AMOUD FOUNDATION Rehabilitation Program Sub-agreement No.0015 “REPORT’’ Nov, 2013 Submitted To: A.F H/Q office Representative Amoud Foundation Mogadishu, Somalia Submission Date: Nov 14, 2013 Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................................................................. 2 ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................................... 3 DETAILS OF KEY ACTIVITIES ..............................................................................................................................................3 New digging water wells PROGRESS AGAINST PERFORMANCE BENCHMARK INDICATORS ....................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. CHALLENGES AND LESSONS LEARNT .................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ACTIVITY PLAN FOR FOLLOWING MONTHS ........................................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ACTIVITY PHOTOS .................................................................................................................................................. 4 2 Activity Description Amoud Foundation, in its final stages of project components implementation has started rehabilitation the first water project (in Bakol region Work on this component started on Sep 14th, 2013 and ended on Nov 14th, 2013. Planned Activities Accomplished Objectives Digging and construction of Digging 6 new shallow wells Shallow wells in Bakol region and constructed the month of wells. Notes Beneficiaries of the activity were from different villages in Bakol including IDPs camps. Details of Key Activities Digging and construction of Shallow wells One main activity has been accomplished in the month of November. The New digging of the Water project around three Months. The estimated beneficiaries from this project component breakdown are as follows: District Villages Ceel barde Dhaba riib WAAJID Huddur Ceelbarda Dhurey Goobato Mooragabay Hudur Bulow Total # of shallow wells Digging and constructed 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 No of beneficiaries 775 885 1005 983 1,875 779 6,302 Donated Bay UMU, FADIMA UMU, FADIMA SHARMEEN PARVES SHARMEEN PARVES MOHAMED KNEFATI MOHAMED KNEFATI The direct beneficiaries of the cash for work subcomponent are 18 unskilled Workers and 12 skilled workers, and this number has been selected from various places in Bakol Region including IDPs , and they are all ( male) considering the requirements of the work at hand. The measurements of each new shallow wells are 18x1.5m3=27m3 which accordingly how to simple or able to dig on the ground. Total measurements imaging 176m3. Challenges and Lessons Learnt We have not had major challenges throughout the implementation of this subcomponent. However, we have once again been reminded that the close collaboration with the community and other organizations working with the community does have its benefits. 3 After the completion of the New digging and constructed of the Shallow wells Amoud Foundation had to hand over the community elders Activity Photos: BUDGET BREADOWN FOR DIGGING AND CONSTRUCTION OF SHALLOW WELLS IN BAKOL 4 PART A: DIGGING AND CONSTRUCTION OF SHALLOW WELLS IN Bakol BOQ FOR 4 ADDTIONAL SHALLOW WELLS CONSTRUCTION IN THREE DISTRICTS IN BAKOL REGION Description of Materials Unit Qty 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Cement Sand (2 tonnes Nissan UD) Gravel (2 tonnes Nissan UD) Stone (3 tonnes Nissan UD) Iron Bars Y 8 Binding Wire Molding Timber ( 6'' x 1'') Timber( 2'' x 2'') Nails # 4, # 6, # 8 3.0 3.1 3.2 Labour Mason skilled/ Unskilled Mixers & transporters 4 Tools and Equipment Rate ($) bgs lds lds lds Pcs kgs Pcs Pcs Kgs 10 2 1 2 40 3 10 2 8 18m3 6 days Sub Total 2 40 pax 4 pax Sub Total 1 Total 1 Shallow Well GRAND TOTAL FOR 6 WELLS IN BAKOL REGION Reported By: Abdihakim Sheik Muktar 5 10 70 50 75 80 8 6 4 1 Amount US D 50.00 140.00 100.00 150.00 80.00 24.00 60.00 8.00 8.00 $670.00 720.00 280.00 1,670.00 1,670.00 10,020.00 6