CME Activity Application - Version 3: 11/19/10 Page 1 of 6 Lancaster General CME Activity Application Instructions: This form must be completed and submitted with the sample program brochure when applying for CME Category 1 Credit. All responses in the form must be completed. Provide the following or any other relevant documentation as attachments. Required Attachments The following attachments must be included with the submission of this CME Activity Application: 1. Flyer and promotional materials with times, topics, objectives, speakers and CME accreditation information. 2. Problem information supportive documentation (i.e., excerpts from PI minutes, survey results, data collected, journal articles, etc.) Completed CME activity applications with supporting documentation are due in the CME Office at a minimum 6 weeks prior to the activity. No promotion of the activity may occur that mentions CME credits until the activity is approved by the Lancaster General CME Committee. 1. Name, address, phone number, e-mail and contact name for individual(s) requesting this event. (If this will be a joint sponsorship, please list the physician office and /or entity sponsoring this event.) 2. CME Activity Details Title Time/Date Location Agenda Number of Desired CME Credits 3. List any planning committee members (Anyone who is in a position to control the content of the educational activity. Each activity must have at least one person identified in this section. Add additional lines as needed.) Name Role in Planning Process E-mail and Phone CME Activity Application - Version 3: 11/19/10 Page 2 of 6 4. Identify the problem(s), documentation/evidence for the problem(s) and the nature of the problem(s) that are to be addressed by the proposed CME activity (see example below). For CME activities, we are required to identify problems as the rationale for holding the CME activity. A problem is a difference between desired and actual knowledge/competence/performance/outcomes. Please state the problems that the CME activity will address in terms of problems – an example is provided below. EXAMPLE Problem New standards have recently been published relative to management of CHF in the primary care office. Primary care physicians are not familiar with the new standards. Lancaster General has identified CHF readmission in 30 days as a primary performance improvement initiative for FY 2011. Data has identified that the 30-day readmission rate is 20% and there are gaps in the performance of primary care providers in providing adequate postdischarge follow-up care – particularly with medication management. Primary care physicians in busy practices lack tools to support their management of post discharge CHF to ultimately reduce 30-day readmission and improve patient outcomes. EXAMPLE Documentation/Evidence for the Problem (check all that apply) Performance improvement/quality data, audits or initiatives Medical literature, reports, conferences Professional/specialty societies Surveys of target audience Discussion in department, with peers/colleagues New standards, evidence, technology Legislative, accreditation or licensure requirements Other – Please describe: Performance improvement/quality data, audits or initiatives Medical literature, reports, conferences Professional/specialty societies Surveys of target audience Discussion in department, with peers/colleagues New standards, evidence, technology Legislative, accreditation or licensure requirements Other – Please describe: Performance improvement/quality data, audits or initiatives Medical literature, reports, conferences Professional/specialty societies Surveys of target audience Discussion in department, with peers/colleagues New standards, evidence, technology Legislative, accreditation or licensure requirements Other – Please describe: EXAMPLE Nature of the Problem (check all that apply) Knowledge or Competence Performance or Behavior Change Patient Outcomes Knowledge or Competence Performance or Behavior Change Patient Outcomes Knowledge or Competence Performance or Behavior Change Patient Outcomes Insert your problem information in this table. Problem Documentation/Evidence for the Problem (check all that apply) Performance improvement/quality data, audits or initiatives Medical literature, reports, conferences Professional/specialty societies Surveys of target audience Discussion in department, with peers/colleagues New standards, evidence, technology Legislative, accreditation or licensure requirements Other – Please describe: Performance improvement/quality data, audits or initiatives Medical literature, reports, conferences Professional/specialty societies Surveys of target audience Discussion in department, with peers/colleagues New standards, evidence, technology Legislative, accreditation or licensure requirements Other – Please describe: Nature of the Problem (check all that apply) Knowledge or Competence Performance or Behavior Change Patient Outcomes Knowledge or Competence Performance or Behavior Change Patient Outcomes CME Activity Application - Version 3: 11/19/10 Page 3 of 6 Continued: Insert your problem information in this table. Problem Documentation/Evidence for the Problem (check all that apply) Performance improvement/quality data, audits or initiatives Medical literature, reports, conferences Professional/specialty societies Surveys of target audience Discussion in department, with peers/colleagues New standards, evidence, technology Legislative, accreditation or licensure requirements Other – Please describe: Performance improvement/quality data, audits or initiatives Medical literature, reports, conferences Professional/specialty societies Surveys of target audience Discussion in department, with peers/colleagues New standards, evidence, technology Legislative, accreditation or licensure requirements Other – Please describe: Performance improvement/quality data, audits or initiatives Medical literature, reports, conferences Professional/specialty societies Surveys of target audience Discussion in department, with peers/colleagues New standards, evidence, technology Legislative, accreditation or licensure requirements Other – Please describe: Nature of the Problem (check all that apply) Knowledge or Competence Performance or Behavior Change Patient Outcomes Knowledge or Competence Performance or Behavior Change Patient Outcomes Knowledge or Competence Performance or Behavior Change Patient Outcomes Please provide any relevant problem information supportive documentation (i.e., excerpts from PI minutes, survey results, data collected, journal articles, etc.) 5. What are the potential barriers facing these physicians relative to the problem and how can they be addressed? (check all that apply) Physicians lack data, information or feedback on their performance relative to the problem The environmental support, resources (time, money, etc.) and tools to help fix the problem are not available There is a lack of consequences, incentives or rewards to help improve performance relative to the problem There is a lack of motivation and low expectations of physicians relative to addressing the problem Physicians lack skills and knowledge to address the problem Physicians involved in the problem lack individual capacity to address all of the issues (i.e. there are factors outside their specialty, etc.) There are environmental variables that are difficult to cannot be controlled (patients, legislative, costs/reimbursements, other providers, etc.) Other – Please describe: 6. What strategies are being employed to address barriers identified in the previous question? CME Activity Application - Version 3: 11/19/10 Page 4 of 6 7. Please identify the target audience for this CME activity. Designation of the target audience confirms that the content in this CME activity is within their scope of practice. Target Audience Select all that apply (at least 1 box from LG affiliation, provider type, and specialty must be selected). Place an “X” in the appropriate box next to each item. LG Affiliation Lancaster General employed physicians/staff only All Lancaster General Medical Staff All Lancaster and regional community Specific departments/specialties only Specific practice/group only Provider Type Specialty Physician All specialties Oncology Nursing Anesthesiology Orthopaedics Pharmacists Cardiology Pediatrics Physician Assistants Dermatology Psychiatry Nurse Practitioners Social Work Psychologists Other (specify): Emergency Med Family Medicine Internal Medicine Neurology OB/GYN Radiology Radiation Oncology Surgery Other (specify): 8. What is the anticipated attendance? Less than 10 Approximately 10 to 20 Approximately 20 to 30 Approximately 30 to 50 More than 50 9. What are the objectives for the conference? (Behavioral objectives should describe the outcomes in terms of physician’s performance or patient health/outcomes – add additional lines as needed) Following the completion of this program, the participant should be able to: Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3: Objective 4: 10. Are there IOM, ACGME, ABMS, specialty or other competencies related to this topic or problem associated with the CME activity? ABMS MOC Competencies (check all that apply): Medical Knowledge Patient Care Interpersonal and Communication Skills Professionalism Practice-Based Learning and Improvement Systems-Based Practice Other: Please list CME Activity Application - Version 3: 11/19/10 Page 5 of 6 11. Are there any other entities working on this issue? No Yes If Yes, is this CME activity in conjunction with them? No Yes 12. Are you aware of any non-educational strategies that are currently being used to address the problem? No Yes 13. What type of evaluation method will be used to know if the CME activity was effective at meeting the need and creating change in competence, performance or patient outcomes? (Check all that apply.) Evaluation and Outcomes Place an “X” next to all that apply; note, you may be asked to provide summary data for the evaluation methods selected. Evaluation form for participants (required) Audience response system (ARS) Pre and post-test Knowledge/Competence Physician and/or patient surveys after the activity Other, specify: Performance Measure change in performance through chart review or data query Measurement of physician performance change is part of an existing performance improvement initiative at Lancaster General Patient Outcomes Measure changes in patient outcomes through chart review or data query Measurement of patient outcomes is part of an existing performance improvement initiative at Lancaster General Customized follow-up survey/interview/focus group about actual change in practice at specified intervals Other, specify: Other, specify: 14. Who is/are the faculty and how were they selected? (add additional rows if necessary) Faculty Name Affiliation and Contact (e-mail, Rationale for Selection (check all phone, address) that apply) Recognized expert Presentation/education skills Desires/request of intended audience Recommendation Referral relationship Other Recognized expert Presentation/education skills Desires/request of intended audience Recommendation Referral relationship Other CME Activity Application - Version 3: 11/19/10 Page 6 of 6 15. What is the educational design/type of the activity (check all that apply)? Presentation/live lecture Case studies and discussion Journal club and discussion Panel discussion Demonstration Enduring material (print materials, video/audio archives) Web based Other: Please list 16. Budget (basic breakdown of expenses) Expenses Faculty Stipend(s) Faculty Travel Supplies Printing Food Other: Specify Income Registration Fees Other LG Budget Grants Amount Amount Is any of the income from commercial entities such as pharmaceutical or device manufacturers? No Yes If Yes, then complete the following table. There are additional requirements for this CME activity – the CME Office will contact you to insure that these requirements are met. Grant Amount Supporting Commercial Entity Contact Information for Commercial Support 17. Describe your CME activity and provide any additional information which would be helpful during the CME Committee review of this application. Please return or fax this completed from to: Lancaster General Hospital CME Office 555 N. Duke St. Lancaster, PA 17604 (717) 544-4500 Fax: (717) 544-5107