UNDP JPO Orientation Programme

UNDP Junior Professional Officers
Blended Learning Programme
Programme Overview
This document describes the Office of Human
Resources Learning Resources Centre (LRC) and
the Junior Professional Officers Service Centre’s
(JPOSC) joint approach to the JPO Orientation
Purpose of programme
The purpose of the programme is to facilitate
and accelerate Junior Professional Officers’
(JPOs) induction process 1 , so they become
effective and efficient in their roles faster and
are able to deliver output at a sooner stage in
their assignment.
Programme Goals
The overall objective of the JPO Orientation
Programme is to enhance and strengthen the
skills and competencies of UNDP JPOs and to
support JPOs in becoming effective programme
officers. To achieve this, the Programme will
apply a blended learning programme which is
based on the UNDP Competency Framework for
them to become effective programme officers.
A pilot programme, part of a bigger picture (the JPO
Learning Programme at a first stage and an all SM
Learning Programme – a very ambitious one – at a
later stage).
July 2011
The objectives of the JPO Orientation Programme are:
To establish an Orientation Programme for JPOs, supporting their capability development;
To increase JPOs ownership of their induction and learning process;
To support JPOs in preparing for their assignments in international organizations, like UNDP.
The new approach to the JPO Orientation Programme is based on a blended learning approach, i.e. a
combination of on-line, peer-learning and face-to-face learning.
The JPO Orientation Programme, which will be a 6-months programme, aims to deliver: 1) face-to-face
pre-departure briefings in Copenhagen, 2) an online virtual learning programme relevant to the role of
JPOs, simulations, including case studies, and 3) a two weeks face-to-face workshop (facilitated by UNDP
internal subject matter experts). Upon completion of the JPO Orientation Programme, each JPO will
receive a certificate from UNDP LRC-JPOSC.
July 2011
BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Step 1: On-boarding & Orientation at JPOSC, Copenhagen (for 1.5 days on route to assigned UNDP COs) ............................................................ 9
Step 2: Optional participation in the JPO Mentoring Programme........................................................................................................................... 10
Step 3: Open Enrollment in On-line Courses via Learning Management System (LMS) and UNDP TEAMWORKS (Substantive Thematic Areas
/UNDP Competency-Based Courses) (during first 4 - 6 months, prior to face to face workshop) .......................................................................... 10
Step 4: Participation in the Virtual Learning Programme ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Step 5: Two-Weeks Face to Face Induction Workshop ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Step 6: Acknowledgement & Certification............................................................................................................................................................... 11
The overall goal of the JPO Programme is to enhance the development and aid coordination work of UNDP Country Offices and other UN partner
organizations. JPOs serve primarily in one of the UNDP country offices, regional centres or HQs locations. Under the supervision of a senior staff
member, JPOs work with international and national staff and are involved in the identification, design, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation of the UNDP programmes. Purposes of assignments vary and may have a country-specific, regional, sector-based or thematic focus.
The objectives of the UNDP JPO Programme are three-fold:
to provide young professionals the opportunity to gain experience in the field of international development cooperation and
management, and as such to build capacities for the global development sector;
to provide UNDP with talented young professionals to contribute to the objectives of the Organization;
to support the fight against poverty and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
The JPO Programme always contributes to the implementation of the UNDP’s strategic plans and activities. The Programme allows UNDP to tap
into knowledge, networks and young talent, which contributes to the development of policy approaches and implementation of programmes.
The JPO Programme represents a significant window of additional contributions to UNDP from donors, and it has contributed to augmenting
professional staff capacity and provided the Organization with access to human resources with recognised talent, up-to-date knowledge and
academic credentials.
One of the key objectives of the JPO Programme is to build the capacity among young professionals to work with multilateral development
cooperation for future employment with the UN or the international development cooperation sector. Therefore, learning plays a key role
throughout the JPO assignment. As JPOs are assigned to different practice areas and come with different learning needs, their learning
throughout the assignment is highly flexible and self-paced to cater to each JPO’s specific learning needs and interests. JPOs each have a
dedicated learning budget which is allocated by the donor country to support individual learning needs. Many JPOs apply a blended learning
approach when determining their JPO learning plan.
July 2011
However, all JPOs share the same learning needs in the beginning of their assignment. As the majority of JPOs have no previous experience from
working with the UN, they need support in their induction into UNDP.
Therefore, in order to support the JPOs in effectively taking up their new assignments with a UNDP country office, regional office or
Headquarters office, the JPOs will be supported through a JPO Orientation Programme during the first six months of their assignments.
The objectives of the JPO Orientation Programme are to:
1. introduce the JPOs to UNDP as an organization (structure, policy, programmes and operations)
2. support JPOs in completing the UNDP mandatory online courses, as well as introduce them to UNDP Competency Framework related
online courses
3. support the JPOs in taking up their assignment with a new organization and in a new country
The JPO Orientation Programme will be based on a blended learning approach and its duration will be six months.
The Programme may use the following delivery modalities as required (for more information please see annex 1):
Face-to-face briefings (virtual when face-to-face not possible)
Self-study learning guides
Web-based discussion forums
Web-based simulation training
Face-to-face workshop
At the end of the JPO orientation process, JPOs will:
Have a clear overview and information on their new JPO assignment and on UN/UNDP, including
o UNDP (and affiliated funds and programmes) within the UN context and its basic structure.
o An insight into the UNDP mandates.
o Corporate policies and tools.
o Corporate values.
Understand the identity of the organization.
o What it means to be a staff member of the UN.
July 2011
What it is expected from individual staff members.
o Code of Conduct.
o Behaviour.
o Organizational culture.
Have clear expectations for their new assignment and understand the organization’s expectations as well.
Understand the importance of learning throughout the assignment and take ownership of their own capability development, in order to
speed up the learning curve, as well as be aware of learning tools available.
Understand the importance of networking and be aware of the tools available.
The JPO Orientation Programme will consist of 6 steps, with an additional “final induction” phase, during which the JPOs may benefit from the
different tools available for their further development:
July 2011
Step 1:
Step 2
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5:
Step 6:
•Onboarding & Orientation at JPOSC-Copenhagen for 1.5-2 days (on route to assigned
UNDP duty station)
•Optional participation in the JPO Mentoring Programme
•Open Enrollment in On-line Courses via Learning Management System (LMS) and UNDP
TEAMWORKS (Substantive Thematic Areas /UNDP Competency-Based Courses) (during
first 4 - 6 months, prior to face to face workshop)
•Participation in the Virtual Learning Programme (Self-paced online learning and on-line
collaboration on TEAMWORKS) (during one month prior to face to face workshop)
•Two-week Face to Face Induction Workshop (within first 4 - 6 months)
•Acknowledgement & Certification (when induction process concluded)
•Continued learning and implementation of development plan (rest of the JPO
Upon receiving appointment letter, JPO will receive an invitation to join TEAMWORKS site— Competency Based Learning Prorgamme which
grants access to UNDP LMS JPO Learning Path.
July 2011
(TEAMWORKS allows external members to join a group)
Under the UNDP LMS JPO Learning Path, JPOs will have access to the list of courses which JPOs may find relevant to their role and function. See
list of courses attached.
Step 1: On-boarding & Orientation at JPOSC, Copenhagen (for 1.5 days on route to assigned UNDP COs)
Prior to the pre-departure briefing session in Copenhagen, JPOs should:
1. Check out the JPOSC website to get a better understanding of the JPO Programme.
2. Read or get acquainted with the ‘UNDP for Beginners’ guide.
3. Complete the Basic Security in the Field (6 hrs) course on LMS.
During the pre-departure briefing session in Copenhagen:
1. JPOs will receive a briefing session by the JPOSC as follows:
A common briefing for all JPOs visiting Copenhagen (UNDP + other UN organizations) lasting 1 full day.
a) Introduction to the JPOSC and the JPO Programme (1 hr.);
b) Managing performance and career expectations (1 hr.);
c) Intercultural Management (session to be developed).
d) General Administrative Orientation (1.30 hrs.);
e) Specific Administrative Orientation (30 min.);
f) The JPOSC Website (1hr.)
2. A briefing only for UNDP JPOs lasting 0.5-1 day.
UNDP in UN context.
a) Mandate and organisational Structure (including set up of country office) and structure of the UN in the field;
b) UNDP priorities and values;
c) Where to find resources and how to navigate in the organization.
Corporate values and ethics.
Learning policies and tools.
a) LMS;
b) Career Development;
c) Mentoring Programme.
July 2011
Step 2: Optional participation in the JPO Mentoring Programme
1. UNDP and affiliated programme JPOs have the opportunity to participate in the JPO Mentoring Programme, which offers job support and
development to new JPOs through a virtual platform for knowledge sharing and mentoring.
The objective of this programme is to shorten the new JPOs’ learning curve by providing insight into the organization’s culture, experiential
knowledge on how to achieve strategies for work-life balance, support during the introduction process including how to acclimatize to a new
field or office culturally, organizationally and professionally, as well as assistance in gaining new skills that will help them as they advance in
their careers.
Step 3: Open Enrollment in On-line Courses via Learning Management System (LMS) and UNDP TEAMWORKS (Substantive
Thematic Areas /UNDP Competency-Based Courses) (during first 4 - 6 months, prior to face to face workshop)
1. During this phase, JPOs are suggested to self-study and enrol in mandatory as well as selected online courses that will give them the insights
and the tools for them to benefit the most from the face-to-face workshop in New York HQ.
The Corporate Mandatory Courses on LMS are:
1) UN Prevention of Harassment (3hrs)
2) Gender Journey (3hrs)
3) Advanced Security in the Field (2 hrs)
4) Ethics Training (2 hrs)
5) UNDP Legal Framework: What Every Staff Should Know (6 hrs)
Step 4: Participation in the Virtual Learning Programme
By participating in this programme, JPOs will have the opportunity to engage in self-paced on-line learning, as well as participate in the
TEAWMORKS site for further collaboration.
July 2011
Step 5: Two-Weeks Face to Face Induction Workshop
This phase should take place during 4 to 6 months into the assignment of the JPO, in order for him/her to have a good understanding of the
organization as well as of his/her assigned responsibilities, so the JPO can get the most out of the workshop.
The workshop agenda is comprised of the following key areas:
 Functional Stream--UN Reform & UNDP
 Creative Learning Marketplace
 Clinics and Case Studies
The workshop will take place in UNDP Headquarters in New York for two-weeks. Including 2-3 days, following the completion of the workshop,
for meeting with regional bureaux and headquarters units, as well as a ½ day workshop organized by the JPOSC in New York HQ to reflect on the
learning experience so far.
Step 6: Acknowledgement & Certification
During step 6, JPOs will be acknowledged for the completion of the JPO Orientation Programme. A Certificate of Completion will be provided and
made available to JPOs on LMS at the end of the JPO Orientation Programme.
Continued learning and implementation of development plan
During the rest of their assignment, JPOs will complete their training and learning by benefiting from the different tools available for their
further development:
- JPOSC website.
- On-line available training.
- JPO Workshops.
- Networking.
- DIM DIM (as a discussion forum).
July 2011
Added value of the Programme
This initiative is closely related to the UNSSC’s mandate to foster a common management culture in the UN System. By targeting the youngest
end of the professional demographic, it seeks an impact on the leaders of tomorrow by ensuring a strong start to their careers. Some young
professionals may have immediate management tasks such as supervision, while others may only move into such roles at a later point in their
careers. In any case, those remaining within the UN System after their initial assignment will continue to fill in the numerous gaps left by a
rapidly aging professional population. A solid base to continue career-long learning will help these young professionals become the future
managers and leaders of the System.
The benefits deriving from this initiative are multifaceted: From the individual’s point of view, participants benefit from developing a range of
skills and knowledge considered essential for an assignment within the UN. In addition, participants usually develop a curiosity for further
learning and development of their work-related skills.
From an organizational perspective, UN bodies benefit from receiving well-prepared individuals, which are capable of contributing to the
respective goals of the organization much sooner. In particular, workplace skills such as communication, meetings management and
multicultural awareness have a clear impact on the capacity of new staff members to integrate in their respective teams.
Finally, from a national perspective, this initiative offers sponsoring and seconding authorities a unique opportunity to benefit from a truly
multicultural programme, which mirrors the environment in which their nationals will have to operate. A programme boasting a proven
curriculum and supported by a number of well-tested resource persons, which can also assist new staff in establishing valuable professional
relations for their future career.
UNDP JPO Learning Path- Management/Operations Tracks
Job Function
Title of Courses
Enterprise Risk Management
1.5 hrs
Persons with Disabilities .Ability. Capability. Employability
2.5 hrs
UNDP Information Security Awareness
Human Resources Analyst
Finance Analyst
July 2011
1 hr
Introduction to Atlas Concepts
0.5 hrs
Atlas Roles: Finance Assistant
40 hrs
Fundamentals of Foreign Exchange
4 hrs
Procurement Analyst
Introduction to Atlas Concepts
0.5 hrs
Financial Disclosure Policy
Negotiation Skills
6 hrs
Procurement Analyst (Atlas OnDemand)
40 hrs
UNDP Procurement Certificate Level 1-Procurement Awareness
Human Development Journey
6 hrs
3.5 hrs
Human Resources Analyst
UNDP Programme and Project Management
6 hrs
360 Degree Feedback Skills
4 hrs
Accelerated Solutions
2 hrs
Knowledge Management
2 hrs
6 hrs
Negotiation Skills
6 hrs
Financial Management Certification Diploma Level
Finance Analyst
Procurement Analyst
Finance Analyst
Procurement Analyst
150 hrs
Negotiation Skills
6 hrs
UNDP Procurement Certificate Level 1 – Procurement Awareness
6 hrs
Accelerated Solutions
2 hrs
Knowledge Management
2 hrs
Financial Disclosure Policy
0.5 hrs
6 hrs
6 hrs
UNDP JPO Learning Path- Policy Advisory Track
Job Function
July 2011
Title of Courses
Persons with Disabilities .Ability. Capability. Employability
UNDP Information Security Awareness
Capacity Development
Crisis Prevention and Recovery
MDG / Poverty Analyst
Governance Analyst
July 2011
1 hr
Climate Change
6 hrs
Crisis Prevention and Recovery
6 hrs
Disaster Risk Reduction
4 hrs
Gender Mainstreaming
6 hrs
Human Rights
6 hrs
Knowledge Management
2 hrs
Negotiation Skills
6 hrs
6 hrs
UNDP Programme and Project Management
6 hrs
Aid Effectiveness 1
6 hrs
Aid Effectiveness 2
6 hrs
Capacity Development
6 hrs
Climate Change
Development Economics
6 hrs
Gender Mainstreaming
6 hrs
Human Development
6 hrs
ICT for Development
6 hrs
6 hrs
Pro-Poor Policies
6 hrs
Capacity Development
Climate Change
6 hrs
Democratic Governance 1: Promoting DG Grounded in UN Values and Principles
6 hrs
Democratic Governance 2: Fostering Inclusive Participation
6 hrs
Democratic Governance 3: Strengthening Efficient Governing Institutions
Environment and Energy Analyst
HIV/AIDS Analyst
Gender Analyst
July 2011
Human Development
6 hrs
Introduction to Democratic Governance
3 hrs
6 hrs
Capacity Development
Climate Change
6 hrs
Crisis Prevention and Recovery
6 hrs
Environmental Sustainability For Development
4 hrs
Knowledge Management
2 hrs
6 hrs
Sustainable Energy
Climate Change
6 hrs
Gender Mainstreaming
6 hrs
6 hrs
Human Development
6 hrs
Human Rights
6 hrs
Introduction to Democratic Governance
3 hrs
6 hrs
Pro-Poor Policies
6 hrs
Capacity Development
Climate Change
6 hrs
Gender Mainstreaming
6 hrs
6 hrs
Human Development
6 hrs
Human Rights Analyst
Capacity Development Analyst
UN Coordination Analyst
July 2011
Crisis Prevention and Recovery
Human Rights
6 hrs
Knowledge Management
2 hrs
6 hrs
Capacity Development
Climate Change
6 hrs
Democratic Governance 1: Promoting DG Grounded in UN Values and Principles
6 hrs
Gender Mainstreaming
6 hrs
Human Development
6 hrs
Human Rights
6 hrs
Knowledge Management
2 hrs
Capacity Development
Climate Change
6 hrs
6 hrs
Human Development
6 hrs
Knowledge Management
2 hrs
6 hrs
Aid Effectiveness 1
6 hrs
Aid Effectiveness 2
6 hrs
Capacity Development
6 hrs
E-Learning Toolkit on the Common Country Programming Process (Website)
3 hrs
6 hrs
OnDemand Atlas Training: Project Management
6 hrs
UNDG Guidelines & Guidance Notes (Website)
Aid Effectiveness 1
6 hrs
Aid Effectiveness 2
6 hrs
MDG / Poverty Analyst
Governance Analyst
July 2011
Democratic Governance 1: Promoting DG Grounded in UN Values and Principles
6 hrs
Developing Fundamental Critical Thinking Skills
Development Economics
3 hrs
Environmental Sustainability For Development
4 hrs
6 hrs
Human Development
Human Development Journey
6 hrs
Introduction to Democratic Governance
3 hrs
6 hrs
Pro-Poor Policies
6 hrs
Resource Mobilization
Success over Stress
6 hrs
Sustainable Energy
6 hrs
Crisis Prevention and Recovery
6 hrs
Disaster Risk Reduction
4 hrs
Environmental Sustainability For Development
4 hrs
Human Development Journey
6 hrs
Human Rights
6 hrs
Introduction to Democratic Governance
3 hrs
Knowledge Management
2 hrs
Negotiation Skills
6 hrs
6 hrs
Sustainable Energy
6 hrs
Crisis Prevention and Recovery
6 hrs
6 hrs
Environment and Energy Analyst
July 2011
Developing Fundamental Critical Thinking Skills
Development Economics
3 hrs
Disaster Risk Reduction
4 hrs
Environmental Sustainability For Development
4 hrs
Gender Mainstreaming
6 hrs
6 hrs
Human Rights
6 hrs
Improving Your Cross-cultural Communications
3 hrs
Knowledge Management
2 hrs
6 hrs
Pro-Poor Policies
6 hrs
Sustainable Energy
The Art of Global Communication
6 hrs
Aid Effectiveness 1
6 hrs
Aid Effectiveness 2
6 hrs
Democratic Governance 1: Promoting DG Grounded in UN Values and Principles
6 hrs
Democratic Governance 2: Fostering Inclusive Participation
6 hrs
Democratic Governance 3: Strengthening Efficient Governing Institutions
Development Economics
6 hrs
6 hrs
Disaster Risk Reduction
4 hrs
Gender Mainstreaming
Human Development Journey
6 hrs
Human Rights
6 hrs
Introduction to Democratic Governance
3 hrs
Negotiation Skills
6 hrs
HIV/AIDS Analyst
Gender Analyst
July 2011
6 hrs
Pro-Poor Policies
6 hrs
Resource Mobilization
6 hrs
UNDP Programme and Project Management
6 hrs
Aid Effectiveness 1
6 hrs
Aid Effectiveness 2
6 hrs
Capacity Development
6 hrs
Crisis Prevention and Recovery
6 hrs
Disaster Risk Reduction
4 hrs
Environmental Sustainability For Development
Human Development Journey
4 hrs
Knowledge Management
2 hrs
Negotiation Skills
6 hrs
6 hrs
Resource Mobilization
6 hrs
Crisis Prevention and Recovery
6 hrs
Democratic Governance 1: Promoting DG Grounded in UN Values and Principles
Development Economics
6 hrs
Disaster Risk Reduction
4 hrs
Environmental Sustainability For Development
Human Development Journey
4 hrs
ICT for Development
6 hrs
Introduction to Democratic Governance
3 hrs
Negotiation Skills
6 hrs
Pro-Poor Policies
6 hrs
Sustainable Energy
6 hrs
6 hrs
Human Rights Analyst
Aid Effectiveness 1
6 hrs
Crisis Prevention and Recovery
6 hrs
Democratic Governance 1: Promoting DG Grounded in UN Values and Principles
6 hrs
Democratic Governance 2: Fostering Inclusive Participation
Democratic Governance 3: Strengthening Efficient Governing Institutions
6 hrs
Disaster Risk Reduction
4 hrs
Environmental Sustainability For Development
Human Development Journey
4 hrs
6 hrs
Negotiation Skills
6 hrs
Resource Mobilization
6 hrs
Sustainable Energy
6 hrs
Aid Effectiveness 1
6 hrs
Aid Effectiveness 2
6 hrs
Asserting Yourself Professionally
Communicating for Results
Capacity Development Analyst
Crisis Prevention and Recovery
Development Economics
6 hrs
Disaster Risk Reduction
4 hrs
Effective Intercultural Relationships
2 hrs
Effective Intergender Relationships
2 hrs
Environmental Sustainability For Development
4 hrs
Gender Mainstreaming
6 hrs
Human Development Journey
July 2011
6 hrs
UN Coordination Analyst
July 2011
Crisis Prevention and Recovery
Human Rights
6 hrs
ICT for Development
6 hrs
Introduction to Democratic Governance
3 hrs
Negotiation Skills
6 hrs
6 hrs
Pro-Poor Policies
6 hrs
Resource Mobilization
6 hrs
Sustainable Energy
The Foundations of Creativity and Innovation
6 hrs
Crisis Prevention and Recovery
6 hrs
Environmental Sustainability For Development
4 hrs
Gender Mainstreaming
6 hrs
Human Development Journey
6 hrs
Introduction to Democratic Governance
3 hrs
Knowledge Management
2 hrs
Negotiation Skills
6 hrs
Pro-Poor Policies
6 hrs
Resource Mobilization
6 hrs
Sustainable Energy
6 hrs
Approaches to Risk Management
2 hrs
ICT for Development
Participating Effectively in a Business Meeting
6 hrs
Risk Basics
2 hrs
Tomorrow's Managers' Competencies
3 hrs
Tomorrow's Managers' Development Tools
MDG / Poverty Analyst
Democratic Governance 1: Promoting DG Grounded in UN Values and Principles
6 hrs
Democratic Governance 2: Fostering Inclusive Participation
Democratic Governance 3: Strengthening Efficient Governing Institutions
6 hrs
ICT for Development
6 hrs
Resource Mobilization
6 hrs
Communicating to Get Results
Governance Analyst
Environment and Energy Analyst
HIV/AIDS Analyst
Gender Analyst
Human Rights Analyst
Capacity Development Analyst
July 2011
Effective Intercultural Relationships
Effective Interfunctional Relationships
2 hrs
Negotiation Skills
6 hrs
6 hrs
ICT for Development
6 hrs
Democratic Governance 1: Promoting DG Grounded in UN Values and Principles
6 hrs
ICT for Development
6 hrs
6 hrs
Aid Effectiveness 2
Development Economics
6 hrs
ICT for Development
Available Presentation Resources
6 hrs
Democratic Governance 1: Promoting DG Grounded in UN Values and Principles
6 hrs
Democratic Governance 2: Fostering Inclusive Participation
Democratic Governance 3: Strengthening Efficient Governing Institutions
6 hrs
Enhancing Listening Skills
2 hrs
6 hrs
Participating Effectively in a Business Meeting
UN Coordination Analyst
Democratic Governance 1: Promoting DG Grounded in UN Values and Principles
Development Economics
6 hrs
ICT for Development
6 hrs
6 hrs
UNDP JPO Learning Path- Others Tracks
Job Function
Communications Analyst
Evaluation Analyst
Economics Analyst
July 2011
Title of Courses
Persons with Disabilities .Ability. Capability. Employability
UNDP Information Security Awareness
2.5 hrs
1 hr
Self-Orientation to the Communication Toolkit (website)
4 hrs
Accelerated Solutions
2 hrs
Capacity Development
6 hrs
Crisis Prevention and Recovery
6 hrs
Democratic Governance 1: Promoting DG Grounded in UN Values and Principles
6 hrs
Environmental Sustainability For Development
4 hrs
Introduction to Democratic Governance
3 hrs
Knowledge Management
2 hrs
6 hrs
Pro-Poor Policies
6 hrs
Aid Effectiveness 1
6 hrs
Aid Effectiveness 2
6 hrs
Capacity Development
6 hrs
Crisis Prevention and Recovery
Development Economics
6 hrs
Human Development
6 hrs
Knowledge Management
2 hrs
6 hrs
Resources Mobilization
Communications Analyst
Evaluation Analyst
Economics Analyst
6 hrs
Pro-Poor Policies
6 hrs
Capacity Development
6 hrs
Knowledge Management
2 hrs
6 hrs
Negotiation Skills
6 hrs
Resource Mobilization
6 hrs
Human Development Journey
Capacity Development
6 hrs
Crisis Prevention and Recovery
6 hrs
Democratic Governance 1: Promoting DG Grounded in UN Values and Principles
6 hrs
Environmental Sustainability For Development
4 hrs
Gender Mainstreaming
6 hrs
6 hrs
Human Rights
6 hrs
Introduction to Democratic Governance
3 hrs
6 hrs
Pro-Poor Policies
6 hrs
Sustainable Energy
6 hrs
Gender Mainstreaming
6 hrs
6 hrs
Human Rights
6 hrs
Negotiation Skills
6 hrs
Sustainable Energy
6 hrs
Democratic Governance 1: Promoting DG Grounded in UN Values and Principles
6 hrs
Democratic Governance 2: Fostering Inclusive Participation
6 hrs
Democratic Governance 3: Strengthening Efficient Governing Institutions
Environmental Sustainability For Development
July 2011
3.5 hrs
7.5 hrs
4 hrs
Resources Mobilization
Communications Analyst
Economics Analyst
Resources Mobilization
July 2011
Gender Mainstreaming
6 hrs
6 hrs
Human Rights
6 hrs
Introduction to Democratic Governance
3 hrs
Negotiation Skills
6 hrs
6 hrs
Sustainable Energy
6 hrs
UNDP Programme and Project Management
6 hrs
Aid Effectiveness 1
6 hrs
Aid Effectiveness 2
6 hrs
E-Learning Toolkit on the Common Country Programming Process (Website)
3 hrs
Global Diversity and Multicultural Competence
4 hrs
Human Development
6 hrs
UNDP Programme and Project Management
6 hrs
Global Diversity and Multicultural Competence
4 hrs
ICT for Development
6 hrs
Resource Mobilization
6 hrs
Crisis Prevention and Recovery
6 hrs
Democratic Governance 1: Promoting DG Grounded in UN Values and Principles
Development Economics
6 hrs
Environmental Sustainability For Development
4 hrs
Gender Mainstreaming
6 hrs
6 hrs
Human Rights
6 hrs
Introduction to Democratic Governance
3 hrs
6 hrs
Pro-Poor Policies
6 hrs
6 hrs
Sustainable Energy
July 2011
6 hrs
Self-study learning guides: Low-tech & low-cost learning avenue—it has a lot of merit as part of a comprehensive learning blend. Self-study doesn’t have to
involve a solitary environment, a lot of reading and a distinct application of new information. Rather, provide a mix of engaging reading material, simulations (via
Skillsoft Courses), and online and on in the field activities, support it with online collaboration tools and virtual workshops, and this becomes an interactive
element to support the curriculum.
Web-based training: Rich experiences are essential to meeting the learning needs of JPOs. Digital Storytelling (you may find an example of Digital Storytelling at
http://digitalstorytelling.coe.uh.edu/) and simulations (via Skillsoft Courses) in e-learning help to create rich, layered, relevant experiences. This simulated
environment offers learners a safe place to discover appropriate actions by applying new knowledge and skills to specific situations. By using both formats in
tandem, learners build foundational knowledge and comprehension, and begin to apply new skills and even analyze through reasoning. In the end, we’re helping
JPO to think with new knowledge in their real day-to-day situation. This approach is designed to provide highly relevant training, in a manner directly
transferable to job performance.
Web-based discussion forums: Online discussion forums offer learners optimum scheduling flexibility. They can visit the forum when it’s convenient for them—
virtually any time, from almost anywhere—reflect on concepts in threaded discussions, and then respond in their own time. That extra time available for
reflection often results in deeper interaction with concepts and a broader examination of differing perspectives.
Online workshops: The learners will participate in a short workshop where they can apply what they’ve studied in a collaborative session with their peers. Make
the session relevant to its preceding self-study modules by giving learners the chance to apply some of their new knowledge in a skill-practice session.
Face-to-face workshops: To have the deeper impact on learning, blends incorporate a face-to-face social learning component. Bring participants into a
workshop for a 5 full day once mid-way through the program. Removing them from daily work and personal responsibilities means that they can designate a full,
uninterrupted time for learning and networking with their peers. Group activities, role playing, skill application, immediate and relevant feedback and the
camaraderie gained from bringing together individuals with common goals are what make this delivery format added-value.
Through this comprehensive blended curriculum, we aim to address the needs of JPOs. The learning mix we’ve created provides a formal program, delivering
consistent content with the creative and varied approach required to reach today’s emerging workforce.