APS Honors/Advanced and Accelerated Middle School Math Criteria

APS Honors/Advanced and Accelerated Middle School Math Criteria 2013-2014
Advanced/Honors Prerequisites
CCGPS Math 6 Advanced/Honors
27.0210040 Math 6/H
Score in the “exceeding standards”
range on the CCGPS Mathematics
Grade 5 CRCT OR national percentile
ranking of 80+ on the mathematics
portion of the APS Computer
Adaptive Assessment in Grade 5
B or better average in the
Mathematics Grade 5 course
Written recommendation from the
current mathematics teacher
Written agreement signed by the
student and guardian/parent
containing the criteria for
maintaining enrollment in the course
CCGPS Math 7 Advanced/Honors
27.0220040 Math 7/H
Score in the “exceeding standards”
range on the CCGPS Mathematics
Grade 6 CRCT OR national percentile
ranking of 80+ on the mathematics
portion of the APS Computer
Adaptive Assessment in Grade 6
B or better average in the
Mathematics Grade 5 course
Written recommendation from the
current mathematics teacher
Written agreement signed by the
student and guardian/parent
containing the criteria for
maintaining enrollment in the course
Accelerated Prerequisites
(1 ½ years of math content in one year)
CCGPS Math 6/7A
27.0212000 Math 6/A
Score in the “exceeding standards”
range on the CCGPS Mathematics Grade
5 CRCT AND national percentile ranking
of 80+ on the mathematics portion of
the APS Computer Adaptive Assessment
in Grade 5
B or better average in the Mathematics
Grade 5 course
Written recommendation from the
current mathematics teacher
Written agreement signed by the
student and guardian/parent containing
the criteria for maintaining enrollment
in the course
CCGPS Math 7B/8
27.0222000 Math 7/A
 Score in the “exceeding standards”
range on the CCGPS Mathematics Grade
6 CRCT AND national percentile ranking
of 80+ on the mathematics portion of
the APS Computer Adaptive Assessment
in Grade 6
 B or better average in the Mathematics
Grade 6 course or Mathematics Grade
 Written recommendation from the
current mathematics teacher
 Written agreement signed by the
student and guardian/parent containing
the criteria for maintaining enrollment
in the course
CCGPS Accelerated
Coordinate Algebra/Analytic Geometry A
 Score in the “exceeding standards”
range on the CCGPS Mathematics Grade
7 CRCT and national percentile ranking
of 80+ on the mathematics portion of
the APS Computer Adaptive Assessment
in Grade 7
 B or better average in the Mathematics
Grade 8 course or Mathematics Grade
 Written recommendation from the
current mathematics teacher
 Written agreement signed by the
student and guardian/parent containing
the criteria for maintaining enrollment
Year Ahead Prerequisites
*CCGPS Math 7
27.0220000 Math 7
Score in the “exceeding standards” range on
the CCGPS Mathematics Grade 5 CRCT OR
national percentile ranking of 60+ on the
mathematics portion of the APS Grade 6
Computer Adaptive Assessment
*Completion of Grade 6 Summer Bridge
Course (Proposed implementation summer
B or better average in the Mathematics Grade
5 course
Written recommendation from the current
mathematics teacher
Written agreement signed by the student and
guardian/parent containing the criteria for
maintaining enrollment in the course
*CCGPS Math 8
27.0230000 Math 8
Score in the “exceeding standards” range on
the CCGPS Mathematics Grade 6 CRCT OR
national percentile ranking of 60+ on the
mathematics portion of the APS Grade 7
Computer Adaptive Assessment
*Completion of Grade 7 Summer Bridge
Course (Proposed implementation summer
B or better average in the Mathematics Grade
6 course
Written recommendation from the current
mathematics teacher
Written agreement signed by the student and
guardian/parent containing the criteria for
maintaining enrollment in the course
*CCGPS Coordinate Algebra
Score in the “exceeding standards” range on
the CCGPS Mathematics Grade 7 CRCT OR
national percentile ranking of 60+ on the
mathematics portion of the APS Grade 8
Computer Adaptive Assessment
*Completion of Grade 8 Summer Bridge
Course (Proposed implementation summer
B or better average in the Mathematics Grade
7 course
Written recommendation from the current
mathematics teacher
Written agreement signed by the student and
guardian/parent containing the criteria for
maintaining enrollment in the course
NOTE: Accelerated courses are designed for students who are best suited to learning math at a very fast pace. Each Accelerated
course addresses 1.5 years of mathematics per year, enabling them to receive a HS elective (not core) credit if they successfully
pass the required EOCT in Grade 8. Also, per state legislation, high school courses taken in middle school do not count toward
the HOPE scholarship. Honors/Advanced courses prepare students to enter the Accelerated pathway in the future if they meet
the criteria.
Continuous Learning Guidelines – APS Teaching and Learning
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