PRACTICE Test for Day #2 - English With Miss Robinson




To Kill a Mockingbird


Unit Test Day #2:

An In-depth Analysis of an important symbol/quotation from the novel and a formal persuasive paragraph response

 You must follow a point/proof/analysis format, as well as formal writing conventions for both Part A and Part B of this test.

 Your Identify the Significance response is worth 5 marks (1 response = 5 marks in total). This should help you to decide how much information you need to include in your response.

 Your Formal Persuasive Paragraph is worth 10 marks (1 paragraph = 10 marks in total and includes a topic ‘hook’, a thesis statement, 2 points/2 paraphrased proofs/2 analyses, a restatement of your thesis, and a thoughtful concluding sentence). This should help you to decide how much information you need to include in your paragraph.

 Be insightful and detailed in your answers. Include specific, paraphrased examples from the novel as your proof. Direct quotations and MLA citations are therefore not required for this test.

 Be reflective and demonstrate critical thought! Make insightful connections to the bigger ideas in the novel!

PART A: Identify the Significance:

 Please explain how ONE of the four symbols/phrases/quotations provided below is important to the novel (connect to character, plot, theme, setting, literary devices) using supporting examples to clarify your thoughts.

 Please write your response clearly on the foolscap paper provided. Also, please

DOUBLE-SPACE your answer.

Symbols and Quotations:



The blanket Boo wraps around Scout’s shoulders during the fire (5 marks)


The camellia flower given to Jem by Mrs. Dubose (5 marks)


The snowman Jem and Scout build (5 marks)


“Remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.” That was the only time I ever heard

Atticus say it was a sin to do something, and I asked Miss Maudie about it. “Your father’s right,” she said. “Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy . . . but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.”

(5 marks)

PART B: Write a formal persuasive paragraph:

 Choose ONE of the analysis topics listed below.

 Take a one-sided position on the topic question (this position will shape your thesis statement).

 Write a formal persuasive paragraph (approximately 12 sentences in length) that follows a correct structure:

1) Topic ‘Hook’

2) Thesis Statement

3) Point #1 (Supporting Argument)

4) Proof #1 (Paraphrased Example – No Direct Quotations Needed)

5) Analysis #1 (Explain why point #1 and proof #1 support your thesis statement)

6) Point #2 (Supporting Argument)

7) Proof #2 (Paraphrased Example – No Direct Quotations Needed)

8) Analysis #2 (Explain why point #2 and proof #2 support your thesis statement)

9) Restate your Thesis (use different words than you did in sentence #2)

10) Your last sentence should be a relevant and thoughtful conclusion

 Please write your paragraph clearly on the foolscap paper provided. Also, please

DOUBLE-SPACE your paragraph.

Paragraph topics:


1. To Kill A Mockingbird explores many significant moments in which characters are exposed to prejudice and discrimination. What is a key theme that the novel develops regarding this topic (prejudice and discrimination)? Take a clear position and explain using

paraphrased examples from the novel.

2. Atticus is a single parent whose parenting techniques are often called into question and even criticized by members of the community. Is Atticus a good parent? Take a clear

position and explain using paraphrased examples from the novel.
