Web appendix 1: Empirical papers included in the review 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Accountability mechanism(s) Setting and context Study design Reference Strengthening budgeting and resource allocation processes in a decentralized system Community participation in clinic committees Community participation in clinic committees Community participation in ward and village development committees Community participation in 18 varying initiatives Community participation, budgeting processes Province of Balochistan, Pakistan Case study [8] 3 Zimbabwean districts Cross-sectional community surveys, key informant interviews, focus group discussions, secondary data analysis Rapid appraisal of 25 clinic committees; in-depth case studies of 2 clinic committees Multiple case embedded exploratory study using focus group discussions [44] Document review of World Bank supported health sector reform programmes in Asia In depth case studies [34] Case studies including interviews, record reviews, outpatient exit interviews, focus group discussions [32] 1 Kenyan district Case study [31] Ulanga District, Tanzania Rapid appraisal of 19 clinic committees; in-depth case studies of 2 clinic committees Policy analysis including interviews, group discussions, participatory research action techniques, document reviews. Case study including semi-structured interviews, facility observations at 40 health centres Case study including focus group discussions, semi-structured interviews and structured questionnaires [22] Randomized field experiment [20] Community participation in clinic committees and through information sharing at facilities Community participation in clinic committees Community participation in clinic committees Community participation in budgeting and planning Community participation Community participation in user associations and through customer service offices Community participation: human Orumba South Local Government Area, Nigeria 2 Tanzanian districts Various settings in Asia 8 “local health systems” in Brazil and Chile (4 in each country; half rural) 2 districts in Kenya 4 Zambian districts Oaxaca State, Mexico Cali, Colombia 9 districts in Uganda [29] [21] [15] [24] [35] [23] 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. resource monitoring Community participation in monitoring a cost recovery system; external supervision of facilities and providers Community participation in health facility monitoring Internal supervisors and community monitoring Supervision and motivation Intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation to work Supervision and disciplinary action; reporting on targets Supervision and management Supervision and management Tillaberi District, Niger Case study of 11 health facilities [30] Tororo and Busia Districts, Uganda 35 in-depth interviews at 4 health units [40] Ceara State, Brazil Case study (?) [33] Rural setting in Nepal Arusha region, Tanzania Case study Observations of 80 clinicians in 39 facilities using vignettes [42] [36] Koppal, Northern Karnataka, India Participant observations, semi-structured interviews, qualitative responses from a survey. Case study In-depth inquiry in 4 primary health facilities using rapid ethnographic approaches Realist evaluation using interviews, non-participant observation and document reviews Qualitative case study including key informant interviews, nonparticipant observation and document reviews Structured interviews with health worker in-charges and patients, indepth interviews with district managers, health workers and health facility committee members Document reviews, health worker interviews, focus group discussions, exit interviews with patients, community household survey. No specific details provided [37] Accra and Kumasi cities, Ghana District in North-East South Africa Community participation, budgeting and management Community participation, budgeting and management Community participation, budgeting and management Mbarali District, Tanzania Community participation and management strengthening Management strengthening Lusaka, Zambia and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2 health regions in The Gambia Mbarali District, Tanzania Kwale and Tana River Districts, Coast Province, Kenya [41] [17] [28] [25] [27] [26] [38]