Detail Scope Statement [Insert name of College/Division] [Insert Project Title] Approval Business Owner Approved/ Not Approved Signature Approval Approved: Rejected: Comments: --------------------------------------------------------Chief Information Officer Date: Author: Version: Date: Developed by Project Office Information Technology Services http:/ Title Date DETAIL SCOPE STATEMENT – [Insert Project Title] 1 Project Overview [Provide context as to how the project came about, what business problems this project is going to resolve and who will be impacted by this project.] 2 Project Goal/Objective [What, precisely, will be achieved by implementation of this initiative? State the objectives clearly; what is the primary objective of the project and what are the secondary objectives for the project? use Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely (S.M.A.R.T.). The objectives should provide the decision makers an understanding of what they should have received at the end of the project. It can be tangible (hardware, software) or intangible (new skills, new capabilities).] 3 3.1 Project Scope In Scope [Provide a statement that includes all the elements that will be delivered, tangible or intangible. Things to consider are: Software and hardware New functionalities (if software upgrade) Process improvement Policy updates Interface with existing software Procurement artefacts (RFQ, Contract, legal correspondence) Training packages (on the job or training courses / certified or not) Handover documentation Manuals of operation and maintenance Reports (recommendations, audit, plans of improvements) Spare parts Project Management documentation, including communication artefacts This section should be very detailed and comprehensive and need to be discussed with the sponsor, the end user and the technical team] 3.2 Out of Scope [Provide a list of items that are important to mention as out of scope of this project. Use this section to highlight items that may be perceived to be in scope by some stakeholders but are not. This is an opportunity to level set expectations of stakeholders. The following sentence is not an acceptable part of this section: “Anything not mentioned in the “In Scope” section is out of scope”] 4 Acceptance Criteria [What are the criteria that the products described above should adhered to in order for the product to be accepted by the end user. What measures will be put in place in order to test if the end product is fit for purpose before it is delivered to the end user] PAGE 2 OF 3 THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY DETAIL SCOPE STATEMENT – [Insert Project Title] 5 High Level Approach [How you intend to deliver the objectives of the project. This section needs to provide the project sponsor \ steering committee a good understanding of how this project will be delivered. You will need to ensure that project complies with University project management framework, procurement rules and other University applicable policies and guidelines. The approach should cover all artefacts included in the project scope] 6 Estimated timeline [Provide the timeline to deliver and include significant milestones where new capabilities are expected to be delivered. The timeline is tentative and is reliance on detail planning during the planning stage] 7 Applicable Standard [What will be the standard to which the deliverables need to be adhered to? This could be an Australian standard, International standard or internal ANU methodologies or frameworks] PAGE 3 OF 3 THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY