DAMS CONSTRUCTION AND LOSS OF GEODIVERSITY IN THE ARAGUARI RIVER BASIN. MG. BRASIL Sílvio Carlos Rodrigues1 Thallita Isabela Silva2 Federal University of Uberlândia Institute of Geography Av. João Naves de Ávila, 2121. Bloco 1H, Sala 1H16, Campus Santa Mônica CEP: 38.408-100. Uberlândia – MG. ¹silgel@ufu.br ²thallitaisabela@yahoo.com.br ABSTRACT The Araguari River is located in the central uplands of Brazilian and in the last forty years these region suffered a huge change in the regional economy due to the agricultural green revolution. The Araguari River is one of the main tributaries of the Paraná River, the second biggest river in South America. This region has been occupied since the middle of the 19th century. The main changes in the landscape were the construction of four hydroelectric power plants on the valley, and now in the first 200km of the valley, only 9km has the original features. These changes on the river course and flow modify the landscape, with the submersion of many geosites with different singularities, in special gorges and islands, also sections of the valley and communities were affected. The concepts of Geodiversity, geoabundance and georichness are used to understand and assess the loss of diversity in the Araguari Valley. Twelve geosites with complex counterparts were found in the area and six of them were completely transformed in single hydrological geosites due to the submersion after the creation of two new lakes. The change in the landscapes creates also new scenarios with interesting location, and thus creates new geosites. The main changes found occurs in the diversity of complex geosites, that was reduce to 50% to the original situation. The richness of geosites also was affected by the substitution of complex geosites by single ones. The research reveals that 14.29% of the geodiversity was lost after the change in the river course. Key words: Geodiversity loss, Geoabundance, Georichness, Geosites, Araguari River, Brazilian landscapes. 1. INTRODUCTION Geodiversity is defined as a large range of geological and geomorphological phenomena constituting the geological heritage and is fundamental to understand the geological heritage of some regions and to coordinate its efficient geoconservation. The term Geodiversity appears first in the decade of 1990 on articles from Tasmania and Australia. (Sharples 1993; Dixon 1995; Kiernan 1996). The initial use of the term Geodiversity are linked to holistic ideas of nature conservation, with major significance to the geological 1 elements, but forward development integrates other elements of human and physical environment. (Duff, 1994; Eberhard, 1997; Serrano Cañadas and Ruiz Flaño; 2007, Sharples, 1995). Geosite is the main term used in geodiversity studies and could be a geological monument, a geological heritage site, or a geological heritage object. These geological objects should be exposed on the landscape, and accessible for research and visits. The classification of geosites necessitates of a large number of situations on the land to be properly indicates as a site with geological interest, as for example, the area could not be buried in the earth’s interior. Ruban (2010). Geodiversity gain or loss can be evaluated with an accounting of increases or decreases in geosites type ranks linked to the damage of them. Gray (2004), Gray (2008); Ruban, (2010). Despite a series of usage of the term Geodiversity, Serrano Cañadas and Ruiz Flaño (2007) indicates that while the Biodiversity concept has a clear definition, Geodiversity has an important conceptual weakness, and that the concept is linked to others as Geoconservation,Geological Heritage and used in legal figures as Geoparks and Geomorphosites. According Ruban 21 types of geosites can be distinguished, namely paleontological, stratigraphical, igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic, mineralogical, geothermal, cosmogenic, radiogeological, geochemical, seismical, structural, palaeogeographical, geocryological, geomorphological, hydrological and hydrogeological, engineering, neotectonical, pedological and geohistorical. These geosites can appear as single or complex counterparts depending on the singularities of the landscape. (Ruban, 2010) In any given territory several types of geosites may occur on, and of course the entire range of geosite types occurs on the planet. (Ruban 2010). Gray (2004, 2008) defines geodiversity as the diversity of geomorphological, geological, and soil types with a description of ‘‘their assemblages, relationships, properties, interpretations and systems’’ (Gray, 2004) On the other hand, Ruban (2010) discusses that Geodiversity is the “numerical expression of geosite diversity”. Geodiversity loss could be generally welldefined as a decline in the number of geosite types. Geoabundance is defined as the total quantity of geosites on a given territory and Georichness is a complex characteristic which involves Geodiversity and Geoabundance. (Ruban, 2010). Since the decade of 1960 major Brazilian rivers courses were affected by construction of dams to multi-purposes, in special hydroelectric power plants. Most of these rivers flows in the foothills landscape and some of then creates canyon sites, as the Parana River in the location of Sete Quedas, or the Canyon of the São Francisco River in the northeast of the country. The creation of giants’ dams and reservoirs causes loss of Geodiversity with the suppression of geosites as waterfalls, paleontological sites, archaeological sites, caves and others, and social troubles as the remotion of cities and people from his lands. In the southeast part of Brazil, the major rivers was totally affected by dams and in the 2000 decade a new movement initiates over the medium size rivers, the construction of medium size dams. Middle-Lower Araguari River drains part of the Triangulo Mineiro region, their channel includes a sequence of riffs and pools, creating a series of interesting points of natural beautiful scenarios. The river cross a canyon landscape and, and other particularities are considered geosites. Types of geosites can be described in the Araguari River Basin area as river and stream sections, cliffs, meandered channel, outcrop rocks, waterfalls, roads, 2 railroad and canal cuttings, artificial dams, static geomorphological exposures, active geomorphological exposures, fossil or other geological deposits, mine dumps, and some others. An overview of landscapes in the Araguari Basin and Geodiversity richness, and loss of Geodiversity due to construction of hydroelectric power plants are the main purpose of this paper. 2. STUDY AREA The Araguari River is located in Central Brazil and is one of the main tributaries of the Paraná River, the second biggest river in South America. (Figure.1). This region has been occupied since the middle of the 19th century, but only in the last four decades of the 20th century the vegetation has been replaced for agricultural and pasture fields that have since then accelerated landscapes transformation, urbanization processes accelerates and the needs for infrastructure increases quickly. Figure 1 – Location of the study area. The Araguari River Basin comprises 21.856Km2. It starts in the high flat surface of the Canastra Range, at 1,400 meters above sea level following westwards according to a regional trend. (Ferreira, 2001). Geology comprises Middle Pre-Cambrian schists and quartzites, sometimes covered by Mesozoic sandstone at high and middle course of the river. In the lower Araguari basin Cretaceous sandstones intercalate with basalt layers that are the main lithologies. Close to the valley floor Lower Pre-Cambrian granites and gneisses are found. Cenozoic sediments cover the Mesozoic sandstone and some terraces are sculptured on basalt. (Rodrigues, 2002; Vrieling et al., 2008). The Lower/medium Araguari River occupies three geomorphological systems (Figure 2). In the Sedimentary Basin two landforms are developed over sedimentary and volcanic rocks creating a flat plateau and a system of low hills. The main morphological feature of this system is a planation surface. The Araguari Canyon is present where the river carved all sedimentary and basaltic layers and reached Pre-Cambrian gneiss and schist in the valleys bottom. The landform in this area is a complex of deep and steepest hills. The vegetation cover consists mainly of pastures. Many pastures are degraded, which implies a high fraction of weeds and shrubs, and a relatively limited vegetative ground cover. Scattered trees and shrubs occur to different extents within the pastures. Sometimes degraded pastures are renovated, which implies cutting and burning of present weeds, 3 shrubs, and trees resulting in a bare soil for several months. There is a gradual transition from pastures to shrubland and woodland. Gallery forest occurs along the main drainage lines. Figure 2 – Landforms Units of Araguari River Lower/Mediun Basin. According to Köpper classification the predominant climate in the study area is the Cw, half-humid tropical type, with average temperature of 23°C, that it is characterized for presenting, six dry months and with mild temperatures (winter - April to September) and the others six months, hot and rainy (summer - October to March) and presents annual pluviometric average between 1300 and 1700mm. (Vrieling et al., 2007). 3. MATERIAL AND METHODS The use of satellite images is essential for mapping geosites of a given region or river basin. The basic topomorphological map should be georeferenced and contain the boundary of the basin, drainage, roads and contour lines. a) Satellite images: LANDSAT 1 14/07/1973 (resolution 80x80 meters), Landsat 5, 26/05/1984 and 19/05/1993 (resolution 30x30 meters), Landsat 5, 01/05/2004 (resolution 30x30 meters), Landsat 5 04/29/2009 (resolution 30x30 meters) with the purpose of conducting the supervised classification, with the analysis of spectral bands; b) b) Topomorphological sheets on a scale of 1: 25.000 (1984) in order to collect samples; c) Aerial orthophotos acquired on 2002, MI-2451-4-NO e MI-2451-4-SO (about 2-m resolution); d) SRTM data (resolution 90m); e) GPS Trimble. Fieldwork was done from May 2004 till April 2006, and included an assessment of land use characteristics and the execution of a field survey. A total of 199 locations throughout the area were visited during the survey, for which the following characteristics were 4 recorded: co-ordinates (GPS), outcrop rocks, waterfalls, gorges, slope inclination, buildings, bridges, roads, and interesting sites. Furthermore, several points were taken by the GPS on road intersections for georeferencing purposes. According to Ruban (2010) geosites could be leveled by importance in terms of local, regional, national or global level due to their intrinsic singularity. As the geosites of course are not equal over the word and the use of logarithmic scale to determine the score of a geosite is more suitable for the reason that the significance of geosites with regional and national ranks varies and attracts the attention of distinctive groups. Some of them as unique, and others, examples of a repetitive condition on landscape. (Table 1). Table 01 - Geosite ranks and their scores adapted from Ruban, (2010). Rank Limits of geosite importance Local Regional National Important for countries, districts, etc Important for states, provinces, etc. Important for countries Suggested Logarithmic scale 0.001 0.01 0.1 Geodiversity quantification was performed using the Ruban (2010) approach, which permits quantify the geodiversity, geoabundance and georichness of a given region. Table (02). By definition Geodiversity here is the total quantity of geosites types occurring in a given region, in this case the Medium-Lower Araguari River Basin. Table 02 – Methodological approach to evaluate Geodiversity loss. (adapted from Ruban, 2010) Concept Geodiversity 1 Description Total quantity of geosites types occurring on a given territory Mathematical expression Gd1 = T Geodiversity 2 Sum of maximum rank scores of each particular type of geosites within a given territory Gd2 = rt1 + rt2 +----+ rti Geodiversity 3 Total quantity of complex geosites divided by Total quantity of geosites (in %) Gd3 = Geoabundance 1 Total quantity of geosites on a given territory Ga1 = N Geoabundance 2 Sum of rank scores of geosites Ga2 = rn1 + rn2 +----+ rni Georichness 1 Quantity of geosites; where each type is represented (fully or as a counterpart): Gr1 = n1 + n2 +----+ ni Georichness 1 Sum of the quantities of geosites of each type weighed with the maximum rank scores of the types: Gr2 = (n1x rt1) (n2 x rt2) +......+ (ni x rti) Geodiversity loss 1 Actual Geodiversity 1 divided by Geodiversity 1 before loss (in%) Geodiversity loss 2 Actual Geodiversity 2 divided by original Geodiversity (in%) *100% For Geodiversity (T = total quantity of geosite types; rt is a maximum rank score of each particular type of geosites;1….i is a total range of types represented regionally; nc is a total quantity of complex geosites; N is a total quantity of geosites on a given territory). For Geoabundance (N is a total quantity of geosites; rni is a rank score of geosite, 1…j is a total range of geosites represented regionaly). For Georichness (n is a quantity of geosites, where each type is represented, rti is a maximum rank score of each particular type of geosite; 1…i is a total range of types represented regionally.). For 5 Geodiversity loss (GD1ac is an actual geodiversity, CD1or is an original Geodiversity existed before the anthropogenic influence (both are calculated with Eq. (1)), GD2ac is an actual geodiversity (calculated with Eq. (2)), GD2or is the original geodiversity, rtior is a maximum rank score of each particular type of geosites within a given territory before the anthropogenic influence). 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The research carried on the Araguari lower-medium valley found 12 geosites, with complex phenomena and at least local interest, regional or national interest. (Figure 3 and Table 3). The area was used by population in spontaneous visitation and the practice of rafting, hiking, rappel, and fishing or only to enjoy the landscapes are common on these places. Also scientific interest exists in the area in function of the singularity of the landscape and the presence and exposure of a different geological rocks and minerals. Figure 3 – Location of geosites. As a river environment the main geosites are linked to it is hydrological type, as the PauFurado Gorge, Cantinho Gorge, Sabe-Tudo Island, Machado Island, Marinbondo Valley, Fundão Valley and Pindaiba Valley. (Figura 4). Population and life style of some localities are linked to the Araguari River, and also are important scenarios as Olhos d’Água, Tenda dos Morenos, Alto São João and Cruzeiro dos Peixotos. Figura 4 – Samples of Geosites on the Araguari Valley. 6 The installation of two dams of the Amador Aguiar Complex Energy Power Plants in 2005 that ended up changing the hydrography to 53,10 km² creating two lakes and increasing the area of the river almost five times. The geosites located at the river bottom, as the gorges and islands were totally flooded and a lake landscape replaces it. We consider the lake, in function of the beautiful landscape created after the area was completely stabilized as a new geosite, with hydrological and local interest. Table 3 – Geosites of Araguari River Basin (see fig.3 for location) specified for a designation of local (000.1), regional (0.01) or national (0.1) importance. Geosites Funil Gorge Pau-Furado gorge Pindaiba Marimbondo Valley Fundão section Olhos d`Água Cantinho Gorge Sabe-tudo Island Machado Island Cruzeiro dos Peixotos Locality Tenda dos Morenos Locality Alto São João Locality Geosite type (rank score for each counterpart is given in parentheses) Complex. counterparts: Hydrological ( 0.1) Geohistorical (0.01) Geomorphological (0.1) Metamorphic (0.001) Complex counterparts: Hydrological (0.1) Geohistorical (0.01) Geomorphological (0.1) Metamorphic (0.01) Complex counterparts: Hydrological (0.1) Geohistorical (0.01) Geomorphological (0.1) Stratigraphical (0.01) Complex counterparts: Hydrological ( 0.1) Geohistorical (0.01) Geomorphological (0.1) Stratigraphical (0.01) Complex. counterparts: Hydrological ( 0.1) Geohistorical (0.01) Geomorphological (0.1) Engineering (0.001) Complex counterparts: Hydrological (0.1) Geohistorical (0.01) Geomorphological (0.1) Complex counterparts: Hydrological (0.1) Geohistorical (0.01) Geomorphological (0.1) Complex counterparts: Hydrological (0.1) Geohistorical (0.01) Geomorphological (0.1) Complex counterparts: Hydrological (0.1) Geohistorical (0.01) Geomorphological (0.1) Complex counterparts: Hydrological (0.1) Geohistorical (0.1) Geomorphological (0.1) Sedimentary (0.01) Complex counterparts: Hydrological (0.1) Geohistorical (0.01) Geomorphological (0.1) Stratigraphical (0.01) Complex counterparts: Hydrological (0.1) Geohistorical (0.01) Geomorphological (0.1) Rank Score of Geosites before dams construction Geosite type after dam construction (rank score for each counterpart is given in parentheses) Single counterparts: 0.1 Hydrological 0.1 Single counterparts: Hydrological 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,1 0,1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0,01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.001 0.001 (0.001) Single counterparts: Hydrological 0.001 (0.001) Single counterparts: Hydrological 0.001 ( 0.001) Complex counterparts: Hydrological ( 0.1) Geohistorical (0.01) Geomorphological (0.1) Stratigraphical (0.01) Complex. counterparts: Hydrological ( 0.1) Geohistorical (0.01) Geomorphological (0.1) Engineering (0.001) Complex counterparts: Hydrological (0.1) Geohistorical (0.01) Geomorphological (0.1) Single counterparts: Hydrological 0.001 ( 0.001) Single counterparts: Hydrological 0.01 ( 0.001) Rank Score of Geosites after dams construction 0.001 (0.001) Complex counterparts: Hydrological (0.1) Geohistorical (0.1) Geomorphological (0.1) Sedimentary (0.01) Complex counterparts: Hydrological (0.1) Geohistorical (0.01) Geomorphological (0.1) Stratigraphical (0.01) Complex counterparts: Hydrological (0.1) Geohistorical (0.01) Geomorphological (0.1) 0.1 0.1 0.01 7 The evaluation of geodiversity, geoabundance and georichness indexes were calculated and are presented in the Table 4. Table 4 – Indexes of geodiversity, geoabundance, georichness and geodiversity loss for Araguari River Medium/Lower Course. Concept Geodiversity 1 Geodiversity 2 Geodiversity 3 Geoabundance 1 Geoabundance 2 Georichness 1 Georichness 1 Geodiversity loss 1 (Actual Geodiversity 1 divided by Geodiversity 1 before loss (in%)) Geodiversity loss 2 (Actual Geodiversity 2 divided by original Geodiversity 2(in%)) Results before dams construction Results after dams construction (ACTUAL geodiversity) 7 0,332 100% 12 0.75 43 3.661 6 0.323 50% 12 0.57 28 3.631 14,29 2,71 The results show us that the changes in the environment with the creation of two lakes, replacing the natural river course cause the reduction of 14.29% of the total types of geosites (Geodiversity 1), with the complete elimination of the metamorphic geosite type, because the outcrops are located just few meters near the river course and was totally recovery by the lake. So, the uniqueness of this situation just disappears on the landscape. Geodiversity 2, which indicates the weight score of the total geosite suffers a small decrease using this methodology because the equation uses the higher level of rank score for each type of geosites and the hydrological type, which suffers the most important impact sustains one locality with the higher level, so in the equation the reduction in importance of the hydrological geosite type creates a small decrease in the value. The index Geodiversity 3 was the most affected by the dams’ construction, because it indicates the reduction of complex geosites. The lakes creations eliminates complex landscapes, with complex elements and replace it by the lake landscape, so the complexity level of geotypes was dropped at 50% in the area, and this indicates an homogeneous landscape. The abundance of geosites suffers also a reduction, not at the numbers of geosites locations, as indicates Geoabundance 1 index, but at the weight of rank scores of the geosites types caused by the reduction of locations with complex geosites (Geoabundance 2), and the starting of new single geosites due to the lake creation and the low level of importance of this kind of new situation. The Georichness 1 index decrease substantially from 43 to 28. This indicates that the dam construction involves geodiversity and geoabundance decrease, because also counterparts as geosites types decreases. So the richness of the geodiversity decreases with the impossibility of access to the complex geosites. 8 5. CONCLUSION This study aimed to identify and characterize the Geodiversity change and loss after the construction of dams in the Basin of the Middle/Lower Rio Araguari. It is believed that this goal has been reached. The main information elaborated by the study was: 1 – In last 4 decades the natural flow condition of the Araguari River was replaced from lotic to lentic condition. 2 – Construction of hydroelectric power plants and dam, changes the natural river channel into a sequence of lakes in at least 200 km, from the mouth to the middle/upper course, causing loss of geodiversity; 3 – Geodiversity was affected by decrease of 50% geosites with complex counterparts as indicates the Geodiversity3 index; 4 – As consequence of changes some geosites disappear and no access to the population is possible now. 5 – The new landscape was created (the artificial lakes) and so new hydrological geosites could be accessed; 6 – Federal laws and political strategies affect the regional development and environmental behavior, creating a path to geodiversity loss and degradation and/or re-organization of geosystems. 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