100 Greek and Latin Word Roots You Should Know 1. a, an without, the opposite of (atypical, amoral, anarchy) 2. ab away from, apart from (abnormal) 3. ad toward (adventure) 4. amphi, ambi both sides, all around (amphitheater, amphibian, ambidextrous, ambivalent) 5. anim life, spirit (animation, animal, animate) 6. ante before (antedate, anteroom, anterior) 7. anthro man (anthropology, anthropomorphic) 8. anti against (antipathy, antitank missile, anticlimax) 9. aqua water (aquarium, Aquaman) 10. archa ancient (archaeology, archetype, archaic) 11. archos leader, first, chief (monarchy, oligarchy, anarchy, archetype, architect) 12. aster star, space (asterisk, asteroid, disaster) 13. aud sound (audiovisual, audible) 14. auto self (automatic, autograph, auto-immune) 15. avi bird (aviation, aviary) 16. bene well, good (benefit, benevolent, benefactor, beneficent) 17. bi two (bi-partisan, bisexual, biennial, binary) 18. bib book (bibliography, Bible, bibliophile) 19. bio life (biology, biography, bio-active) 20. card heart (cardiac arrest, cardiovascular) 21. cent hundred (centennial, centimeter) 22. chrom color (chromium, achromatic) 23. chron time (chronic, synchronize) 24. cide kill (homicide, parricide, germicidal, ecocide) 25. circum around (circumference, circumlocution, circumnavigate) 26. corpus body (corpse, corporeal punishment) 27. counter against (counter-productive, counter-argument) 28. cracy rule (democracy, technocracy) 29. credo belief (credulous, credibility) 30. dec ten (decade, decimate) 31. demos people (democracy, demographic) 32. derm skin (dermatologist, pachyderm) 33. di two, double (dimorphism, dicotyledon, diatomic) ‘ 34. dict speak (dictate, Dictaphone) 35. dia across, through (diagonal, dialectic, dialogue, diagnosis) 36. dis not, apart (disperse, disinherit, disenfranchise, distend) 37. don give (donor, donation, pardon) 38. ego I, self (ego, egomaniac, egocentric) 39. ex out (exotic, exterior, extraneous) 40. fact make, do (factory, artifact, benefactor) 41. fore in front of, earlier (before, foreshadowing, forecast) 42. fract break (fraction, fracture) 43. frater brother (fraternize, fraternity, fraternal, fratricide) 44. gen birth (gene, genesis) 45. geo earth (geology, geography) 46. graph write, draw (graphic novel, graphite) 47. hetero mixed, unlike (heterogeneous, heterosexual, heterozygous) 48. homo same, alike (homogeneous, homogenized, homozygous, homosexual) 49. in, im not (incredible, ignoble, inglorious, inhospitable, infinite, infinitesimal, immoral) 50. inter between (interact, interstellar, interpret, interstitial) 51. intra within (intranet, introspection) 52. legis law (legal, legislature) 53. less without (hopeless) 54. lexis word (lexicon, lexicography) 55. liber freedom (liberty, library, liberal) 56. locus place (location, local, circumlocution) 57. log thought (logos, logic) 58. luna moon (lunar, lunatic) 59. macro large (macroeconomics, macroscopic, macrophage) 60. man hand (manual labor) 61. mania obsession (maniac, Beatlemania) 62. mar ocean (marine) 63. mater mother (matriarchy) 64. meter measure (metronome, speedometer, odometer) 65. micro small (microscope, micron, micrometer, microorganism) 66. mid half (middle, midway) 67. mono one, single (monocle, monopoly, monogamy, monomania, monarchy) 68. mortis death (mortician, mortuary, moribund, morbid) 69. neo new (neologism) 70. nomen name (noble, ignominy, nomenclature, nominal) 71. oct eight (octopus, octagon) 72. omni every, all (omnivore, omniscient) 73. pater father (paternal, paternity) 74. path feel (empathy, sympathy, pathos) 75. ped foot (pedestrian, pedal, pedicure, podiatrist) 76. pent five (pentagram) 77. peri around (peripatetic, periscope) 78. philo love (philosophy, philanthropy) 79. phon sound (phone, phonetic alphabet) 80. polis city (political, metropolis) 81. poly many (polygamy, polyphonic) 82. port carry (porter, transporter, export) 83. post after (post script (p.s.), post hoc, post-mortem) 84. pre before (premier, preview, premium) 85. pro in favor of (profound) 86. psyche mind, soul (psychology) 87. quad four (quadrant, quadraphonic) 88. quint five (quintuplets) 89. scope examine (telescope, periscope) 90. scrib write (transcribe, scribe, script) 91. sept seven (September, septuagenarian) 92. solus alone (solo, solitary) 93. subter under, secret (subterfuge, submarine, subterranean) 94. syn together (synchronicity, synthesis, symphony) 95. tele distance (telegraph, telephone) 96. ter earth (terrain, terraforming) 97. trans across (transport, transcend, transmogrify) 98. tri three (triangle, triad) 99. uni one (unique, unified, unicycle) 100. vac empty (vacuum, evacuate)