A SURVEY OF LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY FROM 15TH CENTURY TO 19TH CENTURY Loudoun County Public Schools UNIT 1 OUTLINE: Pre- Columbian America ( The Aztec Civilization) Unit 2: SURVEY OF SPANISH CONQUEST OF MEXICO Unit 4 : SURVEY OF THE 19TH CENTURY –COLOMBIA AND VENEZUELA Unit 3: SURVEY OF COLONIAL PERIOD AND INDEPENDENCE OF MEXICO Unit 5 : SURVEY OF THE 19TH CENTURY- PERU THEME: A survey of pre-Columbian America ( The Aztec Civilization ) Essential Vocabulary: Culture: people- places Aztec Mesoamerica Mexica Sedentary Tenochtitlan Semi- sedentary Quetzalcoatl Tribute Valley of Mexico Caste System Teotihuacán Slavery Toltec Polytheistic Chichimec Human Sacrifices Mocteuzma Eschatological Spaniards Pictographs Macehualles Pilli Tlacatecuhtli Temple Pyramid Hernan Cortez Key learning Objectives The student will be able to: Essential Unit Question The pre Columbian Aztecs developed a high structure society prior to the arrival of the Spaniards. What impact did pre- Columbian Aztecs have on modern Identify the three major Pre-Columbian Civilization? civilizations that existed in Mexico as Aztecs Locate each civilization on a map. Describe the rise of The Aztec Empire by giving examples that include political, economic, social structure, and religious practices. Explain reasons for the decline of the Aztec Civilization in the 16th century. TOPIC ORIGINS QUESTIONS GROWTH OF CITYSTATES ( 2 BLOCKS) THE AZTEC CIVILIZATION ACTIVITIES Where did they come from? When did they establish a permanent location as a cultural group? HW Reading and image responses Power point show In class-journal entries Historical film clip ASSESSMENTS Project: Map the story of The origin of the city of Tenochtitlan. Images from internet: www.mexconnect.com/articles/199-mysteries-of-... RELIGION How did the Aztecs adapt to their environment? sallerman.co.cc/aztec-pyramid.html commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mexico_COA.svg What advantages are there to placing a capital city on a marshy island in the middle of a lake? www.reformation.org/washington-mexicanlobby.html What are the distinctive features of the Mexica social structure? www.sbceo.k12.ca.us/.../Renaissance/spanish.htm What are the distinctive aspects of Mexica religion? What were the Aztec’s religious beliefs and ( TWO BLOCKS) www.greatdreams.com/mars.htm www.latinamericanstudies.org/aztecs1.htm HW Reading and image responses Power point show In class-journal entries Historical film clip Quiz/ Aztec believes Bubble map ( Thinking map to describe the most important features of Aztec religion) practices. POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC EXPANSION (1350–1428) What form of government does the Aztec civilization have? What is one the main reason that the Aztecs became rich? What are some of the typical trade goods within the Aztec empire? Which items particularly impressed the Spanish? What are some of the notable achievements of Aztec society? What events led to the decline of Aztec empire? ( TWO BLOCKS) THE AZTEC EMPIRE ( THREE BLOCKS ) HW Reading and image responses Power point show In class-journal entries Historical film TEST HW Reading and image responses Power point show In class-journal entries Historical film Research paper about The decline of the Aztec Empire.