Department Move Considerations

A proactive, organized approach to moving, whether for entire groups or for a small unit
can make it a smooth move. Consider these tips to help ensure a successfully move.
Before the Move:
 The Move Plan
 Assign a move coordinator and move team to plan, coordinate, and oversee the
move and its aftermath.
 Have the plan reviewed by your management team on an ongoing basis during
the process to meets the needs of the unit.
 For Large Moves: Hold at least one “all hands” meeting.
 Pre-move an opportunity to downsize
 Files: purge, purge, purge. Begin six weeks in advance of the move date.
Provide guidance on retention requirements and help staff recognize and realize
what really needs to be retained.
University of California Records Disposition Schedules (http://
If you have additional questions regarding the proper disposition of your
records, contact Liane Ko, Public Records Coordinator 664-4615;
For confidential records contact Cal Shredding for secure shredding at
For non-confidential records order extra blue totes from Refuse and
Recycling by calling 642-1032.
 While purging you will have excess of binders, file folders, etc., contact reuse for
reuse bins at 510-643-4612 or at
 Establish common areas where employees may take unwanted equipment.
Contact for excess and salvage cages. For inventorial
equipment have your BETS coordinator transfer equipment to excess and
 For labs: Contact EH&S for disposal of inventorial or unwanted chemicals at 6423073 or at
 Communicate, communicate and communicate with affected employees early
and often.
 Notify employees of moving plans and actual dates as soon as possible.
 Ensure that detailed instructions are provided to staff regarding the move:
packing, labeling, new seating number, computer, phone move as well as
personal items. After providing the instructions, remind staff and provide them
 Share information about their new location, new workspace set up, including
 Clarify who is responsible for different aspects of the move, including what
employees are responsible for and provide clear directions.
 Let employees know where they will be working on moving day.
 Your plans with the campus service providers.
 Contact campus move coordinators and schedule at least 3 weeks out for (1-3)
staff move. For larger moves communicate 1-2 months in advance to do walk
through of current space and new location. Provide estimated move date and
number of staff involved in move. Request moving boxes and moving labels.
Contact Tasha Dowdakin,, 510-642-9162 and Chelsea
Groen, 510-643-8232
 Ergonomic @ Works: To reduce the risk of injury during your move, schedule a
Smooth Moves workshop for staff a few days before they begin packing. Contact
Ergonomics@Work at 643-2540 to schedule training.
 Communicate early and often with IS&T to ensure they understand the
requirements of the unit and have the appropriate level of staffing to get the unit
up and running on move day.
 Review your existing voice and data in planning phase. This will provide
the opportunity to improve work flow and delete unnecessary voice lines.
 Review with computer support regarding data activation and if the staff is
on static or roaming IP address.
 Submit your shopping cart request for voice and data at least 4 weeks in
advance for larger moves.
 Submit your key request to UCPD 4-6 weeks in advance for new location
 Assess and address furniture issues well in advance.
 Take the opportunity to think outside the box to maximize space when
considering the floor plan.
 Are you moving current furniture? If yes,
--- Ensure employees with equipment specific to their work needs get it moved to
the new location.
--- Take workstation height measurements for work surfaces, keyboard height,
and knee clearance for all employees if their set up has worked well for them.
--- Ensure that special requirements needed for disabled employees, such as
wheelchair access, hearing or sight impairment, be identified and planned for.
 Are you using furniture that is already at the new location? If yes, assign the
computer workstation evaluator(s) to make an appointment to look at the
furniture to identify any special considerations for ergonomics that will be
important in the new office and need to be addressed prior to the move.
 Contact Ergonomics@Work at 643-2540 for consultation with specific issues or
 Are you buying new furniture? If yes, reused furniture may be good option.
There are many vendors that have high quality office solutions. This supports the
campus commitment of being green and saves money.
On Moving Day:
 Ensure that furniture and equipment is installed safely and appropriately.
 Have a clearly identified decision maker. A point person to coordinate with the
movers, computer support and voice technicians on the day of the move.
 Make sure everything is clearly label this is the identification to movers if items
are moving, staying or going to excess and salvage.
 Post room layout diagrams on office doors to ensure the movers know where to
place furniture.
 Be sure work surfaces are installed according to previously identified workstation
height measurements. Make sure that cabinets and bookcases over 4’ in height
are seismically secured.
After the Move:
 Identify and address additional needs.
 After moving staff may find some items are un-needed. Again, establish common
areas where employees may take unwanted equipment and moving boxes to be
reused to be picked up by campus movers.
 Create a check list for follow up items for movers, voice/data, and other items
that might come up with the physical environment for minor fixes or modifications
that maybe needed.
 Allot time for department evaluators to perform workstation evaluations for
employees as needed after the move. Contact Ergonomics@Work for
assessment assistance as needed at 643-2540.