GESD Template for Weekly Lesson Planning K-8 Name Sample Lesson Plan Date Grade K 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Monday, August 18, 2014 Proficiency Level Emergent 6 Basic 11 Intermediate 7 ELD Oral English/Conversation & Vocabulary-60 min 08:15-08:45 Language Warm-Up about Camouflage and Mimicry ELP Standard(s) See below Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard III:L2:HI-4: explaining the meaning and usage of grade-specific academic vocabulary and symbols. III:L2:HI-7: analyzing the effect of affixes on base/root words (e.g., adding -ful to beauty makes it an adjective). III:LS1:HI-1: distinguishing between phonemes in the initial, medial, and final positions of words, phrases and sentences. Language Objective Language Objective Read aloud pages 284285 of StoryTown. Language Objective Read aloud page 292-293 Language WarmUp TSW define and apply the verbs “to mimic” and “to camouflage”. TSW apply affixes to create sentences using the base word to mimic through Morph House and analyze how the affix changed the meaning/POS of the word. Students will be able to demonstrate a skill by hearing, producing, and differentiating between sounds through language warm-up. III:L2:HI-13: analyzing gradelevel content words in context to determine meaning. Language Objective Students read poems on pages 302-303 The students will work in groups to write sentences that describe the actions of the animals by using the vocabulary words. III::LS1:HI-5: demonstrating relationships among facts, ideas or events using academic vocabulary in classroom discussions. (e.g., problem/solution, cause/effect, etc.) Language Objective The students will describe animals’ survival habits by mimicry or camouflage using This or That frames. The _(plant/animal)___ uses mimicry or camouflage___ by ___evidence______ and __evidence_____. The students will share in groups. Learner Evidence Marzano’s four-frame vocab pages for the following words: Predator, Traits, To lure, To resemble, To avoid Learner Evidence Collaborative Morph House chart with at least 3 morphed words Orally stated complete sentences that demonstrate understanding and application of mimicry and camouflage. Differentiation Focus on key words, symbols, or operations with instructional support Differentiation Identify the base/roots and affixes (prefixes and suffixes) of known words with instructional support. 08:45-09:15 Stations (Daily 5) Learner Evidence Learner Evidence Learner Evidence Learner Evidence Students will say the sounds of /a/ /z/, short cuts /an/, /en/, /in/, /on/, /un/, /ack/, /eck/, /ick/, /ock/, /uck/, 2 for 1 sounds /th/, /sh/, /ch/, /wh/, /ar/, /or/, /er/, /ir/, /ur/. 4-5 sentences written that accurately use the target vocabulary At least 4 sentences created that accurately describe the camouflage or mimicry by following the This or That sentence frame. Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation (only words…no phrases or sentences) Identify (not interpret) with instructional support respond to discussions using key words and phrases GESD Template for Weekly Lesson Planning K-8 ELD Reading RTI 40 min 09:15-09:55 Daily 5 Small Group Reading (95% Group Materials) ELP Standard(s) IIIR3:HI-1: orally producing new words by manipulating initial, final and medial sounds in single-syllable words. IIIR3:HI-3: segmenting syllables in multi-syllabic words. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Groups and Skills Groups and Skills Groups and Skills Groups and Skills Groups and Skills Group B – PLL Skill 4.1 Initial digraphs (ch/sh) Group A – PLL Skill 10.1 Closed, Single Syllable Group B – PLL Skill 4.1 Initial digraphs (ch/sh) Group B – PLL Skill 4.1 Initial digraphs (ch/sh) Group C – PLL Skill 9 Silent Letters (kn / gn) Group A – PLL Skill 10.1 Closed, Single Syllable Group B – PLL Skill 4.1 Initial digraphs (ch/sh) Group C – PLL Skill 9 Silent Letters (kn / gn) Group B – PLL Skill 4.1 Initial digraphs (ch/sh) ELD Reading 40 min 09:55-10:35 Cause and Effect Camouflage and Mimicry ELP Standard(s) III:R4:HI-10: locating signal words that indicate cause and effect. (i.e., as a result of, consequently, so that, because of, since) III:R4:HI-12: identifying the cause and effect relationship of two related events in a literary selection. (science, social studies) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective Read aloud 289291 Read aloud page 294-295 Read aloud page 298-299 TSW define the text structure of Cause and Effect and identify key words by taking guided notes. TSW identify cause and effect relationships of camouflage and mimicry about animals and insects through reading and oral discussions. TSW analyze cause and effect relationships about mimicry and camouflage by determining which description is the cause and which is the effect and placing it in a flow map graphic organize. Students utilize entire passage (284-299) TSW extend their cause and effect relationships from the day before to brainstorm possible additional causes and effects with a multi-flow map. Learner Evidence Learner Evidence Learner Evidence All definitions and key words written on guided notes. Oral conversations that summarize these terms in their own words. 4-5 animals from the text that have mimicry or camouflage description indicating cause and effect. 4/5 accurate cause and effect relationships for animals using flow map organizer to differentiate between the cause and effect. Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation Identify two events that are related and put them in a flow Identify two events that are related and put them in a flow Identify two events that are related and put them in a flow With instructional support Identify two events that are related Learner Evidence TSW evaluate which animal they believe has the most effective survival strategy of mimicry or camouflage and write a persuasive paragraph to support their belief. Multi flow map that indicates the student can brainstorm possible predictions of additional effects or make inferences about previous causes. Learner Evidence 1 paragraph with a thesis statement and at least three supporting details to support their argument about which animal most effectively uses camouflage or mimicry to survive. GESD Template for Weekly Lesson Planning K-8 map with instructional support map with instructional support map with instructional support GESD Template for Weekly Lesson Planning K-8 ELD Grammar Block- 40 min 10:35-11:00 Simple Present ELP Standard(s) III:L1(PH/CL):HI-6: using a prepositional phrase in a complete sentence. III:L1(V):HI-6: producing declarative, negative, and interrogative sentences using simple present tense verbs with subject-verb agreement. (math, science, social studies) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective TSW write simple present declarative sentences about mimicry and camouflage. TSW write simple present negative sentences about mimicry and camouflage. Learner Evidence Learner Evidence 3/4 declarative sentences written accurately about the topic (mimicry and camouflage) in the simple present tense with subject-verb agreement (see rubric on exit ticket). 3/4 negative sentences written accurately about the topic (mimicry and camouflage) in the simple present tense with subject-verb agreement (see rubric on exit ticket). TSW write declarative and negative sentences and expand their sentences with how expanders starting with the preposition “by + _____ (verb+ing)”. Learner Evidence TSW write simple present negative sentences about mimicry and camouflage. TSW write simple present sentences of all types about mimicry and camouflage and accurately distinguish between the three sentence types. Learner Evidence Learner Evidence 4/5 sentences accurately written and expanded with the word by 3/4 interrogative sentences written accurately about the topic (mimicry and camouflage) in the simple present tense with subject-verb agreement (see rubric on exit ticket). 5/6 sentences (two for each sentence type) written accurately about the topic (mimicry and camouflage) in the simple present tense with subject-verb agreement (see rubric on exit ticket). Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation repeating simple present tense regular verbs with instructional support. selecting simple present tense regular verbs (jump, jumps) with instructional support. choosing a simple present tense verb to complete declarative, negative, and interrogative sentences (subject-verb agreement). choosing a simple present tense verb to complete declarative, negative, and interrogative sentences (subject-verb agreement). choosing a simple present tense verb to complete declarative, negative, and interrogative sentences (subject-verb agreement). w/o prep phrase repeating prep phrase using prep phrase in a sentence frame w/o prep phrase w/o prep phrase GESD Template for Weekly Lesson Planning K-8 11:00-11:15 Syntax Surgery of Camouflage and Mimcry Sentence ELP III:L1(PH/CL):HI-6: using a prepositional phrase in a complete sentence. Standard(s) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective TSW categorize the given words of a sentence into the correct parts of speech with a focus on prepositional phrases. TSW assemble the sentence by using their knowledge of the parts of speech and basic syntax rules. TSW shuffle and vary a sentence by changing the tense and moving the prepositional phrase. TSW take an assessment that shows they can categorize words by parts of speech, assemble a sentence, and vary sentence by changing the tense and manipulating the prepositional phrase. N/A Same sentence as Monday Same sentence as Monday Syntax rule: prepositional phrase telling how by + gerund (verb +ing). Hornet moths, wasp beetles, and hover-flies threaten animals by having markings of the common wasp. The pebble plant escapes the attention of ostriches and other animals by mimicking stones on the desert floor. Learner Evidence Learner Evidence Learner Evidence Learner Evidence Learner Evidence Students identify the words by part of speech and justify their categorization for the word. Students accurately assemble the sentence and justify word placements using knowledge of parts of speech and syntax. N/A Students accurately write three varied sentences by moving the prepositional phrase and by changing the tense to future and past. Accurately categorized words, assembled sentence, and varied sentences/shuffles (see rubric on assessment) Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation repeating words in each part of speech category repeating phrases based on syntax rules (adjective + noun, subject + verb, Preposition +noun etc.) N/A identifying base part of sentence (subject + verb) Build base part of sentence GESD Template for Weekly Lesson Planning K-8 ELD Writing Block - 60 min 12:00-01:00 Expository Writing about Camouflage and Mimicry Expository HI-4: writing essays and reports, based on a synthesis of research, using topic sentences, main ideas, relevant facts, details, and concluding statements. (math, science, social studies) ELP Standard(s) Research HI-1: writing essays and reports, based on research, using topic sentences, main ideas, relevant facts, details, and concluding statements. (science, social studies) Prompt Writing Process See below Describe one animal and how it uses mimicry and/or camouflage to survive. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Standard Standard Standard III:W3:HI-1: generating, organizing, maintaining and evaluating ideas for pre-writing. III:W4:HI-1: writing clearly focused text suited to an audience and purpose that incorporates relevant supporting details. III:W3:HI-2: determining the purpose (e.g., to entertain, to inform, to explain, to persuade) of a writing piece. Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective Thursday Standard HI-2: writing paragraphs that use a structure that fits the type of writing, smooth and effective transitions, and a conclusion that provides a sense of resolution. Language Objective Friday Standard HI-3: evaluating information on a prewriting plan (e.g., graphic organizer, KWL chart, log) to develop a draft with main idea. Language Objective WFTBB WFTBB WFTBB WFTBB WFTBB TSW analyze the prompt using RAFTS and then brainstorm using a Circle Map. TSW sequence their writing by using a flow map and write an opening paragraph. TSW extend their details using a combination of horizontal and vertical elaboration. TSW select transition words and phrases. TSW write a closing paragraph. TSW orally rehearse opening paragraph with a partner. TSW share their flow map and extended details with a partner. TSW circle each part of their own Flow Maps in a different colored pencil and write their narrative using the Flow Map as a guide. TSW share circle maps with a partner Learner Evidence Learner Evidence Learner Evidence TSW orally rehearse the entire Flow Map with their pairs. Learner Evidence Learner Evidence RAFTS analysis of prompt and Circle Map with several relevant ideas listed from brainstorming. Flow Map with three focused ideas selected from the Circle Map. Flow Map with three extended details, using a combination of horizontal and vertical elaboration. Transition words and phrases for each of the three boxes and one closing paragraph. Correctly circled sections in different colors. Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation with instructional support opening sentence with instructional support 1-2 extended details closing sentence with instructional support one paragraph essay Draft of narrative with correctly structured paragraphs.