Literary Genres Syllabus

Welcome to Literary Genres!
Ms. Smid
1st Super Study
Classroom: A109
TPC Number: 725-8138
Welcome to Literary Genres. I am glad you are here. The purpose of this class is to
introduce you to many different literature styles. We will examine short stories,
poetry, various novels, and plays. During this course, you will also be expected to
complete various essays and projects.
Class Description:
In this semester long course (two terms) students will study literature in its various
forms, or genres, and come to discover what constitutes quality literature. They will
investigate the structure and elements of the short story and the novel. Students will be
encouraged to clarify their own beliefs and values as well as voice their opinions. In
addition to literature, students will embark on many different writing genres. These
genres include literary, analytical, and personal.
Class Rules and Procedures:
I will treat you with respect, so that you will know how to treat your fellow
classmates and me. The policies set forth in your handbook will be followed. For
school related absences it is your responsibility to schedule your daily assignments,
quizzes, etc. before the absence occurs. A large majority of your learning will occur
in the classroom! Therefore, it is imperative that you attend and participate in
class! Your grade will directly affect this! The bell does not dismiss you; I dismiss
you. It is unacceptable to start gathering books or preparing to leave early. There
will be no lining up at the door prior to the bell ringing. Passes to leave the room
will be given during work time, do not bother asking to leave the room while I am
Class Expectations:
You are expected to pass this class; if you are having trouble come and see me. I am
more than happy to help you before or after school. Do not wait until the day before
grades are due to come and get help. If an assignment is not turned in on the due
date, you will be assigned to a session of ICU. ICU is each Thursday after school in
my room; you must be in attendance if you are missing work. If you miss ICU I will
assign a detention. You are expected to do your homework each night and to
participate daily in class. Everything you write for this class is considered formal
writing. You are not writing a text message or email in your essays. So, I expect
correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. I expect you to think and do your own
work. You are expected to come to class each day prepared and with the necessary
materials (notebook, textbook, pencils, etc).
Grading will follow the guidelines of the Aberdeen Public School District (these may
be found in your handbook). A grade reduction of 1% for each tardy and 4% for each
unexcused absence/cut from class will be given at the end of the term. Served
detentions may make up 8% for the grade deduction due to tardies/cuts. These
detentions must be completed one week prior to the end of the term. Assignments
that are graded are done so using a point system. All work in weighted
proportionately to its importance or significance and/or the work and effort it
requires of you. All assignments are due at the beginning of the class periods on the
day scheduled. Anything turned in after that time will be considered late, and you
will lose points. If an assignment is not completed on time, you will be added to the
ICU list and expected to attend ICU sessions and finish the assignment(s) in an
appropriate amount of time.
Class Objectives:
You will read and analyze poetry, drama, novels, and prose from various periods in
literature. Students should understand the cultural contexts within each literature
written. Students will learn to communicate an understanding of different forms of
literature through class discussion, group work, examinations, and well-organized
Literature, Language and Literacy-Prentice Hall is the required text. An assorted
selection of poetry, plays, short stories, and novels from the appropriate time
periods being studied and various selection of outside novel choices will be read.
Students will write in all modes (description, narration, expositions, and
Students will compare and contrast various works of literature across genres,
time and theme, and analyze how writers may be influenced by personal,
social, cultural, and historical contexts (analysis).
Daily Oral Language will be used to supplement grammar instruction.
At the end of this class, I hope you will have enjoyed reading and discussing good
Ms. Smid
Literary Genres
Dear Parents,
Please read the course syllabus with your child. Please keep in mind that this is just
an outline, and I may deviate from it as needed. Take a moment to sign the
acknowledgment form below and return it with your child. The student should keep
all of the other syllabus pages in his/her notebook.
Feel free to contact me at any time at school if you should have questions or
concerns. I can best be reached by email. I look forward to teaching your student
this term!
I have read and understand the syllabus for Literary Genres. I fully comply with
the goals and expectations of this course.
Signature of Parent(s)
Signature of Student