From Membrane to Nucleus (framework) Midwest 2013

National Academies Northstar Institute for Undergraduate Education in Biology
Teachable Unit Framework
Title of Unit From Membrane to Nucleus: teaching cell signaling via the Ras pathway
Date and Approach for
Unit Development
Unit Developers & Kathleen Marrs, IUPUI,
Contact Information James Marrs, IUPUI,
Mariah Judd, IUPUI,
Henry Chang, Purdue University,
Todd Murphy, Ivy Tech Community College (IUPUI),
Robert Stevens, University of Toledo,
Tomer Avidor-Reiss, University of Toledo,
This unit was prepared for an entry level sophomore cell biology course, taught midway through the semester. This unit is designed to have the ability to be scaled
down to an entry level freshman bio course. Unit should take 1-2 (one hour) class
Abstract This Unit will give students an opportunity to explore the details of the Ras signaling
pathway, the connection of the Ras pathway to cancer, and opportunities to
analyze the effect of perturbation of various components of the Ras pathway.
Activities will be presented that will allow students to develop the skill of analyzing
data, controls and outcomes of experiments. The teaching approach incudes
active learning, a “flipped” model of video activities prior to class, utilizes both
summative and formative assessments and is inclusive to diverse learners.
Learning Goals & Goal(s): what students will know,
Desired Outcome(s)/Objectives(s):
Outcomes/Objectives understand, and be able to do;
specific student behaviors or performances
includes content knowledge,
that will indicate they have successfully
attitudes, & skills (i.e. “understand
accomplished the goal(s)
natural selection;” “appreciate the
role of biology in society;” “think like
a scientist”
Know specific components and
 Create a schematic depicting the
relationship between components of
RTK/RAS/MAP kinase signaling
the Ras pathway affecting cell
pathway in both the active and
inactive states.
 Discuss the role and significance of
each component of the Ras pathway.
Evaluate the consequences of
 Analyze the effect of perturbation(s)
perturbations to the signaling
on the components of the Ras
pathway using real data.
 Develop the skill of analyzing data,
controls and outcomes of experiments.
National Academies Northstar Institute for Undergraduate Education in Biology
Teachable Unit Framework
Incorporation of Scientific Teaching Themes
Active Learning
How students will engage actively in
learning the concepts
How teachers will measure
learning; how students will
self-evaluate learning
How the unit is designed to
include all participants
Activities outside of class:
MAPK pathway video on Youtube
Clicker questions
followed-up with a reflection essay
( Post-tidbit assessments:
Formative assessment during
Read introduction from Cox and Der paper the clicker activity and the
Cox AD, Der CJ. (2010) Ras history: The
puzzle activity.
saga continues. Jul;1(1):2-27.
Summative assessments after
Read Ras pathway section in text book
class include completion of
along with section questions at the end of
perturbation activity, and case
the chapter
study writing assignment
Rita Levi-Montalcini speaks to
the idea that anyone can be a
scientist and make significant
contributions to the field.
Activities in class/ unit:
 Clicker questions
Multiple modes of assessment
(clicker quiz, small and large
group work)
Puzzle activity
Perturbation activity
Case Study activity
Activities during tidbit:
 Puzzle activity
Many students will have friends
and/or family members who
experienced cancer which makes
the topic relevant and
Multiple modes of content
(video, textbook, active learning)
National Academies Northstar Institute for Undergraduate Education in Biology
Teachable Unit Framework
Sample Presentation Plan (detailed schedule with approximate timing for unit): This
represents the expected details and timing when this unit is presented at our home universities
Session 1
Preclass MAPK pathway video on Youtube followed-up with a reflection essay
Read introduction from Cox and Der paper
Cox AD, Der CJ. (2010) Ras history: The saga continues. Jul;1(1):2-27.
Read Ras pathway section in text book along with section questions at the end of the
Enter approx.
class time for 10 minutes
learning activity
Enter approx.
class time for
learning activity
approximate time
for additional
learning activities
and associated
Learning activity #1a = Create a schematic depicting the RTK/RAS/MAP kinase signaling
pathway in both the active “Off” and inactive “On” states. (15-20 minutes)
Learning activity #1b = Discuss the role and significance of each component of the Ras
pathway. (15-20 minutes)
Learning activity #2a = Analyze the effect of perturbation(s) on the components of the Ras
pathway. (30-40 min)
Learning activity #2b = Develop the skill of analyzing data, controls and outcomes of
experiments. (Homework – to be done outside of class)
approximate time
for post-activity 20 minutes
summing up or
Add additional activities information as needed for the unit.
National Academies Northstar Institute for Undergraduate Education in Biology
Teachable Unit Framework
Resources for Teaching the Unit
(other files and information needed/helpful to teach the unit, including files for papers from which original data
for class activities is taken, supporting information for the instructor, handouts, in class activities materials,
assessments with answer keys, homework assignments, etc.)
Printouts of signaling components
Printouts of cell map / puzzle board
Envelopes for containment of signaling components of puzzle pieces
Tiny colored stickers to represent phosphorylation
Summary of Origin of the Idea
Our initial team conversations revealed areas of common interest. One of these areas, cell division,
was the starting point for our project. After much discussion, brainstorming, and voting, we decided to
focus on the specific topic of control of cell division by the RTK/RAS/MAP Kinase Signaling pathway, a
fundamental topic found in virtually all introductory biology, cell biology, genetics and developmental
biology courses.
Effectiveness of unit components (if you have used it or part of it in your own teaching)
We predict that this will be very effective. Students like to look at pathways but do not get experience
at manipulating the components of the pathway, or the effects of altering the pathway. This exercise
does both, and further asks students to generate testable hypotheses about drug development in a 2page writing assignment, giving them ‘ownership’ that will promote skills with scientific writing, data
analysis, controls, outcomes of experiments.
Summary of Feedback
After our presentation on Thursday, the overall feedback
Placing further emphasis on cancer, with the possibility of moving from cancer to the RAS pathway, rather
then from the Ras pathway to cancer.
Converting the format to a digital PowerPoint “click and drag” version of the Puzzle to allow use in large
classes, allow student the opportunity to animate the pathway, etc.
Clarify “On” vs. “Off” to “With Growth Factor” vs. “Without Growth Factor”
National Academies Northstar Institute for Undergraduate Education in Biology
Teachable Unit Framework
(Thanks to Brian Kinkle and Sadie Hebert, BioPhysics and Biochemistry teams at the 2013 Summer Institute)