TRAINEE GUIDE Advanced Forecasters – Satellites, Unit 3, Topic 1 - Fundamentals CIN-S-0618 28APR15 TRAINEE GUIDE FOR ADVANCED FORECASTER COURSE S-420-0618 UNIT 3, TOPIC 1 – ENVIRONMENTAL SATELLITE FUNDAMENTALS PREPARED BY THE COMET PROGRAM, UNIVERSITY CORPORATION FOR ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH, 3085 CENTER GREEN DRIVE, BOULDER, CO 80301 PREPARED FOR COMMANDER, NAVAL METEOROLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY COMMAND 1100 BALCH BLVD, STENNIS SPACE CENTER, MS 39529 APRIL 2015 Satellites – Unit 3.1 PAGE 1 TRAINEE GUIDE Advanced Forecasters – Satellites, Unit 3, Topic 1 - Fundamentals CIN-S-0618 28APR15 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHANGE RECORD ....................................................................................................... ii TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................ iii TERMINAL OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................ xiv CHANGE RECORD Description of Change Entered By Date TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction 2 The Earth's Source of Energy Is the Sun. 3 The Earth’s Atmosphere and Oceans Redistribute This Incoming Solar Energy. 4 The Earth’s Heat Fluxes. 5 What Happens to This Energy? 6 How Does This Relate to Remote Sensing? 7 Applications of the Electromagnetic Spectrum and Observed Frequencies. 8 What Is Being Observed By Satellite Frequencies? 9 Summary 10 Answers to Checkpoint Questions 11 List of Figures Satellites – Unit 3.1 PAGE 2 TRAINEE GUIDE Advanced Forecasters – Satellites, Unit 3, Topic 1 - Fundamentals CIN-S-0618 28APR15 UNIT 3: ADVANCED REMOTE SENSING CAPABILITIES Terminal Objective 3.0: Analyze satellite imagery for atmospheric inducements. TOPIC 3.1 environmental satellite fundamentals 1 - INTRODUCTION In this lesson we are addressing the following enabling objectives: EO 3.1.1: DESCRIBE the fundamental concepts of Environmental Satellite Remote Sensing without reference with 75% accuracy. EO 3.1.2: EXPLAIN how the Electromagnetic Spectrum effects observed frequencies without reference with 75% accuracy The following remote sensing principles will be reviewed: The energy of the sun How the earth redistributes this incoming energy An overview of radiation How environmental satellites rely on radiation The observation of electromagnetic signals What satellites are observing with these signals. 2 - THE EARTH’S SOURCE OF ENERGY IS THE SUN The sun is fueled by nuclear energy – fusion in the formation of helium (He) from hydrogen (H). This energy passes through space as radiation (light - packets of energy / photons). ENERGY is defined as a property that enables something to do WORK WORK is a measure of the change a FORCE produces, for example W = Force * distance (mechanical definition) The units of both W and E is the Joule (J) Energy is found in many forms. Satellites – Unit 3.1 PAGE 3 TRAINEE GUIDE Advanced Forecasters – Satellites, Unit 3, Topic 1 - Fundamentals CIN-S-0618 28APR15 Fig. 0618-01-01. Table of energy forms. The Principle of Conservation of Energy: Energy can be converted back and forth between forms but is never lost. 3 - THE EARTH’S ATMOSPHERE AND OCEANS REDISTRIBUTE THIS INCOMING SLOAR ENERGY Insolation is defined as incoming solar energy (sunlight). It is mostly visible light (VL, 49%) but also ultra-violet (UV, 9%) and infrared (IR, 42%) The Electromagnetic Spectrum is the distribution of energy by wavelength as shown. Fig. 0618-01-02. The electromagnetic spectrum with the Visible Light (VL) range indicated. Satellites – Unit 3.1 PAGE 4 TRAINEE GUIDE Advanced Forecasters – Satellites, Unit 3, Topic 1 - Fundamentals CIN-S-0618 28APR15 Fig. 0618-01-03. The coloring indicates the difference between incident solar energy density (watts/m2) at the equator and poles. The Earth intercepts sunlight, and the sun’s rays are almost parallel as they reach the earth. The result is an uneven distribution of insolation and thus, temperature on the earth's surface. There is an excess of solar energy received in the equatorial regions and a deficit at the poles. The earth’s declination relative to the sun adds to the polar deficit when regions north (south) of the Arctic (Antarctic) Circle receive no solar energy during their polar winters. The earth’s atmosphere and ocean redistribute this incoming energy. Eventually, the earth re-radiates this energy back to space in the infrared band. Satellites – Unit 3.1 PAGE 5 TRAINEE GUIDE Advanced Forecasters – Satellites, Unit 3, Topic 1 - Fundamentals CIN-S-0618 28APR15 Fig. 0618-01-04. Illustration of excess incoming radiation in the equatorial regions, deficit at the poles, and resultant poleward transport by the oceans and atmosphere. CHECK QUESTION 1: The tropics are an area of net energy (radiation) _____ compared to all latitudes on Earth. a. b. c. d. gain loss equilibrium none of the above; the tropics do not receive or emit any radiation. Satellites – Unit 3.1 PAGE 6 TRAINEE GUIDE Advanced Forecasters – Satellites, Unit 3, Topic 1 - Fundamentals CIN-S-0618 28APR15 4 - THE EARTH’S HEAT FLUXES Fig. 0618-01-05. Schematic of the earth’s heat fluxes. If the net sum of these Q’s in Fig. 0618-01-05 is zero, there is no temperature change and the system is in energy balance (meaning there is no global warming). Radiation Fluxes are incoming Qs (VL, visible light) and outgoing Qb (IR, infrared) Why is the sun radiating in visible light while earth radiates in IR? It is a matter of their temperatures. The Stephan-Boltzmann Law relates energy released to the body's "Black Body" temperature by the fourth power of the temperature in °K (°C + 273.15). Qb = σ T4, where Qb is the energy release rate (flux) in calories/cm2/s, and the Stephan-Boltzmann Constant is = 1.36 x 10-12 calories/(cm2 s °K4). Examples: SUN T = 6000°K (~5700°C), so Qb-sun = 1300 cal/cm2/s EARTH T = 288°K (~15°C or 59°F) Qb-earth = 0.0094 cal/cm2/s (1/250,000 less than sun) EARTH T = 255°K (~-18°C or 0°F) without the atmosphere Qb-earth = 0.0057 cal/cm2/s Satellites – Unit 3.1 PAGE 7 TRAINEE GUIDE Advanced Forecasters – Satellites, Unit 3, Topic 1 - Fundamentals CIN-S-0618 28APR15 Fig. 0618-01-06 and Fig 0618-01-07. (left) Radiance spectral energy curves for solar (yellow) and earth (red) black bodies. (right) The same curves annotated with the wavelengths of peak emission for shortwave or visible solar (Vis), longwave infrared earth (LWIR), and overlapping wavelengths (NearIR and SWIR). WIEN'S LAW relates the wavelength of the maximum energy released by a radiating body to its temperature: λmax = C3 / T, where C3 = 2892 micrometer °K, 1 micrometer = 10-6 m. Examples: SUN: λmax = 0.54 µm (visible light, centered on BLUE) EARTH: λmax = 10 µm (far IR) CHECK QUESTION 2: The sun’s emits radiation primarily in the _____ portion of the EM spectrum and at relatively _____ temperature, according to Wien’s Law. In this course, we often use frequency, the inverse of wavelength. That is: f = 2 π/ λ (in cycles/second or Hertz) Satellites – Unit 3.1 PAGE 8 TRAINEE GUIDE Advanced Forecasters – Satellites, Unit 3, Topic 1 - Fundamentals CIN-S-0618 28APR15 5 - WHAT HAPPENS TO THIS ENERGY? Fig. 0618-01-08. Energy budget for the earth. 341 Wm-2 (100%) of the incoming solar energy or insolation reaches the top of the atmosphere (Fig. 0618-01-08). Some of this insolation is reflected by clouds and the ocean surface, reradiating about 30% directly back into space. About 23% is absorbed by the atmosphere and 47% by the earth’s surface (land and sea). The earth surface emits infrared energy that is 116% of the incoming insolation. 94% of this energy is reflected back by clouds or absorbed and reradiated in an energy cycle within the lower atmosphere. This is the Greenhouse Effect: the atmospheric blanket that keeps the earth system at a livable temperature. 10% of the surface’s infrared radiation passes through the atmosphere, joins the infrared energy that is radiated upward by clouds and clear air, and departs the earth system. In summary, 30% of the incoming solar radiation is reflected and 70% is converted to infrared energy and eventually re-radiated into space. Satellites – Unit 3.1 PAGE 9 TRAINEE GUIDE Advanced Forecasters – Satellites, Unit 3, Topic 1 - Fundamentals CIN-S-0618 28APR15 CHECK QUESTION 3: What happens if more energy from the sun’s visible light enters the earth system than departs as infrared radiation? 6 - HOW DOES THIS RELATE TO SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING? Fig. 0618-01-09. Radiation absorption curves for various atmosphere constituents. In Figure 0618-01-09, the yellow shading shows the incident sunlight at the top of the atmosphere. The red shading shows how much of this energy reaches the Earth’s surface. Regions where the yellow is thin or missing are “radiation windows” that are letting the sun’s energy through. Regions where the yellow extends downward show bands where the energy is absorbed through reactions with the indicated chemicals. Examples shown are: O3 at the short UV wavelength of 250 nm O2 in the IR wavelength of 750 nm H2O in 5 different regions CO2 in the far IR at about 2050 nm. Satellites – Unit 3.1 PAGE 10 TRAINEE GUIDE Advanced Forecasters – Satellites, Unit 3, Topic 1 - Fundamentals CIN-S-0618 28APR15 Fig. 0618-01-10. Radiation absorption and transmission windows. Fig. 0618-01-10 shows the transmittance, or percentages of energy that passes through the atmosphere. Note that compared with the above plot, there are a number of chemicals in addition to H2O and CO2 that absorb radiation. Fig. 0618-01-11. An illustration of the total electromagnetic spectrum, from X-Rays to electricity. The thermal radiation region matches the solar and earth radiation regions noted earlier. Satellite remote sensing applications are possible because of the ways in which the atmosphere and other earth systems interact with the entire electromagnetic spectrum (Fig. 0618-01-11). The portions of the electromagnetic spectrum where there is little atmospheric absorption are referred to as "windows" and are used to observe surface Satellites – Unit 3.1 PAGE 11 TRAINEE GUIDE Advanced Forecasters – Satellites, Unit 3, Topic 1 - Fundamentals CIN-S-0618 28APR15 properties. The atmosphere is most transparent in the visible and the microwave parts of the spectrum and opaque in the infrared, except for a small window close to 10 μm. Satellite sensors measure energy at particular wavelengths, which are referred to as "channels" and numbered in increasing order from shortwave to longwave. The visible, infrared, and microwave wavelengths are used most often in environmental remote sensing. CHECK QUESTION 4: List 3 of the main atmospheric absorption bands, including the approximate wavelength and atmospheric constituent primarily responsible. 1. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7 - APPLICATIONS OF THE ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM AND OBSERVED FREQUENCIES Abbreviations for various instrument frequency bands include: VIS (visible) IR (infrared) NIR (near infrared) SWIR (shortwave infrared) MWIR (medium wavelength infrared) TIR (total or thermal infrared radiation) MW (microwave) UV (ultraviolet). Satellites – Unit 3.1 PAGE 12 TRAINEE GUIDE Advanced Forecasters – Satellites, Unit 3, Topic 1 - Fundamentals CIN-S-0618 28APR15 Fig. 0618-01-12. Examples of windows and regions that are opaque to microwaves in the electromagnetic spectrum. Throughout this unit, the operating frequencies of satellite instruments are listed. There are multiple approaches and objectives for the selected frequencies: See through the atmosphere and collect information about the surface. These channels are located in window regions where there is little absorption by atmospheric gases. At times, corrections must be made, as these windows are not totally transparent. They help identify properties associated with earth and ocean surfaces as well as clouds. Visible vegetation and smoke, wave data from radar, and infrared radiation observations of sea surface temperature are examples. Reflect off atmospheric components and thus collect information about their presence, elevation, concentration, etc. Examples are the observations of water vapor in clouds or ozone levels. Are reradiated by the atmosphere, surface, or components. These channels, located in absorption regions, are sensitive to a range of atmospheric gases like water vapor, carbon dioxide, and oxygen. Clouds that reflect, absorb, and reradiate at different frequencies are an example. Satellites – Unit 3.1 PAGE 13 TRAINEE GUIDE Advanced Forecasters – Satellites, Unit 3, Topic 1 - Fundamentals CIN-S-0618 28APR15 Channels in both window and absorption regions can be used to derive a variety of products including cloud properties. Fig. 0618-01-13. An example of the electromagnetic spectrum and the frequencies observed by the VIIRS instrument suite. Figure 0618-01-13 shows the many channels that the JPSS VIIRS system observes. Note that they range from visible light to longwave infrared. This will be discussed later in the JPSS section of Unit 3.2. Satellites – Unit 3.1 PAGE 14 TRAINEE GUIDE Advanced Forecasters – Satellites, Unit 3, Topic 1 - Fundamentals CIN-S-0618 28APR15 Fig. 0618-01-14. Japanese Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) sensor channels. Figure 0618-01-14 is a table of the 16 wavelength channels observed by the Japanese Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI). The right column indicates how each channel is use. This will be discussed later in the Himawari section of Unit 3.2. Satellites – Unit 3.1 PAGE 15 TRAINEE GUIDE Advanced Forecasters – Satellites, Unit 3, Topic 1 - Fundamentals CIN-S-0618 28APR15 Fig. 0618-01-15. Images illustrate the 16 channels of the AHI. When used singly or in combination, various channels can be used to observe certain phenomena. For example, the frequency channels on the recently deployed Japanese Himawari geostationary satellite were selected to observe certain phenomena (Fig. 0618-01-15). (a) Satellites – Unit 3.1 PAGE 16 TRAINEE GUIDE Advanced Forecasters – Satellites, Unit 3, Topic 1 - Fundamentals CIN-S-0618 28APR15 (b) (c) (d) Satellites – Unit 3.1 PAGE 17 TRAINEE GUIDE Advanced Forecasters – Satellites, Unit 3, Topic 1 - Fundamentals CIN-S-0618 28APR15 (e) (f) (g) Satellites – Unit 3.1 PAGE 18 TRAINEE GUIDE Advanced Forecasters – Satellites, Unit 3, Topic 1 - Fundamentals CIN-S-0618 28APR15 (h) (i) (j) Fig. 0618-01-16. Applications of data from the GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI): (a)air quality, (b) climate, (c) cloud properties, (d) convection, (e) wildfires, (f) precipitation, (g) surface properties, (h) storms, (i) atmospheric temperature and moisture, and (j) winds. Satellites – Unit 3.1 PAGE 19 TRAINEE GUIDE Advanced Forecasters – Satellites, Unit 3, Topic 1 - Fundamentals CIN-S-0618 28APR15 Similarly, GOES-R data are being used to observe or derive a variety of atmospheric properties and components. Many of these products will be discussed further in Unit 3.3. CHECK QUESTION 5: Describe 3 approaches/objectives to the operating frequencies of satellite instruments, and give an example of a common product for each. 1. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 8 - WHAT IS BEING OBSERVED BY SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING? Observed phenomena and properties include the following: Electromagnetic radiation: Visible light Infrared Ultraviolet Microwave. Atmospheric properties: Temperature Water content Water vapor Clouds Winds Lightning. Particulates in the atmosphere: Snow / ice Aerosols Dust Volcanic ash Salt spray. Atmospheric chemistry: Satellites – Unit 3.1 PAGE 20 TRAINEE GUIDE Advanced Forecasters – Satellites, Unit 3, Topic 1 - Fundamentals CIN-S-0618 28APR15 Ozone Carbon monoxide / dioxide Greenhouse (methane, etc.). Oceanographic properties Temperature Salinity Altimetry (surface elevation) Color Waves Currents Bioluminescence. Solar Properties Solar winds Solar events (flares, etc.). The satellites, systems, and instruments that collect the data required to create these products will be presented in the next section, Topic 3.2. The environmental properties will be presented in terms of observed and derived meteorological and oceanographic products in the section that follows, Topic 3.3. How Numerical Weather and Oceanographic Prediction (NWP and NOP) assimilate this information will be discussed in the final section, Topic 3.4. 9 - SUMMARY We have briefly presented the basics of radiation energy and demonstrate how the measurements of radiation at various frequencies or wavelengths are used by environmental satellites. In particular, this topic has covered: The sun as the earth system’s energy source The earth’s redistribution of incoming energy A quick overview of radiation principles The reliance of environmental satellite systems on radiation What these satellites are observing. Satellites – Unit 3.1 PAGE 21 TRAINEE GUIDE Advanced Forecasters – Satellites, Unit 3, Topic 1 - Fundamentals CIN-S-0618 28APR15 10 - CHECK QUESTION ANSWERS CHECK QUESTION 1: The tropics are an area of net energy (radiation) _____ compared to all latitudes on Earth. a. b. c. d. gain loss equilibrium none of the above; the tropics do not receive or emit any radiation ANSWER: a. gain CHECK QUESTION 2: The sun’s emits radiation primarily in the _____ portion of the EM spectrum and at relatively _____ temperature, according to Wien’s Law. a. visible, high b. infrared, low c. ultraviolet, very high ANSWER: a. visible, high CHECK QUESTION 3: What happens if more energy from the sun’s visible light enters the earth system than departs as infrared radiation? ANSWER: The earth system will heat up. CHECK QUESTION 4: List 3 of the main atmospheric absorption bands, including the approximate wavelength and atmospheric constituent primarily responsible. POSSIBLE ANSWERS include any wavelengths listed for the following: ● O3 at the short UV wavelength of 250 nm (0.25 µm) and at approximately 10 µm ● O2 in the IR at 750 nm (0.75 µm) and at approximately 0.25 cm and 0.50 cm ● H2O in 5 regions, concentrated near: 1.4 µm, 1.8 µm, 2.7 µm, 6-7 µm and from about 20 - 100 µm ● CO2 at 2050 nm (2.05 µm), at 4.5 µm, and at 15 µm ● CH4 at approximately 3.5 µm and 8 µm CHECK QUESTION 5: Describe 3 approaches/objectives to the operating frequencies of satellite instruments, and give an example of a common product for each. Satellites – Unit 3.1 PAGE 22 TRAINEE GUIDE Advanced Forecasters – Satellites, Unit 3, Topic 1 - Fundamentals CIN-S-0618 28APR15 ANSWERS: 1. “Seeing through the atmosphere” - channels are located within window regions so that surface information can be sensed. Example: vegetation index, sea surface temperature 2. “Reflection/scattering from atmospheric components” - channels are located within wavelengths for which certain constituents scatter or reflect most incident solar radiation. Example: concentration of water vapor in clouds, concentration of ozone 3. “Reradiated or absorbed by surface or atmospheric components” – channels are located within absorption bands. Example: water vapor imagery, CO2 concentration, etc. 11 - LIST OF FIGURES Fig. 0618-01-01. Table of energy forms. Fig. 0618-01-02. The electromagnetic spectrum with the Visible Light (VL) range indicated. Fig. 0618-01-03. The coloring indicates the difference between incident solar energy density (watts/m2) at the equator and poles. Fig. 0618-01-04. Illustration of excess incoming radiation in the equatorial regions, deficit at the poles, and resultant poleward transport by the oceans and atmosphere. Fig. 0618-01-05. Schematic of the earth’s heat fluxes. Fig. 0618-01-06. Radiance spectral energy curves for solar (yellow) and earth (red) black bodies. Fig. 0618-01-07. The same curves annotated as in 01-06, with the wavelengths of peak emission for shortwave or visible solar (Vis), longwave infrared earth (LWIR), and overlapping wavelengths (NearIR and SWIR). Fig. 0618-01-08. Energy budget for the earth. Fig. 0618-01-09. Radiation absorption curves for various Earth processes. Fig. 0618-01-10. Radiation absorption and transmission windows. Fig. 0618-01-11. An illustration of the total electromagnetic spectrum, from X-Rays to electricity. The thermal radiation region matches the solar and earth radiation regions noted earlier. Fig. 0618-01-12. Examples of windows and regions that are opaque to microwaves in the electromagnetic spectrum. Fig. 0618-01-13. An example of the electromagnetic spectrum and the frequencies observed by the VIIRS instrument suite (discussed in the JPSS section). Fig. 0618-01-14. A table illustrating the 16 channels observed by the Japanese Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) Fig. 0618-01-15. Images to illustrate the 16 channels observed by the Japanese Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) Fig. 0618-01-16. Applications of data from the GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI): (a)air quality, (b) climate, (c) cloud properties, (d) convection, (e) wildfires, (f) precipitation, (g) surface properties, (h) storms, (i) atmospheric temperature and moisture, and (j) winds. Satellites – Unit 3.1 PAGE 23 TRAINEE GUIDE Advanced Forecasters – Satellites, Unit 3, Topic 1 - Fundamentals Satellites – Unit 3.1 CIN-S-0618 28APR15 PAGE 24