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METS Growth Centre Opening
QUT, Brisbane
Elizabeth Lewis-Gray, Chair, METS Ignited Australia Ltd, at the opening of the new Mining
Equipment, Technology Services Growth Centre
The Hon. Christopher Pyne, MP, Federal Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science
Mr Ross Vasta, MP, Member for Bonner
Dr Anthony Lynham, MP, Queensland Minister for State Development, Minister for Natural Resources
and Mines
Professor Peter Coaldrake, Vice Chancellor, Queensland University of Technology
Distinguished Guests
Ladies and Gentlemen
It is a great pleasure to be standing here today for the launch of the METS Growth Centre at QUT’s
Cube - an outstanding facility and an appropriately high tech home for the Mining Equipment
Technology and Services Growth Centre.
It was not that long ago the mining service and supply industry, or METS, was unknown in its own
right as an industry and separate to the mining sector. Even now the size and significance of METS to
the Australian economy is not well understood.
The Australian METS industry is an untold story of entrepreneurialism and global enterprise. It is a
key platform for Australia's future prosperity with a focus on knowledge-based jobs, STEM skills,
world leadership in research, and world class cluster strengths.
It is a high technology and integrative sector that will enhance the job prospects and opportunities
for future generations of Australians and is a direct long-term strategic advantage arising from
Australia's mining industry.
And, so, I am delighted that the Commonwealth Government is investing in this sector with the
establishment of the Growth Centre, and I am delighted to be the Chair as this is a sector I am
passionate about.
The Austmine 2013 survey identified that the Australian METS sector is a significant player in the
Australian economy with a turnover of $90 billion. In addition, the survey identified that 80% of the
sector, by number of companies, is Australian owned. A substantial proportion of these are
manufacturers - many with advanced capabilities.
The sector is strongly export focused with 55% of companies exporting a total of $15 billion. At the
METS Growth Centre we are setting a target of doubling exports to $30 billion by 2030 and this is
one of the reasons for branding the Growth Centre with our new name …….METS Ignited Australia.
Whilst the mining downturn has had a significant impact on the METS industry since its peak in 2012,
this sector continues to have substantial growth opportunity.
Globally, the mining industry is facing challenges – deeper mines, lower grades, community
opposition, and more remote operations. Since the boom, we have seen a relentless drive for cost
reduction that has followed a major expansion in capacity and subsequent lower commodity prices.
These challenges require solutions and the Australian METS industry can play a key role in assisting
the industry to its next phase.
We have some key advantages including:
Australia’s globally recognised R&D strengths
Our highly skilled, knowledgeable mining workforce.
A large and sophisticated domestic mining industry at our doorstep. A large proportion of the
major global mining companies have operations in Australia providing substantive access to
global supply chains.
And importantly, Australia has a reputation for global excellence in mining. It is my personal
experience that being an Australian mining supply company opens doors and raises positive
expectations from international buyers, from the first handshake.
The mining innovation cycle has been typically a 15-20 year period reflecting the high risk of
technology change when developing large capital projects. However new IT and OT technologies and
productivity challenges will drive a faster response and sense of urgency.
The Growth Centre will promote new innovation models in addition to the traditional pathways –
Hackathons, Innovation Accelerators and Incubators, Open innovation strategies, new IP strategies
are all critical to accelerating innovation.
In addition, innovation in business models, financing, business engineering, engagement and
alliance models are all critical to deepening collaboration and growing scale and capability. We
intend to set a vision and position Australia globally as a hub for fast innovation.
Australia has some globally significant METS players such as Orica, Worley Parsons, Monadelphous,
Ausenco, Thiess, Downer EDI and Ausdrill. To step up our influence on the global stage however, we
need to link our MNC’s and grow our very active SME’s through collaboration platforms with the
mining, research and capital sectors.
To strengthen Australia’s competitive advantage in this sector, the Growth Centre will be focusing on
identifying and promoting key cluster strengths in areas such as IT & automation, software
development, mineral processing, operational excellence, engineering, contract mining and
developing some key opportunities such as data analytics.
Queensland has a strong METS capability with particular strength in remediation, energy efficient
comminution, social licence to operate and environmental excellence, and as such we are delighted
to have additional recognition and support from the Queensland Government for this sector.
A close relationship with the mining sector, research government and the capital sector will be
critical to developing and establishing a shared vision for the sector and we will be looking to engage
with these sectors and our METs companies, large and small to understand key issues and identify
shared goals and benefits.
Once again, I would like to give credit to the Commonwealth government for their investment in this
important initiative. I would like to thank everyone for their hard work and efforts to get the Growth
Centre to ignition point. It is an important story and a vital initiative for the development of STEM
skills, integrative capabilities, world’s best clusters and Australian competitive advantage and
economic growth.
We look forward to welcoming all our sectoral players – the METS companies, miners, government,
and research community and capital providers to “Engage in our future”.