fails a test!) to decide if 727 is probably prime. 4. Is 561 prime? Investigate by first applying Fermat’s test with base 2, and then by applying the Miller-Rabin test with base 2. 5. Apply the Miller-Rabin test with two different bases (or just one, if it fails the test!) to decide if 941 is probably prime. 8 Ribenboim, Paulo, The New Book of Prime Number Records, third edition, Springer, New York, 1995, p. 163. 6. Apply the Miller-Rabin test with two different bases (or just one, if it fails the test!) to decide if 1909 is probably prime. 7. The chance of a composite number passing a Miller-Rabin test with a randomly chosen base is less than ¼. How many independent tests should be done to guarantee the chance of the number being composite is less than .000001? 8. Would S = {2, 8, 16, 22, 52, 103, 211, 450} be an acceptable choice for a small knapsack? 9. Would S = {3, 9, 23, 75, 239, 548, 1298, 2459} be an acceptable choice for a small knapsack? 10. Finish enciphering WELL DONE, this chapter’s example for the knapsack cipher. 11. Use the knapsack S = {2, 4, 9, 19, 38, 75, 155, 324, 1255, 2521, 5033, 9514, 20161, 40327, 80644, 161299} with the multiplier m = 5837 and the modulus n = 323760 in the scrambled order 6, 11, 1, 16, 10, 7, 3, 14, 9, 8, 12, 4, 15, 2, 5, 13 to encipher MERKLE, two characters at a time, using the ASCII coding scheme. 12. Use the knapsack S = {3, 5, 9, 20, 41, 83, 165, 333, 672, 1342, 2679, 5353, 10722, 21475, 42907, 86103} with the multiplier m = 8539 and the modulus n = 175326 in the scrambled order 10, 1, 13, 15, 8, 9, 16, 6, 5, 7, 14, 2, 12, 4, 11, 3 to encipher BOMB, two characters at a time, using the ASCII coding scheme. 13. Suppose Alice’s public Elgamal key consists of p = 2741, g = 43, and A = 55. Use the encoding scheme applied in the Elgamal example in this chapter and the key k = 14 to encipher MATH, two letters at a time. If you want to check your work by deciphering, Alice uses a = 25. 14. Suppose Alice’s public Elgamal key consists of p = 2789, g = 65, and A = 2041. Use the encoding scheme applied in the Elgamal example in this chapter and the key k = 23 to encipher CRYPTO, two letters at a time. If you want to check your work by deciphering, Alice uses a = 19. 15. Decipher the following Elgamal ciphertext by using p = 3019 and a = 13. First pair of letters: C1 = 1093 Second pair of letters: C1 = 1093 C2 = 633 C2 = 2451 Note: C1 is the same or both pairs of letter. All this indicates is that the sender used the same key, k, for both. 16. Decipher the Elgamal ciphertext given below by using p = 3083 and a = 37. The message will be the name of a band. If you haven’t heard of this band, it might just look like random letters! First pair of letters: C1 = 376 Second pair of letters: C1 = 445 C2 = 3069 C2 = 2279 Unlike the previous exercise, the C1 value changes from the first pair of letters to the second. This indicates that the sender used a different key, for the second pair. Chapter 16 1. Alice wants to send Bob the signed and enciphered message M = 72. If Bob’s public key is eB = 17, nB = 3293, and Alice’s private key and modulus are dA = 31, nA = 5063, what value should Alice send? 2. Alice wants to send Bob the signed and enciphered message M = 49. If Bob’s public key is eB = 41, nB = 4747, and Alice’s private key and modulus are dA = 11, nA = 6667, what value should Alice send? 3. Suppose you work at a company where everyone is given a different RSA key pair, but they all share the modulus n = 143. Your public/private key pair is eM = 13 and dM = 37. Alice’s public key is eA = 47. Use Attack #13 to find a private key that will allow you to impersonate Alice. Like other exercises, the numbers here are kept unrealistically small. This greatly eases the calculations involved and allows you to check your result by factoring n and calculating (n), to see what values will serve as inverses for eA modulo (n). Attack #13 will work for larger moduli, where factoring isn’t feasible. 4. a) What would you send to convey the message M = 95 using an Elgamal signature if p = 2687, g = 22, a = 17, s = 54, and the random enciphering key for the message is e = 73. b) Now pretend you are the intended recipient and check the validity of the signature. Note that the recipient wouldn’t know s, but v = gs = 678 would be made public by the sender. 5. Suppose the message M = 39 arrives with the Elgamal signature S1 = 1283, S2 = 165. Use p = 2687, g = 22, and v = 678 to determine if the signature is valid. 6. Suppose a password p is enciphered via the rule C = (216)(p) (mod 1019 – 1). If C = 8353277155099344942, what was p? You should solve this problem by first calculating the multiplicative inverse of 216 (mod 1019 – 1). 7. Key generation for DSA was done in this chapter by picking a prime q and then testing 2q + 1 for primality. If q must be 100 digits long, how many different prime values would we have to test, on average, to find one such that 2q + 1 is also prime? You may estimate this value by using the prime number theorem from chapter 15. Don’t concern yourself about whether or not a number of the form 2q +1 is more or less likely to be prime, if we know q is prime. Simply find what percentage of numbers of this size are prime and use this fact (in conjunction with the observation that 2q + 1 is always odd) to get your answer. 8. For DSA, the two primes q and p are often taken at 160 and 512 bits, respectively. If q is generated first and we test numbers of the form kq + 1 for primality to find p, how large should k be? Remember, a one bit increase in length doubles the size of the number. 9. A method for finding the two primes, p and q, required by DSA was given by Alexander W. Dent and Chris J. Mitchell in User’s Guide to Cryptography and Standards. It follows below. “Randomly generate a large prime number p, known as the modulus. The modulus p should be at least 512 bits long…. Randomly generate a large prime q such that q divides into p – 1. The prime q is known as the order and should be at least 160 bits long.”9 Explain why this technique would be more time consuming than the method I suggested. Of course, it is more important to generate the primes securely (i.e., as randomly as possible) than quickly. 10. Verify the claim made in the DSA example that the message cannot be changed from D to C without detection. 11. a) Use DSA to generate a signature for the message M=21 using q = 97, p = 971, g = 169, s = 35, v = 141, and k = 8. Let the hash function simply take M to M, since M is small. b) Verify that the signature is valid. 12. Suppose the message M = 75 arrives with the DSA signature S1 = 58, S2 = 79. Use q = 97, p = 971, g = 169, and v = 141 to determine if the signature is valid. Chapter 18 1. Iterate the LCG Xn = (9Xn – 1 + 4) (mod 26) starting with the seed value X0 = 5. Don’t stop until you reach the seed again. 2. Iterate the LCG Xn = (11Xn – 1 + 6) (mod 26) starting with the seed value X0 = 8. Don’t stop until you reach a value that was previously obtained. 3. Consider an intercepted ciphertext that begins 13 19 30. You happen to know that it was enciphered with an LCG having the form Xn = (aXn – 1 + b) (mod 67). You are fortunate to know the modulus, but you do not know a or b. There is a seed X0 that was used to start the LCG, but X0 was not used for enciphering and you do not know its value. The first three characters were enciphered by adding X1, X2, and X3 to their numerical values using the scheme A = 0, B = 1, Dent, Alexander W., and Chris J. Mitchell, User’s Guide to Cryptography and Standards, Artech House, Boston, Massachusetts, 2005, p. 143. 9 C = 2,… Z = 25 without any further modular arithmetic. Assuming the first three characters of the message were THE, recover the values of a and b. 4. The attack made in exercise 3 would take longer without a crib. Assume the message is 50 characters long.10 How could a brute force attack on the first three plaintext letters be carried out to reveal the correct values of a and b? 5. Use the LFSR pictured below with initial seed 1010 to generate a full period of bits. What length is this period?11 6. Can we get a maximal period from an LFSR by tapping an odd number of bits? Hint: consider whether or not the tap polynomial is reducible modulo 2. 7. Will the LFSR represented by the tap polynomial p(x) = x3 + x2 + 1 yield a maximal period? 8. Find a way to tap a shift register of length 5 to get a period of 31. 9. Determine the tap polynomial for each of the LFSRs used in A5/1. 10. Suppose an LFSR of the form bn+4 = a3bn+3 a2bn+2 a1bn+1 a0bn, where each of the ai is either 0 or 1, produces the following stream 01101011. Determine the values of the ai. 11. In A5/1, assuming that 0s and 1s are equally likely for each of the clocking bits, what is the probability in a cycle that the first LFSR will advance? Note: the answer would be the same if the question were posed for the second or third LFSR. 12. The following appeared as a challenge to Cryptologia readers in 1978. James Reeds broke it, can you? The following scheme was used to generate a stream cipher: Xn+1 = QXn (mod p) with Q = 75 = 16,807, p = 231 – 1, and X0 some positive seed value less than p. To get the numbers above in the desired range, we plug the number we obtain (now called R) into the formula r = 1 + [(N)(R)/(231 – 1)], where N is the desired upper bound and [ ] denotes the greatest integer function. In the challenge, N=257. There’s nothing special about 50 here. It merely indicates that we have a fair amount of text following the first three characters. 11 Image from 10 The scheme uses the APL character set (different from ASCII!), which is defined (in part) by (blank)=65 A=66 B=67 Y=90 Z=91 Encryption is carried out by Ci = 1 + (Pi + ri – 1) mod 256. Every so often the seed is changed and the difference equation generates numbers anew. 105 110 40 237 208 160 8 66 122 199 12 95 184 188 33 218 145 221 184 243 105 221 69 244 71 47 237 133 154 215 55 123 55 9 127 63 155 32 174 118 25 162 59 181 82 10 248 162 110 171 15 125 209 5 29 178 172 106 229 118 202 90 191 186 162 The challengers provided the following information: “The plaintext message contains only letters and blanks, and does contain the words CAFE and PAKISTAN. The number of seeds chosen was greater than 1, but less than 10.”12 Chapter 19 1. Use Hasse’s theorem to find bounds for the number of points on an elliptic curve modulo 883. 2. Use Hasse’s theorem to find bounds for the number of points on an elliptic curve modulo 547. 3. Use Hasse’s theorem to find an upper bound on the smallest prime modulus that will yield at least 1000 points for any elliptic curve. 4. Use Hasse’s theorem to find an upper bound on the smallest prime modulus that will yield at least 5000 points for any elliptic curve. 5. We represented 100P as 2(2(P+2(2(2(P+2P))))), so that the multiplication could be performed more quickly. Find similar expressions for a) 108P b) 76P 12 Names Withheld, Encryption Challenge, Cryptologia, Vol. 2, No. 2, April 1978, p. 171. c) 65P d) 29P 6. Verify that 5(14, 15) = (8,8) for the elliptic curve y2 = x3 – 2x + 3 (mod 29). 7. Verify that (12, 5) + (8,8) = (15, 19) for the elliptic curve y2 = x3 – 2x + 3 (mod 29). 8. Find all solutions to y2 = x3 + 2x + 5 (mod 11). 9. Find all solution to y2 = x3 + 3x + 7 (mod 13). 10. The Rijndael S-box sends 59 to 226. Verify that the polynomial inverse / matrix method achieves the same result. 11. The Rijndael S-box sends 228 to 105. Verify that the polynomial inverse / matrix method achieves the same result. 12. Explain why the Rijndael S-box could not be defined by sending every byte to its inverse modulo x8 + x4 + x3 + x, followed by the matrix multiplication. Hint: the modulus was changed in a small, but significant, way. 13. Use the extended Euclidean algorithm to find the inverse of x5 + x3 + 1 modulo x8 + x4 + x3 + x + 1. 14. Use the extended Euclidean algorithm to find the inverse of x6 + x5 + x4 modulo x8 + x4 + x3 + x + 1. 15. When deciphering, to undo the MixColumns step, we need to multiply each column by d(x) = 11x3 + 13x2 + 9x + 14. Represent this operation in terms of matrix multiplication, just as was done for the enciphering step using c(x). 16. Calculate RC10, RC11, and RC12. 17. Calculate RC13 and RC14. 18. How long would it take to break AES by brute force, on average, if a billion keys can be checked every second? Suppose an attack is found that’s a thousand times better than brute force. How long would it take now?