Biosafety Research Protocol – Notice of Intent The UNCC Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) is responsible for oversight of all research and teaching activities involved with potentially hazardous biological agents including but not limited to infectious agents, human and non human primate materials (including established cell lines and whole blood), Select Agents, biological toxins, commercial viral vector kits, recombinant DNA (rDNA thereafter referring to both recombinant and synthetic DNA) and studies involving human gene transfer. ALL RESEARCHERS who work with one or more of the materials listed in Section III “Materials Used or Produced” MUST complete and submit this form to the IBC for approval via email to If you have any questions, contact the Office of Research Compliance (704) 687-1872. SECTION I: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Application Status: New Application Three Year Renewal Amendment 2. Title of Project: 3. Principal Investigator: Degree: 4. Department: Academic Title: 5. Mailing Address: 6. Telephone: Fax: Email: 7. Co-Investigator/s: Tel: Email: 8. Lab Supervisor/Manager: Tel: Email: 9. Project Funded? Y N If “yes”, provide: NORM Proposal # (i.e. 12-XXXX): Funding Agency: 10. List Research Location/s: a) On Campus – building & room/s: b) Other UNCC site/s including leased space: c) Non-UNCC Facility/ies being used for biohazard use? Y 1) If yes, building & room/s: 2) Did this facility grant approval for this study? Required N Y N Pending Not (NOTE: if yes, attach a copy of IBC approval letter or equivalent to this protocol) 11. Using Select Agent/s? Y N (CDC Select Agent List: ) Biosafety Level and Risk Group Go to BMBL: or the CDC Select Agents list: or the NIH Guidelines: to identify agents and potential biosafety and/or risk group levels. NOTE: Although certain agents may not be listed in these documents, a biosafety and/or risk group level should be assigned. Assign the highest level (i.e. BSL-2/RG-2) if declaring multiple agents. Biosafety Protocol Form – v 3.1 10/2013 Page 1 of 7 BSL BSL-1 BSL-2 BSL-3* Risk Group RG-1 RG-2 RG-3* RG-4* * University policy prohibits use of agents categorized in Risk Group and/or Biosafety Level 4. BSL-3 work is currently not approved to be conducted at UNCC. Contact Environmental Health and Safety immediately at (704) 687-1111 if you plan to work with agents in NIH Risk Group 3 or Select Agents. Special Containment Considerations – Animal and Plant Use Go to the NIH Guidelines: OR the USDA/APHIS website: if working with animals or plants involving rDNA or for plant use, require permitting for transport of USDA regulated articles (genetically modified plants, soil containing plant pests, noxious weeds or pests, etc). Indicate below the appropriate containment level for the intended use of such categories of animals or plants. Animal Containment: ABSL-1 ABSL-2 ABSL-3* Plant/Pest Containment: BL1-P BL2-P BL3-P* Classification Determination Indicate the relevant section/s of the BMBL (e.g. Section IV - RG classification; Section VIII – Agent Summary Statements) and/or NIH Guidelines (e.g. Appendix B - BSL classification) in making your determinations above. If the agent/s you are using are not referenced in these documents, provide scientific rationale for your classification determinations. SECTION II: PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Please give a non-technical description of the project (appropriate for lay public), focusing on the use of biohazardous agents. (250 words or less) 2. Summarize procedures and list associated occupational hazards for each procedure involving use of biohazardous material, including a description of any risk-reducing devices (e.g. wear safety glasses, gloves, labcoat, etc.). Cross reference each procedure with personnel identified in Section B, “Personnel/Training (e.x., John Doe will inoculate animals with HeLa cell lines, contains cervical cancer cells.) 3. Protection equipment and processes to be used while handling agents (check all that apply based on your determination of the biosafety and/or risk-group level of biohazardous agent/s use): Biosafety Protocol Form – v 3.1 10/2013 Page 2 of 7 Shoe covers Lab Coat/ Overalls Disposable gloves Eye protection Fitted respirator (fit testing required: call EH&S) Head cover Full face shield Disinfectant (NOTE:if using bleach, requires at least 1:10 dilution of household bleach prepared fresh on the day of use and contact time of 10-15 minutes on surfaces) Other: SECTION III: MATERIALS USED or PRODUCED To ‘check’ a box (), double click on the box and select “Checked” in the Default Value section! NOTE: Complete and submit only the Addendum(s) applicable to your research. Addenda are available as separate documents – contact the Office of Research Compliance at 687-1872 or for more information or to obtain any applicable Addenda for completion and submission along with this main form. Check and complete all that apply: The use of non-exempt Recombinant or Synthetic DNA (ref: Addendum I and NIH Guidelines (Section III - A—F; includes creation of transgenic or other genetically Modified Plants or Animals) Addendum I Animals Inoculated with or Exposed to Hazardous Materials Addendum II Human Subjects Addendum III Infectious Agents (Bacteria, Virus, Yeast, Fungus, Parasitic Agents) and CDC/USDA Select Agents (go to: Addendum IV ) Human/Non-Human Primate Material including Established Human Cell Lines Protocol-Related Carcinogens or Mutagens and Toxins (Biological or Chemical) Addendum V Addendum VI SECTION IV: PERSONNEL / TRAINING 1. Describe the Principal Investigator(s)’s previous experience using the biohazardous agents described in this form or using similar procedures. If the Principal Investigator does not have relevant experience, explain how the required expertise will be provided/acquired. 2. List ALL personnel working under this protocol . All such employees, including the Principal Investigator, should be trained in the safe use and handling of potentially hazardous materials prior to commencement of this project. The IBC may require that training be provided by someone other than the Principal Investigator. List additional personnel together in last row; when personnel change, submit the updated information as an amendment. Name Last Name, First Name 9-digit UNCC ID # Degree Job title Years experience Procedures performed (from page 2) Online CITI training completed? (Provide date of last training module completed below for each person listed) Biosafety Protocol Form – v 3.1 10/2013 Page 3 of 7 a. b. c. d. e. f. SECTION V: OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH To ‘check’ a box (), double click on the box and select “Checked” in the Default Value section! All employees who have occupational exposure to potentially hazardous materials must be aware of their risk of exposure to these materials as well as control measures that reduce or eliminate the exposure risk. 1. 2. Have all employees working with human material been offered the Hepatitis B vaccine per the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard? Y N Are serological tests or other immunizations required for this protocol? Y N N/A If yes, identify each: 3. Will any personnel working with the proposed biohazard(s) be requesting use of a respirator? Y N If yes, contact the Environmental Health & Safety Office at 687-1111 to request respirator fit testing. SECTION VI: SAFETY EQUIPMENT To ‘check’ a box (), double click on the box and select “Checked” in the Default Value section! 1. Date of last laboratory inspection: 2. A. Biosafety cabinet type/s: 3. A. Fume hood used? Y N N/A 2B. Location/s: 2C.Certification date/s: 3B. Location/s: 3C. Certification date/s: Biosafety Protocol Form – v 3.1 10/2013 Page 4 of 7 SECTION VII: TRANSPORTATION / SHIPPING Containers used to transport materials between off-site locations and UNCC must meet applicable Department of Transportation (DOT) requirements and be properly labeled, sealed, leak-proof, and puncture resistant. Go to the following for the links to: DOT regulations [49 CFR]: Air Transport Authority [IATA] Guidance on Shipping Infectious Substances: US Department of Agriculture [USDA], Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service [APHIS] Guidance on importation/interstate transport of regulated biological organisms, plants and plant pests: 1. Check ALL that apply: To ‘check’ a box (), double click on the box and select “Checked” in the Default Value section! Materials will not be transported outside of the laboratory where used. Materials carried within the building to separate research areas Materials carried outside between buildings: from: to: Materials will be transported to campus from the following off site location/s: List all individuals who will transport materials from off-site: Materials will be shipped off campus (using Fed-Ex, etc.). Attach copies of current Shipper Training Certifications for persons who initiate shipments. If no one in the laboratory has a Shipper Training Certification (DOT/ IATA) – Please contact Airpack, Inc @ 704-329-7293 for assistance. Contact the UNCC Office of Technology Transfer 704-687-8013 for Material Transfer Agreement Forms. 2. Briefly describe how you will package biohazardous materials for transport to ensure appropriate containment and protection of handlers based on the guidance resources noted above (NOTE: Intra- and inter-building movement of biohazardous materials on campus may use the minimal packaging standard required to contain the material and protect handlers): Biosafety Protocol Form – v 3.1 10/2013 Page 5 of 7 SECTION VIII: SECURITY Describe below how you will secure and limit access to laboratories where hazardous materials are used or stored. NOTE: To ‘check’ a box (), double click on the box and select “Checked” in the Default Value section! Physical Security: Card key access Lock doors when unoccupied Keys issued by PI Use Equipment Locks Other: No unauthorized personnel allowed Internal Security Procedures: Escort all Guests and Visitors Escort Housekeeping and Maintenance personnel Other: SECTION IX: WASTE DISPOSAL My lab will produce (check appropriate boxes): Biological Waste consisting of: Sharps waste Solid waste Liquid waste Pathological waste Infected animal carcasses Carcinogenic/Toxic Waste consisting of: Solid waste Excess and expired carcinogenic chemicals or toxins Carcinogenic animal carcasses Chemical remains and contaminated bedding Biosafety Protocol Form – v 3.1 10/2013 Page 6 of 7 SECTION X : INVESTIGATOR’S ASSURANCE 1. I confirm that all persons involved with this project (including my collaborators) have been adequately trained in good microbiological techniques, have received instruction on any specific hazards associated with the project and worksite, and are aware of any specific safety equipment, practices and behaviors required while conducting project procedures and using these facilities. The IBC may review my records documenting this instruction. 2. I will immediately report to the Environmental Health and Safety Office any accident, injury, spill of biohazardous material, equipment or facility failure (i.e., ventilation failure), and /or any breakdown in procedure that could result in potential exposure of laboratory personnel, staff or the public to biohazardous or toxic material. 3. I confirm that any proposed changes to my work that would result in an increased level of biohazard will be reported to the IBC before the change is implemented. 4. I confirm that no work that requires IBC approval will be initiated or modified until approval is received. 5. I will notify the IBC of all personnel changes or additions through the submission of an amendment. 6. I have read and understand my responsibilities as Principal Investigator outlined in Section IV-B-4 of the NIH Guidelines, and agree to comply with these responsibilities. 7. I certify that the information provided within this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I also understand that, should I use the project described in this application as a basis for a funding proposal (either intramural or extramural), I am responsible for ensuring that the description of procedures in the funding proposal is identical in principle to that contained in this application. 8. I confirm that all persons involved with this protocol will comply with all environmental laws and regulations and that this project does not significantly impact the environment. Investigator Name: ________________________________________________ Investigator Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________________ Included with this application: The use of non-exempt Recombinant or Synthetic DNA (includes creation of transgenic or other genetically modified plants or animals) Animals Inoculated with or Exposed to Hazardous Materials Human Subjects Infectious agents (Bacteria, Virus, Yeast, Fungus, Parasitic Agents) and CDC/USDA Select Agents (go to: Human/Non-Human Primate Material including Established Human Cell Lines Protocol-Related Carcinogens or Mutagens and Toxins (Biological or Chemical) Addendum I Addendum II Addendum III Addendum IV Addendum V Addendum VI Please send a hard copy/scan of the signed page to: Office of Research Compliance ATTN: Cindy Stone, 320B Cameron or via email at OR Fax this page with signature to 704-687-0980. Electronic signatures are not acceptable. Biosafety Protocol Form – v 3.1 10/2013 Page 7 of 7