MED 266: Pharmacology Chapter 41: Antibacterial Agents Worksheet Complete the following statements. 1. Bacterial identification and determination of antibiotic susceptibility are commonly referred to as culture and ___________________ testing. 2. ________________________ refers to the use of drugs to kill or to inhibit the growth of infectious organisms or cancerous cells. 3. ____________________________ drugs are lethal; that is, they actually kill the bacteria. 4. ______________________________ drugs inhibit the reproduction (growth) of bacteria. 5. Antibacterial drugs are obtained from two major sources: _________ microorganisms and __________________ synthesis 6. chemical substances obtained from microorganisms and used in chemotherapy are referred to as ___________________. 7. Antibacterial drugs that are obtained by chemical synthesis and not from other microorganisms are referred to as __________________________________ drugs. 8. Each antibacterial drug is generally effective for only a ____________________ number of pathogenic bacteria 9. Drugs are effective against a wide spectrum of both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. These drugs are referred to as __________________________________________________ antibiotics. 10. The ability of bacteria to resist the actions of antibiotics is referred to as _________________________ ___________________________. When drug resistance occurs, another antibacterial drug that the bacteria are sensitive to must be substituted. 11. __________________________________________ refers to the use of antibiotics before bacterial infection has developed in order to prevent infection. 12. The selection and timing of antibiotic ___________________________________ depends on the type of infection that is anticipated, patient characteristics, and other considerations related to the specific clinical situation. 13. The ___________________________________ are bactericidal antibiotics that have chemical structures similar to those of the penicillins. They are used as __________________ for penicillins in cases of allergy or bacterial resistance and in the treatment of certain gram-negative infections. 14. The incidence of allergy with cephalosporins is ________________________ than that with the penicillins and are generally used in patients who are ____________________ to penicillins. The guiding principle is that cephalosporins are not administered to penicillin-allergic individuals who have __________________________ experienced the immediate type of penicillin allergic reaction (hives, anaphylaxis). 15. The ______________________________ are occasional alternatives to the penicillins for many of the common gram-positive and gram-negative infections. 16. ______________________________ are used primarily for the treatment of urinary and GI tract infections. 17. The sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim combination is effective against a broad spectrum of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It is often used as an ________________________ to the penicillins and cephalosporins for respiratory, urinary, GI, and other systemic infections. It is frequently the ________________ _____ ________________ for treatment of Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonial infections, and ear, sinus, and pneumonial infections caused by Haemophilus influenzae. 18. The term____________________ refers to the large chemical ring structure that is characteristic of these antibiotics. These antibiotics inhibit bacterial protein synthesis and are considered ___________________________. 19. The ________________________________ are synthetic antimicrobials that have a broad spectrum of bactericidal activity. ________________________ is the most active drug against gram-negative infections, including those caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. 20. _________________________________ is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that is reserved for serious and life-threatening infections 21. One of the biggest problems in treating tuberculosis has been the dramatic increase in bacterial ____________________ to drug therapy 22. There are many different factors that determine which _______________________ would be the preferred therapy or drug of choice for any specific infection. The age of the patient, __________________ drug allergies, location and _____________________ of the infection, drug ______________________, and drug cost are just a few of the factors to be considered.