Sealant Applications for Aerospace Assembly

12.0 hours
12.0 hours
24.0 hours
Course Description:
This course provides a basic familiarization overview with specific emphasis on sealant theory,
personal safety, surface preparation, tool selection, sealant handling characteristics, and different
methods of sealing for aerospace operation. The course consists of a combination of academic
(lecture) and laboratory (hands-on) phases.
This course is recommended for students seeking more advanced studies on the topic and is open
to any student. Continuing Education (CE) credit will not be given for this course.
Total Hours: 24.0
Course Learning Objectives:
Upon satisfactory course completion, students will be able to accomplish the following tasks
when dealing with sealants: Discuss and explain purpose of sealing, identify and implement any
safety requirements, employ and perform proper surface preparation, identify and select proper
form/class of sealant and use and perform the following methods of sealing with no instructor
assistance: Fay, prepack, fillet, injection, fastener encapsulation and slot seal.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
All required Personal Protective Equipment will be provided students at beginning of course.
No testing will be administered, this is a familiarization course and no credit is awarded.
Textbooks Required:
No Textbooks are used. All required text or written material will be provided to students at time
of class delivery.
Grading Policy:
No grading will be awarded due to the course description as a familiarization course.
Course Schedule (Planned):
Module 1 (Day 1):
Module Duration:
8.0 hours Academic (Lecture)
This module consists of: Instructor Introduction, Student Introduction, General Class/Laboratory
Set-Up, Course Expectations, Safety Briefing, Sealant Theory, Purpose and Definitions,
Corrosion Theory and Mitigation, Surface Preparation and Cleaning, Sealant Tool Purpose and
Selection, Sealant Application and Selection. The student begins developing basic
understanding through introduction and demonstration of aerospace sealing theories and
All needed Personal Protective Equipment will be provided to the Student.
Module 2 (Day 2):
Module Duration:
2.0 hours Academic (Lecture / 6.0 hours Laboratory (Hans-On)
This module consists of: Lecture on Specific Details of the following Methods of Sealing: Fay,
Prepack, Fillet, Injection, Fastener Encapsulation, and Slot Sealing. In the Laboratory, the
Instructor(s) will Demonstrate How to Perform the Different Methods of Sealing listed above.
The Instructor(s) will provide Tools and Equipment needed to Practice the Hands-On Tasks. The
Student builds understanding from information presented in Module 1, learns proper method of
sealing from watching instructor demonstrations. The Student will then have sufficient time to
practice the different methods under instructor guidance. During practice each student will
receive coaching as needed to meet requirements.
All needed Materials and Personal Protective Equipment will be provided to the Student.
Module 3 (Day 3):
Module Duration:
2.0 hours Academic (Lecture) / 6.0 hours Laboratory (Hands-On)
This module consists of: Students will be provided with Tools and Equipment needed to perform
the following methods of Sealing with limited Instructor assistance: Fay, Prepack, Fillet
Injection, Fastener Encapsulation and Slot Sealing. By using all the information provided in
Module 1 & 2, the Student will be able to Discuss, Analyze and Identify the proper applications
of each Sealant Method and Complete a Project by Performing ALL Sealing Methods presented
in the course with limited instructor assistance.
All needed Materials and Personal Protective Equipment will be provided to the Student.