student assessment form

The forms have been devised to:
Provide Visiting Tutors & Work Based or Placement Learning Providers with a form
and guidance to assess a student’s learning against the job description and the
Required Professional Competencies.
Student name:
JOB DESCRIPTION: Assessment of performance in aspects of job as given in Work Based &
Placement Learning Agreement.
Please rate your performance in each area by entering a number (1-7) in each box:
If you have not performed any of the duties listed, indicate using N/A (not applicable).
Insert all job description
elements from agreement
(E.g. 1, 2 etc.)
1. = Excellent (> 70)
2. = Very Good (60-70)
3. = Good (50-60)
4. = Satisfactory (40-50)
5. = Unsatisfactory 30-40)
6. = Poor (20-30)
7. = Very Poor (< 20)
N/A: Not applicable
Other: not specified in job
description but undertaken
whilst on placement (please
Please rate your performance with regards to meeting your required professional
competencies by entering a number (1-7) in each box:
Knowledge and
Problem solving/thinking
Evaluation and ideas
Numeracy skills
Communication skills - oral
Communication skills written
ICT skills
Interpersonal and teamwork
Professional attitude
Time management
Project Management
Personnel Management
Management of Change
(E.g. 1, 2 etc.)
1. = Excellent (> 70)
2. = Very Good (60-70)
3. = Good (50-60)
4. = Satisfactory (40-50)
5. = Unsatisfactory 30-40)
6. = Poor (20-30)
7. = Very Poor (< 20)
N/A: Not applicable
The Required Professional Competencies (RPCs) are the minimum standards required of a placement and can be used as an aide memoire in the
completion of the student’s mid and final placement review.
By using the RPCs as the benchmark for the student’s performance and level and development while in Work Based & Placement Learning at the midpoint review and at the end of the Work Based & Placement Learning or placement Learning. If the student falls into any of the grey areas during the
midpoint review then an action plan is put into place and if they are in the grey areas at the end of the placement this part of the assessment is deemed
as a failure and assessment.
ICT Skills
A basic Recognition and use of
the variety of ICT available to
support their role.
The writer’s documents are
unclear and the reader has
trouble understanding its
Responds to questions
Can Use some basic ICT
hardware and software
packages to support you their
The reader has a difficult time
determining why the writer has
created this document.
Can Use basic ICT hardware and
software packages efficiently to
support their role.
Responds with difficulty to basic
questions and does not respond
adequately to comments from
other members of staff.
Generally responsive to
comments, questions, and other
staff members’ needs. Gives
some opportunities for
interaction with others
The writer often loses focus on
the main point of the
Efficient use to an Intermediate
use of ICT hardware and
software packages to support
their role.
This reader thinks the writer’s
purpose is clear for the most
Used ICT to widen their
knowledge and understanding
and increased their
effectiveness within their role.
This reader thinks that the
writer’s purpose is clear. The
document has a clear focus.
Consistently clarifies, estates,
and responds to questions.
Summarizes when needed.
Is approachable and able to
confidently communicate to
staff on all levels
Unable to Identify networking
Can identify opportunities but
cannot recognise how they can
add value to a conversation.
Can identify opportunities and
recognises how they can add
value to a conversation.
Sometimes able to clarify, and
respond to questions. Can
summarise on some topics.
Is approachable and able to
communicate to piers but
hesitant on communicating to
more senior staff
Can make useful links and
connections with those they
Creates disharmony amongst
Appears to have difficulty
working with others
Demonstrates some inhibitions
when working with others
Generally works well with
others colleagues
Able to identify networking
opportunities making useful
links and uses their network to
benefit them.
Works exceptionally well with
other colleagues.
Self Confidence
 Demonstrates a lack of selfesteem that hinders their
ability to effectively
contribute to work.
 Cannot communicate with
others due to lack of self
•Aggressively states his or her
opinions and perspectives.
•Unwilling to present his or her
ideas and perspectives, both
verbally and in writing.
•Shows no willingness to take
on challenging new projects or
•Clearly and appropriately
states his or her opinions and
perspectives, even if others
•Exhibits some confidence and
conviction when presenting his
or her ideas and perspectives,
both verbally and in writing.
•Sometimes demonstrates a
willingness to take on
challenging new projects or
•Does not demonstrate
confidence that his or her plans
and decision will be successful.
•Clearly and appropriately
states his or her opinions and
perspectives, even if others
•Exhibits confidence and
conviction when presenting his
or her ideas and perspectives,
both verbally and in writing.
•Sometimes demonstrates a
willingness to take on
challenging new projects or
•Admits when he or she is
wrong or someone else has a
better solution and is willing to
change direction or reorient his
or her actions as necessary.
Demonstrates confidence that
his or her plans and decisions
will be successful.
Influencing &
•Cannot develop a line of
reasoned argument
•Cannot back up points with
•Becomes aggressive when
attempting to gets points across
•Aggressively challenges views
expressed by others they
disagree with or odes not
challenge at all
•Does not listen to the needs of
•Finds it difficult to develop a
line of reasoned argument
•Cannot back up points with
•Becomes aggressive when
attempting to gets points across
•Finds difficulty in challenging
views expressed by others they
disagree with
•Needs prompting to listen to
the needs of others
•Does not compromise
•Able to develop a line of
reasoned argument
•Usually backs up points with
logic using positive language
•Becomes aggressive when
attempting to gets points across
•Finds difficulty in challenging
views expressed by others they
disagree with
•Needs prompting to listen to
the needs of others
•Sometimes compromises
•Able to develop a line of
•Usually backs up points with
logic using positive language
•Gets points across in a calm
and assertive manner
•Tactfully challenges view
by others they disagree with
•Listens to the needs of others
•Reaches agreement acceptable
•Clearly and appropriately
states his or her opinions and
perspectives, even if others
•Exhibits confidence and
conviction when presenting his
or her ideas and perspectives,
both verbally and in writing.
•Demonstrates a willingness to
take on challenging new
projects or assignments.
•Quickly and candidly informs
others when he or she cannot
fulfill a request, and the reason
for it, and problem-solves an
•Admits when he or she is
wrong or someone else has a
better solution and is willing to
change direction or reorient his
or her actions as necessary.
Demonstrates confidence that
his or her plans and decisions
will be successful.
•Takes responsibility for making
difficult or unpopular decisions
•Able to develop a line of
reasoned argument
•Backs up points with logic
using positive language
•Emphasises positive aspects of
an argument
•Gets points across in a calm
and assertive manner
•Tactfully challenges view
expressed by others they
disagree with
•Handles objections to their
•Does not compromise
Does not have control over
emotional reactions. Responds
to difficult individuals or
situations with an agitated and
defensive manner. Struggles to
keep personal matters from
interfering with performance.
Ignores others contributions.
Works independently. Does not
listen to others. Does not
contribute to organization
Critical Thinking &
Problem Solving
Motivation (strong
to both sides, establishing trust
•Knows when to compromise
arguments by identifying
common ground.
•Listens to the needs of others
•Reaches agreement acceptable
to both sides, establishing trust
•Knows when to compromise
•Uses open body language
Is self-aware and socially aware
and able to remedy difficult
individuals or situations with a
calm and non-defensive
manner. Keeps personal
matters from interfering and
maintains top performance.
Is not self-aware and does not
understand how their actions
can cause issues within working
environment with other
members of staff. Does not pick
up on clues from other
members of staff and is socially
Does not contribute to assigning
roles or defining goals.
For the most part, controls
emotional reactions. Usually
keeps personal matters from
interfering with performance.
For the most part, controls
emotional reactions. Responds
to difficult individuals or
situations with a calm and nondefensive manner. Usually
keeps personal matters from
interfering with performance.
Works well with others. Listens
to team members' opinions.
Helps organize contributions.
Assumes leadership role in
prioritising and coordinating
tasks and/or integrating
individual contributions into
final result.
Does not demonstrate any
insight or techniques in problem
solving within their own
Does not approach problem
solving with any process. Has
difficulty constructing and
executing a plan.
Consistently reacts incorrectly
before thinking through a
problem. Makes some
situations worse.
Uses a basic process for
problem solving. Understand
the problem Construct a plan to
solve the problem Execute the
Appears to lack interest and
motivation. Does not seek out
opportunities to develop.
Appears to lack initiative or
drive to complete set tasks.
Reveals some insights about
own learning. Basic
understanding of relevance of
problem-solving techniques.
Can identify problem-solving
techniques that are most
helpful, but may not be able to
clearly summarize selfknowledge.
Shows interest but displays
negative attitudes at times
Appears interested and usually
displays enthusiasm.
Approach is one of interest and
genuine enthusiasm
Behaves in an inappropriate
manner for a working
Lacks awareness of the concept
of professionalism
Professional rapport frequently
affected by over familiarity
Aware of professionalism but
occasionally over familiar with
client or colleagues.
Always acts professionally
Encourages, motivates, and
works well with others. Seeks
and respects other staff
members' opinions. Helps to or
organizes contributions of staff
involved in their business as
usual activities.
Critically reflects on problemsolving techniques, strategies,
and results. Identifies those
most helpful to self. Offers
clear insights regarding selfknowledge.
Time Keeping/
Quality of Work
Unpunctual. Always or
frequently late forgets to phone
Provides work that usually
needs to be checked/re-done by
others to ensure quality.
Occasionally late. Usually
phones in
Usually on time. Phones in if
about to be late/absent
Rarely late. Manages time
Always on time. Manages time
appropriately and well.
Provides work that occasionally
needs to be checked/re-done by
other group members to ensure
Provides adequate work that
does not need to be thoroughly
checked or redone and is of an
adequate quality.
Provides high quality work.
Provides work of the highest