Systematic and statistical errors in the Aluminum data runs Septimiu Balascuta, James David Bowman, 07/20/2012 1. Introduction This report is a description of correction methods for the systematic errors due to transient electronic signals originating in the VME3 module of the NPDGamma Data Acquisition. The transient is overlapped with the detector signals during the Aluminum and Chlorine data runs in July 2011. The correction of the systematic errors was done first by extracting the transient amplitude and decay time from the minimization of a χ2 function. The correction factors in the 48 detector asymmetries are calculated at the end of each run. 1. The cuts used in the analysis. The Aluminum data runs were analyzed starting with run 63207 up to run 66200 for 1950 good runs. In the analyzing program the detector background was calculated for each accepted spin sequence by computing the average signal near the top of the pulse, from time bin 16 to 32, and near the start of the pulse, from time bin 0 to 8, and using 48 g-factors that were read from a file. The g-factors were calculated before the analysis of Aluminum data, for each detector by using the pulse average of the dropped pulses present in some spin sequences with beam-on. The cuts were placed on spin-sequences to eliminate any possible systematic effects. The first cut eliminated the spin sequences with bad header quality bit. The quality bit is a flag that is zero if turning the Spin Rotator on or off is done in the proper sequence: the Spin Rotator is one during pulses 0, 3 ,5, 6 and is off during pulses 1,2 4, 7. The neutron spin is rotated with 180 degrees when the Spin Rotator is on. The second cut eliminated the spin sequences with dropped pulses. The dropped pulse occurred when the proton beam was not sent into the mercury target. This was releted with the synchronization of the pulses in the proton beam. To detect a dropped pulse the average monitor signal in a pulse was calculated. If the average was smaller than 0.12 Volts then the pulse was a dropped pulse and the entire spin sequence was rejected. The next three cuts are upper limits placed on monitor 2 and detector signal and are named Cut1, Cut2 and Cut3. Cut1 is placed on the monitor 2 signal and eliminated the very slow (wrap around) neutrons. The upper limit for this cut was calculated for each good spin sequence by summing the monitor 2 signals in the time bin intervals [30, 35] and [17, 20] for each of the eight pulses in the sequence. The absence of the wrap around neutrons due to a dropped pulse (two pulse frames ago) can be seen in the time window [30, 35] closer to the end of the pulse. In contrast the wraps around neutrons are not present in the time window [17, 20]. 35 S (k ) Vm 2 (k , t ) t 30 (1) For this reason the ratio of the monitor M2 areas integrated in these two windows is small when the wrap-around neutrons are not present in the pulse. The maximum and the minimum of the integrated M2 signals in the time bin intervals [30, 35] are calculated for each spin sequence: 35 S (k ) Vm 2 (k , t ) t 30 (2) V2max max{S (k )}k (3) V2min min{S (k )}k (4) The average of the eight average M2 signals between time bins 17 and 20 is calculated for the same spin sequence: 1 7 20 V (t ) VS 2 m 2 8 k 0 t 17 4 (5) The upper limit of Cut1 is estimated from the histogram of the ratio between the maximum and the minimum values V2max and V2min divided with the average Vs2: V V2min R1 2max CUT1 Vs 2 (6) The limit CUT1 can be between 0.12 and 0.2 as seen in the histogram of this ratio calculated from all spin sequences with no dropped pulses (figure 1) CUT1 Figure 1: The histogram of the ratio R1 is calculated from 1950 Aluminum data runs. The second cut is placed on the spin sequences that passed all the cuts (Cut0 and Cut1) mentioned above. First the integrated monitor signal is calculated over all 40 time bins in each pulse (k). The maxim and the minim of the eight pulse areas in M 2 are calculated. The ratio between the differences S2max – S2min divided with the average of the eight M2 pulses is calculated and compared with the upper limit CUT2. 39 1 7 A(k ) Vm 2 (k , t ) As A(k ) 8 k 0 t 0 (7) S2max max{ A(k ), k 0...7} (8) (9) S2min min{ A(k ), k 0...7} (10) R2 (S2max S2min ) / As CUT2 The histogram of the ratio R2 built from 150 Aluminum runs is presented in figure 2. Figure 2: The histogram of the ratio R2 is calculated over 150 data runs. Cut2 can be between 0.3 and 0.4. The third cut is placed on the eight pulses of the detector signals. The maximum and the minimum of the integrated detector signal are calculated at each of the eight pulses in the spin sequence. 1 39 Yd (k ) (11) Yd (k , t ) 40 t 0 39 S d (k ) 40Yd (k ) Yd (k , t ) (12) t 0 Dmax max{Sd (k )} (13) Dmin min{Sd (k )} (14) The spin sequence average of the eight integrated detector signals is calculated: 1 7 (15) S d (k ) 8 k 0 The difference between the maximum and the minimum detector signals divided with the spin sequence average R3 is calculated for each spin sequence. The histogram of the ratio R3 is divided with the spin sequence average of the detector signal is presented in figure 3. D Dmin (16) R3 max CUT3 Dss Dss Figure 3. The histogram of the ratio R3 calculated from the first detector signal is built from 100 Al data runs of the first detector signal. 2. The counting statistics. The standard deviation of the pulse average detector signal depends on the fluctuations in the beam intensity from one pulse to the other, and on random numbers of detected gamma photons per time bin, when the neutrons are captured in the solid Aluminum target. The pulse average detector signal is calculated in a time bin interval [T1, T2] where T1 depends on the switch on time of the Spin Rotator: T 2 1 Yk (d ) Yk (d , t ) T2 T1 1 T1 (17) The measurement of the beam-off detector signals with a 9 Volts connected to the 12 inputs of each the sum-difference module in the VME3 [1] showed that there are two transients correlated with the T0 signal of the Spin Sequencer and the RF input signal of the Spin Rotator (figure 4). There are four sum-difference modules for each of the four detector rings. The measurements were done for each of the four sum modules of the four detector rings. In the presence of the beam the detector signal is a sum of the beam signal, proportional with the flux of gamma rays, and the two transient signals. Figure 4: The signal of the first detector, in the first ring, was measured as a function of time, with a 9 V battery connected to the sum-difference module of the first ring. In this work it is assumed that the parity term (P) does not depend on time bin. This approximation is good for the time bin interval [8, 38] inside each pulse. For this time bin interval the Spin Rotator is completely switched on. The pulse number in the spin sequence “k” takes values from 0 to 7, with 0 the first pulse in the spin sequence, with SR on and the neutron spin down. In figure 4 there is a major transient with amplitude Vd and decay time “tau”, generated during the 9th beam pulse at the end of each spin sequence of eight pulses. The DAQ in the VME3 module reads data during eight pulses and transfers the data to a PC disk during the 9th beam pulse. The transient is due to the discharge of the capacitor inside the VME3 module, when the ADC inputs in the VME3 module starts reading again the detector signal. The transient in the above figure was fitted with a simple exponential decay function with zero offset. The same measurements showed that there are also minor transients in the seven pulses (k=1…7) of the spin sequence. These minor transients generated in the short time interval between two consecutive pulses in a spin sequence, have amplitude Ad smaller than Vd and are generated by the discharge of the same capacitor in the VME3 module of the Spin Sequencer, during the time gap between two pulse readings. Therefore the two transients have the same decay time (tau). If the time for one time bin is t1=0.416E-3 seconds, “k” is the pulse number and “t” is the time measured relative to the start of the pulse, then the detector signal at pulse k >0 is equal with: Yd (k , t ) hd I k (t )(1 Psk ) Vd e ( t kT )/ Ad e t / k 1 e jT / (18) j 1 The sum in the last term in the right hand side is the due to the minor exponential transient generated at the beginning of all k-1 pulses (1, 2… k-1) previous to pulse k in the same spin sequence. The transients generated in the previous spin sequences are completely negligible because the transient decay time, is between 15 milliseconds and 20 milliseconds and the time for one pulse is 25 milliseconds. Because the number of fitting parameters have to be smaller than eight (the number of pulses), for each pulse starting with the second pulse in the spin sequence (k=1), one has to neglect the tails of the minor exponential transient generated in previous pulses. This is a rough approximation because if the asymmetry is calculated for the last pulses, the difference between the amplitudes of the minor transient introduces a false asymmetry because the two pulses have different spins and the amplitudes of the minor transient at the start of the two pulses are always correlated. The constant sk is +1 for pulses with spin-up (k=1, 2, 4, 7) and -1 for pulses with spin-down (k=0, 3, 5, 6). By summing the detector signal in equation 4 between time bins T1 and T2, and dividing with the number of time bins T 2-T1+1, one can calculate the pulse average detector signal: Yd (k ) hd I k (1 Psk ) Vd s1 ( ) e kT / Ad s1 ( ) f k (19) The sum (s1) is given by the relation: T2 1 s1 ( ) exp(t / ) T2 T1 1 t T1 T2 1 Ik I k (t ) T2 T1 1 t T1 (20) (21) 1 k>0 fk 0 k=0 q1 exp(1/ ) (22) The time average detector signal can be fitted with a function that has four fitting parameters: P (the parity), Vd (the major transient amplitude), q1=exp(-1/tau) (transient decay rate) and Ad (the minor transient amplitude). In the following relations the “tau” dependence of the function s1 (tau) will not be written explicitly. The dependence has to be considered in the calculation of the fitting errors from the error matrix. The time average of the gamma ray yield inside a pulse k (equation 21) is a factor that multiplies (1+P* sk) because the parity has a negligible time dependence. One can define also the spin sequence-average gamma ray yield the eight pulses: T2 1 Is I k (t ) T2 T1 1 t T1 (23) The spin - sequence average of the eight pulse-average detector signals is given by: 1 7 7 Yd ( s ) Yd (k ) Yd (k ) hd I s Vd s1s8 Ad s1 8 k 0 8 7 s8 e (24) kT / k 0 8 (25) The parity is calculated for each detector “d” by fitting the time averaged detector signal Yd (k) with a fitting function derived from equation 26: 7 2 1 2 1 Y (k ) U d (1 Pd sk vd s1 ( ) e 2 d k 0 d ,k kT / wd f k (26) The relative transient amplitudes are given by the equation: vd Vd hd I k ad wd ad f k Ad hd I k (27) (28) The relative transients amplitude depend on the detector gains and the multiplicative noise in the detectors preamplifiers. For simplicity of the fit, it is convenient to substitute v d∙ s 1 with the fitting parameter α d and ad∙ s 1 with the fitting constant w d: d vd s1 ( ) wd ad s1 ( ) (29) Due to the beam intensity fluctuations from one spin sequence to the other, it is expected that the standard deviation in the pulse-average detector signal Yk(d) over all good Aluminum runs is bigger than the standard deviation in the ratio Yd(k)/Yd(s) calculated at each accepted spin sequence (figure 5). As expected the contribution of the beam intensity fluctuations cancel in the ratio Yd(k)/Yd(s) where Yd(k) is the timeaverage of detector signal at pulse k and Yd(s) the average of all 8 detector timeaverage signals Yd(k) (k=0 to 7) in a spin sequence. Figure 5: The standard deviation (RMS) of the time average detector signal for a pulse “k” , Yd(k), and the standard deviation of the ratio Yd(k)/Yd(s) calculated at each spin sequence, where Yd(s) is the spin sequence average, and for each detector. The spin sequence average detector signal (background subtracted) Yd(s) is calculated over all Aluminum runs in figure 6. Figure 6: The pulse average detector voltage, background subtracted, is calculated for each detector, for all 1950 Aluminum runs. The ratio of the pulse average signals of two opposite detectors (d1, d2) is written in equation 30. The gains of the two detectors (hd1, hd2) do not cancel out in the ratio. This ratio, calculated over all good spin sequences in a run, contains not only the statistical errors due to the counting statistics but also the contribution of the electronic transients integrated over time bins [T1, T2]. The contribution of the transient increases the root mean square of the histogram of this ratio and introduces a systematic error in the parity calculated from the difference over the sum of two ratios calculated (equation 32). This ratio can be calculated for each pulse in the spin sequence and for each detector “d1” in the first half (beam-right) of the 12 detectors in each ring. The parities for the two opposite detectors in a ring are Pd1=P and Pd2 = -P. In equation 30 the average beam intensity cancels in the ratio. In reality due to the multiplicative noise at the detector output and to the transient signal the time-average of the product hd*Ik(t) has a contribution from integration over multiplicative noise correlated with the noise in the transient signal. The product of the time average beam intensity and the detector gains is present in the relative transient amplitudes. The transients do not cancel in the ratio of the average signals of opposite detectors and the root mean square of a histogram of this ratio has contributions from both the counting statistics and the transient signals. kT /1 wd1 f k ) Y (d ) hd I k (1 Ps 1 k d1 e k R1,2 k 1 1 (29) kT / 2 Yk (d 2 ) hd2 I k (1 Ps wd2 f k ) 1 k d2 e Let F1(k) and F2(k) be the sum of the two transients integrated over time bins [T1,T2] in pulse k such that: F1 (k ) d1 ekT /1 wd1 f k (31) F2 (k ) d2 e kT / 2 wd2 f k Neglecting the terms in the second error, equation (31) becomes: k R1,2 R1,2j R R k 1,2 j 1,2 1 1 2 P1,2k , j ( F1 (k ) F2 (k )) ( F1 ( j ) F2 ( j )) 2 2 (32) The terms F1 (k) - F2 (k) and F1 (j) –F2 (j) do not cancel in equation 32 (even if the relative transient amplitudes for the two detectors are close) because the time average factors (hd1*Ik) and (hd2*Ik) are different. Equation (32) is valid for each pairs of pulses with opposite spin: k (spin up) and j (spin down). The average parity is calculated at each spin sequence over all 16 pairs of opposite pulses and contains a factor proportional with the transient in addition to the average parity: Without correction, the parity for two pairs of pulses with opposite neutron spin (k, spin up and j spin down) is given in equation 34, and the average parity over all 16 pairs of pulses is given by equation 35. k, j 1,2 P k R1,2 R1,2j k 2( R1,2 R1,2j ) (33) P k, j 1,2 P k j 16 (34) In equation (35) the false asymmetry due to the transients increases the 24 parities and the two asymmetries calculated from the minimum of the chi2 function for 24 pairs. If the parity is calculated at each time bin and averaged over 16 pairs of pulses, the transient contribution to the asymmetry is reduced. The transient terms we introduce the ratio of the signals of two opposite detectors at the same time bin “t”: ( t kT )/1 ad1 e t /1 f k ) Yk (t , d1 ) hd1 I k (t )(1 Ps 1 k vd1 e k R1,2 (t ) ( t kT )/ 2 Yk (t , d 2 ) hd2 I k (t )(1 Ps ad2 e t / 2 f k ) 1 k vd 2 e (35) This time the two time functions I k (t) exactly cancel in the ratio. To cancel also the detector gains, the parity is calculated at time bin “t” from the difference divided with the sum of the opposite detectors ratio measured at pulses (k, j) with opposite spins: q1k q1j q2k q2j (ad1 s1 ad2 s2 )( f k f j ) 2Pk , j (t ) vd1 s1 vd2 s2 k R1,2 (t ) R1,2j (t ) 2 2 2 k R1,2 (t ) R1,2j (t ) (36) The last term always cancel when the pulses k and j are both bigger than zero. Because the relative transient amplitude (vd1, vd2 and q1, q2) and decay times are about the same (between -4E-5 and -1E-5) the difference between the second and the third term are even smaller. For each time bin the average P(t) is calculated over all pulses with opposite spin: k vd s1 R1,2 (t ) R1,2j (t ) v s 1 2 P (t ) k 1 (q1k q1j ) d 2 2 (q2k q2j ) j 16 k , j , R1,2 (t ) R1,2 (t ) k , j 2 2 k, j (37) Eventually the time average parity is calculated: T2 P P (t ) t T1 T2 T1 1 (38) In the average P (t) over 16 pairs of pulses with opposite spins (equation 37) the two differences cancel out because the relative amplitudes of the transient fluctuates from one spin sequence to the next with a Gaussian distribution with almost zero average. This cancelation does not happen when the ratio R1, 2 is calculated from the time average of opposite detector signals. This is why the standard deviation of the parity calculated from the ratio of time-average detector signals is bigger than the standard deviation of the parity from the ratio of the opposite detector signals at each time bin (figure 7). Figure 7: The root mean square (RMS) of the histograms build from the ratios calculated from equation 1. This result indicates that the multiplicative noise cancels in the ratio of the two detectors signals measured at the same time bin, but does not cancel in the ratio of the two time-average detector signals calculated over the same pulse (k). The background voltage (V ped) for Aluminum runs is calculated for each detector in figure 8. The standard error in the pedestal voltage is between 7E-6 and 1.4E-5, after 1950 Al runs. Figure 8: The background is calculated for each detector from the dropped pulses, and averaged over all data runs. The error of mean Vped is between 7E-6 and 1.4E-5 Volts. The pulse average signals of the two opposite detectors in pair are Yk(d1) and Yk(d2) and the ratio of the pulse-average beam intensity is R1,2k =Yk(d1)/Yk(d2). In the absence of the transients, both the detector gains and the beam intensity cancel in the ratio (R1,2k-R1,2j) divided with the sum (R1,2k+R1,2j) where “i” and “j” are two pulses with opposite spins (equation 38). However the transient cannot be neglected in this ratio because the parity in Aluminum is of the order 1E-7 and the relative transient amplitude is about 2E-5. Taking in account the transient this ratio is approximately equal with twice the parity (2*P*sk) plus the transient terms. The contribution of the transient to the false asymmetry can be seen from the width of the histogram (Rk - Rj )/ (Rk + Rj) calculated from the ratio of pulse-average signals of opposite detectors (figure 9). Figure 9: The histogram of the ratio (R1-R2)/(R1+R2) for the first pair of opposite detectors (0 and 6) and averaged over all opposite-spin pulses is calculated over 1.08E6 Aluminum data sequences. The RMS of the histogram is 0.001446. For each good spin sequence, the time average of the parity for the first pair of detectors, calculated from equation 37 over the time bin interval [8 , 38], is input in the histogram (figure 10). The root mean square of this histogram is 4E-4, about 4 times smaller than the root mean square of the root mean square calculated from the histogram of the ratio in equation 38. Figure 10: The histogram of the time averaged parity for the pair of opposite detectors 0 and 6 is calculated over all good spin sequence in Aluminum data runs. The parity at each time bin (from 8 to 38) is calculated for this pair of detectors and for all 16 pairs of opposite spin pulses in a spin sequence and then averaged over the time bin interval. The RMS of the parity histogram is 0.000398. The standard deviation of pulse-average detector signal can be calculated with and without background subtraction. The calculation of the standard deviation due to counting statistics starts from the ratio R of pulse-average signals of two opposite detectors. The standard deviation of the detector voltage σY calculated at the end of each run is between 10-3 and 10-2. The standard deviation due only to the counting statistics can be calculated from the ratio of pulse average detector signals. The square of the relative standard deviation of the ratio of detector signals is equal with: Y2,k ,d 1 Yk ,d1 2 k2,d Yk ,d2 2 2 R2 k 2 k R (39) The two terms in the sum are about equal because the ratio does not depend on detector gains. Therefore the counting statistics contribution to the pulse average can be calculated at the end of the run, from the average of the ratio (σR /R) over all spin sequences: k ,d 1 Yk (d1 ) Rk 2 Rk (40) The beam intensity fluctuations contribute to the standard deviation sig (Yk) and is about 8 times bigger than the standard deviation calculated from the ratio Rk . The standard deviation of the pulse-average detector signals, due only to counting statistics, is calculated for each detector from the ratio of pulse-average signals of a pair of opposite detectors. At the end of the run the average of the standard deviation is calculated over all accepted (Ns) spin sequences in the run: Y2( k ,r ,d ) 1 Yk2,r ,d1 1 N s Rk ,s 1 2 N s s 1 2 Rs 2 N s 1 X2 ( k ,d ) 2 Nr r 1 NR X k ,d r 1 Ns 7 s 1 k 0 ( Rk , s Rs ) 2 7 Rs2 (41) 1 Y2( k ,r ,d ) Yk ,d ,r Y2( k ,d ,r ) (42) NR r 1 1 2 Y ( k ,d ,r ) Sig(X,d) is calculated for each detector and for two pulses (0 and 1) in figure 11. Figure 11. The standard error sigma(X, d) of the weighted pulse average detector signal X(d, k) is calculated for each detector. If the transient terms would be zero and for the same pulse average of the number of gamma rays in the opposite detectors, the sum over all 16 pairs of pulses (k, j) with opposite spins would be zero: Rk R j 0 (43) k , j Rk R j The contribution of the transient terms and the counting statistics makes the average of the above sum not zero due to the relative transient terms. If R1 and R2 are the ratio of opposite detectors at pulses 1 and 2, then the ratio (R1R2)/(R1+R2) calculated for all 4*4 pairs of opposite pulses is presented in figure 12. Figure 12: The ratio of the pulse average voltages of a pair of opposite detectors (R1) is calculated for all 16 pairs of pulses with opposite neutron spin in the spin sequence, and over all 24 pairs of conjugate detectors. The standard deviation of the ratio (R1-R2)/(R1+R2) calculated for each accepted spin sequence is presented in figure 13. Figure 13: The standard deviation of the ratio (R1-R2)/(R1+R2) is calculated for each pair of opposite detectors, for two pulses with spin up and spin down respectively. Figure 14: The standard deviation of the ratio R of two pulse-average signal of opposite detectors is plotted against the run number for the first three pairs of opposite detectors in the first ring. The pulse average detector signal is calculated with and without pedestal subtraction in figure 15. The detector pedestal is calculated for each detector. Figure 15: The pulse average detector voltage with and without background subtraction is calculated for each detector. The error bars in this figure are the standard deviation in the pulse-average detector signal for Aluminum runs for 1472 runs (from 63200 to 65000) and are between 1.2E-2 and 1E-3 (Volts). The error of the mean for the pulse average detector signal and is between 10-4 and 2*10-4 (Volts). 4. The calculation of the asymmetry for each detector. The evidence of the systematic error due to the electronic transients, ring offsets and beam fluctuations is seen clearly when the asymmetry is calculated for each detector. Ignoring the electronic transients the detector signal at each time bin “t” and pulse “k” is equal with: Yk ,d (t ) hd I k (t )(1 Psk ) (44) At each spin sequence, the asymmetry at a time bin “t” is calculated for each of the 16 pairs of pulses with opposite spins (“k” spin up and “j” spin down), from the ratio of the difference and the sum of the detector signals: Yk ,d (t ) Y j ,d (t ) Yk ,d (t ) Y j ,d (t ) Pdk , j (t ) (45) The parity at time bin “t” is equal with the average of the 16 parities calculated at time bin “t”: Pdk , j (t ) 16 Pd (t ) k , j , (46) The time average parity is calculated over the time bin interval [T1, T2] where T1, and T2 depends on the switch-on time of the Spin Rotator and closing time of the chopper respectively. T2 Pd P (t ) t T1 d (47) T2 T1 1 The asymmetry is calculated according to the equations (45, 46, and 47) for each of the 48 detectors. The raw asymmetries (A1, B1) and the four ring offsets (C0, C1, C2, C3) are calculated in the end of the loop over the Aluminum data runs, from the minimization of the chi2 function with 48 -6 degrees of liberty. In this equation the detector number is d=r*12+j, the ring number is “r” and the detector inside the ring is “j”: 3 11 482 r 0 j 0 1 2 Ar , j P r, j r, j r, j AG 1 ud B1Glr Cr 2 (48) The detector asymmetries calculated with this procedure have a standard deviation between 6.3E-4 and 7.6E-4. The up-down and left-right asymmetries are calculated from the raw asymmetries by dividing with the Spin Rotator efficiency (eSR=0.97 +/-0.01) neutron beam Polarization (Pn=0.94+/-0.02) and the coefficient of neutron spin depolarization (Ds=0.99 +/-0.01) in the Aluminum target. A1 SR Pn s B1 ALR SR Pn s AUD (49) (50) Figure 16: The asymmetry is calculated from equation (47) for each detector, from all 1950 Aluminum data runs. For each detector asymmetry the error bars are the root mean squares of the asymmetry histogram. The fitting parameters from the chi2 fit are A1=(-0.80 +/- 0.65)E-8, B1=(-2.13 +/-0.65)E-7, C0=(1.12+/-0.08)E-6, C1=(9.97 +/-0.73) E-7, C2=(1.18 +/- 0.07)E-6 and C3=(1.03 +/-0.08)E-6, the physical asymmetries are Au,d= (- 0.87 +/-0.71)E-8 and Al, r=(-2.33+/-0.71)E-7 All the four positive ring offsets are due to the presence of the transient signals. In the limits of their standard errors, the up-down and left –right asymmetries are about equal with the two physical asymmetries calculated from the ratio of opposite detector signals. 4. The fit of the time-average detector signal with one transient signal. The average of the detector signal over the time bin interval [8, 38] was calculated for each pulse “k” in all accepted spin sequences in a run [2]. At the end of each run, the average detector signal was fitted with a simple function that has only one transient term: U hd I s (51) The sum “s1” is given by the relation: T2 1 s1 ( ) exp(t / ) T2 T1 1 t T1 1 T2 Is Ik 8 t T1 (52) (53) vd s1 ( ) (54) q exp(40 / ) (55) The parameter α in equation 46 was introduced to simplify the fitting function. The relative transient amplitude vd is about two times bigger than α. The average detector voltage was calculated from the weighted average X (d, k) of the average detector voltage Y (d, k) at the end of each run according to equations 41 and 42. The weighted average of the time average detector signals X (d, k) and its standard error σ X (d, k) enter in the chi2 function: 7 2 1 k 0 1 2 X ( d ,k ) ( X d ,k U (1 Psk q k )) 2 (56) The fitting parameters are U, P, α and q=exp (-40/tau) with the transient decay time “tau” in units of time bins. The 48 parities were calculated from the minimum of eightstep chi2 function (equation 49) at the end of 1950 Aluminum data runs. To take into account the four offsets for each ring, the 48 detector parities were fitted with a second chi2 function that depends on 6 fitting parameters A1, B1, C0, C1, C2 and C3: 3 11 2 2 k 0 j 0 1 2 P(k , j ) ( Pk , j A1Gudk , j B1Glrk , j Ck )2 (57) 5.1 The results for Aluminum data runs The parity (P), transient amplitude (α) and decay parameter (q) were calculated from a fit to equation (23), for each of the 48 detectors. The time-averaged detector signals in each pulse X (d, k) and the standard deviation due to counting statistics σ (d, k) were calculated as described above. The calculations were done using the code located in the folder /home/balascuta/analysis/ The fitting parameters parity (P), 1st transient amplitude (V), 1st transient decay time (tau) and 2nd transient amplitude (W) are calculated from the chi2 fit at the end of the runs. The 48 parities calculated from the fit, presented in figure 16, are shifted to negative values due to the partial correction of the ring offsets and of the transient signal contribution to the asymmetry. Figure 16: The Parity calculated from the fit of pulse-average detector signal normalized to the spin-sequence average detector signal, is calculated for each detector, using 6.77E6 accepted spin sequences (runs from 63207 to 66200). The relative transient amplitude (v) and the product v*s1=alpha are presented in figure 17. Because s1 is an average of the numbers exp (-t /τ) smaller than 1, α is smaller than the relative transient amplitude “v” as expected. Figure 17: The relative amplitude of the first transient signal (v ) and alpha = v*s1(tau) is calculated for each detector and for 6.77E6 accepted spin sequences (1950 data runs). The transient decay time is calculated from the fitting parameter q=exp (-1/tau) for each detector, at the end of all the runs. Figure 18: The decay time of the major transient is calculated for each detector number. Figure 19: The relative amplitude of the linear transient signal w=W(d) /Ys(d) is calculated for 6.77E6 accepted spin sequences for Aluminum runs 63207 to 66200. The errors in the fitting parameters were calculated from the error matrix. The measured values are the weighted over runs of the time-average detector signal Xk (d). The weights are the inverse variances 1/σ(X, d)2 calculated over all accepted spinsequences at the end of the runs. The 48 parities are input in the second chi2 function to get six fitting parameters: A1, B1 proportional with the up-down and left-right asymmetries and the four rings offsets Ck, k=0, 1, 2, 3 , determined from equation (24). The plot of the 48 parities and the fitting function of the 48 geometry factors are presented in figure 20. Figure 20: The Aluminum parities calculated from the 8-pulses fitting function are used in the second chi2 function to extract the two asymmetries A1, B1 and the four detector rings offsets. The parities are calculated from 1950 Al data with the of three cuts (cut1 =0.12, cut2 = 0.34 and cut3 = 0.4) named “cuts A“, in table 1. The same data runs were analyzed with the second sets of cuts “B” (cut1=0.2, cut2=0.4 and cut3 = 0.4). The reduced chi2 is about 3.83 when the fit of the eight time averaged detector signal is done with one transient and with the variances calculated from counting statistics. Table 1. Method Fit with one transient(cut I) Fit with one transient(cut II) Ratio opposite detector signals Number A1 parities E-7 B1 E-7 C0 E-7 C1 E-8 C2 E-8 C3 E-7 chi2(r) 48 -2.85 0.53 -2.35 ±0.53 -2.11 ±0.33 -4.73 ±0.73 -4.59 ±0.73 0.06 ±4.53 -7.73 ±5.78 -4.75 ±0.58 0.07 ±3.58 -6.75 ±5.77 -2.24 ±0.57 0.06 ±3.56 -1.98 ±0.72 -5.78 ±0.71 3.82 ±4.52 3.83 48 48 -1.71 ±0.53 -0.59 ±0.53 -0.69 ±0.33 3.82 1.63 The significant change in the fitting parameters when the cuts are slightly changed (rows 1 and 2) indicate that the 8 pulses chi2 fit is not a reliable way to calculate the 48 parities. The fact that χ2 is bigger than one is due to calculation of the variances in the average detector signals over the runs, from the ratio of average detector signals in which the beam intensity fluctuations cancel out. The expected reduced chi2 is one if the weights are calculated with the total standard deviation that includes all the contributions to the parities. Considering σ the uncertainty in the final asymmetry, one can calculate the systematic errors in the final asymmetry due to the incomplete fitting model used and to the beam intensity fluctuations: 2 2 tot2 syst Cs 2 tot 2 Cs (58) 12 3.83 (3.83 1) 2 Cs syst 1.68 Cs (59) 2 syst (60) (61) The calculations were done for different number of pulses in each spin sequence: all pulses from 0 to 7 (N=8), pulses from 1 to 7 (N=7) and the last two pulses 6 and 7 (N=2). To calculate the parity for pulses 6 and 7 for each pair of detectors the ratio of the differences and the sums are calculated at each time bin, and the average over the time bins is saved in the 24 histograms for detector pairs. Rd71 ,d2 (t ) Rd61 ,d2 (t ) Pd1 ,d2 (t ) 7 Rd1 ,d2 (t ) Rd61 ,d2 (t ) (62) Table2: The fitting parameters in the chi2 function with 48 geometry factors. Number of pulses N Number A1 parities E-7 B1 E-7 C0 E-7 C1 E-7 C2 E-7 C3 E-7 chi2(r) 8 48 -0.59 ±0.53 -2.35 ±0.53 -4.59 ±0.73 -4.76 ±0.58 -2.24 ±0.57 -5.78 ±0.71 3.82 7 48 -0.67 ±0.55 -3.33 ±0.55 -9.82 ±0.76 -6.96 ±0.59 -6.15 ±0.59 -11.98 ±0.74 4.66 2 48 -3.33 ±0.09 -6.24 ±0.91 -2.87 ±0.13 -1.92 ±0.10 2.38 ±0.10 -3.49 ±0.12 4.36 Table 3: The physical asymmetries (Aud and Alr) corrected for the average neutron polarization for spin rotator efficiency, and neutron depolarization in the target. Number of AUD ALR chi2r pulses N E-7 E-7 8 -0.65 -2.58 3.82 ±0.58 ±0.58 7 -0.74 -3.65 4.66 ±0.60 ±0.61 2 -1.69 -9.10 4.36 ±0.66 ±0.66 The increase in the left right asymmetry when the number of pulses are decreased with one show that the correlation between parity and the other fitting parameters (U, V, q) makes this procedure unreliable for the accurate calculation of the parity. The average of the detector signal is calculated over many spin sequences. The beam fluctuations increase the uncertainty in the calculation of the four fitting parameters. For comparison the same data was used for the calculation of the asymmetry from sum and differences of detector ratio. In this case the fitting parameters and corrected asymmetry are almost independent on the change in the number of pulses. Table 4: The fitting parameters in the chi2 function with 24 and 48 geometry factors. Number Numb A1 B1 C0 C1 C2 C3 chi2(r) of er E-7 E-7 E-7 E-7 E-7 E-7 pulses paritie N s 8 24 -0.68 -1.61 0.01 -0.45 0.72 1.44 1.303 ± 0.47 ±1.16 ±0.87 ±0.85 ±0.83 ±0.85 7 48 -0.69 -2.11 0.006 0.008 0.006 0.004 1.63 ± 0.33 ±0.33 ±0.453 0.358 0.356 0.452 Table 5: The physical asymmetries (Aud and Alr) corrected for the average neutron polarization for spin rotator efficiency, and neutron depolarization in the target. Number of pulses N AUD E-7 ALR E-7 chi2r 8 Number of parities in the chi2 function 24 -0.75 ±0.51 -1.76 ±1.27 1.303 7 48 -0.74 ±0.60 -2.31 ± 0.37 4.66 Because two equivalent detectors in a pair have the same up-down geometry factors and opposite left-right geometry factors it is expected that the up-down asymmetry for pairs of equivalent detectors is much smaller than their left-right asymmetry. The precision of this method of calculation of the 48 parities can be seen by comparing asymmetries calculated for pairs of equivalent and opposite detectors in figures 19 and 20. As expected the up-down asymmetry for equivalent detectors is zero Ae (u, d) = (2.44 +/-2.93) E-8 but not the left-right asymmetry Ae (l, r) = (-1.93 +/-0.71)E-8. Figure 21: The parity for pairs of equivalent detectors and the fitting parameters: A1= (-2.23+/-2.67) E-8 and B1 = (-1.76 +/-0.65) E-7, C=(-4.63 +/- 7.74) E-8. Figure 22: The parity for pairs of conjugate detectors. The fitting parameters are A1=(-8.45 +/-2.67)E-8 B1=(-1.76 +/- 0.65)E-7, C=(-4.71 +/- 7.74)E-8 and the up-down and left right asymmetries are A(u,d) = (-9.27 +/- 2.95)E-8 and A(l,r)=(-1.93 +/-0.71)E-7 5.2. The results for the chlorine data runs For Chlorine the 48 detector parities were calculated for 86 good runs (between runs 63098 and 63189). The parities were fitted with the same chi2 function in equation 25. The fitting parameters and the physical asymmetries are written in the first row of the table 6 and 7 respectively. The physical asymmetries are calculated with an average neutron polarization 0.94+/-0.02, spin flipper efficiency 0.98 +/-0.02 and neutron depolarization due to inelastic scattering in the target 0.99 +/-0.01. These results can be compared with the fitting parameters and the physical asymmetries calculated from the ratio of the difference and the sum of opposite detector signals, presented in the second rows of the tables 2 and 3. Table 6. The six fitting parameters are calculated from the minimization of the chi2 function with 48 detector parities from 86 Chlorine data runs. For each detector the parity is calculated from the minimization of eight pulses chi2 function with one transient and from of a chi2 function (without transient terms) and with 48 parities calculated from the ratio of the difference and the sum of conjugate detector ratios. Method Number A1 B1 C0 C1 C2 C3 chi2 parities E-5 E-7 E-7 E-6 E-7 E-6 (r) Fit with one 48 -2.05 -3.09 -1.57 -8.62 -1.46 -1.64 1.56 transient ±0.03 2.90 ±0.42 ±2.95 ±0.32 ±0.37 Ratio of opp. 48 -1.99 -2.99 0.49 1.72 det. Signals ±0.02 ±1.71 ±1.04 Table 7. The physical asymmetries corrected for neutron beam polarization. Method Number Aud Alr parities E-5 E-7 Fit with one 48 -2.25 -3.38 transient ±0.07 ±3.18 Ratio of opp. 48 -2.19 -3.25 Det. Signals ±0.07 ±1.86 The two reduced chi2 values suggest a small contribution of the systematic errors due to the transient signal. The absolute value of the systematic errors can be calculated from the difference Aud(1)-Aud(2) and Alr(1)-Alr(2). The up-down and the left-right asymmetries calculated from the eight pulses chi2 fit (figure 23) is Aud = (-2.39 +/- 0.08) E-5 Alr = (-6.502 +/- 4.514)E-7. In figure 24, the parities for opposite detectors pairs are fitted with a chi2 function that depends on 24 geometry factors. The three fitting parameters (A1, B1, C0) calculated from the minimization of the transient chi2 function and the two physical asymmetries (Aud, Alr) are written in the first row of table 7. The results can be compared with the three fitting parameters and the two asymmetries calculated from the geometry mean of the product of opposite detectors signals. In this case the reduced chi2=1.5. The differences in the up-down and left-right asymmetries calculated with and without correction are 0.013E-5 and 0.198E-6 respectively. Figure 23: The 48 detector parities for the Chlorine target are calculated from the fit of the eight-pulses chi2 function, from 82 Chlorine data runs. The fit in this figure is calculated from the second chi2 function with 48 geometry factors. Figure 24: The 24 corrected parities for Chlorine are calculated from the 8-pulses chi2 fit. The 3 parameters fit to the 24 parities are calculated from the minimization of the chi2 function (equation 24). The three fitting parameters are A1 = (-1.978 +/-0.075) E-5 and B1= (-1.52 +/-1.82) E-6, C = (-1.114 +/-1.047) E-6, reduced chi2=1.045. The big offset in the fit of the 24 pairs (figure 24) proves that the systematic error due to the transient was not completely removed by the 8-pulses chi2 fit. Table 8: The parities for the 24 detector pairs are calculated from the 86 Chlorine runs using the geometry mean of conjugate detector ratio and the minimization of the chi2 function with transients. Method Fit with one transient Ratio diff/sum Number parities 24 24 A1 E-5 -2.03 ±0.03 -2.02 ±0.01 B1 E-6 -1.87 ±0.69 -1.69 ±0.30 C0 E-6 -1.97 ±0.83 -0.18 ±0.04 Aud E-6 -2.22 ±0.19 -.2.21 ±0.09 Alr E-6 -2.05 ±0.77 1.85 ±0.34 chi2 reduced 1.06 1.5 The calculation of the parity from the fit with one transient does not remove the systematic errors due to the transient because the offset constant C0 increases to 1.9E-6. In the next section, the correction is done with a fitting function that is a sum of the major and minor transient signals. 6. The fit of the time-average detector signal with two transients. In this section, both the major and the minor transients are considered in the 8-pulses chi2 function: 7 1 k 0 X2 ( d ,k ) 2 1 X d ,k U (1 Psk vs1q140 k ws1 f k ) 2 (63) In the above equation qk =q140k and the factors s1(tau), sk , fk were explained in equations 4, 5, 6 and 7. The fitting parameters are U, P, v, w and q1=exp (-1/tau). The average detector voltage X (d, k) was calculated for each of the eight pulses in spinsequence from time bin 8 to 38. All four fitting parameters depend on the detector number “d” that is not written explicitly. To calculate the up-down and left-right asymmetries the 48 parities (Pd) are using in the second chi2 function (equation 24) that has six fitting parameters. The fitting parameters and the two asymmetries calculated from 48 parities of the eight-pulses chi2 fit are presented in table 9 and 10. Table 9. The six fitting parameters calculated by minimization of the chi2 function with 48 parities with and without transient correction. Method Number A1 B1 C0 C1 C2 C3 parities E-5 E-7 E-6 E-6 E-6 E-7 Fit with two 48 -1.98 -6.27 -1.99 -1.58 -1.77 -2.35 transients ±0.04 ±3.76 ±0.35 ±0.46 ±0.51 ±0.45 Ratio of diff. 48 -2.00 -2.97 0.054 0.065 0.33 0.47 and sum ±0.02 ±1.71 ±0.25 ±0.19 ±1.87 ±2.20 Table 10. The up-down and left-right Chlorine asymmetries corrected for the neutron spin polarization and SR efficiency are calculated from A1 and B1 respectively. Method Number Aud Alr chi2 q parities E-5 E-7 Fit with two 48 -2.17 -6.88 1.11 0.287 transients ±0.07 ±4.13 Ratio of diff. 48 -2.19 -3.25 0.93 0.607 and sum ±0.07 ±2.65 The fitting parameters and the two asymmetries calculated from an eight steps chi2 function with three fitting parameters are presented in tables 11 and 12. Table 11: The fitting parameters for Chlorine calculated by minimization of the chi2 function with 48 parities and three fitting parameters (A1, B1, C0) are calculated from the eight steps chi2 fit and from the ratio of opposite detectors signals. Method Number A1 B1 C0 parities E-5 E-7 E-6 Fit with two 48 -1.98 -6.27 -1.99 transients ±0.04 ±3.76 ±0.35 Ratio of diff. 48 -2.00 -2.97 0.054 and sum ±0.02 ±1.71 ±0.25 Table 12: The up-down and left-right physical asymmetries for Chlorine are calculated by dividing the fitting parameters A1 and B1 (in table 11) with the neutron polarization and spin rotator efficiency. Method Number Aud Alr chi2 q parities E-5 E-7 Fit with two 48 -2.17 -6.88 1.11 0.287 transients ±0.07 ±4.13 Ratio of diff. 48 -2.19 -3.25 0.93 0.607 and sum ±0.07 ±2.65 The four ring offsets are all negative and between -2E-6 and -3E-7 when the 48 parities are calculated from the 8-pulses chi2 fit. The offsets are all zero in the limits of the uncertainty when the 48 parities are calculated from ratio of opposite detector signals. The two asymmetries calculated from geometry mean of the ratio of conjugate detectors and from the 8-step chi2 fit are compared in table 13 and 14. Table 13 Method Fit with two transients Geometry mean of ratios Table 14 Method Fit with two transients Geometry mean of ratios Number A1 parities E-5 24 -1.98 ±0.04 24 -2.00 ±0.02 B1 E-6 -1.52 ±0.91 -1.64 ±0.58 C E-7 -5.57 ±5.23 -8.94 ±3.55 Number Aud parities E-5 24 -2.17 ±0.09 24 -2.19 ±0.09 Alr E-6 -1.67 ±1.00 -1.80 ±0.65 chi2 q 1.05 0.403 1.54 0.053 The differences between the two asymmetries calculated with the two methods are 0.02E-5 and 0.13E-6 respectively. In both cases the left-right asymmetry calculated for pairs of conjugate detectors is 8 times bigger than the left-right asymmetries calculated for 48 detector parities. 7. The fit from the sum of time-average signals of opposite detectors. In this section the fit is done for each time bin of the sum of detector signals. Because of the ring offset, the transient amplitudes and decay times are about the same for the detectors in a pair. The transient amplitude and decay time is extracted from the sum opposite detector signals at each time. This allow for a precise determination of the parity. The calculations were done first for the sum of the time-average detector signals. In this section the time dependence of the detector signals is given by the equations: Y0,k (t ) 1 P0 sk h0 I k (t ) Y6,k (t ) 1 P6 sk h6 I k (t ) V0 W0 e (t kT )/ 0 f k (t 20) h0 I k (t ) h0 I k (t ) (64) V6 W6 e (t kT )/ 6 f k (t 20) h6 I k (t ) h6 I k (t ) (65) To get a fitting model for the eight pulse average signals, one has to substitute h0*Ik (t) with U0 (t) and h6*Ik (t) with U6 (t) in the fitting function. In the first approximation U0 and U6 are the spin-sequence average of the two opposite detectors signals. Because of their opposite geometry factors the parities are equal and opposite: P6 = - P0. To obtain a fitting function that depends only on the relative transient amplitudes and the decay time of the major transient, the above equations are added at each time bin and the detector yield for each time bin Ik(t) is replaced with the spin sequence averaged detector yield at time bin t: 7 I I (t ) k 0 k (t ) 8 (66) The average detector yield at a time bin can be related with the average of the eight detector signals at the same time bin, in each spin sequence. 7 e Y0 (t ) h0 I (t ) V0e t / 0 k 0 8 7 e Y6 (t ) h6 I (t ) V6e t / 6 k 0 7 s0 e k 0 8 s8 W0 (t 20) 7 8 (67) W6 (t 20) 7 8 (68) kT / 6 8 7 kT / 0 kT / 0 e kT / 8 k 0 8 (69) The spin sequence averaged detector signals over the eight pulses are equal with: 39 Y0, s Y0 (t ) t 0 40 39 Y6, s Y (t ) t 0 6 40 (70) With the approximation v0=v6=v, w0=w6=w and tau0=tau6=tau, the above two equations are added at each time bin, and the fitting parameters are the transient relative amplitude v, w, and decay time “tau”. With the above notations for the sums, and considering the relative transient amplitudes v0 = V0 / Y0(s) and v6= V6/ Y6(s) the two average detector yields at time “t” are given by: Y Y 7 h0 I (t ) Y0 (t ) 1 v0 0, s et / 0 s0 w0 0, s (t 20) Y0 (t ) Y0 (t ) 8 (71) Y Y 7 h6 I (t ) Y6 (t ) 1 v6 6, s et / 6 s6 w6 6, s (t 20) Y6 (t ) Y6 (t ) 8 (72) In the first approximation, the quantities h0I(t) and h6I(t) in the above equation are replaced with Y0(t) and Y6(t).The mixed products (v0,6*p0,6, w0,6*p0,6) are negligible because v0 and v6 are about 3* 10-5 while p0 and p6 are smaller than 2*10-7: Y0,k (t ) Y0 (t ) Y6,k (t ) Y6 (t ) 1 P0 sk v0 1 P6 sk v6 Y0, s Y0 (t ) Y6, s Y6 (t ) e (t kT )/ 0 w0 e (t kT )/ 6 w6 Y0, s Y0 (t ) Y6, s Y6 (t ) f k (t 20) (73) f k (t 20) (74) With the approximation v0=v6=v, w0=w6=w and tau0=tau6=tau, the above two equations are added at the same time bin, and the fitting parameters are the transient relative amplitude v, w, and decay time “tau”. The parity cancels in the sum of the above equations: Y0,k (t ) Y6,k (t ) Y Y Y Y 1 v 0, s 6, s e(t kT )/ w 0, s 6, s f k (t 20) 2Y0 (t ) 2Y6 (t ) 2Y0 (t ) 2Y6 (t ) 2Y0 (t ) 2Y6 (t ) (75) The average of the eight detector signals at the time bin “t” in the 8 pulses Y0(t) and Y6(t) and the global spin sequence average detector signals Y0s, Y6s are calculated for each spin sequence. Let’s introduce the notation for the quantity: G0.6 (t ) Y0, s 2Y0 (t ) Y6, s 2Y6 (t ) (76) This sum of ratios can be calculated for each spin sequence. There are (T2-T1+1) such constants in the chi2 function that is a sum over time bins from T1 to T2 and pulse numbers (k), equation 66. The measured quantity is: R0,6 (k , t ) Y0,k (t ) 2Y0 (t ) Y6,k (t ) 2Y6 (t ) 1 (77) T2 12 R0,6 (k , t ) vG0,6 (t )e (t kT )/ wG0,6 (t ) f k (t 20) 7 2 k 0 t T1 (78) The fitting parameters v, w and tau are calculated from the minimum of the chi2 function at each accepted spin sequence. After this fit, the parity is calculated separately for the two detectors, at each time bin inside the interval [T1, T2] according to equations: Y0,k (t ) Y0 (t ) Y6,k (t ) Y6 (t ) 1 v 1 v Y0, s Y0 (t ) Y6, s Y6 (t ) e (t kT )/ w e (t kT )/ w Y0, s Y0 (t ) Y6, s Y6 (t ) f k (t 20) P0 (t ) sk (79) f k (t 20) P6 (t ) sk (80) An average parity is calculated at each time bin and over pulses with spin up and spins down. For each detector the time average parity is calculated over the time bins [T1, T2] and written in histograms. Y Y Y0,k (t ) 1 v 0, s e (t kT )/ w 0, s f k (t 20) P0 Y0 (t ) Y0 (t ) k t Y0 (t ) (81) Y Y Y (t ) sk 6,k 1 v 6, s e (t kT )/ w 6, s f k (t 20) P6 Y6 (t ) Y6 (t ) k t Y6 (t ) s k (82) The average parity and its standard deviations are read from the 48 histograms and saved in two arrays at the end of the 1950 runs. A second χ2 function with 48 geometry factors is used to fit the data: 3 11 2 2 k 0 j 0 1 2 P(k , j ) ( Pk , j A1Gudk , j B1Glrk , j Ck )2 (83) The 48 parities calculated from equations 77 and 78 for all 24 pairs of detectors are presented in figure 25. The cuts used in this calculations are CUT1=0.12, CUT2=0.34 and CUT3=0.4. Figure 25: The 48 detector parities P corrected for the transient at each time bin value are read from the 48 histograms at the end of the runs. The parities are calculated at each accepted spin sequence. The error bars for each of the 48 parities are between 2E-7 and 3E-7, about two times bigger than the error bars of the 24 uncorrected parities calculated from the ratio of detector signals. Two of the fitting parameters (A1, B1) are related with the two physical asymmetries are calculated for different sets of cuts in table 17. The change in the two corrected asymmetries with the change in the cuts is in the limit of their errors. Table 17: The six fitting parameters A1,B1,C0,C1,C2,C3 and the corrected asymmetries are calculated from the same 1950 Al data runs, but with different cuts. Cuts A1 B1 C0 C1 C2 C3 Aud Alr chi2 1E-7 1E-7 1E-7 1E-7 1E-7 1E-7 1E-7 1E-7 cut1=0.11 -0.82 -2.03 3.61 3.93 5.0 2.94 -0.90 -2.23 0.75 cut2=0.32 ±0.64 ±0.64 ±0.81 ±0.72 ±0.71 ±0.81 ±0.69 ±0.69 cut3=0.38 cut1=0.12 -0.83 -2.09 2.61 3.04 4.58 1.73 -0.91 -2.29 0.795 cut2=0.2 ±0.64 ±0.64 ±0.81 ±0.72 ±0.71 ±0.81 ±0.70 ±0.70 cut3=0.4 cut1=0.2 -0.76 -2.02 -2.05 -1.42 0.06 -2.75 -0.84 -2.2 0.81 cut2=0.4 ±0.64 ±0.64 0.81 ±0.71 ±0.71 ±0.81 ±0.70 ±0.70 cut3=0.4 The corrected parities for 24 detector pairs are calculated from the corrected 48 average parities according to the formula: P0,6 ( P0 P6 ) / 2 The 24 parities were calculated from the chi2 function with 24 geometry factors: 23 2 2, p k 0 1 2 P,k ( Pk A1Gudk B1Glrk C )2 (84) The chi2 function in the above table is smaller than one because the variance in equation (80) is a sum of the variances due to both the transient and beam fluctuations. The up-down and left –right asymmetries calculated from the 24 parities for pairs of opposite detectors are presented in table 18. The uncertainty in the left-right asymmetry increases because there are only 24 points in this case. Table 18: The fitting parameters and the two corrected asymmetries are calculated from the minimization of the chi2 function with 24 pairs of geometry factors. Cuts A1 B1 C Aud Alr chi2 1E-7 1E-7 1E-7 1E-7 1E-7 cut1=0.12 -0.82 -1.44 -0.43 -0.90 -1.57 0.81 cut2=0.2 ±0.64 ±1.56 ±0.93 ±0.70 ±1.72 cut3=0.4 cut1=0.11 -0.81 -1.39 0.41 -0.90 -1.53 0.79 cut2=0.32 ±0.64 ±1.56 ±0.93 ±0.70 ±1.72 cut3=0.38 The results can be compared with the asymmetries calculated from the ratio of detector signals without transient correction. The asymmetries are equal in the limit of the experimental errors. The left-right asymmetry calculated from 24 detector pairs is smaller than that calculated from 48 detector parities. The errors in the calculation of the 24 parities from the ratio of the detector signals are smaller than the errors of the 48 parities calculated with correction. The agreements between the two results indicate that the systematic errors in the asymmetries calculated without correction are small. Table 19 Cuts A1 1E-7 cut1=0.12 -0.75 cut2=0.2 0.47 cut3=0.4 cut1=0.11 -0.75 cut2=0.32 0.47 cut3=0.38 B1 1E-7 -1.38 1.14 C0 1E-7 -0.48 0.68 Aud 1E-7 -0.82 0.52 Alr 1E-7 -1.51 1.26 chi2 -1.42 1.14 0.49 0.68 -0.82 0.51 -1.56 1.25 1.45 1.45 To best test for this correction method is provided by the asymmetry calculated for the last two pulses (6, 7) in the spin sequence. Without transient correction this asymmetry is about 4 times bigger than the asymmetry calculated from the average over all 16 pulses with opposite spin. The increase in the parity from the first (ring 0) to the last one (ring 4) could be a systematic effect due to the transient. In this figure the parity P(t) was calculated first at each time bin for the pair of two pulses 7 (up) and 6 (down) according to the equation: Yd1 ,7 (t ) Pd1 ,d2 (t ) Yd1 ,6 (t ) 1 Yd2 ,7 (t ) Yd2 ,6 (t ) 2 Yd1 ,6 (t ) Yd1, j (t ) Yd2 ,6 (t ) Yd2 , j (t ) (85) Next the parity was averaged over all time bins between 8 and 38. From the last chi2 fit with 48 geometry factors the fitting parameters are A1=(-1.69+/-0.66)E-7 ; B1= (-9.10 +/- 0.66)E-7 ; C0=(2.36 +/-90.72)E-9 ;C1=(2.89 +/-71.68)E-9 C2=(2.50 +/-71.34)E-9 ; C3=(1.38 +/-90.55)E-9. Taking into account the average beam polarization and the spin flipper efficiency, the two physical asymmetries are Aud=(-1.85 +/- 0.73)E-7; Alr=(-9.98 +/- 0.78)E-7. The corrected parity for the 48 detectors is presented in figure 27. Figure 26. The parity, not corrected for the transient, is calculated from the last pulses (6, 7) in the spin sequence, from the ratio of detector signals, at each time bins in the interval [8, 38]. Figure 27: The parity is calculated for each detector from the minimization of a chi2 function for each time bin (7< t< 39) and each pulse number (6, 7). The six fitting parameters are: A1=(-8.33 +/6.39)E-8; B1=(-2.09+/-0.64)E-7, C0=(2.61 +/-0.81)E-7, C1=(3.04+/-0.71)E-7, C2=(4.59+/-0.71)E-7, C3=(1.63 +/-0.81)E-7. The up-down and leftright are Aud = (-9.13 +/-7.02)E-8 and Alr = (-2.29 +/-0.70)E-7. This method of correction of false asymmetry is not sensitive to the cuts and can be used to correct for the false asymmetry in each of the 16 pairs of pulses with opposite spins. 8. Asymmetry calculated from the ratio of opposite detector signals, at each time bin. This section presents a method of parity calculation for each of the 24 pairs of opposite detectors The parity for each of the 24 pairs of opposite detectors is calculated from the ratio of the detector signals at each time bin in [T1, T2] and for 16 pairs of opposite pulses and averaged over all 16 pairs. For the same spin sequence, the time average parity is calculated over the time bin intervals [T 1, T2].The contributions of the transients and of the beam fluctuations cancel in the time-averaged parity over all eight pulses in a spin sequence. For a pulse “k” with spin up, at time bin “t” relative to the start of the pulse one can write the ratio of the signals of the two opposite detectors: 0 and 6. h0 I k (t )(1 P0 sk ) V0e (t kT )/ 0 W0 f k (t 20) Y6,k (t ) h6 I k (t )(1 P6 sk ) V6e (t kT )/ 6 W6 f k (t 20) Y0,k (t ) (86) The factor f k is zero for the first pulse in the sequence (k=0) and is one for k>0. The integrated gamma-ray flux per time bin I k (t) is a common factor in the above equation. To cancel the detector gains h0 and h6 one needs to multiply the above ratio with the inverse ratio of the detector signals at time bin “t” in pulse j with spin down. Y6, j (t ) Y0, j (t ) h6 I j (t )(1 P6 s j ) V6e (t jT )/ 6 W6 f j (t 20) h0 I j (t )(1 P0 s j ) V0e (t jT )/ 0 W0 f j (t 20) (87) To simplify the notations, let’s define the time dependent functions: V V W (t 20) W (t 20) ; w0 (t ) 0 v6 (t ) 6 ; v0 (t ) 0 ; w6 (t ) 6 Y6 (t ) Y0 (t ) Y6 (t ) Y0 (t ) (88) In the above equations the average detector signal at a time bin, over the eight pulses is given by: 1 7 Yd (t ) Yd (k , t ) ; d=0 or 6 (89) 8 k 0 By separating the beam related terms on the right side of the equations 86 and 87, one gets a simple relation for the ratio of opposite detector signals at pulse k and time bin “t”: h0 I k (t )(1 P0 sk ) (1 v6 (t )e (t kT )/ 6 w6 (t )e t / 6 ) Y6,k (t ) h6 I k (t )(1 P6 sk ) (1 v0 (t )e (t kT )/ 0 w0 (t )e t / 0 ) Y0,k (t ) (90) Let’s introduce the notations for the product of the ratios of opposite detector ratio: Y0,k (t ) Y6, j (t ) Y6,k (t ) Y0, j (t ) k, j R0,6 (t ) 1 v6 (t )e (t kT )/ 6 w6e t / 6 1 v0 (t )e (t kT )/ 0 w0e t / 0 Q (t ) 1 v0 (t )e (t kT )/ 0 w0e t / 0 1 v6 (t )e (t kT )/ 6 w6e t / 6 (91) k, j 0,6 k, j R0,6 (t ) 2 (1 p0 sk ) (1 p6 s j ) k , j 2 Q0,6 (t ) (1 p6 sk ) (1 p0 s j ) (92) (93) The two detectors are opposite so their parities are p6= - p0. If pulses k and j have neutron spin up and down, then sj = - sk = -1 and sk = 1. With these notations the equation for parity becomes: k, j R0,6 (t ) (1 p0 (t ) sk ) k , j Q0,6 (t ) (1 p0 (t ) sk ) R (t ) Q (t ) k, j 0,6 k, j 0,6 k, j 0,6 k, j 0,6 R (t ) Q (t ) (94) k, j p0,6 (t ) (95) There are 16 pairs of pulses with spin up and down. The parity at time bin “t” is calculated from the average over the 16 pairs of pulses: k, j k, j R0,6 (t ) Q0,6 (t ) 1 k , j (t ) Qk , j (t ) pc (t ) 16 k 1,2,4,7 j 0,3,5,6 R0,6 0,6 (96) The average parity over the time bins interval [T1, T2] can be calculated at each accepted spin sequence using the formula: T2 1 pc pc (t ) T2 T1 1 t T1 (97) There are 24 corrected parities Pc calculated according to the above equation. The transient correction of the parity can be done at the end of the loop over data runs, using the relative transients amplitudes v(0,6), w(0,6) and decay time tau(0,6) calculated from the minimization of the chi2 function. Equation 91 can be written as a sum of a parity term uncorrected for the transient and a correction because the factor (1-Q (t)) is smaller than 10-4. k, j k, j R0,6 (t ) 1 (1 Q0,6 (t )) 1 k , j (t ) 1 (1 Qk , j (t )) pc (t ) 16 k 1,2,4,7 j 0,3,5,6 R0,6 0,6 (98) The parity not corrected for the transient is given by: p (t ) k, j k, j R0,6 (t ) 1 k, j R0,6 (t ) 1 (99) The corrected parity is equal with the sum of uncorrected parity and the correction terms up to the second order: p (t ) p (t ) (1 Q (t )) k, j c k, j k, j 0,6 k, j 2 R0,6 k, j ( R0,6 1)2 (1 Q (t )) k, j 0,6 2 k, j 2 R0,6 k, j ( R0,6 1)3 (100) The average over pairs of opposite detector pulses is given by: pc (t ) p(t ) (1 Q (t )) k, j 0,6 k, j k, j 2 R0,6 k, j ( R0,6 1)2 (101) The correction factor of the time averaged parity is calculated at the end of the runs for all 24 pairs of opposite detectors: k, j 2 R0,6 1 k, j pc p (1 Q0,6 (t )) ( Rk , j 1)2 T2 T1 1 t k , j 0,6 (102) The standard deviation of the parity calculated from the histogram of a pair of detectors is between 3 * 10-4 and 4.2*10-4. The corner detectors (ex: 1, 4) have bigger standard deviation than the other detectors. Figure 28: The standard Deviation of the parity is calculated from the product of ratios of opposite detector signals for time bins from 8 to 38. From the Aluminum data runs from 63200 to 66200, the raw asymmetry is presented in the next figure. The three fitting parameters are A1 = (-7.12+/-3.32) E-8, B1= (-2.14+/0.33)E-7 and offset constant consistent with zero C=(0.0634 +/- 1.98)E-8. With a Spin Rotator efficiency 98%, average neutron polarization 94% and spin flip depolarization in the target 99%, the physical asymmetries are AUD=(-7.81+/-3.65)E-8 and ALR=(-2.33 +/-0.37)E-8. Figure 29: The asymmetry for Aluminum calculated for each detector number, from the ratio of opposite detector signals. One can notice that the up-down asymmetry seems to be bigger for the 12 detectors the last ring. The parity calculated from the model fit of single detector pulse-average signal is shifted to a negative asymmetry (about -4E-7) while the raw parity calculated from the detector ratio is not shifted. The difference between the two sets of pair asymmetries is due to the systematic error of the transient signal and the asymmetry of the beam intensity fluctuations that are not removed in the fit of single detector signals. The two asymmetries calculated in figure 29 are not corrected for the transient but are about the same with the asymmetry corrected for the transient. Instead of taking the square root, one can calculated the parity at each time bin according to the following equation and for all 16 pairs of pulses with opposite neutron spin. The time average parity (between time bins 8 and 38) is calculated for each accepted spin sequence and written to a histogram. Y0,k (t ) Y0, j (t ) Y ( t ) Y6, j (t ) 1 6, k 2 P0,6 (t ) 16 k j Y0,k (t ) Y0, j (t ) Y6,k (t ) Y6, j (t ) P (103) T2 1 P0,6 (t ) T2 T1 1 t T1 (104) There are 48 time average parities (equation 40) for each of the 48 detectors in the experiment. The asymmetry calculated from the ratio of opposite pairs of detector signals at each time bin from 8 to 38, is calculated in the end of 1950 runs. The fitting parameters are A1=(-7.52 +/-3.32)E-8 , B1=(-2.17 +/-0.33)E-7 and C=(6.51 +/-198.82)E-10. The reduced chi2 is 1.473, and goodness of the fit is 0.0266. The up-down and left-right asymmetries are (-8.24 +/- 3.65) E-8 and (-2.36+/-0.37) E-7. 9. Conclusion. The calculation of the relative transient amplitude and decay rate can be done with good precision by fitting each detector signal with a sum of three terms: the gamma ray detector yield, the exponential transient and the linear transient. The parity calculated from the fit contains the contribution of the transient. This means that the beam intensity fluctuations can mix the false asymmetry with the real asymmetry. The most precise method for the calculation of the asymmetry is the product of opposite detector ratios. The contribution of the transient in the parity computed from the product of opposite detector ratio, partially cancel. A complete correction of the false asymmetry can be done using the fitting parameters calculated using the single detector fit. 10. Reference [1] Mark McCrea: “A Study of the Transients in Detector Sum/Difference Signals”, March 11, 2012. [2] /home/balascuta/ basestar/ (fit with one transient) [3] /home/balascuta/basestar/ (fit with two transients) [4] /home/balascuta/basestar/ (sum of opposite detector signals)