Patient Satisfaction Survey Results 2013/2014

Patient Satisfaction Survey Results 2014/15
The Derby Medical Centre strives to provide, maintain and exceed the standards of
care we offer to our patients. Our annual questionnaire is one of many ways we
review our practice and listen to our patient’s feedback both for those who receive
care and for those who provide it.
The results of this survey were discussed with the practice partners on 19.01.15. It
was also on the agenda at the patient group meeting on 20.01.15 & 17.03.15.
What have we achieved in response to last year’s survey?
Following on from feedback last year, we have worked hard to ensure that we
improve how we communicate with our patients. As promised, we purchased and
installed a patient information screen to call patients in to appointments but also so
we could display relevant health messages for visitors. We found it particularly
useful for advertising events like our flu clinics this year and overall have had a
positive response from patients.
Our website and practice leaflets have also received a facelift and we hope that our
practice information is clearer and more accessible.
This year we decided to exclusively survey those patients who had registered for
online services so we could conduct the questionnaire online. This allowed us to
generate results efficiently and meant we weren’t bombarding patients with paper,
especially since patients have also been asked to respond to I Want Great Care in
the same period.
Following on from conclusions drawn after last year’s survey, this year we added
questions like age range, sex and the approximate number of visits to the surgery.
Whilst remaining anonymous, it does tell us who is responding and if we are meeting
the requirements of all demographics. Many questions were repeated so that we
can make longer term comparisons.
On 08/01/15 1000 emails were sent out from our database with a link to the survey.
The survey was left open for a two week period during which time we received 536
completed responses which equates to 53.6%. This does not take into account the
57 additional surveys that were only partially completed. This compares to 445
responses from 600 printed questionnaires last year. However, we have concluded
that a secure online survey is the most efficient way of contacting patients and will
continue to collect feedback in this way every year. In the meantime we will work on
collecting email addresses for even more of our patient population.
Of those surveyed, 64.12% were female versus 35.88% male respondents who fell
into the following age categories showing we have a good proportion of responses in
each age range.
Of these responses 90.25% said they were not a carer but of those that answered
yes to being a carer, 12.5% are formally registered as such.
The results from the approximate number of visits for each patient in a twelve month
period also substantiates that we are a large, busy practice with around 10% of our
population requiring almost monthly visits.
The opening times of the surgery are generally regarded as convenient with only
15.4% stating they needed improvement.
76.1% of those surveyed felt our respect for privacy was good or excellent and an
additional 15.3% stating that it was adequate.
We are delighted that 94.31% know about booking appointments and ordering
repeat prescriptions online but we acknowledge we need to promote our extended
hours facility on a Monday as 70.4% were unaware of this service.
Appointments by phone continues to be the most popular method of booking an
appointment (65.58%) but interestingly 25.62% make their appointments online
demonstrating this is becoming a more popular option. Making an appointment on
the day and in advance remain a priority for our patients but 76.34% say they can
usually be seen the same day if the matter is urgent.
The majority of respondents say it is easy to get an appointment over the phone
and/or order repeat prescriptions online but there is obviously room for improvement.
The question about having a facility for telephone consultations proved very popular
with 83.17% stating that they would be interested. Currently you can leave a
message to speak to our doctors but obviously we need to be cautious about taking
away appointment allocated time. These results will be considered more closely by
the doctor’s for possible consideration in the future.
Overall, reception staff have been regarded as courteous (76.61%) but we have
taken the negative feedback provided very seriously and are addressing both the
need for greater confidentiality and the need for staff training. What we will say is
that we highly value our staff and they often work in very demanding conditions so
we would ask patients to take this into consideration.
Waiting times are always a source of tension and delays are often difficult to avoid
when there are emergencies. The practice does get very good feedback concerning
the care delivered by our GPs so sometimes in order of provide the best care for all
our patients this can lead to unexpected delays.
The practice is generally regarded as clean with 83.43% stating the standard was
excellent or good. Additionally, the availability of our seating was deemed excellent
or good by 55.02% and adequate by a further 32.64%.
The information we provide about the practice and our services was reported as
excellent by 8.45% good 47.22%, adequate 30.52%, needs improving 11.32% and
poor by 0.77%. (1.73% did not comment).
Similarly, the following results were recorded about the website:
19.39% feel that the patient screen needs improving but the majority of patients find
it a useful addition to the surgery. We have also found it incredibly useful for
communicating topical, timely information.
We are delighted with the positive feedback concerning our doctors: 83.32% saw
their doctor of choice. 93.92% felt that the doctor gave a thorough examination and
our patients clearly feel they are kind, considerate and attentive.
70.34% state the competence of their doctor is excellent with an additional 24.9%
stating they are good.
These findings would support the result that 93.05% would recommend our practice
to friends or family.
Detailed Analysis:
Summary of answers to the question “What do you think we do particularly
As a result of conducting the survey online we can report a measurably improved
response to this question covering a range of topics. What is abundantly clear is
that the majority of patients are delighted with the care of all the GP’s at the practice.
Many specifically mentioned a doctor by name to commend the care they had
received and commented that our GP’s are knowledgeable and accommodating and
that they liaise with their colleagues to provide outstanding all-round care. Feedback
shows that our doctor’s know their patients well which assists the continuity of care.
Patients also feel that our surgery is conveniently located providing modern facilities
handling a variety of patients in large quantities in a professional manner. Many
patients report that they are able to secure an appointment on the same day and that
reception staff are helpful and efficient especially when an appointment is needed
urgently. The punctuality of appointments was also observed with most patients
reporting that they were either seen on time or promptly.
With regards to communication, many patients were positive about the new patient
screen in reception. Those in need of annual reviews have found the reminder
notification by post useful. The online prescription service is also proving popular
although some patients have been frustrated that they are unable to order all repeats
in this way but obviously the surgery are restricted by clinical guidelines meaning
certain items will never be available to order in this way.
Many have applauded the effort to improve opening times and our endeavours to try
new approaches to improve the overall patient experience. Our extended hours’
service on a Monday has been better promoted and the service is well used by
The care of our nurses and the helpful nature of our secretaries was also noted.
Also of mention was the efficiency of this year’s flu clinic that we planned with
military efficiency meaning 2500 patients were vaccinated over three Saturday’s in
the autumn.
We can therefore conclude that there are many things we are doing well and that the
majority of patients are delighted with the care they receive but there is always room
for improvement as identified in the next section.
Summary of answers to the question “What do we not do so well?”
Predominantly the recurring theme for what we need to improve on relates to
reception. Patients have requested improved confidentiality and empathy from
reception staff.
Complaints have also related to a lack of appointments online and over the phone
and difficulty getting through to the surgery at peak times. Patients are also unhappy
about being asked if there appointment is an emergency by administrative staff.
There have also been complaints regarding online booking as some patients have
experienced difficulty logging in.
Other suggestions included an email contact for non-urgent enquiries,
communication by SMS and for alternative appointments like warfarin monitoring to
be made available online. The location and pronunciation of the TV screen has also
been a source of contention with certain patients stating that the screen cannot be
seen from all parts of the waiting area and that the way the computer calls names is
Some patients reported difficulty with prescriptions reporting that online prescriptions
can be delayed or not sent to the chemist requested.
Response to areas for improvement and action for the future
In response to feedback relating to reception, please be advised that we are
currently trialling a system where the telephonists are separated from front of house.
This should ensure that there are dedicated staff for both telephone enquiries and
those that are face to face. Longer term we are exploring partitioning the reception
area to improve patient confidentiality and comfort.
Whilst we acknowledge the frustration of accessing our services over the phone we
have taken measures to address this but we remain a busy, centrally located
practice of over 13,000 patients.
Similarly, we have taken on board the comments relating to some reception staff and
are looking at suitable training to implement. Whilst some staff may appear abrupt or
enquiring, in order for the surgery to run efficiently we do need our team to book
patients into the right clinic at the right time but their delivery of these questions
could be improved. The availability of online appointments has also had to be
restricted simply because of the number of unattended appointments the doctor’s
have to endure if we book too far ahead.
We will continue to work on the issues that have been highlighted as unsatisfactory
and will continue to discuss these and ways to improve them. In the meantime, if
there is an issue you would like to raise, please feel free to contact our Practice
Manager, Helen Harwood on 01372 726361 who will be happy to assist you.
Thank you to those patients who completed a survey. We really appreciate your
Appendix 1 – Patient Group Feedback
Following the review of our survey by our patient group a number of questions were
raised in response to some of the feedback gathered.
One common issue related to difficulties experienced with online bookings and
prescriptions. These ranged from availability of appointments and the type of
appointments that are available online with some patients expressing a desire to
make nurses appointments online.
In response to this the practice would like to comment that in terms of difficulties with
logging into online services we are of course bound by government guidelines to
ensure confidentiality of patients’ records and data so we are unable to improve or
alter any part of this.
Many patients would like to be able to book blood tests online. Again, this is
impractical because we require GP’s to request blood tests as part of a consultation.
The costs of blood tests vary enormously so whilst we obviously ensure all those
needing tests have them, these cannot be requested specifically by a patient.
Similarly, many would like to book nurse’s appointments online. Given that we
employ five nurses with different areas of expertise, depending on the reason for
attendance, an appointment can vary in length from five minutes to one hour. It
would therefore lead to problems with manageability if these appointments were
taken away from reception who can ask the right questions to book the patient with
the right nurse for the required amount of time.
With regards to availability, we are an exceptionally busy practice. On the day
appointments are for emergencies so these will never be shown online. However, all
our available appointments in advance for all GP’s including extended hours are
shown online. If there is nothing available this means they have all been taken.
Appointments get booked very quickly so we would encourage patients whenever
possible to check online promptly.
We do acknowledge the frustrations of our patients and endeavour to implement
solutions however, due to the nature of our business there are many limitations that
prevent us from seemingly obvious solutions. We do appreciate your understanding
in this matter.
Appendix 2 – Patient Waiting Area & Confidentiality
Since this report was first written and in response to the feedback concerning patient
confidentiality the Derby Medical Centre has already implemented many changes to
address this. Our waiting room has been partitioned to allow for a small office to
house our telephonists. This means greater confidentiality for our patients when
they call, a quieter environment for those waiting to be seen in the waiting area and
better front of house service for those arriving at the surgery.
We have also repositioned our patient information screen meaning this can now be
seen by all patients regardless of where they are sat in the waiting room. This week
(2nd March 2015) we are having new flooring which will be smarter, cleaner and more
practical; this will be followed by new seating the following week to finish off our newlook reception.
We hope our patients welcome this adjustment and value your ongoing feedback.
Appendix 3 – I Want Great Care Feedback
We are also delighted to announce that The Derby Medical Centre has been
awarded a certificate of excellence in special recognition of our outstanding patient
experience. Dr Neil Bacon, Founder and CEO of the initiative commented: “The
words used by your patients in their reviews make it abundantly clear just how much
they appreciate and value the care, compassion and dedicated professionalism you
We are really pleased to be acknowledged as a select and special group of surgeries
who have received consistently exemplary feedback through I Want Great Care. We
will of course continue to strive to maintain and exceed patient expectations and
appreciate the ongoing support of our patients.
The Derby Medical Centre 2015