ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS/READING HIGH SCHOOL (through grade 11) Common Curricular Goal: VOCABULARY: Increase word knowledge through systematic vocabulary development; determine the meaning of new words by applying knowledge of word origins, word relationships, and context clues; verify the meaning of new words; and use those new words accurately across the subject areas. State Standard Task Analysis Vocabulary Assessment Resources Reflection EL.CM.RE.10 Determine Each day, students make an List of SAT words: Weekly Vocabulary -Vocabulary by Rewards for correct meanings of words using educated guess, from a series of “Word of the Day” Quizzes Marzono guesses motivates contextual and structural hints (picture, sentence, story, -SAT word list students clues. analogy, etc.), what the “Word (online) of the Day” means. Then students complete standard template with definition and a drawing. EL.CM.RE.11 Identify and Through Quick Writes focused Metaphor, Simile, Personal Narrative -Write Tools use the literal and figurative on developing character and Personification, -Photographs of meanings of words and setting, students will replace Characterization, detailed phrases. simple language with figurative dialect, setting, setting/character language. Elements of a Story -Models of Narratives EL.CM.RE.12 Distinguish between the denotative and connotative meanings of words, and interpret the connotative power of words. Common Curricular Goal: READ TO PERFORM A TASK: Find, understand, and use specific information in a variety of texts across the subject areas to perform a task. State Standard Task Analysis Vocabulary Assessment Resources Reflection EL.CM.RE.16 Synthesize information found in various parts of charts, tables, diagrams, glossaries, or related grade-level text to reach supported conclusions. EL.CM.RE.17 Analyze the structure and format of job and consumer-related materials, including the graphics and headers, and explain how the features support the intended purposes. Common Curricular Goal: INFORMATIONAL TEXT: DEMONSTRATE GENERAL UNDERSTANDING: Demonstrate general understanding of grade-level informational text across the subject areas. State Standard Task Analysis EL.CM.RE.19 Identify Through Cornell Notes, on and/or summarize sequence various topics, students write a of events, main ideas, facts, summary of their notes (what supporting details, and they learned). opinions in informational and practical selections. Vocabulary Cornell Notes Assessment Resources Reflection Written summary that -Cornell Notes -Provide printed includes: Topic template. template for IEP or Sentence, main ideas, -Article, novel, etc. to ESL students. and concluding take notes from. sentence. (Must be COMPLETE sentences.) Common Curricular Goal: INFORMATIONAL TEXT: DEVELOP AN INTERPRETATION: Develop an interpretation of grade-level informational text across the subject areas. State Standard Task Analysis Vocabulary Assessment Resources Reflection EL.CM.RE.21 Predict Students will predict what Of -Foreshadowing Completed “Notes -Standards-Based Lit -Use Think, Pair, probable future outcomes Mice and Men will be about -The Great and Summarization” Guide Share or “Find supported by the text. based on knowledge of the time Depression chart. -Novel Someone Who…” period and previous chapters -The Dust Bowl Activity for students read. -FDR to compare answers. -The New Deal -Migrant Workers -Stock Market Crash, etc. EL.CM.RE.22 Infer an author’s unstated meaning and draw conclusions about an author’s stated meaning based on facts, events, images, patterns or symbols found in text. Students will analyze the poem, “To a Mouse” by Robert Burns, and conclude why Steinbeck named his novel after this poem. -Understanding -Interpretation -Analysis -Margin Notes -Higher questioning EL.CM.RE.23 Make reasoned assertions about an author’s arguments by using elements of the text to defend and clarify interpretations. In preparation for the Socratic Seminar on the unit’s Essential Question, students research textual evidence in the novel and write it down in Cornell Notes format. -Intellectual Disabilities -Textual Evidence EL.CM.RE.24 Analyze Students determine the type of -Types of conflict: -Written responses on page 40 of Lit Guide, as well as margin notes. -Observations of Think, Pair, Share and whole group discussions. -Cornell Notes -Participation, Preparation and Reflection of Socratic Seminar -Complete chart on -Standards-Based Literature Guide for Of Mice and Men -Walk through how to write margin notes with students: “Interacting with Text” -Novel -3 Articles related to Intellectual Disabilities -Video clips from www.thearc.org -Movie clips from “I Am Sam” -Cornell Notes from novel, classroom articles, Internet Research about The Arc -Novel -A great debrief activity to the book. Helps students better understand the author’s purpose. -Model first 2 implicit relationships, such conflict and effect it has on the as cause-and-effect, author’s writing. sequence-time relationships, comparisons, classifications, and generalizations. man vs. man, man vs. himself, man vs. nature, man vs. society -Author’s Craft pgs. 52-53 of Lit Guide -Individual responses during class discussion and working in partners (walking observations) -Socratic Seminar -Lit Guide conflicts (scenes) as a class and discuss…have students vote on the type of conflict and defend answer. EL.CM.RE.25 Infer the See Reading Standard # 23 main idea when it is not explicitly stated, and support with evidence from the text. Common Curricular Goal: INFORMATIONAL TEXT: EXAMINE CONTENT AND STRUCTURE: Examine content and structure of grade-level informational text across the subject areas. State Standard Task Analysis Vocabulary Assessment Resources Reflection EL.CM.RE.26 Draw See Reading Standard #23 -Socratic Seminar conclusions about the author’s purpose based on evidence in the text. EL.CM.RE.27 Differentiate In preparation for the Socratic -Types and levels of -Cornell Notes -www.thearc.org among reasoning based on Seminar, students research Intellectual -Participation and -3 other articles fact versus reasoning based facts of Intellectual Disabilities. Disabilities Reflection of the -Video clips on opinions, emotional Socratic Seminar appeals, or other persuasive techniques. EL.CM.RE.28 Evaluate if and how the author uses authoritative sources to establish credibility for arguments, proposed actions, or policies. EL.CM.RE.29 Compare and After reading Of Mice and -Intellectual -Expository -Movie -It will be powerful to contrast information on the Men, researching Intellectual Disabilities, (Comparison) Essay see how students will same topic after reading Disabilities, participating in a specifically be able to SUPPORT several passages or articles. Socratic Seminar, and watching Asperger’s their opinion with a nonfiction movie about a girl Syndrome facts (research) and with Asperger’s Syndrome, nonfiction accounts. students will write a comparison essay, identifying Steinbeck’s purpose and whether it was portrayed or written effectively, based on the student’s knowledge of Intellectual Disabilities. EL.CM.RE.30 Evaluate the logic, unity, and consistency of text. Common Curricular Goal: LITERARY TEXT: DEMONSTRATE GENERAL UNDERSTANDING: Demonstrate general understanding of grade-level literary text. State Standard Task Analysis Vocabulary Assessment Resources Reflection EL.CM.LI.03 Identify and/or summarize sequence of events, main ideas, and supporting details in literary selections. Common Curricular Goal: LITERARY TEXT: DEVELOP AN INTERPRETATION: Develop an interpretation of grade-level literary text. State Standard Task Analysis Vocabulary Assessment Resources Reflection EL.CM.LI.04 Predict probable future outcomes supported by the text, including foreshadowing clues. EL.CM.LI.05 Analyze See Reading Standard #24 -Internal vs. -Cornell Notes with -Novel -Discuss the interactions between External Conflict summarized difference between characters in a literary text Students will find textual -Essential Question examples from text + fact and opinion, and (e.g., internal and external evidence to support their page numbers. how an opinion is conflicts, motivations, answer to the Essential made stronger with relationships, influences) Question: Should individuals evidence: personal and how these interactions with Intellectual Disabilities be accounts, examples affect the plot. able to live in society on his/her from novel, etc. own? They will do this by looking at the character of Lennie and his interactions with other characters. EL.CM.LI.06 Identify After finishing Of Mice and -Making -Complete answers -Lit Guide -Do this at the end of themes in literary works, Men, students will answer a connections with examples from -Novel the novel. and provide support for series of questions from the Lit -Theme the novel. -Potential for an Ininterpretations from the text. Guide specifically addressing -Textual Support class essay. themes from the novel. -Good review material for Unit Test. EL.CM.LI.07 Infer the main idea when it is not explicitly stated, and support with evidence from the text. EL.CM.LI.08 Identify and analyze unstated reasons for actions or beliefs based on explicitly stated information. Common Curricular Goal: LITERARY TEXT: EXAMINE CONTENT AND STRUCTURE: Examine content and structure of grade-level literary text. State Standard Task Analysis Vocabulary Assessment Resources Reflection EL.CM.LI.09 Identify various literary devices, including figurative language, imagery, allegory, and symbolism; evaluate the significance of the devices; and explain their appeal. EL.CM.LI.10 Interpret and evaluate the impact of subtleties, contradictions, and ironies in a text. EL.CM.LI.11 Explain how voice and the choice of a narrator affect characterization and the tone, plot, and credibility of a text. EL.CM.LI.12 Analyze an author’s development of time and sequence, including the use of complex literary devices, such as foreshadowing or flashbacks. EL.CM.LI.13 Evaluate the At the beginning of Of Mice -Tone -Think, Pair, Share -Novel -Find an audio tape of impact of word choice and and Men, students characterize -Mood observations the novel so as to figurative language on tone, George and Lennie based on -Dialect show a better mood, and theme. dialogue, and discuss how this -Dialogue interpretation of tone. effects the tone and mood of -Word Choice the story. The teacher reads the first chapter out loud in class in order to capture this. EL.CM.LI.14 Identify and See Reading Lit Standard #13 describe the function of dialogue, soliloquies, asides, character foils, and stage directions on dramatic literature. ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS/ WRITING High School (through grade 11) Common Curricular Goal: WRITING: Communicate supported ideas across the subject areas, including relevant examples, facts, anecdotes, and details appropriate to audience and purpose that engage reader interest; organize information in clear sequence, making connections and transitions among ideas, sentences, and paragraphs; and use precise words and fluent sentence structures that support meaning. State Standard Task Analysis Vocabulary Assessment Resources Reflection EL.CM.WR.10 Establish a Students will answer Of Mice -Thesis Statement -In-Class Essay -Thesis Statement coherent and clearly and Men’s Essential Question (See Reading formula supported thesis that in their thesis statement. Standard #29) engages the reader, conveys a clear and distinctive perspective on the subject, maintains a consistent tone and focus throughout the piece of writing, and ends with a well supported conclusion. EL.CM.WR.11 Create an -6 Writing Traits Students score their organizational structure that Scoring Rubric paper on logically and effectively -6 Writing Traits Organization, using presents information using Check List the 6 Writing Traits transitional elements that -Transition Word List Checklist unify paragraphs and the for Expository and work as a whole. Narrative Essays -Write Tools resources EL.CM.WR.12 Use precise Students replace plain words -“Dangling -Personal Narrative -Write Tools language, action verbs, with descriptive, figurative Modifiers” resources sensory details, and language words or phrases. -Sensory Details appropriate modifiers. This is done after teaching -Vivid “Dangling Modifiers”. -Show vs. Tell -Figurative Language (similes, metaphors and personification) EL.CM.WR.13 Students score their Sentence -Independent Clause -Personal Narrative -6 Writing Traits Demonstrate an Fluency in any essay, using the -Dependent Clause -Expository Essay Scoring Rubric understanding of sentence 6 Writing Traits -“Dangling -Persuasive Essay -6 Writing Traits construction—including Rubric/Checklist. Students also Modifiers” Check List parallel structure and check Sentence Fluency during -Semicolon -Transition Word List subordination—to achieve Peer Editing workshops. for Expository and clarity of meaning, vary Narrative Essays sentence types, and enhance -Write Tools flow and rhythm. resources Common Curricular Goal: CONVENTIONS: SPELLING: Demonstrate knowledge of spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and penmanship across the subject areas. State Standard Task Analysis Vocabulary Assessment Resources Reflection EL.CM.WR.14 Produce Students maintain a Essays: conventions Template from writing that shows accurate “Conventions and Spelling” Angela Perry’s book. spelling. Chart to track where they need help. Common Curricular Goal: CONVENTIONS: GRAMMAR: Demonstrate knowledge of spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and penmanship across the subject areas. State Standard Task Analysis Vocabulary Assessment Resources Reflection EL.CM.WR.15 Show control Essays: conventions of clauses, including main and subordinate, and phrases, including gerund, infinitive, and participial. EL.CM.WR.16 Understand Essays: conventions and use proper placement of modifiers. EL.CM.WR.17 Demonstrate Essays: conventions an understanding of proper English usage, including the consistent use of verb tenses and forms. Common Curricular Goal: PUNCTUATION: Demonstrate knowledge of spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and penmanship across the subject areas. State Standard Task Analysis Vocabulary Assessment Resources Reflection EL.CM.WR.18 Use SEMICOLON: Students -Semicolon Essays: conventions Template from conventions of punctuation understand and identify -Dr. Martin Luther Angela Perry’s book. correctly, including semicolon rules by looking at King Jr. semicolons, colons, ellipses, pieces of writing by Dr. hyphens and dashes. Martin Luther King Jr.; therefore, creating as a class, accurate rules for the use of semicolons. Students maintain a “Conventions and Spelling” Chart to track where they need help. Common Curricular Goal: CONVENTIONS: CAPITALIZATION: Demonstrate knowledge of spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and penmanship across the subject areas. State Standard Task Analysis Vocabulary Assessment Resources Reflection EL.CM.WR.19 Use correct Essays: conventions Template from capitalization. Angela Perry’s book. Common Curricular Goal: WRITING MODES: Write narrative, expository, and persuasive texts, using a variety of written forms-including journals, essays, short stories, poems, research reports, research papers, business and technical writing-to express ideas appropriate to audience and purpose across the subject areas. State Standard Task Analysis Vocabulary Assessment Resources Reflection Personal Narrative Prompt: Tell a story about a -6 Writing Traits -Scored essay using -ODE website for -Teach more to the time when someone helped -Vivid the 6 Writing Traits prompts. transitions in a you or you helped someone, -Show not Tell Rubric -Write Tools Narrative and how that event has -Sensory Details resources -Begin by comparing changed your life. -Characterization -Plotline graphic the characteristics of -Setting organizer an Expository Essay Development vs. Narrative and -Internal vs. Personal Narrative External Conflict -Elements of a Story: Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution -Theme Fictional Narrative -6 Writing Traits -Scored essay using the 6 Writing Traits Rubric Expository 1) In-Class Comparison Essay -Scored essay using for Of Mice and Men Unit the 6 Writing Traits (See Reading Standard #29) Rubric Persuasive -Scored essay using the 6 Writing Traits Rubric