2012 Sobel, Elizabeth, Jennifer Rideout, and Jami Corey. Beyond

Fall 2012
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Missouri State University
901 S. National Avenue Springfield, MO 65897
Office Phone: 417-836-5145 ESobel@missouristate.edu
Ph.D. 2004
M.A. 1994
B.A. 1989
University of Michigan, Anthropology
University of Michigan, Anthropology
Yale University, Archaeology
Archaeology and ethnohistory; North America, with a focus on the Pacific Northwest and the
Missouri Ozarks; colonialism, colonization, culture contact, exchange systems, hunter-gatherers,
flaked stone technologies, historical archaeology of indigenous Americans and African Americans;
cultural resource management, public archaeology, collaboration with decent groups.
8/2012 – present
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Missouri
State University, Springfield, Missouri
2006 – 7/2012
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and
Criminology, Missouri State University, Springfield, Missouri
Adjunct Instructor, Dept. of Anthropology, Central Washington University,
Ellensburg, WA.
2000 (Summer)
Adjunct Instructor, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, MI.
1997 (Summer)
Adjunct Instructor, Dept. of Anthropology, Portland State University,
Portland, OR.
Elizabeth Sobel, cv
Journal Articles
Sobel, Elizabeth A. An Archaeological Test of the “Exchange Expansion Model” of
Contact Era Change on the Northwest Coast. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology
Ames, Kenneth M. and Elizabeth A. Sobel. Finding and Dating Cathlapotle.
Archaeology in Washington 15:5-32.
Sobel, Elizabeth A. and Gordon Bettles. Winter Hunger, Winter Myths: Subsistence
Risk and Mythology Among the Klamath and Modoc. Journal of Anthropological
Archaeology 19:276-316.
Raymond, Anan and Elizabeth A. Sobel. The Use of Tui Chub as Food by Indians of the
Western Great Basin. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 12(1):2-18.
Book Chapters
In Press Sobel, Elizabeth A., Kenneth M. Ames and Robert J. Losey. Environment and
Archaeology of the Lower Columbia River. In Chinookan Studies, edited by Kenneth M.
Ames, Robert Boyd, and Tony Johnson. University of Washington Press, Seattle.
In Press
Hajda, Yvonne and Elizabeth A. Sobel. Lower Columbia Trade and Exchange Systems.
In Chinookan Studies, edited by Kenneth M. Ames, Robert Boyd, and Tony Johnson.
University of Washington Press, Seattle.
In Press
Ames, Kenneth M. and Elizabeth A. Sobel. Houses and Households. In Chinookan
Studies, edited by Kenneth M. Ames, Robert Boyd, and Tony Johnson. University of
Washington Press, Seattle.
Edited Volume
Sobel, Elizabeth A., D. Ann Trieu Gahr, and Kenneth M. Ames (editors). Household
Archaeology on the Northwest Coast. International Monographs in Prehistory, Ann
Arbor, Michigan.
Chapters in Edited Volume
Sobel, Elizabeth A. Household Prestige and Exchange on the Northwest Coast: A Case
Study of the Lower Columbia River Valley. In Household Archaeology on the Northwest
Coast, edited by Elizabeth A. Sobel, D. Ann Trieu Gahr, and Kenneth M. Ames, pp.
159-199. International Monographs in Prehistory, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
D. Ann Trieu Gahr, Elizabeth A. Sobel, and Kenneth M. Ames. Introduction. In
Household Archaeology on the Northwest Coast, edited by Elizabeth A. Sobel, D. Ann
Trieu Gahr, and Kenneth M. Ames, pp. 1-15. International Monographs in Prehistory,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Elizabeth Sobel, cv
Journal Article
Sobel, Elizabeth A. and Christopher Cotter. Shifting Mobility Patterns from the Late
Paleoindian through Early Archaic Periods: lithic debitage evidence from the Big Eddy
site. Missouri Archaeologist volume 72.
Encyclopedia Entries
Sobel, Elizabeth A. Lower Columbia River Sites: Five Mile Rapids to McNary Dam. In
Archaeology in America: An Encyclopedia, Volume 3 Southwest Great Basin / Plateau,
edited by Francis McManamon, pp. 304-310. Greenwood Press, Connecticut.
Sobel, Elizabeth A. The Meier and Clahclellah Sites. In Archaeology in America: An
Encyclopedia, Volume 4 West Coast and Arctic/Subarctic, edited by Francis
McManamon, pp. 203-206. Greenwood Press, Connecticut.
Sobel, Elizabeth A., Allison Tiller, and Heather Seale (with contributions from Hallie
Segelhorst). Inventory of Historic Gravemarkers in the Boone Family Cemetery at the
Nathan Boone Homestead State Historic Site, Ash Grove, MO. Submitted to Missouri
Department of Natural Resources, Division of State Parks.
Sobel, Elizabeth A., Allison Tiller, and Heather Seale (with contributions from Hallie
Segelhorst). Inventory of Historic Gravemarkers in the Boone Slave Cemetery at the
Nathan Boone Homestead State Historic Site, Ash Grove, MO. Submitted to Missouri
Department of Natural Resources, Division of State Parks.
Sobel, Elizabeth A. (with assistance from Jennifer Rideout, Daniel Salas, Heather Seale,
Stephanie Smith, and Samantha Zale). A Preliminary Report of 2010 Archaeological
Investigations at the Nathan Boone Homestead State Historic Site. Submitted to
Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Division of State Parks.
Sobel, Elizabeth A. The Role of Long Island, Washington, in Native American
Cultural Continuity, Change, and Survival: A Report Based on
Archaeological Survey, Oral History Interviews, and Documentary Research. Submitted
to: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Region 1 Cultural Resources Office, Tualatin,
Oregon; Chinook Indian Nation, Bay Center, Washington; Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe,
Tokeland, Washington.
Sobel, Elizabeth A. and Merrilie Gunnier. Woodchoppers Logging Unit Addendum
Archaeological Survey Report. Archaeology Unit, Forestry Program, Yakama Nation.
Submitted to Yakama Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Officer and Yakama Nation
Cultural Committee.
Elizabeth Sobel, cv
Sobel, Elizabeth A. and Merrilie Gunnier. Dry Creek North Logging Unit
Archaeological Survey Report. Archaeology Unit, Forestry Program, Yakama Nation.
Submitted to Yakama Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Officer and Yakama Nation
Cultural Committee.
Sobel, Elizabeth A. and Merrilie Gunnier. Archaeological Survey Report for West White
Timber Sale. Archaeology Unit, Forestry Program, Yakama Nation. Submitted to
Yakama Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Officer and Yakama Nation Cultural
Sobel, Elizabeth A. and Merrilie Gunnier. Bull grouse Budworm Timber Sale
Archaeological Report. Archaeology Unit, Forestry Program, Yakama Nation.
Submitted to Yakama Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Officer and Yakama Nation
Cultural Committee.
Sobel, Elizabeth A. and Merrilie Gunnier. Smith Butte II Timber Sale Archaeological
Survey Report. Archaeology Unit, Forestry Program, Yakama Nation. Submitted to
Yakama Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Officer and Yakama Nation Cultural
Sobel, Elizabeth A. and Merrilie Gunnier. Fort Simcoe Road Project Archaeological
Survey Report. Archaeology Unit, Forestry Program, Yakama Nation. Submitted to
Yakama Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Officer and Yakama Nation Cultural
Sobel, Elizabeth A., Merrilie Gunnier and Kate Valdez. Woodchoppers Canyon II
Timber Sale Archaeological Survey Report. Archaeology Unit, Forestry Program,
Yakama Nation. Submitted to Yakama Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Officer and
Yakama Nation Cultural Committee.
Sobel, Elizabeth A. and Kate Valdez. Assessment of Loader Damage to Archaeological
Site 11-14-22-01 in Old Maid Logging Unit. Prepared by Archaeology Unit, Forestry
Program, Yakama Nation. Submitted to Yakama Nation Tribal Historic Preservation
Officer and Yakama Nation Cultural Committee.
Ames, Kenneth M, Cameron Smith, William Cornett, Elizabeth A. Sobel, Stephen
Hamilton, John Wolf, and Doria Raetz. Archaeological Investigations at 45CL1,
Cathlapotle (1991-1996): A Preliminary Report. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Region 1
Cultural Resource Series, Number 13.
Sobel, Elizabeth A. On-Site Lithic Analysis at the Gooch Site, Sheldon Antelope
Refuge, Nevada. Submitted to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Region 1 Cultural
Resources Office, Tualatin, Oregon.
Elizabeth Sobel, cv
Sobel, Elizabeth A. Preliminary Assessment of Traditional Cultural Properties at
Klamath Forest National Wildlife Refuge. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Region 1
Cultural Resource Report.
For Submission to Peer-Reviewed Journals
Sobel, Elizabeth A. and Matthew J. Sobel. A Bayesian Approach to Artifact Sample Selection for
Geochemical Source Identification. For Submission to Journal of Archaeological Science.
Sobel, Elizabeth A., Gary Johnson, and Tony Johnson. The Evolving Role of Long Island,
Washington in Chinookan Identity and Culture. For Submission to Ethnohistory.
Cain, David I. and Elizabeth A. Sobel. Sticks and Stones: Experimental Evidence of the Mechanical
Impact of the Atlatl Weight on Weapon Performance. For Submission to Journal of
Archaeological Science.
Technical Reports
Sobel, Elizabeth A. (with assistance from Jennifer Rideout, Daniel Salas, Heather Seale, Stephanie
Smith, and Samantha Zale). A Final Report of 2010 Archaeological Investigations at the
Nathan Boone Homestead State Historic Site. Technical report for submission to
Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Division of State Parks.
Sobel, Elizabeth A., Dakota Russell, and Allison Tiller. Inventory of Historic Gravemarkers and
Biographic Index for the Berry Family Cemetery (“Old Negro Cemetery”), Ash Grove,
MO. Technical report for submission to the Ozarks Afro-American Heritage Museum, Ash
Grove, Missouri.
Principal Investigator and Field Director, Archaeological Investigations at the Berry
Homestead Site, Ash Grove, Missouri.
Principal Investigator and Field Director, Archaeological Investigations in the West Yard
of the Boone Cabin at the Nathan Boone Homestead State Historic Site, Ash Grove, MO.
Co-Field Director, Archaeological Investigation of Structure 3, Nathan Boone Homestead
State Historic Site. Directed by A. Holly Jones, Archaeological Field Research, Nixa,
Co-Field Supervisor of Missouri State Student Crew, Mountaineer Archaeological
Research Project. Directed by Casey Dukeman, Western State College of Colorado,
Elizabeth Sobel, cv
Principal Investigator, oral history interviews and archaeological survey on Long Island,
Willapa Bay, Washington.
2005-06 Forestry Archaeologist, Forestry Program, Yakama Indian Nation, Toppenish,
Washington. Directed archaeology division of Forestry Program. Directed field survey,
report preparation, and site protection projects. Supervised up to 7 crew members.
2004-06 Consultant, Yakama Nation Museum, Toppenish, Washington. Assisted Museum staff
with grant writing, collections curation, exhibit design, and public outreach.
Teaching Assistant Portland State University Archaeological Field School, Cathlapotle
site, Ridgefield, WA. Directed by K. Ames. Summer 1996.
Archaeological Technician (volunteer), Portland State University Archaeological
excavations at the Cathlapotle site, Ridgefield, WA. Directed by K. Ames. Summer
1995-97 Archaeological Technician (volunteer). Assisted University of Oregon graduate students
(R.S. Byram, M. Tveskov) and faculty (J. Erlandson, M.Moss) with survey and
excavation projects at multiple sites on the Oregon Coast in collaboration with Coquille
Tribe, Coos Tribe, and Confederated Tribes of Siletz.
Archaeologist, Hart-Sheldon National Wildlife Refuges, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
Oregon and Nevada. Conducted cultural resources projects including archaeological
survey, site protection, and report preparation in compliance with section 106 of the
NHPA. Projects involved collaboration with Burns Paiute Tribe. Supervised by A.
Raymond. Summer 1994.
Archaeological Technician (volunteer), Excavation at Hayonim Cave, Israel. Directed by
O. Bar-Yosef, Harvard University. Summer 1993.
Archaeological Technician (volunteer), Excavation at pastoral encampment site, Mitzpe
Ramon, Israel. Directed S. Rosen, Ber-Sheva Univ, Israel. Summer 1993.
Archaeological Technician (volunteer), Excavation at LA 90838, Rio del Oso, New
Mexico. Directed by R. Ford, University of Michigan. Summer 1993.
Curator’s Assistant, Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan. As a student
employee, I assisted Curator J.D. Speth with collections management. Fall 1992.
Refuge Archaeologist, Klamath Forest National Wildlife Refuge, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Chiloquin, Oregon. Directed cultural resources project work including
archaeological survey, oral history interviews, historical research, report preparation, and
inter-agency consultation. Supervised 2 crew members. Collaborated with Klamath
Tribes and US Forest Service. Supervised by A. Raymond. March – August 1992.
Elizabeth Sobel, cv
1990-92 Resource Area Archaeologist, Klamath Falls Resource Area, U.S. Bureau of Land
Management, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Co-directed cultural resources program. Work
included archaeological survey, report writing, and inter-agency consultation, including
NHPA section 106 compliance projects. Collaborated with Klamath Tribes. Summer
1990 and February 1991 to March 1992.
Archaeological Laboratory Technician (Intern), Crow Canyon Archaeological Research
Center, Cortez, Colorado. Assisted with artifact processing, analysis, and conservation.
Supervised volunteers. Fall 1990.
Archaeological Field Technician and Ceci Library Assistant, Long Island Archaeological
Research Center, Stonybrook, NY. Archaeology crew member for Phase I projects.
Directed by D. Bernstein. January – March 1990.
Archaeological Field Technician, Historical Perspectives, Inc., Greenwich, Connecticut.
Conducted historical research and monitored construction projects in Manhattan, NY, for
evidence of archaeological sites. January – March 1990.
Archaeological Field Technician, Center Church Project, New Haven, Connecticut.
Assisted with test excavation for contract project. Directed by Fraser Neiman, Yale
University. December 1989.
Archaeological Field Technician, Wisconsin State Museum and Historical Society.
Conducted excavation at prehistoric and protohistoric Oneota sites near LaCrosse,
Wisconsin. Directed by J. Penmann. Summer 1989
Archaeological Field Technician (Intern), Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge, U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service, Fallon, Nevada. Conducted archaeological survey and site
documentation, experimental archaeology project, and documentary research. Supervised
by A. Raymond. Summer 1988.
Museum Technician (Intern), Little Bighorn National Monument, U.S. Park Service,
Crow Agency, Montana. Accessioned historical documents, delivered talks to visitors,
and developed museum exhibit. Supervised by N. Mangum. Fall 1987.
Archaeological Technician (Volunteer), Tonchesburg, Germany. Excavation crew
member. Worked at Middle Paleolithic site. Directed by N. Conard. Summer 1987.
Archaeological Field School Student, Glebe House, Woodbury, Connecticut. Supervised
by Fraser Neiman. Fall 1986.
Elizabeth Sobel, cv
Grant to Record Five Historic Properties on the Mark Twain National Forest.
Designed to provide MSU graduate and undergraduate students with applied
archaeological experience. Mark Twain National Forest, Missouri ($2,496)
Grant to the Record Trail of Tears In the Poplar Bluff District of the Mark Twain
National Forest. Designed to provide MSU students and recent graduates with
applied archaeological experience. Mark Twain National Forest, Missouri ($5,100)
Research Stipend, Office of Citizenship and Service Learning, Missouri State
University. For integrating students into service component of research project: The
Archaeology of Slavery and Freedom in Ash Grove, Greene County, MO ($8,000)
Incentive Initiative Award, College of Humanities and Public Affairs, Missouri State
University. To Employ Students to Participate in Archaeological Lab and Field
Research ($9,900)
Funding for XRF analysis of obsidian artifacts from the Cathlapotle site. For
research on Contact Era Developments in Lower Columbia River Exchange Systems,
US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 1 Cultural Resources Office, Tualatin, Oregon
Summer Faculty Fellowship for Research on Lower Columbia River Archaeology
and Ethnohistory. Missouri State University ($6,000)
With Suzanne Walker. Curriculum Development Grant, Missouri State University.
For Development of Archaeological and Biological Anthropology Teaching Lab
Incentive Initiative Award, College of Humanities and Public Affairs, Missouri State
University. For Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Training for Faculty ($3,300)
With A. Holly Jones. Incentive Initiative Award, College of Humanities and Public
Affairs, Missouri State University. To Attend National Park Service Archaeological
Geophysics Workshop in Bismarck, N.D. ($2,844)
Missouri State University Faculty Research Grant. For field work to study The Role
of Long Island, Washington, in Native American Cultural Continuity,
Change, and Survival ($7,500)
Rackham Fellowship, University of Michigan ($6,000)
University of Michigan Bloch Grant ($4,000)
Northwest Research Obsidian Studies Grant ($1,000)
Rackham Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, University of Michigan ($12,000)
National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant # 9714273 ($10,000)
Wenner-Gren Foundation Pre-Doctoral Grant #6225 ($12,000)
Grant for Dissertation Research, Dept. of Anthropology, Univ. of Michigan ($2,500)
Rackham Discretionary Funds Award, University of Michigan ($1,150)
Elizabeth Sobel, cv
NSF Graduate Fellowship ($16,000 & tuition per year for 3 years)
Rackham Discretionary Funds Award, University of Michigan ($1,000)
Summer Research Award, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Michigan ($800)
Rackham Discretionary Funds Award, University of Michigan ($1,000)
Grant Proposal Co-Writer for Funds Awarded to the Yakama Nation Museum
National Park Service Cost Share Grant, Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail, for exhibit
on Yakama Exchange Traditions. Co-written with Marilyn Malatare and Pamela Fabela
National Park Service Cost Share Grant, Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail, for exhibit
on Yakama Exchange Traditions. Co-written with Marilyn Malatare and Pamela Fabela
Co-written with Yakama Nation Museum Curator Marilyn Malatare. Lewis and Clark
Project Grant, Washington State Historical Society, for exhibit on Yakama Exchange
Traditions. Co-written with Marilyn Malatare and Pamela Fabela ($9,000)
Professional Presentations
2012 Sobel, Elizabeth, Jennifer Rideout, and Jami Corey. Beyond the Exodus: an Ethnohistorical
and Archaeological Study of Race Relations and African American Heritage in Southwest
Missouri. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Ethnohistory, November 9, 2012,
Springfield, MO.
2011 Salas, Daniel, Kevin Mickus and Elizabeth A. Sobel. Ground Penetrating Radar Survey of
the Historic Cemeteries at the Nathan Boone Homestead State Historic Site, Southwest
Missouri. Poster presented at Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America,
October 10, 2011, Minneapolis, MN.
2011 Ledezma, Abraham, Kevin Mickus, and Elizabeth A. Sobel. Electrical Resisitivity Survey of
the Nathan Boone Homestead State Historic Site, Southwest Missouri. Poster presented at
Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, October 10, 2011, Minneapolis, MN.
2011 Sobel, Elizabeth A. The Expansion Model of Post-Contact Change in NW Coast Exchange
Systems: An Archaeological Test Using Obsidian Evidence from the Lower Columbia River.
Paper presented in invited symposium “Tool Stone Geography of the Pacific Northwest” at
the 76th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, April 2011, Sacramento,
CA. Abstract published online at http://www.saa.org/Portals/0/SAA/ Meetings/2011%20
2010 Cotter, Christopher and Elizabeth A. Sobel. Late Paleoindian & Early Archaic Mobility
Patterns: Debitage Evidence from Big Eddy. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Missouri Archaeological Society, March 2010, Excelsior Springs, Missouri.
Elizabeth Sobel, cv
2010 Cotter, Christopher and Elizabeth A. Sobel. Shifting mobility patterns from the Late
Paleoindian through Early Archaic periods: Lithic Debitage Evidence from the Big Eddy
Site. Poster presented in general session at the Annual Meeting of the Plains
Anthropological Society, October 2010, Bismarck, ND.
2010 Sobel, Elizabeth A. Colonial-Period Shifts in Native Exchange Systems: Obsidian Evidence
from the Southern Northwest Coast of North America. Poster presented in general session at
75th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, April 2010, St. Louis, MO.
Abstract published online http://www.saa.org/Portals/0/S_Z.pdf
2009 Ames, Kenneth M. and Elizabeth A. Sobel. Financing Hunter-Gatherer Complexity:
Household Production and Elite Strategies on the Lower Columbia River, Southern
Northwest Coast. Paper Presented at the Second Conference on Early Economic
Developments, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia, July 25, 2009.
2009 Rideout, Jennifer A., Elizabeth A. Sobel, and Jenna Ely. Contact Period Shifts in Native
Exchange Systems: The Obsidian Evidence from the Lower Columbia River. Paper presented
in general session “Archaeology: Methodological perspectives” at the Annual Meeting of
the Central States Anthropological Society, April 2009, Urbana- Champaign, Illinois.
2009 Sobel, Elizabeth A. and Christopher Cotter. The Evolving Role of Long Island, Washington,
in Chinookan Identity and Culture. Paper presented in invited symposium “Community
Engagement and Collaboration in Anthropological Fieldwork” at the Annual Meeting of the
Central States Anthropological Society, April 2009, Urbana- Champaign, Illinois.
2008 Sobel, Elizabeth A. and Christopher Cotter. The Evolving Role of Long Island, Washington,
in Chinookan Identity and Culture. Paper presented in invited symposium “Contact Era
Archaeology of the Lower Columbia River Valley” at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the
Society for American Archaeology, March 2008, Vancouver, British Columbia. Abstract
published online athttp://www.saa.org/Portals/0/SAA/Meetings/Abstracts/Abstracts2008.pdf
2007 Sobel, Elizabeth A. Fort Astoria, Fort Vancouver, and the Chinookan Economy:
Archaeological evidence from Cathlapotle and Clahclellah. Paper presented in invited
symposium “The Finest Place in North America: The Archaeology of Forts of the Oregon
Territory” at the 40th Annual Conference of the Society for Historical Archaeology, January
2007, Williamsburg, Virginia.
2006 Sobel, Elizabeth A. Post-Contact Developments in Chinookan Household Prestige and
Trade: Archaeological Evidence from Cathlapotle and Clahclellah. Paper presented in the
invited symposium “Northwest Native Cultural Continuity and Change in the Post-Contact
Period: Insights from Archaeological and Material Culture Studies” at the Northwest
Anthropological Conference, March 2006, Seattle, Washington.
2005 Sobel, Elizabeth A. Social Complexity and Corporate Households in the Lower Columbia
River Valley, A.D. 1450-1855. Archaeology Lecture Series, Portland State University, April
2005, Portland, Oregon.
2004 Ames, K.M., C.M. Smith, and Elizabeth A. Sobel. Household Production at the Cathlapotle
Site. Paper presented at the Northwest Anthropological Conference, Eugene, Oregon.
Elizabeth Sobel, cv
2003 Sobel, Elizabeth A.. Native Exchange Networks in the Lower Columbia River Region:
Archaeological evidence from Two Chinookan Town Sites. Paper presented at the Second
Annual Conference of Faculty and Graduate Student Scholarship. Central Washington
University, May 2003, Ellensburg, WA.
1999 Sobel, Elizabeth A. Household Production, Status, and Obsidian Access in the Lower
Columbia River Valley. Paper presented in the invited symposium “Household Production
on the Northwest Coast” at the Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in
Seattle, Washington.
1998 Sobel, Elizabeth A. An Analysis of Obsidian Artifacts from the Meier and Cathlapotle Site:
Implications Regarding Economic and Social Differentiation in the Lower Columbia River
Valley. Paper presented in invited session at the Annual Meeting of the Society for
American Archaeology in Seattle, Washington.
1997 Sobel, Elizabeth A. The Role of European Metal Trade Goods in native Status Systems of
the Lower Columbia River Valley. Paper presented in the invited symposium “Archaeology
in Oregon” at the annual Northwest Anthropological Conference in Ellensburg, Washington.
1996 Sobel, Elizabeth A. Winter Hunger, Winter Myths: Subsistence Risk and Mythology Among
the Klamath and Modoc. Paper presented in general session at the Annual Meeting of the
Society for American Archaeology in New Orleans, Louisiana.
1995 Sobel, Elizabeth A. Winter Hunger, Winter Myths: Subsistence Risk and Mythology Among
the Klamath and Modoc. Paper presented at the 1995 Annual Meeting of the Society for
California Archaeologists in Eureka, California.
Campus Presentations
Sobel, E.A. Integrating Service Learning into Field Archaeology at the Berry Homestead
Site. Citizenship and Serve Learning Workshop, Missouri State University. Scheduled for
October 5, 2011.
Teaching an Integrated Service-Learning Field Archaeology Course. Panelist at workshop
on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning,
Missouri State University, September 22.
(with J. Lewis and M. Berry) The Archaeology of Slavery and Freedom in Ash Grove,
Missouri: Recent Excavations at the Berry and Boone Homestead Sites, Ozarks Lecture
Series, Missouri State University, September 12.
The Archaeological Study of Historic Gravemarkers and Cemeteries. Lecture to
undergraduate class (Museum Conservation) of Dr. B. Follansbee. May 2011.
The Archaeology of the Battle of the Little Bighorn. Lecture to undergraduate class
(Introduction to Archaeology) of Dr. B. Byers. Fall 2011.
Flintknapping as Experimental Archaeology. Lecture to undergraduate class (Exploring
Our Human Ancestry) of Dr. S. Walker-Pacheco.
Elizabeth Sobel, cv
Complex Hunter-Gatherers on the Northwest Coast of North America. Lecture to
undergraduate class (World Prehistory) of Dr. J. Zarins. 2006.
The Archaeology of Social Complexity on the Northwest Coast of North America. Lecture
to undergraduate class (Exploring Our Human Ancestry) of Dr. J. Zarins. 2006.
Community Presentations
(with J. Rideout, H. Seale, and J. Lewis) The Archaeology of Slavery and Freedom in Ash
Grove, Missouri: Recent Excavations at the Berry and Boone Homestead Sites. Scheduled
for October 5th meeting of the Ozarks Chapter of the Missouri Archaeological Society,
Springfield, Missouri.
Recent Archaeological Investigations at the Berry Homestead Site. Presented to general
public at the Nathan Boone Homestead State Historic Site in Ash Grove, Missouri, for the
State Parks Division, Missouri Department of Natural Resources. July 16, 2011.
(J. Rideout and H. Seale) Recent Archaeological Investigations at the Nathan Boone
Homestead State Historic Site. Presented to the Friends of the Nathan Boone Homestead at
Willard Public Library, Willard, Missouri. March 2011.
Recent Archaeological Investigations at the Nathan Boone Homestead State Historic Site.
Presented to the Joplin Chapter of the Missouri Archaeological Society in Joplin,
Missouri. May 2011.
American Indian Houses. Kindergarten, Rountree Elementary School, Springfield, MO.
Current Archaeological Investigations at the Nathan Boone Homestead State Historic
Site. Presented at the Nathan Boone Homestead State Historic Site in Ash Grove,
Missouri, for State Parks Division, Missouri Department of Natural Resources. May 2010.
Contact Period Shifts in Native Exchange Systems: Obsidian Evidence from the
Cathlapotle Site. Presented in the symposium Lower Columbia River Chinookan
Archaeology: New Findings. Cathlapotle Plankhouse Second Sunday Lecture Series,
Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge, Ridgefield, WA. September 13, 2009.
Cultural Continuity & Change on Long Island, Willapa Bay, WA. Presented in the
symposium Lower Columbia River Chinookan Archaeology: New Findings. Cathlapotle
Plankhouse Second Sunday Lecture Series, Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge,
Ridgefield, WA. September 13, 2009.
Household Archaeology on the Lower Columbia River. Guest lecture delivered to Joplin
Chapter of the Missouri Archaeological Society in Joplin, Missouri.
(with C. Cotter) Cultural Continuity & Change on Long Island, Willapa Bay, WA. Guest
lecture delivered to Ozarks Chapter of the Missouri Archaeological Society in Springfield,
Household Archaeology on the Lower Columbia River. Guest lecture delivered to Ozarks
Chapter of the Missouri Archaeological Society in Springfield, Missouri.
2000-05 Organizer. Yakama Nation Archaeology Lecture Series. Toppenish, WA.
Elizabeth Sobel, cv
The Archaeology of Clahclellah: A Chinookan Town (A.D. 1700-1855) in the Columbia
River Gorge. Yakama Nation Museum Archaeology Lecture Series, Yakama Nation
Museum, Toppenish, Washington.
The Archaeology of Clahclellah: A Chinookan Town in the Columbia River Gorge.
Presented at the Columbia River Interpretive Center, Stevenson, Washington.
Native Exchange Networks in the Lower Columbia River Valley: The Obsidian Evidence.
Oregon Archaeological Society Lecture Series, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry,
Portland, Oregon.
Native Exchange Networks in the Lower Columbia River Basin. Archaeological Evidence
from the Cathlapotle and Clahclellah Sites. Yakama Nation Museum Archaeology
Lecture Series, Yakama Nation Museum, Toppenish, Washington.
Contact Period Archaeology in the Lower Columbia River Basin. Archaeology of the
Contact Period Lecture Series, Southern Oregon University and Jacksonville Historical
Society, Jacksonville, Oregon.
Household Archaeology in the Lower Columbia River Valley. Yakama Nation Museum
Archaeology Lecture Series, Yakama Nation Museum, Toppenish, Washington.
Courses Taught (*New MSU course, first time taught at MSU)
Exploring Our Human Ancestry
Introduction to Archaeology*
North American Archaeology
Material Culture Laboratory*
Hunters and Gatherers*
Field Archaeology
o 2010: 3 week archaeological field school at Nathan Boone Homestead State Historic
Site, Ash Grove, MO.
o 2011: 3 week archaeological field school at Berry Homestead Site, Ash Grove, MO.
Quantitative Methods in Anthropology (Graduate)*
Research Design and Writing in Anthropology (Graduate)*
Cultural Resource Management (Graduate)
Guided Individual Study (numerous students)
o Directed Readings in Anthropology
o Directed Research in Anthropology
o Internship in Anthropology
o Thesis hours in Anthropology
o Field Experience in Anthropology
Historical Archaeology
Advanced Methods in Archaeology: Historical Archaeology
Elizabeth Sobel, cv
Master’s Thesis Committee Service
Committee Chair, completed thesis
 John Fox, Beyond the Acculturation Model: An Archaeological Case Study of Glass Trade
Beads from Four Historic Osage Sites in Missouri. Collaborative project with: Osage
Village State Historic Site, Missouri Department of Natural Resources; Osage Nation; and
Museum of Anthropology, University of Missouri. August 2012.
 Daniel Salas, Ground Penetrating Radar Survey of the Historic Cemeteries at the Nathan
Boone Homestead State Historic Site, Ash grove, MO. Collaborative project with Nathan
Boone Homestead State Historic Site, Missouri Department of Natural Resources. August
 Abraham Ledezma, Archaeological Resistivity Survey at the Nathan Boone Homestead state
Historic Site, Ash grove, MO. Collaborative project with Nathan Boone Homestead State
Historic Site, Missouri Department of Natural Resources. May 2012.
 David Cain, Sticks with Stones: Controlled Experimentation in the Use of the Weighted
Atlatl. May 2012.
 Megan Scales, The Contemporary Critique of Ethnographic Exhibits: A Case Study of
Cultural Exhibits at Discovery Center, Springfield, Missouri. January 2009 – December
Committee Chair, in-progress theses
Sarah O’Donnell. Testing the Ozarks Marginality Hypothesis. A Study of Late Woodland Ceramics
from the Ozark Highlands of Missouri. Fall 2011 – present.
Jennifer Rideout. Archaeological Utility of Ceramic Socioeconomic Scaling: A Case Study from
Springfield, Missouri. Fall 2011 – present.
Supervision of Individual Study, Missouri State University
Supervision of Directed Readings and Directed Research
 Sarah O’Donnell. Archaeology of the Late Woodland and Missisissippian periods in the
American Bottom and Missouri Ozarks, with a focus on inter-regional exchange and
ceramics. Directed Readings in Spring 2012.
 Jennifer Rideout. The Historical Archaeology of inequality, with a focus on economics and
ceramics. Directed Readings in Summer 2010.
 Hayley Norton. Cultural Resource management and Traditional Cultural Properties.
Directed Readings in Spring 2011.
 Allison Tiller. A Material Culture Study of African American Gravestones at Hazelwood
Cemetery in Springfield, MO. Directed Research in Spring 2011.
 Megan Scales, The Contemporary Critique of Ethnographic Exhibits: A Case Study of
Cultural Exhibits at Discovery Center, Springfield, Missouri. Directed Readings in Fall
 John Fox. The Historical Archaeology of Native Americans. Directed Readings in Fall 2010.
 Daniel Salas. Ground Penetrating Radar in Archaeology. Directed Readings in Fall 2010.
 Samantha Zale. Archaeological Site Formation Processes in 19th Century American
Farmsteads. Directed Readings in Fall 2010.
 Allison Tiller. A Material Culture Study of African American Gravestones at Hazelwood
Cemetery in Springfield, MO. Directed Research in Spring 2010.
Elizabeth Sobel, cv
Clarissa Martin. Ethnography, Ethnohistory, and Archaeology of the Osage. Directed
Readings in Fall 2010.
Clarissa Martin. Ethnography, Ethnohistory, and Archaeology of the Osage. Directed
Research in Fall 2010.
David Cain. Archaeological, Ethnographic, and Experimental Studies of Atlatl Technology.
Directed Readings in Summer 2010.
Hallie Segelhorst, A Study of Relationships between Biographical Data and Gravestone
Epitaphs of African Americans Buried in Hazelwood Cemetery, Springfield, Missouri.
Directed Research in Spring 2010.
Christopher Cotter. Late Paleoindian and Early Archaic Mobility Patterns in SW Missouri:
Debitage Evidence from the Big Eddy Site. Directed Research in Spring 2008.
Christopher Cotter. Late Paleoindian and Early Archaic Mobility Patterns in SW Missouri:
Debitage Evidence from the Big Eddy Site. Directed Research in Fall 2009.
Allison Tiller. A Material Culture Study of African American Gravestones at Hazelwood
Cemetery in Springfield, MO. Directed Readings in Spring 2009.
Travis Scheele. The Archaeological Record of Pre-State Agriculture in Latin America.
Directed Readings in Spring 2009.
Renee Hoenschell. A Study of Modern Material Culture Along Route 66, Missouri. Directed
Research in Spring 2008.
Laura Jones. Vicks VapoRub: Influences of Madison Avenue Marketing and the Spanish
Influenza on the Archaeological Record. Directed Research in Spring 2008.
Andrew Crain Rural Archaeology Outreach Program Model. Directed Research in Fall
Christopher Cotter. Archaeological and Historical Research Concerning the Role of Long
Island, Washington, in Native Culture and Identity. Directed Research in Fall 2007.
Clarissa Martin. The Historical Archaeology of African Americans. Directed Readings in
Fall 2007.
David Cain. Experimental Archaeological Research on the Function of the Atlatl Weight.
Directed Research in Fall 2007.
David Cain. Archaeological Analysis of Lithic Debitage from the McKee Site, SW
Missouri. Directed Research in Fall 2007.
Kristin Arnette. Issues in Contemporary Native American Education. Directed Readings in
Fall 2007.
Internships (Faculty Supervisor) *I arranged this internship through my professional contacts.
 Teresa Casort. Internship at History Museum for Springfield-Greene County. Summer 2012.*
 Jeff Ehrhart. Internship at History Museum for Springfield-Greene County. Summer 2012.*
 Katie Moutray, Internship at History Museum for Springfield-Greene County. Summer 2012.*
 Jennifer Rideout. Archaeological Internship at the Malheur National Forest, John Day, Oregon.
Summer 2011.*
 Heather Panelli. Internship at History Museum for Springfield-Greene County. Summer 2011.*
 Elizabeth Romero. Internship at Southwest Missouri Indian Center. Spring 2011.*
 Allison Tiller. Internship at History Museum for Springfield-Greene County. Spring 2011.*
 Sean Munton. Internship at History Museum for Springfield-Greene County. Spring 2011.*
Elizabeth Sobel, cv
Jami Corey. Internship at History Museum for Springfield-Greene County. Fall 2010.*
John Cragin. Internship at History Museum for Springfield-Greene County. Fall 2010.*
Clarissa Martin, Cultural Resources Internship at Ha Ha Tonka State Park, Missouri. Fall 2010.
Daniel Salas. Archaeology Internship with Westwood Professional Services, Eden Prairie, MN.
Summer 2010.
David Cain. Archaeology Internship with Center for Archaeological Research, Missouri State
University, Springfield, Missouri. Summer 2010.
Elise Hargiss. Archaeology Internship at Hart-Sheldon Wildlife Refuges, Oregon and Nevada,
US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 6. Summer 2010.*
John Fox. Archaeology Internship at Hart-Sheldon Wildlife Refuges, Oregon and Nevada, US
Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 6. Summer 2010.*
Jake Herd. Internship at History Museum for Springfield- Greene County. Spring 2010.
Sarah Francka. Heritage Research Internship at Greene County Public Library, Springfield,
Missouri. Spring 2010.*
Megan Scales. Museum Internship at the Ozarks Afro-American Heritage Museum, Ash
Grove, Missouri. Spring 2009.*
Megan Scales. Museum Internship at Discovery Center, Springfield, MO. Summer 2009.
Anastasia Cox. Archaeology Internship at Coronado National Forest in Arizona. Spring 2009.
Ryan Harke. Cultural Resource Management Internship at George Washington Carver National
Monument, Diamond, Missouri. Spring 2008.*
Guidance of Student Conference Presentations
 Lydia Petinaris, Jennifer Rideout, Heather Seale, Stephanie Smith, Samantha Zale, and Mike
Zuspann. Missouri State University 2010 Archaeological Field School Investigations at the
Nathan Boone Homestead State Historic Site. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Missouri Archaeological Society, Springfield, Missouri, 2011.
 Abraham Ledezma. Archaeological Resistivity Survey at the Nathan Boone Homestead State
Historic Site. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Missouri Archaeological Society,
Springfield, Missouri, 2011.
 Daniel Salas. Ground Penetrating Radar Survey at the Nathan Boone Homestead State
Historic Site. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Missouri Archaeological Society,
Springfield, Missouri, 2011.
 Samantha Zale. Analysis of Artifacts at the Nathan Boone Homestead State Historic Site to
Explore Use of Yard Space. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Missouri
Archaeological Society, Springfield, Missouri, 2011.
 Allison Tiller. A Grave Matter: Investigating American Consumerism in an Urban Cemetery.
Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Missouri Archaeological Society, 2011.
 Megan Scales. The Contemporary Critique of Ethnographic Exhibits: A Case Study of Cultural
Exhibits at Discovery Center, Springfield, Missouri. Missouri State University Graduate
Interdisciplinary Forum, Spring 2010.
 Allison Tiller. Grave Marker Style Trends in an Urban African American Cemetery. Paper
presented at Missouri State University Student Anthropology Conference, 2010.
 David Cain. Sticks with Stones: Controlled Experimentation in the Use of the Weighted Atlatl.
Poster presented at the Plains Anthropological Conference, Bismarck, ND, 2010.
Elizabeth Sobel, cv
Christopher Cotter. An Analysis of Debitage from the Big Eddy Site: Implications Regarding
Variation between Paleoindian and Late Archaic Lithic Technologies. Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Missouri Archaeological Society (student session), Springfield, MO,
2008. Paper presented at Missouri State University Student Anthropology Conference, 2008.
Clarissa Martin and Laura Jones. Vicks VapoRub: Influences of Madison Avenue Marketing
and the Spanish Influenza on the Archaeological Record. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of
the Missouri Archaeological Society (student session), 2008.
Hailey Laird. Modern Material Culture and Archaeological Site Formation Processes: An
Example From Hooten Cave, Missouri. Paper presented at: Missouri State University Student
Anthropology Conference, 2008; and Annual Meeting of the Missouri Archaeological Society
(student session), 2008.
Kelly Keith. Soldiers of the Past: Rifle Range Graffiti at Fort Leonard Wood. Paper presented
at Annual Meeting of the Missouri Archaeological Society (student session), 2008.
 General Anthropology (Central Washington University)
 Cultural Anthropology (Central Washington University)
 Archaeological Laboratory and Field Methods (Portland State University, co-instructor with
C.M. Smith)
 Hunters-and-Gatherers (University of Michigan)
Teaching Assistant
 Archaeological Field Methods (Portland State University)
 North American Archaeology (University of Michigan)
 Native Peoples of North America (University of Michigan)
 Ancient Civilizations (University of Michigan)
 Economic Anthropology (University of Michigan)
MSU workshop “Integrating Sustainability into the Curriculum,” Spring 2010.
MSU Basic Advising Workshop, Spring 2007
MSU Service Learning workshop, Spring 2007
MSU College of Hummanities and Public Affairs Geographic Information Sciences
workshop, Summer 2008
National Park Service Archaeological Geophysics Workshop, Bismarck, N.D. Summer 2008
Elizabeth Sobel, cv
Field Archaeology class and project at Berry Site, directed by Sobel.
o June 3, 2011. Students Unearth Racial Past, by Linda Leicht, Springfield News
o June 3, 2011. Anthropology Students Complete Excavations in Ash Grove by
Rebekah Clark, KSMU radio news and website.
Governor Jay Nixon visits MSU Anthropology lab where Sobel and students displayed
materials excavated at Nathan Boone Homestead State Historic Site. On local TV news and
numerous web sites (e.g., http://www.gov.mo.gov/newsroom/2011/, http://ozarksfirst.com/search-
fulltext?nxd_id=416146), http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-0_4L5WfCU,
Collaboration between Osage Nation, Mo State Parks, Dr. Sobel and student Claire Martin
at Ha Ha Tonka State Park. Historic Preservation News, Osage Nation Web site, January 26,
2011. http://www.osagetribe.com/historicpreservation/news_story.aspx?news_id=2115
Research and field course at Nathan Boone Homestead State Historic Site
Dec. 28, 2010. Governor-nixon-made-it-to-all-85-state-parks-and-historic-sites,Missouri
State Government Media Archive. http://www.mo.gov/media-archive/youtube/governornixon-made-it-to-all-85-state-parks-and-historic-sites/
Nov. 7, 2010. Ozarks News Journal, Missouri State University: 15 minute TV segment about
MSU 2010 Archaeological Field School directed by Sobel at the Nathan Boone Homestead
State Historic Site.
July 21, 2010. KSPR TV station and web site: Archeologists Consider Studying Ash Grove
Structure. Sept. 26, 2009. Putting Puzzle of History Together, Springfield Newsleader.
University Committee Service
 Graduate College Counsel, member. August 2011 - Present.
 African American Studies Committee. August 2011 - Present.
 Native American Studies Minor Committee, member. August 2008 - Present.
 Museum Studies Minor Development Committee, member. January 2011 – Present.
 Faculty Concerns Committee, member. August 2010 – May 2011.
College Service (College of Humanities and Public Affairs)
 Committee for Reappointment of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology Department
Head, member. Spring 2009.
 GIS Workshop Organizer. Summer 2008.
Department Service
 Anthropology Committee, member. Work with other Anthropology faculty to develop
courses and programs, develop anthropology lab, admit graduate students, allocate funds,
recruit students, serve as judge in student anthropology conference, assist Anthropology
Club, attend Anthropology Faculty meetings, etc. August 2006 - Present.
 Anthropology Search Committee, member. Fall 2007-Spring 2008.
 Student Recruitment Task Force
Elizabeth Sobel, cv
o Co-Chair with L. Vess, August 2011 – Present.
o Member. August 2009 – May 2011.
Display Case Committee, member. August 2006 - May 2009 & August 2010 - May 2011.
Bring in guest speakers from museums, anthropology departments, and cultural resource
management programs including those of the University of Arkansas, University of
Missouri at Columbia, University of Missouri at Kansas City, Osage Nation, Missouri
Department of Transportation, U.S. Army, and National Park Service.
Organize Archaeology Month events in cooperation with Ozarks Chapter of the Missouri
Archaeological Society (2007, 2008, 2010).
Conference & Session Organizer / Chair
Co-organizer (Local Arrangements and Special Events Organizer). Annual Meeting of the
American Society for Ethnohistory, November 7-11, 2012, Springfield, Missouri.
Session Moderator. Round-Table Discussion on Tribal Historic Preservation. Annual
Meeting of the American Society for Ethnohistory, November 9, 2012, Springfield,
Chair of General Session “Race, Ethnicity, and Post-Colonial Identity” at Annual Meeting
of the American Society for Ethnohistory, November 9, 2012, Springfield, Missouri.
Chair of General Session “Archaeology: Methodological Perspectives” at Annual Meeting
of the Central States Anthropological Society, April 2009, Urbana- Champaign, Illinois.
Symposium Organizer. Contact Era Archaeology of the Lower Columbia River Valley.
Annual Meeting of Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Williams, Paxton and Elizabeth A. Sobel. Conference Co-organizers. Inaugural George
Washington Carver Symposium, hosted by the George Washington Carver Birthplace
Association, George Washington Carver National Monument, and Missouri State
University. Diamond, MO and Springfield, MO, October 17-18 2008
Symposium Organizer and Chair. Northwest Native Cultural Continuity and Change in the
Post-Contact Period: Insights from Archaeological and Material Culture Studies.
Northwest Anthropological Conference, Seattle.
Sobel, Elizabeth A. and D. Ann Trieu Gahr. Symposium Co-organizers and Co-Chairs.
Household Production on the Northwest Coast. Annual meeting of the Society for
American Archaeology, Chicago, Illinois.
Peer Review Activity
 American Antiquity
 Journal of Anthropological Archaeology
 Comparative Studies in Society and Culture
 Archaeology in Washington.
Elizabeth Sobel, cv
 National Science Foundation (referee grant proposals)
Non-Profit Agencies
 Missouri Archaeological Society
o Trustee. December 2009 – Present.
o Ozarks Chapter, Vice President. December 2008 – May 2010. Scheduled and hosted
guest speaker for monthly meetings (Sept. – May). Brought in speakers from
University of Missouri, University of Arkansas, and Missouri DOT, among other
o Ozarks Chapter, Secretary. December 2007 – Present: Mail and email meeting
notifications. Maintain membership data.
o Archaeology Quest, judge of student submissions. Spring 2007 and Spring 2008.
o Organize Archaeology Month event (Atlatl Demonstration and Use), September 1315, 2007; September 22, 2008; and September 27, 2010.
o Organize all presenters (MSU undergraduate students) for Poster Session at 2010
Annual Meeting.
o Organize all presenters (MSU graduate and undergraduate students) for Student
Paper Session at2008 Annual Meeting.
 Ozarks Afro-American Heritage Museum: Forward Museum’s research and public
education aims through: collaboration on Slavery and Freedom in Ash Grove, MO project;
facilitating student internship at Museum; involving Museum in 2008 Inaugural George
Washington Carver Symposium; bringing field school students to Museum; facilitating
popular media coverage of Museum.
 George Washington Carver Birthplace Association. Collaborated in organizing Inaugural
George Washington Carver Symposium, October 17-18, 2008. This event featured Carver
scholars from across the U.S. and drew faculty, staff, and students from multiple universities
(Iowa State University, Tuskegee University, Simpson College). I initiated and coordinated
Missouri State University involvement, which involved presentations, luncheon, and tour at
Ozarks Afro-American Heritage Museum.
 History Museum for Springfield-Greene County: Facilitated multiple student internships at
 Multiple public lectures for non-profit agencies, as listed above (see Community
Government Agencies
 Osage Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO). September 2009 - Present. Contribute to
Osage THPO Cultural Resource Management projects through: collaboration on student
internship and thesis projects involving the study of Osage archaeological sites; arranging
for Osage THPO staff to deliver Spring 2009guest lecture at Missouri State University;
arranging field trip of MSU Anthropology students to Osage THPO office in Fall 2011.
 Chinook Nation and Shoalwater Bay Tribe of Washington State, 2006-Present. Forward
Cultural Resource Management goals of nations through consultation and collaboration on
Elizabeth Sobel, cv
projects that serve their needs, including my PhD dissertation and project on The Role of
Long Island, Washington, in Native American Cultural Continuity, Change, and
Division of State Parks, Missouri Department of Natural Resources. June 2009 - Present.
Forward Cultural Resource Management goals of Missouri DNR by collaborating on
research projects (archaeological field investigations), facilitating student internships and
employment at state park, and advising Master’s thesis projects at state parks (Nathan Boone
Homestead State Historic Site, Osage Village State Historic Site, and Ha Ha Tonka State
Greene County, Missouri, Public Library and Archives, 2009. I initiated the Black Families
of the Ozarks Digitization Project and coordinated Missouri State University’s role in the
project, which digitized and placed online the 8 volume work Black Families of the Ozarks
George Washington Carver National Monument (government). Collaborated in organizing
Inaugural George Washington Carver Symposium, October 17-18, 2008.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 1, Cultural Resources Program. Forward Cultural
Resource Management goals of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service through pro bono research at
the Cathlapotle site, located on the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge (2005 – present),
and Long Island, Willapa National Wildlife Refuge (2007-present), Washington.
Multiple public lectures for government agencies, as listed above (see Community
Society for American Archaeology
American Anthropological Association
Missouri Archaeological Society, Ozarks Chapter
Missouri Archaeological Society, State Chapter