“The Wright Stuff” 1 Colorado Space Grant Consortium Gateway to Space Fall 2011 Design Document Team 7: The Wright Stuff Written by: Colton Hall Brendan Lee David Thomas Zak Collins Eli Nelson Devin Bazata November 4, 2011 Revision C “The Wright Stuff” 2 Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Mission Overview Requirements Flow Down Design Management Budget Test Plan Expected Results Launch and Recovery 3 4 6 12 14 17 21 22 “The Wright Stuff” 3 1.0 Mission Overview Mission Statement: Our BalloonSat Aliquid In Spatio will ascend to approximately 30 kilometers into the atmosphere to determine if bacterial microbes that inhabit the surface of the earth are able to withstand the harsh environment of near space, as well as to attempt to discover if there are bacterial microbes that inhabit the tropopause. Our BalloonSat has two main missions, which both involve bacteria. The first mission is to send up petri dishes, on which we have already grown bacteria (E. coli) for several days, and to control what the bacteria are exposed to in space to observe how they are affected. There are three main factors that we will control: temperature, UV and other cosmic radiation, and extremely low pressure. We know that UV light will kill bacteria at high enough intensities but we do not know if there is enough UV light in space to kill them. [1] We also know that low temperatures will slow the rate at which the bacteria grow but we do not think that it will kill them. We do not know how the bacteria will react to the low pressure. There will be a petri dish that is protected from UV light but exposed to vacuum and low temperature, a petri dish that is protected from all the factors, and a petri dish that is exposed to all of them. We will also have a petri dish on the ground to act as a control. Another thing that could possibly kill the bacteria but we cannot control is high acceleration, so if even the bacteria that are protected from everything still die then the high acceleration is the cause. E. coli can still grow without the presence of oxygen but it grows faster if there is oxygen. [2] This is important since there is less oxygen in the stratosphere and because the petri dishes that we seal will have limited oxygen. We will test growing the bacteria in a sealed petri dish prior to flight to observe how significantly this affects its growth. The purpose of this part of our mission is to see how well life can survive in the different aspects of space. [3] One of the theories of how life began on earth is that bacteria came here on an asteroid. For this to happen bacteria would need to be able to survive in space-like environments, not too different from that of the stratosphere. As well as providing support or opposition for this theory, experiments in near space could also change where we are looking for life. If bacteria can survive, or even possibly thrive in these conditions than scientists could be looking at asteroids and barren moons for life and not just earth-like planets. Our second mission is to collect bacteria that live in the stratosphere. Recently scientists in India discovered three new types of bacteria in the stratosphere but there is still not much known about the bacteria that live there.[4] We will be attempting to discover if bacteria live in the tropopause. We will expose a petri dish to the atmosphere once we reach the tropopause. After that we will keep the petri dish sealed so it is not contaminated by the bacteria at lower elevations. We should not need to protect the bacteria from UV or the low pressure since they already live in those conditions, and doing so could contaminate or hurt these samples. “The Wright Stuff” 4 There are two purposes to the second part of our mission. The first is to try to discover a new type of bacteria. Only three types of bacteria living in the stratosphere have been discovered. However, that was over India, so we believe that there is a good chance we could discover a new type. Another purpose of collecting bacteria that lives in the stratosphere is so that we can study them. They are highly resistant to UV light and other radiation and discovering how they do that could be of use. Many inventions are based off of biology (such as how the solar panel is based off of photosynthesis) and so the results of this experiment could open the gateway to studying how bacteria resists radiation and help to discover a way for astronauts to resist radiation and possibly make astronauts going to Mars a possibility. References: 1: http://www.ehow.com/about_5143610_uv-light-kill-bacteria.html 2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escherichia_coli 3: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panspermia 4: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Stratosphere-Reveals-New-Bacteria-107216.shtml 2.0 Requirements Flow-Down Chart Mission Statement: Our BalloonSat Aliquid In Spatio will ascend to approximately 30 kilometers into the atmosphere to determine if bacterial microbes that inhabit the surface of the earth are able to withstand the harsh environment of near space, as well as to attempt to discover if there are bacterial microbes that inhabit the tropopause. Objective 1 (Derives from Mission Statement): Our BalloonSat will measure the inside temperature, outside temperature, and humidity of the BalloonSat during the flight to assess the environment. Objective 2 (Derives from Mission Statement): Our BalloonSat will also carry our bacterial samples into near space to test them if they can survive in that harsh environment. Objective 3 (Derives from Mission Statement): Our BalloonSat will carry a sterile petri dish and expose it to the atmosphere at the altitude of the tropopause to see if any bacteria live in that environment. Requirement 0.1 (Derives from O1) We will run the HOBO datalogger for the entirety of our flight to gather inside and outside temperature as well as humidity data from the start to finish of our flight. Requirement 0.2 (Derives from O2) We will carry three different sets of bacteria to test if they “The Wright Stuff” 5 can survive. We will expose one set of bacteria to all of the effects of near space: low temperature, low pressure, and radiation. We will then expose one set of bacteria to just the radiation by sealing it so it retains pressure and by heating it so it does not go to low temperatures. Our final set will be our control and will not be exposed to any of the rigors of near space, but will merely be on the flight as a control group. These petri dishes will remain in their own environments for the entirety of the flight. Requirement 0.3 (Derives from O3) Our BalloonSat will use a servo attached to the lid of the sterile petri dish to raise the lid and open the dish, exposing it to the tropopause and allowing for bacteria collection. Requirement 1.1 (Derives from R0.1, R0.2, R0.3) Our BalloonSat will provide heating for the HOBO device, the two heated petri dishes, the servo, and the Arduino through the use of a heater and thermal insulation. Requirement 1.2 (Derives from R0.1, R0.2, R0.3) The BalloonSat will provide structural mounting for the HOBO, Arduino, servo, petri dishes, and other equipment. Especially, the BalloonSat’s structure will provide secure and protected mounting for the petri dishes so that they are not contaminated. Requirement 1.3 (Derives from R0.3) Our BalloonSat will use an Arduino Board to activate the servo at specific times, so that our petri dish is exposed starting at an altitude 1000 feet below and reseal at 1000 feet above the tropopause. Requirement 2.1: Thermal Sub-system (Derives from R1.1) The BalloonSat’s heater will maintain a temperature of no less than -10 degrees Celsius for the duration of the flight. Kapton thermal insulation taped to the exterior of the BalloonSat will limit the loss of heat. Requirement 2.2: Structural Sub-system (Derives from R1.2) The BalloonSat will be constructed from Foam Core to provide structure and protection for the equipment so that it is not damaged during flight. Hot glue and Aluminum tape will hold the structure together. Requirement 2.3:Science Sub-system (Derives from R1.3) We will use temperature vs time data from previous flights so that our Arduino can use time to determine the correct time to deploy the petri dish. (The servo will be deployed near the tropopause, which corresponds to the lowest temperatures during flight). Requirement 2.4: Science Sub-system (Derives from 1.1, 1.2, 1.3) Four petri dishes will be attached with hot glue. One petri dish will be placed in the enclosed portion of the BalloonSat, where it will be heated and protected from UV by the walls of the BalloonSat. One petri dish will be sealed but placed on the exposed upper deck of the BalloonSat, and another will be left “The Wright Stuff” 6 unsealed and exposed on the upper deck. The last petri dish, also on the upper deck, will be sealed but will be attached to the servo arm. Requirement 2.5: Power Sub-system (Derives from R1.1, R1.3) Nine-volt batteries will provide power for the heater and the Arduino (as well as indirectly powering the servo attached to the Arduino). External switches will activate the heater and Arduino. Requirement 2.6: Command Sub-system (Derives from R1.3) The Arduino will be programmed to have the servo open and later close the petri dish at the correct times. The HOBO will be programmed to start recording data after a time delay so that it begins recording shortly before launch. 3.0 Design RFP Design Requirements # Requirement Summary of Completion Page with Details 1. Design shall have additional experiment(s) that collects science data and teams must analyze this data. We are sending up bacteria and observing how their growth is affected and collecting bacteria from the stratosphere. 3, 10 2. After flight, BalloonSat shall be turned in working and ready to fly again. The BalloonSat should stay intact 23 so that the petri dishes remain undamaged. Any structural damage shall be repaired. 3. Flight string interface tube shall be a non-metal tube through the center of the BalloonSat and shall be secured to the box so it will not pull through the BalloonSat or interfere with the flight string. Yes. A flight string will be placed through the center of the Balloon Sat. It will be secured to the box in order to not interfere with any other of the BalloonSat’s functions. 9 4. Internal temperature of the BalloonSat shall remain above -10˚C during the flight. We will use heaters and Kapton insulation to keep it above -10˚C. 9 5. Total weight shall not exceed 850 grams. Our BalloonSat weighs 801 grams. 15 6. Team shall acquire (not necessarily These rates shall be acquired measure) ascent and descent rates of the from COSGC, which will have 22 “The Wright Stuff” 7 flight string. appropriate measurement devices placed on the balloon. 7. Design shall allow for a HOBO H08004-02 (provided) 68x48x19 mm and 30 grams. Yes 11 8. Design shall allow for external temperature cable (provided). Yes 9 9. Design shall allow for a Canon SD780 Camera IS 18x55x88mm and 130 grams (provided). This design will accommodate this camera. 11 10. Design shall allow for an active heater system weighing 100 grams with batteries and id 10x50x50mm (provided). Yes 11 11. BalloonSat shall be made of Foam Core (provided). Yes 9 12. Parts list and budget shall include spare parts. Our budget adjusts for spare parts. 15-17 13. All BalloonSats shall have contact information written on the outside along with a US Flag (provided). American flag and sticker info included in weight. 14 14. Proposal, design, and other documentation units shall be in metric. All dimension and weight measurements are in metric. All pages 15. Launch is on November 6, 2011. Time Team will be present for launch and location: 6:50 AM in Windsor, CO. and recovery. Everyone is expected to show up for launch. Only one team member is required to participate on the recovery. Launch and recovery should be completed by 3:00 PM. 22 16. No one shall get hurt. 18 17. All hardware is the property of the Included in budget, will be Gateway to Space program and must be returned at end of semester. returned in working order end of the semester. 17, 22 18. All parts shall be ordered and paid by 17 No one. Most important parts will be “The Wright Stuff” 8 Chris Koehler’s CU Visa by appointment to minimize reimbursement paperwork. All teams shall keep detailed budgets on every purchase and receipts shall be turned in within 48 hours of purchase with team name written on the receipt along with a copy of the Gateway order form (HW 04). ordered off Chris Koehler’s Visa card. Colton Hall will keep all receipts and budgets. 19. All purchases made by team individuals shall have receipts and must be submitted within 60 days of purchase or reimbursement will be subject to income taxes. All receipts and budgets will be 17 kept inside the budget folder, which will be in the possession of Colton Hall. 20. Have fun and be creative. Mind-blowing and incredible fun All pages and creativity will be used. 21. Absolutely nothing alive will be permitted as payloads, with the exception of yellow jackets, mosquitoes, fire ants, earwigs, roaches, or anything you would squish if you found it in your bed. Bacteria will be used for this experiment, but nothing living larger than that. 3 22. Completion of final report. The report will be completed. 23 23. All BalloonSats shall have visual indicators on the outside of the flight structure to confirm at launch that the payload is active and running. Switches will be used as indicators. 9 The BalloonSat shall consist of a rectangular prism of Foam Core (RFP requirement 11) held together by hot glue and aluminum tape. The base shall be 25 cm by 15 cm, and the entire BalloonSat shall be 14 cm tall. The BalloonSat shall consist of a lower deck (10 cm tall) and an upper deck (4 cm tall), separated by a horizontal sheet of Foam Core. Kapton Insulation shall cover the exterior and interior of the BalloonSat to prevent heat loss. A US Flag and stickers detailing contact information shall be present on the side of the BalloonSat for retrieval purposes (RFP requirement 13). A hollow, plastic tube with a 5 mm diameter shall be placed along the central vertical axis of the BalloonSat. The flight string shall be threaded through this tube, and a washer and paper clip at each end shall secure the string and prevent it from sliding (RFP requirement 3). “The Wright Stuff” 9 The lower deck of the BalloonSat shall contain a HOBO data logger to record the temperature and humidity inside the BalloonSat, as well as outside the BalloonSat via an external temperature cable (RFP requirements 7 and 8). A Canon SD780 Camera shall also be present on the lower deck to take pictures out of a hole in the side of the BalloonSat (RFP requirement 9). A heater system shall be glued to the roof of the lower deck, so as to keep the temperature of the lower deck above -10°C and to provide heat via conduction to the servo motor and one petri dish on the upper deck (RFP requirements 4 and 10). Wires shall connect three 9 volt batteries to the heater to provide power. An Arduino circuit board shall be connected to a 9 volt battery via a power switch accessible from the exterior of the BalloonSat. Flipping this switch shall indicate the Arduino will be active during the flight (RFP requirement 23). Wires shall connect the Arduino to a servo located on the upper deck. The Arduino shall be programmed to cause the servo to rotate at specified times. A servo motor shall sit on the upper deck, wired to the Arduino on the lower deck. A servo arm attached to the servo shall connect to the sealed lid of a sterile petri dish sitting on the upper deck. At a command from the Arduino, the rotation of the servo shall raise the lid of the petri dish to collect bacteria samples. Another command shall lower the lid back into place. To ensure the petri dish remains sealed and closed when the lid is down, a Foam Core seal tension bar shall be glued to the top of the lid. A string attached to this bar shall pass through holes in the Foam Core layer between the decks, and the string shall be attached to a vertical extension spring on the lower deck. The spring shall be stretched slightly from its rest position so that it exerts a downward force on the string as the spring attempts to compress back to its rest state. The tension in the spring, then, shall transfer this force to the bar on top of the petri dish, thus holding the lid down and maintaining a seal while the servo is not actively running. Two more petri dishes, containing E. Coli bacteria, shall occupy the other half of the upper deck. One petri dish shall be placed above the heater for warmth. This petri dish will also be sealed with cold-weather electrical tape. The other petri dish shall be left unsealed and unheated. Also, a third bacteria-filled petri dish, shall be placed on the lower deck and sealed with electrical tape. All petri dishes shall be attached to the BalloonSat via hot glue. The science experiment shall proceed as follows (RFP requirement 1): three petri dishes shall contain E. Coli bacteria. The dish on the lower deck shall be heated, sealed, and protected from UV radiation by the walls of the BalloonSat. One petri dish on the upper deck shall be sealed and placed above the heater, so it shall only experience the effects of UV radiation. The third dish shall be left cold, unsealed, and unprotected from UV radiation (this petri dish will be insulated with foam core so that it is not heated along with the second dish). A fourth petri dish shall be kept on the ground to act as a control group. These petri dishes shall allow for analysis of the effects of UV radiation, low temperature, and low air pressure on bacteria. (Comparing the dish on the lower deck to the control ground dish shall determine whether or not the bacteria were affected simply by the trip of the BalloonSat, especially the acceleration, as the dish on the lower deck shall be kept warm, sealed, and protected from radiation). “The Wright Stuff” 10 Also, the sterile petri dish shall attempt to collect bacteria in the atmosphere. The servo arm shall open the petri dish for collection, and then the Arduino board shall command the servo to close the dish once data collection is complete. The spring shall keep the dish sealed when the servo is not in use. Design limitations include the effectiveness of the spring in holding the sterile petri dish shut; it may be difficult for the spring to be strong enough to hold the lid down but weak enough that the servo can overcome it while in operation. Also, the ability of the heater to heat the servo and the petri dish on the upper deck may be limited, so this shall be tested thoroughly during the cooler test. See the testing section for information on how the vacuum and cooler tests dealt with these design limitations to create a functional BalloonSat. Functional Block Diagram Technical Drawings “The Wright Stuff” 11 See section 5.0 Budget for a complete part list. 4.0 Management: “The Wright Stuff” 12 Eli Nelson will act as the team leader, while Colton Hall will manage the budget. Each task will be assigned to one primary person, with a secondary person also assigned as an assistant. In terms of scheduling, general meetings are scheduled for Wednesdays and Saturdays, and testing is scheduled to begin on October 15. A major time limitation will be completing construction early enough for testing the BalloonSat. The time crunch usually resulted in the tests being completed after their scheduled dates. Name Jobs Description Devin Bazata Soldering, Assistant Mechanical Engineer Will be in charge of assembling and testing the actual electrical components, as well as assist Eli with the servo mechanism. Eli Nelson Mechanical Engineering, Team Leader Will be in charge of designing, assembling, and testing the servo mechanism. Zak Collins Life Sciences Will be in charge of the acquisition and cultivation of our bacteria. Colton Hall Budget Manager; Assistant for Construction, Programming, and Life Sciences Will assist Brendan, David, and Zak with their Building, Programming, and Life Science Jobs respectively. Will also keep budget. Brendan Lee Construction Will be in charge of assembling the structure of the spacecraft. David Thomas Programming Will be in charge of developing and testing the code for the electrical components, including assisting Devin. “The Wright Stuff” 13 Schedule: Color code: Met on Time, Scheduled but Missed Deadline, Rescheduled Events, Future Events 09/27: Hardware Ordering (Time by Appointment) 09/28: Team Meeting (7:00 PM) (Possible Construction) 10/01: Team Meeting (6:00 PM) (Design Document and Critical Design Presentation) 10/04: Design Document Rev. A/B Due at 7:00 AM 10/04: Critical Design Presentation Due at 7:00 AM 10/05: Team Meeting (6:00 PM) (Construction) 10/08: Team Meeting (11:00 AM) (Construction) 10/12: Team Meeting (6:00 PM) (Construction) 10/15: Team Meeting (11:00 AM) (Freeze Test) (Construction) (Drop Test) (Begin Bacteria Tests) 10/17: Team Meeting (Construction) (Whip Test) 10/18: Mid Semester Team Evaluation Due at 9:30 AM 10/19: Team Meeting (7:00 PM) (Construction) (Vacuum Test and Repeat All Other Tests excepting Freeze Test) 10/23: Team Meeting (7:00 PM) (Redo any tests that need it) (Final Construction) 10/25: Pre-launch Inspection/Bring all hardware to class 10/26: Team Meeting (7:00 PM) (Begin Bacteria Tests) (Final Touch-ups) 10/27: In-class Mission Simulation Tests 10/30: Team Meeting (6:00 PM) (Final Touch-ups) (Work on LLR) 10/31: Team Meeting (Freeze Test) (Vacuum Test) (Work on LLR) 11/01: LLR Presentations Due at 7:00 AM 11/02: Team Meeting (3:30 PM) (Redo Freeze Test) (Final Touch-ups) 11/03: Team Meeting (Redo Vacuum Test) (Final Touch-Ups) 11/04: Team Meeting (Redo Freeze Test) (Final Touch-Ups) (Work on DD) 11/05: Final Balloon SAT Weigh-in and Turn In (Time by appointment) 11/05: Design Document Rev. C and LRR Card Due by 3:30 PM 11/06: LAUNCH DAY (4:45 AM - 4:00 PM) 11/06: Team Meeting (Upon Return) (Store Data from Launch) 11/08: Bring Raw Flight Data to Class 11/09: Team Meeting (7:00 PM) (Collect Data) 11/13: Team Meeting (6:00 PM) (Collect Data) 11/16: Team Meeting (6:00 PM) (Data/Prepare for Final Presentation) 11/27: Team Meeting (7:00 PM) (Prepare for Final Presentation) 11/29: Final Presentations Due at 7:00 AM/All Data Due in class 11/29: Final Presentation 11/30: Team Meeting (6:00 PM) (Finish Video and Design Document Rev. D) 12/03: ITLL Design Expo (9:00 AM - 4:00 PM) 12/03: Design Document Rev. D/Team Videos Due at Judging 12/06: Hardware Turn-in 5.0 Budget Mass Budget “The Wright Stuff” 14 Part Mass (g) Quantity Estimated Mass Actual Mass on on BalloonSat BalloonSat (g) (g) HOBO 26.9 1 26.9 25 HOBO Cable 9.2 1 9.2 5 Arduino 27.2 1 27.2 27.2 Heater 32.2 1 32.2 32.2 Switch 5.6 2 11.2 11.2 9v Battery 46.0 4 184.0 184.0 Canon SD780 IS Camera 130 1 130 111 US Flag Sticker 1.6 1 1.6 1.6 Name Stickers 0.3 3 1.2 1.2 Contact Info Stickers 0.4 1 0.4 0.4 Foam Core 220 3 sheets 220 125.0 Parallax Standard Servo 43 1 43 43 Servo Arm 6 1 6 6 Petri Dish with Agar 12 4 48 88.4 E-Coli Bacteria N/A N/A Negligible Negligible Aluminum Tape 5 1 ~5 ~5 Kapton Foil 20 1 20 ~10 Electrical Tape 5 1 ~5 ~5 Washer 12.4 2 24.8 24.8 Paper Clip 1 2 2 2 Hollow Plastic Tube 3.0 1 3.0 3.0 Hot Glue 5 ~5 tubes 10.0 ~10 Spring 2.1 1 2.1 2.1 “The Wright Stuff” 15 Plastic Bar 6.8 1 6.8 6.8 Rubber Stopper 55 1 55 55 849.6 801 Total Mass Cost Budget Item Quanity Estimated Total Purchased Price($) Price($) From Contact Information HOBO and Accessories 1 N/A 0 Space Grant Prof.Koehler@gmail.com Arduino 1 40.00 33.51 SparkFun customerservice@sparkfun.com Heater 1 N/A 0 Space Grant Prof.Koehler@gmail.com Switch 2 N/A 0 Space Grant Prof.Koehler@gmail.com 9V Batteries 9 15.00 10.97 Home 303-449-4221 Depot/Space Grant Gutter Guard 1 5.00 2.23 Home Depot 303-449-4221 Medium Cabinet Pull 1 * 3.48 Home Depot 303-449-4221 String 1 * 2.97 Home Depot 303-449-4221 Electrical Tape 1 * 1.97 Home Depot 303-449-4221 Spring Pack 1 * 4.37 Home Depot 303-449-4221 25' Polyethylene Tube 1 * 2.82 Home Depot 303-449-4221 Home Depot Tax - * 2.39 Home Depot 303-449-4221 AdaptaPlug 1 * 6.99 Radioshack (303) 449-0635 9V Battery Clips (5 pack) 1 * 2.99 Radioshack (303) 449-0635 Radioshack Tax - * 0.83 Radioshack (303) 449-0635 “The Wright Stuff” 16 Connectors 8 * 8.23 JB Saunders (303) 442-1212 Canon Camera (SD780 IS) 1 N/A 0 Space Grant Prof.Koehler@gmail.com US Flag Sticker 1 N/A 0 Space Grant Prof.Koehler@gmail.com Name Stickers 3 N/A 0 Space Grant Prof.Koehler@gmail.com Contact Stickers 1 N/A 0 Space Grant Prof.Koehler@gmail.com Parallax Standard Servo 2 40.00 40.32 Parallax (916) 624-8333 Servo Arm 2 20.00 18.97 Servo City 620-221-0123 Petri Dish 1 with Agar (20 pack) + Shipping 20.00 13.33 Escapade Direct escapadedirect.com Agar (10 gram bottle) 1 included in petri dish estimate 8.99 Escapade Direct escapadedirect.com Aluminum Tape 1 N/A 0 Space Grant Prof.Koehler@gmail.com Kapton Insulation 1 N/A 0 Space Grant Prof.Koehler@gmail.com Dry Ice Cooler Test 1 1 13.73 King Soopers (303) 443-9622 Washers 2 N/A 0 Space Grant Prof.Koehler@gmail.com Paper Clip 2 N/A 0 Space Grant Prof.Koehler@gmail.com Bacteria 1 30 Science Stuff sciencestuff.com Rubber Cement 1 30.00 2.59 CU Book Store (303) 492-6411 Dry Ice 1 * 13.73 King (303) 443-9622 “The Wright Stuff” 17 Cooler Test 2 Soopers Solder 1 * 2.99 McGuckins (303) 443-1822 Rubber Stopper 1 ** 3.99 McGuckins (303) 443-1822 Tilt Valve 1 ** 3.79 McGuckins (303) 443-1822 Hair Pin/Cotter Pin 2 ** 0.78 McGuckins (303) 443-1822 Clevis Pin 2 ** 1.38 McGuckins (303) 443-1822 Dry Ice Cooler Test 3 1 ** 13.73 King Soopers (303) 443-9622 Total Budget 239.41 Budget Remaining 10.59 *Indicates a minor, inexpensive item that was classified under miscellaneous in the initial budget estimate. **Indicates a part that was not initially not part of design but was added after testing necessitated a design change. Parts ordered online will be ordered by appointment with Chris Koehler using his Visa. Colton Hall will manage the costs of these parts and will be in charge of the order forms. All receipts for parts not ordered online will be turned in by Colton Hall to Chris Koehler within 60 days of purchase for reimbursement. All hardware is the property of the Gateway to Space program and will be returned at the end of the semester. 6.0 Test Plan: Team Safety The safety of each team member is very important, and precautions will be taken to ensure harm does not happen upon anyone. For example, multiple team members will be present for every building and testing session. If one person gets injured, then another team member can step in to help. During the drop and staircase tests, the satellite will impact the ground with considerable force and parts may break and fly off. To ensure safety from these projectiles, each team member will come no closer than 3 meters from the landing area at the time of landing. The dry ice used for the freeze tests is very cold and can freeze skin, so a proper cooler will be used “The Wright Stuff” 18 and proper gloves will be worn when handling it. Finally, each team member will use proper judgement and common sense to stay out of harm’s way, and each team member will look out for each other. ● All safety procedures were followed, and all team members remain uninjured. Testing A series of tests will be performed on the BalloonSat to test its performance and to ensure that it will not fail in a space environment. These include drop tests, whip tests, freeze tests, bacteria test, staircase tests, and vacuum tests (performed in the vacuum chamber of the Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy). The purpose of these tests is to measure how well the BalloonSat and its components will hold up to the conditions it will face during its flight. Drop Test: There will be two drop tests to measure the durability of the petri dishes, as well as that of the whole BalloonSat. The first test will consist of dropping the BalloonSat from a raised platform, such as the second story bridge between the DLC and the ITLL. To preserve the actual components of the satellite and to keep costs down, rocks of equal mass to the various components will be used in their place to simulate the actual weight and weight distribution. The purpose of this test is to investigate the durability of the satellite as it drops back down to Earth. A separate drop test will be administered on the petri dishes. Their durability is our biggest concern, as any breach can contaminate the bacteria and skew the results of the experiment. The dishes will be dropped from the same height as the BalloonSat. ● Results: There were a few nicks on the corners on the structure of the BalloonSat, but overall there was minimal damage. However, after three drops, the servo came loose. The petri dishes sustained minimal damage as well. ● Changes made: We initially attached the servo by gluing it to a stack of Foam Core which was attached to the BalloonSat, and wrapping a piece of tape around it. To improve on this, we simply added more glue and more tape to attach the servo more securely. No modifications were made to the petri dishes. Staircase Test: The satellite will tumble many times after that initial landing impact, and then its durability under this situation will need to be measured. The staircase test will measure this, and will be performed by tumbling the satellite down a flight of stairs. The difference between this test and the drop test is that it will test the durability of the BalloonSat over a series of smaller but more numerous impacts. ● Results: The BalloonSat structure sustained minimal damage, with only a few nicks on the corners. ● Changes made: The same changes were made as for the drop test. “The Wright Stuff” 19 Whip Test: Whip tests will consist of threading a string through the box (through the same hole that the BalloonSat will be attached to the balloon string with) and twirling it around in a circular motion by hand. This will show how well the opening for the cord attaching the satellite to the balloon will fare under the forces of wind, upward acceleration at launch, and downward acceleration at burst. ● Results: The whip test was conducted after modifications were made for the drop and staircase tests, so the structure was strong and did not sustain any damage. ● Changes made: Because no damage was sustained, no changes were made. Bacteria Test: Bacteria tests are crucial for ensuring the validity of our results. The bacteria tests were to ensure that we could incubate the bacteria and have them grow. We made agar, put it in petri dishes, put the bacteria on the agar and then incubated them in the BioServe lab at 26 degrees Celcius. Every couple days we checked on the petri dishes for growth. Another purpose of this test was to see how long it would take to incubate and what sort of growth we could expect. A control growth of bacteria will be conducted on the ground and this data will be compared to our final BalloonSat information. The bacteria will be placed on a petri dish and placed in the same environment where we will incubate the launched bacteria. ● Results: The bacteria test did not go as planned. There was no visible growth on any of the petri dishes long after there should have been. We think that the reason for this is that the agar is incompatible with our bacteria or that there was some mistake made in making the agar. ● Changes made: Instead of sending up bacteria that we have grown ourselves we will be sending up the bacteria that we bought online. This should not affect our experiment significantly since we will still be able to tell if the bacteria survived or not after we have prepared the agar correctly. Freeze Test: Freeze tests will be administered to the vital components and subsystems of the satellite to show how well they will work in a cold environment. The subsystems will be immersed in dry ice to simulate this. Of particular interest is the performance of the servo motors and the camera in this environment. Condensation may be a problem for the camera lens at high altitude, so this test is important. The servo motors may cease to perform or perform less smoothly in the cold, so the testing of its performance in a near-space environment is vital as well. ● Results: We performed the cold test three times, as the first two times the temperature did not go low enough. However, on the third try, we were able to achieve an external temperature of around -70 degrees Celsius. The internal temperature dropped to around 50 degrees Celsius, but the heater was working because the rate of change in temperature was slower than that of the external temperature. The heater worked at first, but it failed towards the end of the test because fresh batteries had not installed, so the batteries died. However, the camera and servo worked perfectly in the cold environment. ● Changes made: To keep the internal temperature warmer, we added additional insulation in the form of extra kapton foil on the inside of the BalloonSat. Fresh batteries will also be installed at launch to ensure that the heater works. “The Wright Stuff” 20 Vacuum Test: We will be testing our Petri dishes in a vacuum chamber. The durability of the seals on Petri dishes used to hold the bacteria will be the primary interest. This is important because a failure of the seals on the vacuum-controlled sample dishes would skew the results in the same way as a breach would. To do this we will use the Bell Jar at The Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy. We will pump down the Bell Jar to as low a pressure as it goes and hold it at that pressure, with the Petri dishes inside, for ten minutes. To test if our Petri dishes held a seal we will add 10 mL of water to them before the test and measure water loss to see if the Petri dishes hold pressure. The reason this works is because at a low pressure water evaporates, so if we hold our Petri dishes at very low pressure and they hold a seal, then the water will not evaporate, but if it doesn't have a seal the water will evaporate. “The Wright Stuff” 21 ● Results: Our plans for the Petri dishes that stay sealed for the entire flight worked as expected in the vacuum test. We started with 10 mL of water and ended with 9.5 mL of water. However, our initial design for the Petri dish going to be used to capture the bacteria in the tropopause did not hold pressure, as we started with 10 mL of water and ended with 0 mL of water. After redesigning our capture Petri dish, we retested it and it held perfectly, starting with 10 mL of water and ending with 10 mL of water. What was tested Initial volume of water Final volume of water Permanently sealed Petri Dish 10 mL 9.5 mL Initial re-sealable Petri Dish 10 mL 0 mL Final (redesigned) re-sealable Petri Dish 10 mL 10 mL ● Changes Made: Due to a successful first test, we did not change the design of our Petri dish seals that will stay sealed throughout the flight, but we did a redesign of the Petri dish that captures the bacteria. We changed our design to use a rubber seal that uses pressure differentials to create a seal on the Petri dish. This design has the capability to unseal and seal in flight and holds a air-tight seal at vacuum. 7.0 Expected Results: We expect to find out that the exposure to the near space environment will kill both the bacteria exposed to all three elements as well as the bacteria exposed to just UV. In particular, we think that exposure to the UV radiation will be the specific cause for their demise because we know that UV radiation is often used to disinfect things by killing bacteria. We have had practice incubating and making agar but we have not successfully grown bacteria yet. Despite this we are confident that we will be able to grow bacteria after launch. Our bacteria can be stored for a very long time which will allow us to figure out how to grow the bacteria. As for the bacteria collection experiment, we expect to collect some bacteria from the tropopause, as previous researchers have found bacteria in other parts of the upper atmosphere. We hope our data will give us insights into the survival capabilities of bacteria in both their natural environments and their survival in more extreme environments. To test if our experiment will go as planned, we will test our servo mechanism using the cooler test to see if it will work properly so that we “The Wright Stuff” 22 know our petri dish will be deployed correctly. We will also be testing our petri dishes to see if they will hold under the extremely low pressure of near space so that we can be sure they will not be contaminated, which would ruin our data. 8.0 Launch and Recovery All team members will be present at launch on Sunday, November 6, 2011, at 6:50 AM in Windsor, Colorado. Eli Nelson shall be responsible for launching the BalloonSat, while other team members will provide support and ensure that the BalloonSat is functioning correctly. Colton Hall will be responsible for recovering the BalloonSat and will drive the rest of the team in the vehicle caravan. Once our balloon satellite has been recovered, we must examine the petri dishes to ensure the seals have not been broken by inspecting them visually and that the results have not been compromised in any immediately observable way. We will then remove the petri dishes from the balloon satellite and incubate the resulting captured sample for the required amount of time. We will observe the bacteria that were previously incubated prior to being sent up and subjected to the high altitude environment. The petri dish exposed only to UV, the fully exposed petri dish, and the control dish will all be evaluated to determine the levels of bacteria in each dish, and this information will be used to evaluate the effect of high altitude environments on the life and reproduction of the bacteria by comparing it to a sample dish that will be incubated and kept at ground level. The petri dishes will be photographed every few days to document growth. If the bacteria continues to grow after being sent up then we will conclude that it survived the flight. On the other hand if it does not grow more after flight then we can conclude that the bacteria was killed. The dish that is used to attempt to capture bacteria in the upper atmosphere will be observed after given the necessary time to incubate, and we will then conclude whether or not our apparatus was able to gather any variety of microrganism in our experiment. Analysis will be supplemented by environmental data collected by the HOBO, pictures taken by the camera, and data on the ascent and descent of the balloon provided by COSGC instruments on the balloon. All bacteria, agar, and petri dishes used in our experiment will be disposed of in the biohazardous waste bin located in the BioServe laboratory. Following the analysis of the results of the flight of our balloon satellite, we will prepare it in such a way that it is ready to fly another mission. The first step is to inspect the structural integrity of the satellite and determine whether any major components have been damaged in the flight and whether or not they need replacement. This primarily includes the Foam Core structure. We will then confirm that all the electronic components, such as the camera, Arduino Uno, HOBO, and servo, are all in satisfactory operating condition, and repair them if they are not. We can then replace the petri dishes and our satellite will be ready to fly another mission and obtain further results if need be (RFP requirement 2). At this time, a final report will be compiled, including experimental results and analysis of the BalloonSat’s performance and flight (RFP requirement 22).