Taranaki Disaster Relief Fund 2015 Application for Grant $2000 Tiaki Tume Attachment 30/07/15 Question 6: House and sheds received internal water and sediment damaged and all buildings will need to be checked by an Electrician. The depth of sediment left behind from the flooding is at least 40 to 60 centimetres in some areas of the property, in other places it is more than 60 centimetres. Fences are damaged and will be removed to move sediment out of section, moving towards riverside of the house. We have removed all sediment that could be done manually which has given limited access to the back of the house and old carpet has been used over the sediment in the front of the house to prevent people from sinking allowing limited access through the front of the section. What sediment remains can only be done by machinery and financial assistance is needed to hire machinery Excavator Kubota and Toyota Dyna Tipper. Materials to replace removed fences from property are needed. Disposal of all white ware and other items that cannot be burnt need to be removed in the appropriate manner not sure how this will be achieved. Projected Budget: Hire Pool quote is based on using machinery for two days only and does not include diesel usage. Hire Pool do not require a specific license to operate machinery, the operator needs to have a full driver’s license only. Electrician work is estimated from previous work being done in the past and mileage is charged. This can be reduced by working with the community and sharing mileage costs of an Electrician. Estimation of cost for replacing fences is limited and materials will be purchased. Whanau would be sought to build fences. Given the amount of the grant paid labour to complete the fences does not seem possible. Hire Pool Electrician Fencing Diesel Machinery $ 864.25 $ 450.00 $ 500.00 $ 185.75 $ 2,000.00 Question 11: The property was not affected by 2004 flood or any other years when flooding has occurred. Insurance on the property was stopped in 2007 due to the rising cost of premiums and the house being in a flood zone. The property was inherited by birth right from my grandparents who were gifted the land by the hapu Ngati Pourua in 1933 as a wedding gift. My grandfather Tiaki Tume a descendant of Ngati Maru and Te-Atihaunui-a-Paparangi got timber from Tarata, Inglewood to build his wife Uhiwaero Wirihana a house. My parents returned to the house in 1980 and our whanau and I have continue to live at the homestead since. I have solely been responsible for the home over the last 15 years raising tamariki and mokopuna at home to ensure they gain the knowledge of Ngati Pourua, kawa, tikanga o te marae, just as my parents have taught me. Both my parents have passed away with my father passing in June 2014.Reality has now set in and a plan is needed to move forward to make our homestead inhabitable. Whanau have given what supports they can towards the recovery process and clean-up of the house, sheds and outside, however whanau have needed to return to their own commitments of everyday living and areas that they live. I have travelled up to the Waitotara Valley from Whanganui as often as possible to help in the recovery process for the Marae and my own dwellings this is now becoming a financial burden in travel costs. This is starting to affect my own personal and emotional wellbeing which makes things difficult to move forward positively. Currently I receive income from WINZ as a Job Seeker with a weekly amount $108.13 once other outgoings are deducted. Having inherited the homestead after being named by my grandfather now have to endure the hardship afflicted by the 2015 June flooding and make decisions for the house during the recovery process and its future. Thank you for considering my application for financial assistance and look forward to hearing from the Mayors of South Taranaki District, Stratford and New Plymouth councils and the Chairperson of the Taranaki Regional council regarding outcome for a Grant from the Taranaki Disaster Relief Fund.