This information will help you in your decision process towards this surgery. You will be required to sign a consent form prior the surgery so it is very important that you fully understand what will happen to you prior, during and after the surgery. If you have any questions, write them down so you can discuss them with your doctor. The Phakic Lens Implant This type of surgery is recommended to those with high myopia and would like to get rid of their glasses or contaact lenses. This surgery can also be recommended for those patients who are not eligible for Excimer Laser Surgery due to thin corneas or high myopia. Preparation for the surgery This is a day case procedure and you will spend around 3 hours in our clinic. This is the reason why on the day of the surgery you need to come prepared and fit for the surgery. You are required to present a medical report that you are physically fit to undergo the procedure, you might be asked to do some laboratory tests, and an ECG. Any chronic conditions should be well under control. It is also important that you present an accurate written list of the medication you are currently taking. Two days prior the surgery you will be prescribed some antibiotic eye drops as a preventative measure for post -operative infection. A day prior the surgery do not use any eye make- up, face make up or creams and on the day of the surgery make sure that you clean your face well before coming to the clinic. You will be informed about the post -operative appointments on the day of the surgery prior to your discharge. The examination This type of implant is recommended for patients between 21 and 40 years of age with a myopia of -6.00D up to -16.5 diopters. It is important that your eyesight did not change in the past year. Patient Information – Phacik Lens Implant SJHB-07 doc 6 V2 Author: Tanya Costa / Dr Edit Szabados Date: March 2014 Saint James Hospital - Budapest Special test are carried out to take measurements that allow us to choose the best lens power for you. We will put some dilating eye drops in your eyes, so if possible avoid driving for around 4 hours. Contraindications: Previous severe eye infections such as endophthalmitis Pupils greater than 7mm, since visual disturbances may occur with larger pupils Less than required density of endothelial cells (as determined by your doctor). Endothelial cells line the inside of your cornea and help keep it clear for light to pass through. Exiting astigmatism greater than 2.0D, since this may affect the quality of the outcome Pregnant or nursing mothers Family history of glaucoma Diabetes Excessive rubbing of the eye The procedure Drops will be instilled into your eyes to numb them. The doctor will make a tiny incision in the sclera. The incision required for the Phakic lens implant is so tiny that it typically does not require any sutures. A fluid will then be injected in your eye to protect the back of the cornea. Next the Phakic lens will be inserted with a special injector that allows the lens to unfold precisely in the eye so that the tiny supports rest in the natural angle where your iris meets your cornea. After the lens is in place, the doctor will remove any excess fluid, place some antibiotic drops or ointment in your eye, and then cover it with a protective transparent shield. You may experience some minor discomfort after the procedure. If this is an issue for you, please ask your doctor. In most cases the healing time takes 2-6 weeks. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotic eye drops in order to prevent infection and steroid drops to minimize any swelling. You will be given instructions on how to use the eye drops and follow up appointments will be scheduled. Do not rub your eyes! Protect your eye from any pressure! Avoid water from your eye for the first few days Wash your hands with soap and water before using eye drops Avoid close contact with animals at least for 3 weeks Immediately contact us if you perceive the folllowing: -Strong pain -Loss your visual acuity -Your eye gets very red Patient Information – Phacik Lens Implant SJHB-07 doc 6 V2 Author: Tanya Costa / Dr Edit Szabados Date: March 2014 Saint James Hospital - Budapest Your vision improvement After the surgery you can read, watch TV. Your vision will keep improving during the first few days. Benefits and risks of surgery The greatest advantage of the surgery is the very quick vision recovery and that you can live without glasses. You should be aware that complications can occur during and after surgery, but thanks to improving technologies, nowadays complications are rare. Some possible complications during the surgery: Iris and pupil deformation Touching the cornea and subsequent edema Damages of the own lens and consequential cataract Some possible complications after the surgery: Over or Under Correction that can be treated with Excimer Laser Corneal haze Damage of ocular surroundings Retinal detachment Inflammation or infection Loss of Endothelial Cell count in which case, the lens will be removed Nowadays, these complications are very rare and most of them can be treated successfully. It is extremely rare to lose your vision, or decrease your vision. Following this surgery it is mandatory that you attend yearly appointment to measure you endothelial cell count. Do not hesitate to ask any questions should you require further clarifications. Patient Information – Phacik Lens Implant SJHB-07 doc 6 V2 Author: Tanya Costa / Dr Edit Szabados Date: March 2014 Saint James Hospital - Budapest