Chronology and Family Group Sheets

bAmanda E. Clark Fletcher history
April 19, 1831 Philip Hawker Earp married Drady Phelps in Pulaski, Kentucky.
[listing only] [Kentucky Marriages, 1785-1979, Family Search via]
Jan. 31, 1832 Thomas Clark married Pernety Phelps in Pulaski County, Kentucky.
[listing only] [Kentucky Marriages, 1785-1979, Family Search via]
1840 Census: Head of family Philip H. Earp in Pulaski, Pulaski, Kentucky. 3 free
white males under 5, 3 free white males 10-14, 1 free white male 40-49, 2 free
white females 5-9, 1 free white female 30-39. 3 (maybe 2) employed in agriculture.
No slaves or free-colored persons. [1840 Census, Heritage Quest]
1840 Census: Head of Family Thomas Clark in Pulaski, Pulaski, Kentucky. 1 free
white male under 5, 1 free white male 5-9, 1 free white male 10-14, 1 free white
male 20-29, 1 free white female 5-9, 1 free white female 10-14, one free white
female 20-29/ 1 employed in agriculture. No slaves or free colored persons. [1940
Census, Heritage Quest]
1850 Census family of free inhabitants in Division 1, Pulaski, Kentucky: Hawkes
Harp [Philip Hawker Earp] (age 58, born in Virginia, occupation farmer), Adra Harp
[Drada Earp](age 43, born in Virginia), Rachel Harp age 16, James A. Harp age 14,
Daniel Harp age 12, George Harp age 10, Rily Harp age 8, Manala Harp [Mahala
Earp] age 6, Polly A. Harp age 4, Mary E. Harp age 3, and Sidney Harp age 1, All
children born in Kentucky. James A., Daniel, and George attended school within the
year. None deaf and dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper, or convict. Real estate
worth $150. [1850 Census, Heritage Quest]
Have not found Thomas Clark or Pernety Phelps in 1850 Census.
1860 Census family of free inhabitants in District 2, Pulaski, Kentucky (Post Office
Somerset, Kentucky): Philip Earp (age 63, occupation farmer, born in North
Carolina); Dorcas Earp [Drada Earp] (age 50, born in Kentucky), George Earp (age
21 born in Kentucky), Jefferson Earp (age 18, born in Kentucky), Mahaly Earp
[Mahala Earp] (age 17 born in Kentucky), Mary Earp (age 18 born in Kentucky),
and Sidney Earp (age 9 born in Kentucky). None married or attended school within
the year. None deaf and dumb, blind insane, idiotic, pauper, or convict. Value of real
estate $150, value of personal estate $150. [1860 Census, Heritage Quest]
1860 Census family of free inhabitants in District 1, Pulaski, Kentucky (Post Office
Somerset): Thomas Clark (age 49, occupation farmer, born in North Carolina),
Perneta Clark (age 48, born in North Carolina), John A. Clark age 19, Jemima Clark
16, Lavina Clark, 14, Catherine Clark 12, Josiah Clark 8 and Marcy E. Clark 16. All
children born in Kentucky. None married within the year, and only Catherine
attended school within the year. None deaf and dumb, blind insane, idiotic, pauper,
or convict. Value of real estate $200, value of personal estate $200. [1860 Census,]
Feb. 13, 1862 John A. Clark marries Mahala E. Earp in Pulaski, Kentucky. [index
only record] [Kentucky Marriages, 1851-1900,]
1870 Census family of inhabitants in Bent, Pulaski Kentucky (Post Office Somerset):
John A. Clark, (age 29, occupation farmer, can read but cannot write, male citizen at
least 21 years of age), Mahala E. Clark (age 24, occupation keeping house, cannot
read, cannot write), Daniel P. Clark 7, William R. Clark 5, Thomas J. Clark 3; Mary A.
Clark 1. Race white for everyone, and everyone born in Kentucky. Value of real
estate is blank. Value of personal estate $100. [1870 Census, Heritage Quest]
1870 Census family of inhabitants in Bent, Pulaski Kentucky (Post Office Somerset)
(Mahala is double-counted here, being listed 10 families after family with John A.
Clark above, on next Census page): Brady Earp [Drady Earp] (age 63, keeping
house,, Sidney K. Earp age 20 (farmer), Mahala Earp age 20, and George W. Earb
age 1. Value of real estate $150; value of personal estate $100. All cannot write.
Mahala cannot read. All are white and born in Kentucky. [1870 Census, Heritage
Have not found Philip Hawker Earp in 1870 Census or Mortality records.
1870 Census family of inhabitants in Bent, Pulaski Kentucky (Post Office Somerset)
(6 households after John A. Clark/Mahala Clark family above, on next Census page):
Thomas S. Clark (age 60, farmer. born in Virginia), Pernella [Pernetta] Clark (age 60,
keeping house, born in Kentucky), and Mary E. Clark (age 20 born in Kentucky).
Thomas and Pernetta cannot read or write; Mary E. can read but cannot write.
Thomas is a male citizen of the US 21 years or upward. All are white. Value of real
estate $300; value of personal property $300. [1870 Census, Heritage Quest]
Amanda E. Clark appears:
1880 Census family of inhabitants in Pulaski, Kentucky: John A. Clark ( age 41,
born in Kentucky, occupation farmer, father & mother born in Kentucky) married to
Mehaly E. Clark [Mahala Clark] (age 38, wife of John A. Clark, born in Kentucky,
occupation keeping house, father & mother born in Kentucky), children: Daniel P.
Clark, 17 (worker on farm), William R. Clark, 15 (worker on farm), Thomas J. Clark,
13 (worker on farm), Polly A. Clark, 11 (at house), Andrew J. Clark 8, Gerusia B.
Clark 6, George F. Clark 4, Amanda E. Clark 1. All are white and were born in
Kentucky. No one is blind, deaf and dub, idiotic or insane. There are three black
families three families away. [1880 Census,]
Husband and marriage appear:
1880 Census family of inhabitants in Pulaski, Kentucky: Acea Fletcher (age 24,
working on farm, can read and write, father born Tennessee, mother born
Kentucky), mother Polly Fletcher (age 27, wife of Acea Fletcher, keeping house, can
read and write, father and mother born in Kentucky), and children Ida B. Fletcher
age 4 and George W. Fletcher age 2. All are white and were born in Kentucky. No
one is blind, deaf and dumb, idiotic or insane. [1990 Census,]
1900 Census persons with the same place of abode in Price Voting Precinct, Pulaski,
Kentucky: John Clark (age 58, born 1844 in Kentucky, occupation farmer, married
for 48 years), his wife Mahalay Clark (age 57, born Jan. 1843 in Kentucky, married
for 48 years), son Josire Clark J (age 18, born May 1889, famer laborer), daughter
Nannie H. Clark (age 13, born in June 1886), son John W. Clark (age 12, born in Feb
1988, farm laborer), son-in-law George Fletcher (age 23, born in Jan. 1877, married
for 1 year, farm laborer), daughter Manda L. Fletcher [Amanda E. Clark Fletcher]
(age 20 and born in May 1880, married for 1 year), and granddaughters Mary B
Fletcher (age 2/12, born June 1900) and Martha E. Fletcher (age 4/12, born June
1990). Birthplace of everyone and everyone’s father and mother is Kentucky. All
but the 2 infants can read and write and speak English. Everyone is white.
Everyone born in Kentucky and with father and mother born in Kentucky. [1900
Census, Heritage Quest]
Parents die:
John Allen Clark dies, age 80 in May 1920 in Pulaski, Kentucky, USA, married, born
Feb 21, 1840 (smudge on month of birth) in Kentucky, occupation farmer, race
white, father’s name Stewart Clark born in Kentucky, mother’s name Neatie Phelps
born in Kentucky. Physician attended him until May 18, 1920. Cause of death
chronic myocarditis. [John Allen Clark, Kentucky, Death Records, 1852-1953,]
Mahala Ellen Clark dies, age 86 & widowed, July 4, 1927 in Pulaski, Kentucky, USA,
occupation housewife, race white, born Jan. 21, 1841 in Pulaski, Kentucky, father’s
name Hawker Erp born in Kentucky; mother’s name ‘_ _ _ _ Grady’ born in Kentucky.
Informant G.W. Fletcher. Cause of death is chronic myocarditis. [Mahala Ellen Clark,
Kentucky, Death Records, 1852-1953,]
Amanda dies:
Amanda Clark Fletcher dies on March 21, 1951 (age 79) in Somerset, Pulaski,
Kentucky, USA. Usual residence Craborched Road, Somerset, Pulaski, Kentucky.
Race=White. Married. Birth date May 23, 1871 in Pulaski, Kentucky. Usual
occupation ‘at home’. Father’s name John Allen Clark. Mother’s name Mahalia Erp.
Informant George Fletcher. Condition leading to death Arterio Selerolic Heart
Disease. No autopsy.
[Amanda Clark Fletcher in Kentucky, Death Records, 1852-1953,]
George W. Fletcher dies on Oct. 27, 1966 (age 88) in Pulaski, Kentucky [Kentucky
Death Index, 1911-2000,]
Family Group Sheet: Amanda E. Clark and George W. Fletcher
Amanda [Manda] E. Clark
b. May 23, 1871 [Death Record], c. 1879, c. 1880
d. March 21, 1951 in Somerset, Pulaski, Kentucky
married in 1899
George W. Fletcher
b. Nov. 21 1877 [World War 1 Draft Registration 1917-1918 & Find a Grave Index],
Jan. 1877, c. 1878. c. 1877, in Kentucky
d. Oct. 27 1966 [Kentucky Death Index, 1911-2000, & Find a Grave
Index] in Pulaski, Kentucky
Mary B. age 2/12 in 1900
Martha E. age 4/12 in 1900
[Know from family oral history that they are twins.]
Family Group Sheet: Amanda’s parents
John A. Clark
b. Feb 21, 1840, 1844, c. 1842, c. 1839, 1841 in Kentucky
d. May 1920 in Pulaski Kentucky
married Feb. 13, 1862 in Pulaski, Kentucky
Mahala Ellen Earp
b. Jan. 21, 1841, 1843, c. 1843, c. 1842, c. 1846 , c. 1850, in Kentucky
d. July 4, 1927 in Pulaski, Kentucky
Daniel P. Clark, age 17 in 1880
William R. Clark, age 15 in 1880
Thomas J. Clark, age 13 in 1880
Polly A. Clark, age 11 in 1880
Andrew J. Clark, age 8 in 1880
Gerusia B. Clark, age 6 in 1880
George F. Clark, age 4 in 1880
Amanda E. Clark, age 1 in 1880
*Josire J Clark, age 18 in 1900 (maybe Thomas J. above?)
Nannie H. Clark, age 13 in 1990
John W. Clark, age 12 in 1990
Family Group Sheet: Amanda’s grandparents
Mahala’s parents:
Philip Hawker Earp
b. c. 1792, c. 1797, in Virginia or in North Carolina
d. ?
married April 19, 1831 in Pulaski Kentucky
Drady [Adra, Dorcas] Phelps
b. c. 1807, c. 1810, in Virginia or in Kentucky
d. ?
Rachel Harp, age 16 in 1850
James A. Harp, age 14 in 1850
Daniel Harp, age 12 in 1850
George Harp, age 10 in 1850, age 21 in 1860
Rily Harp, age 8 in 1850
Manala Harp [Mahala Earp], age 3 in 1850, age 17 in 1860
Sidney Harp, age 1 in 1850, age 9 in 1860
*Jefferson Earp, age 18 in 1860 (maybe Rily Harp above?)
Mary Earp, age 18 in 1860 (possibly not their child?)
John’s parents:
Thomas Clark
b. c..1811 in North Carolina
d. ?
married in January 31, 1832 in Pulaski County, Kentucky
Pernety [Perneta] Phelps
b. c. 1812 in North Carolina
d. ?
John A. Clark, age 19 in 1860
Jemima Clark, age 16 in 1860
Lavia Clark, age 13 in 1860
Catherine Clark, age 12 in 1860
Josiah Clark, age 8 in 1860
Marcy E. Clark, age 16 in 1860 (possibly not their child?)