Monday January 13th 2014 - North Oxfordshire Scouts

Suzanne Smith (ADC Beavers & 6th Banbury), Maxine Evans (ADC Beavers &
1st Kirtlington), Thea Desborough (1st Kirtlington), Lynne Keen (3rd Bicester),
Sophie Smith (6th Banbury), Jill Edwards (1st Bicester), Sue Lyczkowski
(1st Grimsbury), Dawn Hopkins (7th Banbury), Jon Poulton (7th Banbury),
Jan Beaumont (North Banbury Mollington), Linda Feltham (North Banbury, Mollington),
Kate Broome (1st Bloxham), Ceri Osborne (6th Chipping Norton), Julie Townsend
(6th Chipping Norton)
Sam McGregor (1st Bure Park), Andy Matheson (1st Southwold), Tracey Bushrod
(6th Chipping Norton)
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
These were agreed as a true record. The following feedback of recent events was
District Singalong Santa
Everyone had a good time and the event went well, with approximately 100 Beavers in
attendance. It has been suggested that at the next event, the Beavers should each be
given a ticket to hand in to Santa’s helper in exchange for a present, to aid with
tracking numbers, etc.
This event will be held again in December 2014 at Horley – date will be announced
once the venue is booked.
Future Events
District Chief Bronze Award Party
This event is taking place on Saturday 1 February at the Lakeside Superbowl in
Banbury between 2.00pm and 5.00pm. One game of bowling will be played, followed
by a quiz and a tea party. Certificates and badges will be awarded.
Each Colony attending is being asked to bring a plate of food for the tea. Final
numbers must be sent to Maxine by Friday 24 January and will then be passed on to
the Leaders attending to estimate size of food plates!
District Cotswold Wildlife Park – Easter Trip
Will take place on Sunday 30 March. Coaches have been booked to pick-up from both
Banbury and Bicester. Cost for the coach and entry to the Park is £15.00 per person
(Leaders and Beavers). All attendees will need to bring a packed lunch.
Maxine will be sending out a booking form and further details shortly.
Timings are arrival at the Park at approximately 10.00am and leave at 4.00pm.
District Scrap Heap Challenge
Will take place on Saturday 11 October at Tackley & Heyford Scout Hut, between
2.00pm and 5.00pm. Colonies can enter up to two teams of three Beavers, who must
be aged over 7 years old.
County Beaver Camp
To be held over the weekend 13-15 June at Horley Campsite. Theme is ‘Space’.
Further details will be published on the County website and via the County Beaver
County Chief Scout Awards
This year there will be a combined Award event held at Youlbury for all Beavers, Cubs
and Scouts. Further details will be published via the County website.
Round-up of Colony activities around the District (since October 2013):
6th Banbury
Now have a new Assistant Beaver Leader (ex-Venture Scout), who is very keen to get
the Colony involved with outside activities.
The Beavers have taken part in a sponsored bike ride fundraiser and managed to
raise £330.00!
Activities have included keeping fit, healthy eating and Christmas crafting. Future
events include hiking and backwoods cooking.
Two Beavers have gained their Chief Scout Bronze Award.
1st Grimsbury
Three Beavers have gained their Chief Scout Bronze Award. Four Beavers have
moved on to Cubs, three have left and seven new Beavers are due to join the Colony.
The Beavers have been working on their Creative Challenge and Activity Badges and
spent two weeks looking and creating art projects. They have also explored the five
senses to finish off the Experiment Badge.
The Group had a good attendance at the local Remembrance Parade.
Three Young Leaders are involved in preparing and running future events, including
an activity morning for the Beavers.
6th Chipping Norton
Two Beavers have gained their Chief Scout Bronze Award, with a further two due to
complete theirs this week.
The Beavers have been working on the Creative Challenge Award and Creative
Activity Badges and took part in a Christmas Tree Festival, making decorations for the
tree. An origami expert visited the Colony and ran a paper aeroplane event.
Twenty-six Beavers took a trip to the local library, which was very successful and all of
the Beavers attended a Winter Day Camp, reduced from a weekend sleepover due to
the minus 9 degree temperatures!
Three Beavers have moved to Cubs and three new Beavers are due to start.
1st Grimsbury
The Colony currently has eighteen Beavers, a mixture of both boys and girls.
The Beavers have been working on their Air Activity and Healthy Eating Badges, whilst
completing other various badge work (Hobby and Experiment).
A visit to Bloxham Museum has taken place, along with visits by a Vet and ‘Dogs for
the Disabled’.
North Banbury (Mollington)
Two Beavers have moved on to Cubs.
The Colony has been working on their Fitness Badge, taking part in obstacle races
and parachute games.
The Beavers took part in the Remembrance Parade and collected items for the
Operation Christmas Child shoe box appeal, made some Christmas crafts and
practiced singing Christmas Carols for an appearance at the local old peoples home
that unfortunately did not take place, as the Brownies got in first!
The Colony currently has vacancies for new Beavers to start.
3rd Bicester
The Colony held a firework party at the hut, with sparklers, songs and crafting.
Christmas crafts were made by the Beavers and sold to their parents to raise funds for
the Group.
The Beavers took part in the Decorate a Christmas Tree Festival held at St Edburg’s
Church and joined in with the District Carol Concert. The Colony has also worked on
their Creative Activity Badge.
Two Beavers have gained their Chief Scout Bronze Award; six have moved up to
Cubs and six new Beavers have joined. Currently the Colony is running with twelve
Beavers attending.
1st Bicester
Five Beavers have gained their Chief Scout Bronze Award. The Colony is currently
full, with twenty-four Beavers attending.
The Beavers have worked towards their Air Activity Badge, attended the District Carol
Service and County Singalong event. The Beavers also raised over £400.00 by
holding a sponsored silence for the local Poppy Appeal.
A great Christmas party was held with the Cubs, who were entertained by a children’s
This term the Beavers will be working on a safety theme and the Group Global
Challenge badge.
Five Beavers are moving up to Cubs and seven new Beavers are joining.
1st Kirtlington
Currently the Colony is running with twenty-five Beavers. Nine new Beavers have
joined, with five Beavers gaining their Chief Scout Bronze Award. There are eighteen
children on the waiting list.
The Beavers have worked towards and gained their Safety Badges, carried out
magnet experiments as part of the Experiment Badge, looked at American
Thanksgiving and made Christmas foam gingerbread houses. The Beavers have also
obtained their Creative Challenge and Creative Activity Badges.
The Group took part in the local Remembrance Parade, with a very good turnout. The
Group also held its annual Firework Party for all members of the Group, with over 100
people in attendance.
This term the Beavers will be working towards their Healthy Eating and Fitness
Badges and completing work on the Global Challenge Badge.
7th Banbury
Three Beavers have gained their Chief Scout Bronze Award. Three Beavers have
moved to Cubs and three have joined, making a total of seventeen.
The Beavers have worked towards their Global Challenge, looked at Fair Trade
products and planted daffodils at the front of the Scout Hut, carved pumpkins for
Halloween and as Dawn’s son is taking part in the Jamboree in Japan, took the
opportunity to look at the country, customs and culture of Japan.
The Cubs ran a Cowboy and Indian themed camp, to which the Beavers were invited
to attend.
Currently the Beavers are working towards their Friendship Challenge Award and
Safety Badge and have a trip booked to the local fire station.
Any Other Business
Sue from 1st Grimsbury informed the meeting about the Fire and Ice Challenge which
is being run to raise money for the Iceland Jamboree. If completed, badges are
available at £1.00 each. For further details, please visit and click on the ‘badges’ link to obtain all of the
relevant information.
Suzanne expressed her thanks to the organisers of the District Carol Concert held in
December 2013 at St Edburg’s Church, Bicester.
Leaders from 6th Chipping Norton took part in the OX Extreme Challenge and the
event was very much enjoyed.
Kate Broome will be looking after the Badge Shop and badge orders over the next
fortnight, so please contact her with any requirements.
Date of next meetings:
Wednesday 14 May @ 1st Bicester, Ashdene Road starting at 7.30pm
Date of meetings for 2014:
Monday 1st September @ 1st Bodicote starting at 8.00pm
Monday 24th November @ 1st Heyford Park – to be confirmed starting at 7.30pm