Ralph M. Besse Library Resources for Rome Resour



Oxford encyclopedia of ancient Greece and Rome

Civilization of the ancient Mediterranean

Historical atlas of ancient Rome

Roman republic and empire

Rome alive

Oxford companion to classical civilization

Ancient Rome and its mysterious cities (VHS)

Roman city (VHS)

Rome and Pompeii (VHS)


The atlas of world art

The Oxford history of Western art

The Grove encyclopedia of classical art and architecture

Architecture, from prehistory to postmodernity

Roman architecture

Roman sculpture

Roman art: Romulus to Constantine

Roman art in context

Art & humanities through the eras

Rome, art, and architecture (VHS)

Art of the Western world: the classical ideal (VHS)


Berg encyclopedia of world dress and fashion

The Greenwood encyclopedia of clothing through world history

Costumes of the Greeks and Romans

Costume of the classical world

Survey of historic costume: a history of Western dress

The clothed body in the ancient world

Fashion through the ages: the history of costume (VHS)


Food in the ancient world

Encyclopedia of food and culture

Ralph M. Besse Library

Resources for Rome

R e s o

REF/ DE 5 .O95 2010 u

REF/ DE 59 .C55 r

REF/ DG 209 .C6645 2003

REF/ DG 77 .W726 2001

REF/ DG 13 .A37 2004

REF/ DE 5 .O94 1998

MEDIA/ DG 209 .A52

MEDIA/ TA 16 .R65

MEDIA/ DG 209 .R65

REF/ G 1046 .E1 O9 2004

N 5300 .O96 2000

REF/ N 5610 .G76 2007

REF/ NA 200 .T7 2002

NA 310 .S44 1983

NB 115 .K57 1992

N 5760 .R36 2009

N 5760 .R64 1993

REF/ NX 440 .A787 2005

MEDIA/ N 5760 .R65

MEDIA/ N 5300 .A77 no.1

GT 507 .E54 2010

REF/ GT 507 .G74 2008

GT 545 .H6

REF/ GT 545 .S52 1985

REF/ GT 580 .T67 2010

GT 511 .C56 2005

MEDIA/ GT 511 .F37

REF/ GT 2850 .A47 2006

REF/ GT 2850 .E53 2003


Food in the ancient world

The Cambridge world history of food

Food: a culinary history from antiquity to the present

Cooking in ancient civilizations


Ancient writers: Greece and Rome

Greek and Latin authors,800 B.C.-A.D.1000

The Oxford companion to classical literature

A literary history of Rome in the silver age


The army of the Caesars

The ancient mariners

The Roman army: a social and institutional history

The grand strategy of the Roman Empire from the first century A.D. to the third

The ancient world at war: a global history

Ancient warriors (VHS)


Corruption and the decline of Rome

Empire of honour: the art of government in the Roman world

Political power in the ancient world

Power and persuasion in late antiquity: towards a Christian empire

The Caesars: might and madness


Encyclopedia of Greek and Roman mythology

A dictionary of Greek & Roman mythology

Religion in the Roman Empire

Religions of antiquity

Pagans and Christians

Among the gentiles: Greco-Roman religion and Christianity

Women's religions in the Greco-Roman world


Love in ancient Rome

Daily life in ancient Rome

Handbook to life in ancient Rome

On the margin: marginalized groups in ancient Rome

Roman passions: a history of pleasure in imperial Rome

Details of Roman life (VHS)

REF/ TX 353 .A47 2006

REF/ TX 353 .C255 2000

REF/TX 353 .H525 1999

TX 353 .K38 2006

REF/ PA 3002 .A5 1982

REF/ PA 31 .G7

REF/ PA 31 .H69 1989

PA 6042 .D8 1964

DG 89 .G7 1974

DE 61.N3 T48

U 35 .S625 2006

U 35 .L8 1976

U 29 .A53 2008

MEDIA/ U 29 .A53

DG 270 .M33 1988

JC 83 .L464 2001

DE 83 .L413 1966

DG 311 .B76 1992

DG 270 .L513 1958

REF/ BL 715 .R65 2010

REF/BL 715 .S7 1978

BL 803 .R58 2007

BL 1060 .R438 1989

BR 128.R7 L36

BR 128 .G8 J646 2009

BL 625.7 .M34 2004

HQ 13 .P5 1965

DG 78 .D8713 1993

REF/ DG 77 .A35 1994

DG 78 .B25 2003

DG 223.3 .L38 2009

MEDIA/ DG 78 .D47



Gladiators: history's most deadly sport

Sports and games of the ancients

The Colosseum

Sport in ancient times

Berkshire encyclopedia of world sport

Sport and spectacle in the ancient world


Roman women

Roman women: their history and habits

War, women, and children in ancient Rome

Sex and difference in ancient Greece and Rome

Pandora's daughters: the role and status of women in Greek and Roman antiquity

The Oxford encyclopedia of women in world history

Encyclopedia of women in the ancient world

Women's roles in ancient civilizations

I, Claudia: women in ancient Rome

GV 35 .M45 2005

REF/ GV 17 .C73 2002

DG 68.1 .C6513 2001

GV 571 .C76 2007

REF/ GV 567 .B48 2005

GV 573 .K95 2007

HQ 1136 .D35 2007

HQ 1136 .B34 1983

Short Term HQ 1136 .E93 1991

Short Term HQ 18 .G8 S49 2003

HQ 1134 .C3513

REF/ HQ 1121 .O93 2008

REF/ HQ 1127 .S25 2001

REF/ HQ 1127 .W654 1999

N 5763 .I25 1996

