Watford Grammar School for Boys Philosophy, Religion and Ethics Scheme of Work Title: Ethics and values Year group: 8 Term: summer Weeks: 14 Resources: Themes to inspire 2 Learning Lesson content Possible activities objectives What are our The UN Research the rites? declaration of two declarations human rights. What rights do EU declaration of we have? In human rights School? Out of school? Define the term ‘rite’ Why are The aims of people punishment – punished? retribution, deterrence, protection, reform Define the 4 aims of punishment Give examples for each type of punishment Which aims of Homework ICT SMRC Literacy Resources Produce a Research human rights declaration for school. Moral development Cultural development Do you think punishment should be to deter, retribute, protect, or reform? Why? Moral development Read the Pg 58 – 65 two declarations Key words: declaration, EU, UN, human rights, religion Define key Pg 67 terms Key words: aims of punishment , retribution, Religious What do different views of religions think punishments about punishment? Our rites in Our rite to an school education The school behaviour code The school homework code Religious rights Case studies on pg 62 – 4 What should religious people be allowed to do? punishment do you agree with most/least? Why? Analyse quotes on page 68/9 Which views do you agree with most/least and why? Write a document on our school rites. Go through the policies in their planners. Brainstorm – what are our rites in school? Read the case studies on pg 62 – 64. Do you agree with what happened? Write a rule book about religious rites Produce a news report on one of the stories deterrence, protection, reform Find one religious view on prison as a form of punishment Spiritual Moral Analysis Pg 68/9 Key terms: religion, punishment Survey 10 students around the school. Do they agree with the behaviour policy? What would they keep/change? Moral Reading Students documents homework Key words: diaries rites, school, behaviour Research Homework another story research like the ones in lessons. What happened? Moral Social Reading Pg 62 – 5 stories News report Key words: hijab, rites, crucifix, kara, shalwar kameez Capital punishment What is capital punishment? What do the 6 major world faiths teach about it? Prepare the class for the end of year Exam week NO LESSON Capital Arguments for and punishment – against capital debate punishment Revision How can we Look at the Arab defend our Springs, Aung San rites? Suu Kyi and Gandhi Research what capital punishment is Discuss why the USA allows it but we don’t. Different groups take one of the 6 major world faiths and prepare a mini presentation on its view of capital punishment Quizzes Revision posters Find out about Research the law and capital punishment in USA, Sri Lanka or Saudi Arabia. Moral Cultural Debate Silent debate Presentations on your view of capital punishment Research one of the examples of defending their rites. If you were in a Exam analysis Moral Research who Research Oscar Romero was Moral Revision Key words: Pg 70 - 73 Capital punishment, death penalty Key words: revision, preparation Key words: Pg 70 - 73 Capital punishment, death penalty, rites Key words: Pg 74 - 77 Defend, rites, Arab Springs, Aung San Martin Luther Who was he? King How did he use Christianity to defend people? I have a dream Do we have The 3 types of rights over poverty (extreme, the poor? moderate, relative) Jesus’ view of the poor The Buddha’s view of the poor Do animals What do the difficult situation how would you defend your rites? Brainstorm examples of people in history who’ve defended their religious rites e.g. 9th Guru, Warsaw uprising Watch BBC video on him Re write I have a dream Produce a piece of drama on the life of MLK Quotes on pg 87/8 – what do they mean? Compare and contrast Buddhist and Christian views of the poor Define the 3 types of poverty Quotes on page Suu Kyi and Gandhi Write a BBC video newspaper article about MLK Spiritual Moral ‘We should always help the poor’. What do you think? Moral Social Research Hindu Moral Key words: Martin Luther King, dream, Christianity Drama Key words: Poverty, Buddha, Jesus, extreme, moderate, relative Pg 75 BBC broadbands clip Pg 86 - 88 Key words: Pg 78 – 81 have rights? Abrahamic faiths teach about animal rites? Do we have a What is ARC? right over the What do we mean planet? by dominion and stewardship? 78/9 – what they views of animal mean? rites Silent debate – do animals have rites? Research Research the work of ARC Define dominion and stewardship Discussion – do we have rites over the planet? animal, rites, Abrahamic faiths Spirital Social Moral Key words – Pg 82 85 ARC, planet, dominion, stewardship