Online Resource 1 Mapping Ethiopian wolf habitats in the Bale Mountains Article name: Ecological bases of philopatry and cooperation in Ethiopian wolves Journal: Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology Authors: Jorgelina Marino, Claudio Sillero-Zubiri, Paul J. Johnson, David W. Macdonald Corresponding author: Jorgelina Marino, e-mail:, address: Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU), Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, Tubney House, Abingdon Road, Tubney OX13 5QL, UK. Content: 1. Study areas 2. Field data 3. Vegetation classifications 4. Validation of habitat quality types for wolves 5. Habitat mapping 6. References 1. Study areas Ethiopian wolves (Canis simensis) inhabit the Afroalpine zone of the Ethiopian highlands. In the Bale Mountains their distribution follows that of their diurnal rodent prey, giant molerats (Tachyoryctes macrocephalus) and Murinae grass rats, whose distribution correlates in turn with vegetation types and micro-topography (SilleroZubiri et al. 1995a, b). Optimal habitats for rodents in Bale are valley floors, swamp shores and meadows, where vegetation is kept in permanent pioneer stages by the fossorial activity of rodents and frost-induced soil movements (Sillero-Zubiri et al. 1995b). Giant molerats in particular - the largest and most preferred Ethiopian wolf prey - prefer deep soils along drainage lines and swamp shores, in and around rounded mounds called mima mounds (Gottelli and Sillero-Zubiri 1992). Such optimal habitats for rodents characterize the Web Valley at around 3,500m and the Sanetti Plateau between 3,800 and 4,000m, with vegetations dominated by short herbs and grasses (typically Alchemilla abyssinica, Polygonum plebejum, Trifolium acaule, Anthemis tigrensis, and Poa muhavurensis) and specked by bushes of Helichrysum and Artemesia (Miehe and Miehe 1993). Heathlands instead dominate the Tullu Deemtu area on the drier southern declivity of the Sanetti Plateau, up to above 4,300m, with shrubs of Helichrysum splendidum up to 50cm tall and tussock grasses in the open spaces in between (typically Agrostris quinqueseta and Festuca richardii) (Miehe and Miehe 1993). In Tullu Deemtu the most productive areas are restricted to drainage lines and bogs. 2. Field data Variables relevant to the distribution of rodents were surveyed extensively in 179 point-samples during the 1999 dry season, mostly in January, covering the range of vegetation types and landforms. Point samples were located every 200m along linetransects, between 2.2 and 4km in length, separated by 2,000m (four transects in Web, five in Sanetti, and two in Tullu Deemtu). This sampling strategy covered the range of vegetation variation more efficiently than a random sampling, deemed impractical by the sheer size of the study area. Relevant vegetation changes occur at fine-scales in relation to micro-topographic features, and the distances between transects and sample points were considered large enough to avoid spatial autocorrelation and points were treated as independent. Variables used to describe the vegetation at each sample point were: percentage cover of vegetation (grasses, flowering plants or mosses) percentage cover of bare ground percentage cover of stone Soil and rocks form a significant portion of the landscape and are likely to be captured by image reflectance (Lewis 1998). The cover of bare ground, stone, and plants were visually assessed on a circular area of 5m radius, referred to as a quadrat, using the Braun-Blanquet scale (1= <5%; 2= 5-25%; 3= 25-50%; 4= 50-75%; 5= >75%). The choice of quadrat size responds to the fine scale at which variations in plant communities occur and follows previous studies to describe rodent-habitat associations in the Bale Mountains. Most flowering plants were identified to the level of species, and the National Herbarium in Addis Ababa helped with identifications of some specimens. For grasses instead, approximations to species-level identification in the field require much expertise and are particularly difficult during the dry season. Thus grasses were considered a single category, and differentiated into short or tall grass where they belonged to the ground or herbaceous layer respectively. Information on vegetation height was recorded using the three-layer model conventionally applied for Afroalpine-type vegetation, with few and low strata: ground level: modal height <5 cm herbaceous level: 5-30cm, and shrub level: >20cm Due to the small size and high diversity of the plants in the ground level layer, this layer was described from a concentric small quadrat of 80cm radius (percentage cover of ground level vegetation correlated closely between the quadrats and small quadrats, r=0.74). Environmental variables describing the landscape at each sample point included: presence of mima mounds (completely or partially included in the quadrat) four categories of slope: flat, gentle, moderate and steep terrain forms: swamp, plateau, valley bottom, mesa top, low ridge, hill slope, and mountain slope. The valley bottom category includes accumulation plains, small valleys, depressions and drainage lines. Low ridges are short and mainly rocky slopes, including mesa slopes, banks and cliffs. The abundance of rodents at each sample point was assessed from signs of their presence and activity in each 5m-radius quadrat. Burrow holes of Murinae rats and Rhizomyinae molerats, the two main prey for wolves, are sufficiently different to be visually discriminated. We excluded old unused rat holes (distinguished by plant growth around the entrance). Molerat signs included open and plugged holes and also earth mounds. 3. Vegetation classifications Cluster analyses were used to derive classes of vegetation-soil-rock complexes from the percentage cover data, a method conventionally used to define mapping units (Jongman 1987). Such classification methods assume that communities can be described by characteristic combinations of species, and the most widely used for data such as percentage cover in community ecology is the two-way indicator species analysis, or TWINSPAN (Tabachnick and Fidell 1989; Community Analysis Package, Henderson and Seaby 2002). TWINSPAN defines a set of differential species that prevail in one side of a dichotomy produced by an ordination of the samples in an iterative process. The indicator species are the set of most highly preferential species that reproduce as good a refined ordination as possible. A divisive method, TWINSPAN starts with all quadrats as a group and divides it into two smaller groups, and so on, so that large differences between groups prevail over the less important smaller differences. Separated classifications were run for Web Valley and Sanetti Plateau on the bases of exploratory analyses unveiling site-specific relationships between prey types and environmental variables. Firstly a lack of correlation between counts of signs of rats and giant molerats showed that these two main prey types had independent spatial distributions, both at the level of the whole sample (Spearman R= –0.066 P>0.1) and within study area (Web Valley R= 0.016, P>0.1, Sanetti R= -0.069, P>0.1). Secondly, pairwise comparisons showed that the relationships between single environmental variables and rodent abundances varied with prey type and study area. Also counts of signs of each prey type correlated more closely with the first or second axis of a Principal Component Analysis of all sample points’ cover data, but these correlations were strongest when sites were ordinated separately for each study area. A division level of TWINSPAN clusters that represented the diversity of habitats for rodents in the study areas defined four vegetation-soil-rock complexes in Web Valley and four in Sanetti Plateau (the latter including Tullu Deemtu). The variables that emerged as indicator species at these levels were also variables that correlated individually with rodent abundance (Fig1), mainly: the percentage cover of soil, stone, short grass, of the herb Alchemilla abyssinica, or the shrub Helichrysum spp. Overall, short grasses and A. abyssinica appeared in most classes; H. splendidum was frequent in some (e.g. class 1 and 2), but absent or rare in others; the herb Alchemilla pedata characterized waterlogged and seasonally flooded environments (class 5); Artemesia and Kniphofia shrubs dominated class 7. Figure 2 is a synoptic description of each vegetation class, including associated terrain variables, which overall coincided with the results of previous studies of rodent-vegetation relationships in Bale. Two classes not shown in this table, but nevertheless used for the image classification, were ‘sedge swamps’ and ‘Alchemilla haumanii heaths’, which differed markedly from all other clusters and were represented by a few sites (n=4 and n=8 respectively). The sedge swamps with Carex spp. occupy permanently flooded depressions with no value for wolves in terms of prey availability (Sillero-Zubiri et al. 1995a); A. haumanii heaths occupied a restricted area in the Sanetti Plateau. Cluster H. splendidum Short grass 1 (n=17) H. splendedidum 0.1523 SN A. abyssinica 2 (n=27) Stone 3 (n=23) 0.1944 Stone Short grass 0.2123 A. abyssinica 4 (n=27) A. pedata 5 (n=10) A. abyssinica 6 (n=29) WB 0.3725 A. abyssinica 0.2602 Stone Short grass 0.3101 7 (n= 17) Short grass Artemesia Kniphofia 8 (n=13) Figure 1 Dendrogram of TWINSPAN clusters with eigenvalues and indicator species associated to each division. SN= Sanetti; WB=Web Valley; n= quadrats per division. soil stone short grass Alchemilla abyssinica H. splendidum Thymus schimpery Erigeron alpinus Tall grass H. cymosum Euryops postratus Dichrocephala spp Wahlenbergia pusilla H. citrispinum Sagina afroalpina Veronica spp H. gofense Sagina abyssinica Geranium arabicum Galium aparinodies Anthemis tigreensis Alchemilla microbetula Haplocarpa spp Alchemilla pedata Carex monostachya Cyperacea Mosses Salvia merjamie Carduus chamaecephalus Polygala spp Senecio spp Trifolium spp Kniphofia isoetifolia Artemesia afra Erica spp Hebenstretia dentata Crepis carbonaria 1 V IV V V V III IV V III II II II I I II II I I I Sanetti 2 3 V V V V V V V IV V II IV I III II III II III II I I I I I II III III II I II II IV III I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 V IV V V I I I I II I II I I I I I I II II II II I I II II I I I II 5 IV III III III Web 6 7 V V II IV V V V IV II I I I I I I 8 IV V V II IV I I II II I I II II I III III IV I I I IV III II I II I I II IV II II I II I I II I I I I I II II I I I I IV IV IV III II II Table 1 Frequency of occurrence of plant species, bare soil or rock per vegetation class 1 to 8. Values I to V represent within-cluster frequencies: 0-20%, 20-40%, 4060%, 60-80% and 80-100% respectively. In grey shading are shown the most common species in each cluster; squares highlights bush life-forms. SANETTI PLATEAU WEB VALEY Cluster 4 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 Soil Stone A. abyssinica Short grass H. splendidum 0 25 50 0 75 0 25 50 0 25 50 0 25 50 0 25 50 0 25 50 0 25 50 0 25 50 Vegetation layers Ground level Herbaceous level Shrub level 0 25 50 25 50 75 0 25 50 75 0 25 50 75 0 25 50 75 0 25 50 75 0 25 50 75 0 25 50 Dominant cover components 1 H. splendidum 2 Soil 3 Short grass 1 Soil 2 A.abyssinica 3 H. splend. & H cittrispinun (14%) 1 Stone 2 Soil 3 Short grass (H cit. 6%) 1 A. abyssinica 2 Soil 3 Short grass 1 A. pedata 2 Soil 3 Stone & tall grasses (14%) 1 A. abyssinica 2 Soil 3. Short grass 1 Short grass (61%) 2. Stone 1 Short grass 2 Artemesia 3 Stone (Kniphofia 11%) Mima mounds Terrain 12 % Plateau 82% Hill slope 12% 20% Plateau 50% Valley bott.40% 59% Plateau 48% Valley bott.34% 29% Plateau 41% Mesa top 29% *** ******* * ******** ** * ** * * * * * * * * ***** **** * ******* ** ** HELICHRYSU M HEATH 30% Plateau 52% Ridges 22% Hill slope 13% *** ****** ** * ROCKY GRASSLANDS 52% Plateau 52% Valley bott.30% Slope 30% Hill slope 56 % Plateau 22% Ridges 19% ** ***** ** * OPEN HELICH. HEATH ALCHEMILLA BOGS ALCHEMILLA SHORT GRASSLAND 0% Hill slope 54% Ridges 23% Mesa top 15% ** * **** *** ARTEMESIAGRASSLAND RAT 1 RAT 3 RAT 3 RAT 2 RAT 2 RAT 2 RAT 2 RAT 1 GMR 0 GMR 1 GMR 2 GMR 2 GMR 2 GMR 2 GMR1 GMR 0 0 1 2 3 Vegetation classes and rodents 75 Figure 2 Synopsis of habitat quality types for Ethiopian wolves from vegetation clusters 1 to 8, associated terrain variables and abundance of rats (RAT 1 to 3) and giant molerats (GMR 0 to 2). From darker to lighter the shading of grey show three main habitat quality types with decreasing relative prey abundances (HQ1, HQ2 and to HQ3 as described in the text). 4. Validation of habitat quality types for wolves The number of rodent signs counted in each sample was used to assess the validity of vegetation classes as a proxy for the abundance and distribution of the main rodent prey. Other studies in Bale successfully validated measures of rodent abundance derived from counts rat holes (using live trapping) and indexes based on signs of giant molerats (using head counts) (Sillero-Zubiri et al. 1995, b). The same studies detected a positive correlation between prey abundance and wolf numbers, confirming the link between rodent abundance and their availability to wolves. The number of rat holes per quadrat was compared across vegetation classes using one-way ANOVA and post-hoc Tukey tests, after log-transforming the data to fit the assumptions of GLM models. Rat holes were found in between 60 to 100% of quadrats across vegetation classes and mean numbers varied from around 3 in Artemesia-grassland to 22 in open Helichrysum heath (Fig. 3). Differences among classes were statistically significant (log+1 ANOVA F (7,155)= 8.779, P<0.001) and explained over 50% of the variability in the counts (R-sq= 53.3%). From multiple comparisons between vegetation classes we derived three categories of rat abundance (shaded in Table 2): RAT 1= average 3 to 6 holes per quadrat RAT 2= average 9 to 13 per quadrat RAT 3= average 20 to 22 per quadrat Not all classes within each group were significantly different from all other classes in the other groups, but this division represented well the observed range of variation (see Figure 3), perhaps with the exception of ‘bogs’, the class with larger variation in rat sign counts. rat ho les per q uadrat 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Rocky G (sn) Open HH (sn) Alche m (wb) Alche m (sn) Bog Short G (wb) Hel. H (sn) Artem. (wb) -5 20 15 10 5 0 Alche m. (sn) Bog Alche m. (wb) Rocky G. (sn) Short G. (wb) Open HH (sn) Artem (wb) Helic.Hh (sn) -5 Figure 3 Mean and 95% confidence interval for the average number of rat (a) or giant molerat (b) signs in quadrats of various vegetation classes. sn=Sanetti, wb=Web Valley. Horizontal lines indicate the three classes of rodent abundance derived from these data. Artemesia-grassland Helichrysum heath Bogs Alchemilla meadow (SN) Alchemilla meadow (WB) Short grassland Rocky grassland Open Helichrysum Heath RAT holes (log+1) % quadrats Tukey test with holes 1 2 3 0.97 61 1.11 58 1.55 1.55 70 1.88 1.88 1.88 77 2.17 2.17 100 2.36 2.36 100 2.73 100 2.93 96 Significance 0.16 0.28 0.05 Table 2 Comparisons of the mean (log+1) number of rat holes and the percentage of quadrats with rat signs among vegetation classes. Shaded are the groupings used to define habitat quality types. Counts of giant molerats signs in quadrats showed a skewed distribution. No signs were found in samples from Helichrysum heaths and Artemesia-grassland, rarely in open Helichrysum heaths (15%. 4 out of 27 quadrats), but otherwise signs were present in between 52 to 70% of the quadrats from other vegetation types. The number of giant molerat signs varied considerably among vegetation classes (Kruskal Wallis test: Chi-square=37.454, df 7, P<0.001; Fig. 3), even after excluding the classes without signs (Kruskal Wallis test: Chi-square=37.454, df 7, P<0.000) but not if short grasslands were excluded (Fig. 3). Abundance classes were thus defined as: GMR 0 =absent GMR 1 = fewer than 6 holes on average GMR 2 =between 8 and 13 holes on average To summarize prey availability across vegetation classes and study areas the results were combined into three main habitat quality types (in shades of grey in Fig. 2): HQ1 (Habitat Quality 1) = vegetation classes with high rat and giant molerat abundances (RAT 2 or 3 and GMR 2): • Alchemilla meadows: short herbaceous vegetation with mima mounds in plateaux and valleys (Web and Sanetti) • rocky grasslands: short vegetation with high percentage of bare ground and pebbles in flat areas (Sanetti) • bogs: waterlogged and seasonally flooded depressions with bare soil, with Alchemilla pedata and other semi-aquatic plants, in flat areas and valley bottoms (Web) HQ2 (Habitat Quality 2)= vegetation classes with high rat abundance and few giant molerats (RAT 2 or 3 and GMR 1): • open Helichrysum heaths: sparse bushes of H. splendidum and H. citrispinum, with some tall grasses and herbs, in ridges and hills with moderate slopes and some flat areas (Sanetti) • short grasslands: with short Afroalpine tussocks and some herbs in thin-soiled habitats including mesa tops (Web) HQ3 (Habitat Quality 3)= vegetation classes with few rats and no giant molerats (RAT 1 and GMR 0) • Helichrysum heaths: shrub-level vegetation with H. splendidum and tall grasses, on the rain-shadow of Tullu Deemtu peak and hill slopes (Tullu Deemtu, Sanetti) • Artemesia-grasslands: Artemesia and Kniphofia shrubs, bushes of Erica and H. citrispinum, in hills and rocky ridges with moderate to steep slopes (Web) 5 Habitat mapping Remotely sensed data was used to generalize the habitat classification to the whole study area, using a Landsat Thematic Mapper Plus (U.S. Geological Survey) from January 2001 - no clear dry season image was not available for 1999 when field surveys were conducted. Because topographic features are the main determinants of vegetation type in Bale’s Afroalpine zone, it is unlikely that significant changes occurred at the time scale of this study (1988-2000). This was apparent from the close match between the final habitat classification and hand-made field maps from the early years (D. Gottelli & C. Sillero-Zubiri, unpublished). The assumption of stable rodent populations, and by extension stable vegetation patterns, was also supported by the fact that similar numbers of wolves and packs occupied the study area in 2001 and 10 years ago (Marino et al. 2006). The resolution of 28.5m per pixel was adequate to capture the scale of vegetation variation at which rodent preferences occur, and the dry season is when vegetation types contrast most (particularly dry grasslands from evergreen Alchemilla meadows). The Landsat 7 TM+ (Level 1G product) provided geometric accuracy within 250m for low-relief areas at sea level. To geo-reference the image with sufficient accuracy, twenty control points were collected across the study areas using hand-held GPS devices and 1:50,000 cartographic maps. These revealed a longitudinal drift of around 300m westwards (299 ± 49m), and no apparent drift along the latitudinal axis (average -10± 37m). All spatial data was corrected accordingly by adding 300m to the East-West coordinate value. To classify the satellite image into habitat types we applied a maximum likelihood procedure that uses Bayesian probability theory (provided by IDRISI software, Clark Labs, Clark University, Worcester, USA). Samples from each vegetation class were used as training sets for this supervised classification (limiting the data to those samples located within areas of relatively homogenous pixels, due to the inherent uncertainty in GPS readings of up to 100m, Janeau et al. 2001). Because classification accuracy generally increases as a function of the number of spectral bands used, all six visible near and middle infra-red bands of data were used for the classification, some of which are particularly helpful in identifying key Afroalpine features such as rock, soil, and moisture contest. The method of choice extracts information from a set of training sites to calculate the mean and variance-covariance of the spectral signatures of each habitat type, and to estimate the posterior probability that a pixel belongs to each of the seven classes in class in Figure 2. Prior probabilities for the relative proportion of each habitat class were derived from field maps of the Web Valley from 1988-1992 (D. Gottelli & C. Sillero-Zubiri, unpublished) and using expert knowledge. For further analyses pixels were combined into the three main habitat quality types (HQ1, HQ2 and HQ3 in decreasing order of wolf rodent prey abundance) (Figure 4). a) Web Valley 1km HQ1= Alchemilla meadows & bogs HQ2= Short grasslands HQ3= Artemesia-grasslands Others b) Sanetti Plateau c) Tullu Deemtu 1km Fig 4 Maps depicting the distribution of habitat quality types in Web Valley (a), Sanneti Plateau (b) and Tullu Deemtu (c), and the territories of Ethiopian wolf packs studied in 1989, just before the rabies epizootics. 6. References Gottelli D, Sillero-Zubiri C (1992) The Ethiopian wolf - an endangered endemic canid. Oryx 26:205-214 Jongman R., ter Braak C, van Tongeren O (1987) Data analysis in community and landscape ecology. Centre for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation, Wageningen, Netherlands. Lewis ML (1998) Numeric classification as an aid to spectral mapping of vegetation communities. Plant Ecol 136:133-149 Henderson P A, Seaby RMH (2002) Community Analysis Package. Pisces Conservation Ltd, Lygmington, UK Miehe G, Miehe S (1993) On the physiognomic and floristic differentiation of ericaceous vegetation in the Bale Mountains, SE Ethiopia. Opera Botanica 121:85112 Sillero-Zubiri C, Tattersall FH, Macdonald DW (1995b) Habitat selection and daily activity of giant molerats Tachyoryctes macrocephalus: Significance to the Ethiopian wolf Canis simensis in the Afroalpine ecosystem. Biol Cons 72:77-84 Sillero-Zubiri C, Tattersall FH, Macdonald DW (1995a). Bale mountains rodent communities and their relevance to the Ethiopian wolf (Canis simensis). Afr J Ecol 33:301-320 Tabachnick BG, Fidell LS (1989) Using multivariate statistics. Harper and Row, New York, NY, USA