Title: Scholarship Requisition Form Use, Process, and Proper

Title: Scholarship Requisition Form
Use, Process, and Proper Completion
Date: 07/14/14
I. Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to provide detailed instructions on when to use, how to properly
complete, and how to process the Scholarship Requisition.
II. Scope
This procedure applies to all Scholarship Requisitions.
III. General
The Scholarship Requisition is the primary tool to be used by departments for processing
scholarships, grants and contracts.
Required Attachments to be submitted with the requisition for processing:
1.) A copy of the scholarship criteria
2.) A copy of the Recipient’s Agreement
3.) A copy of all Applications for the scholarship
4.) A copy of the Scholarship Ranking and Selection form
5.) A copy of the Scholarship Agreement and any documentation specifying changes
6.) A copy of the Conflict of Interest Annual Review and Disclosure form
The attached form is the approved Scholarship Requisition Form. User’s must complete the
form in its entirety and submit it for proper routing. Follow the instructions for completing the
Scholarship Requisition.
Routing Process: For sponsored grant funded accounts this requires special routing to the
Post Award Office; MSC 201: College Hall Room 148. Once, the budget is verified the Post
Award Office will route the form to the Office of Student Financial Aid.
For All other Scholarship awards, route the scholarship requisitions directly to the Office
of Student Financial Aid; MSC 115: MSUB Room 136
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Scholarship Requisition Form Example and Field by Field Instructions
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IV. Instructions for preparing the Scholarship Requisition Form.
The form has been developed to include the necessary items for the Financial Aid Office to
process scholarship awarding on behalf of departments or colleges. Please note that all items
must be completed. Follow instructions closely. Refer to the attached Scholarship Requisition
Form for the items listed below.
1.) Department Name: Enter the FAMIS department name. A common mistake is to enter the
common department name. The FAMIS accounting system requires that we enter the FAMIS
department name before we can transact any purchasing activity. The FAMIS department name
is a four or five letter abbreviated name. It must be the name of the department to which the
buying account belongs. If you do not know the FAMIS departmental name, contact the
Accounting or Procurement office.
2.) User: Enter the primary user’s name. This is not necessarily the account manager’s name. It
should be the name of the person that is most familiar with the request and can make
clarifications when needed.
3.) User Phone: Enter the direct line phone number of the person most familiar with the request.
4.) Mail Stop: Enter the campus box number to which correspondence regarding the request
should be mailed.
5.) Account Name: Enter the account name. This should be the official name of the account
from which the payment will be made.
6.) Account Number: Enter the Account Number. This must be the account to which the
charges will be made. The Account Manager’s signature on the bottom of the requisition must be
the listed manager for the listed account. If multiple accounts are being used, indicate the
percentage to be paid from each account.
7.) Verified Budget: This is to be completed by the Post Award Office for sponsored grant
funded accounts. The Post Award Office will verify the account budget.
8.) This is a statement that the Office of Student Financial Aid is requesting clarification on
the terms in which the scholarship is being awarded. All awards MUST be within the same
academic year.
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9.) Item Number: Enter the sequential number of the listed recipient(s). The first Recipient is
always 1. The second recipient is 2, etc.
10.) Description: enter a detailed description of the scholarship award. Check all boxes that
apply to the scholarship award. Indicate the scholarship name and list the terms in which the
scholarship should be disbursed. List the student K number, the Name(s) of the recipients, the
term award amount, and the year total amount. (If awarding undergraduate and graduate students
complete on separate requisitions.)
11.) Term Award Amount: enter the amount of the scholarship award per term.
12.) Year Total Amount: enter the amount of the scholarship award for the year total.
13.) Required attachments to be submitted with the requisition for processing: A copy of
the scholarship criteria, a copy of the recipient’s agreement, a copy of all applications for the
scholarship, a copy of the scholarship ranking and selection form, a copy of the scholarship
agreement and any documentation specifying changes, and a copy of the conflict of interest
annual review and disclosure form for each employee involved in the processing of scholarships.
14.) Date: Record the date that the Account Manager signs the Requisition.
15.) Account Manager: The Account Manager must sign the Scholarship Requisition in blue ink
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16.) This box is to be completed by the Office of student Financial Aid. The Financial
Manager will review and note the availability of funds in FAMIS account, level of recipient, note
applicable Banner Fund Code(s), and assigns the requisition number to authorize disbursement.
Financial Aid Personnel will review and manage the accounts.
17.) APPROVAL DATE: The Office of Student Financial Aid will enter the date that the
Requisition is approved for processing.
18.) APPROVAL of the Office of Student Financial Aid, Financial Manager: The Financial
Manager will sign in the field and submit the requisition to the Scholarship Coordinator for
further processing.
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