Currculum Vitae Dr. Efraim Shmerling 11/2012 Address and telephone number at work Department of Computer Science and Mathematics 03-9066104 Address and telephone number at home 35/1 Shani St, Modiin ,71700 08-9718746 Education B.A. 1975-77 Tbilisi State University Department of Applied Mathematics M.A. 1978-80 Tbilisi State University Department of Applied Mathematics Optimal Localization of Tea Factories Dr. Kobachidze, N.E. PhD. 1992-98 Bar-Ilan University Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Linear Systems with Random Coefficients Supervisor : Prof. Kenneth J. Hochberg Employment History (in reverse chronological order) Lecturer Ariel University Center of Samaria 2000-2004 Lecturer Ashkelon Academic College 2002-2003 Lecturer Academic College of Engineering, Tel-Aviv 1999- now(Incumbent) Educational activities a. Courses taught Introduction to Probability and Statistics Ariel University Center of Samaria, Ashkelon Academic College General Probability Ariel University Center of Samaria General Statistics Ariel University Center of Samaria Statistics and Probability Ariel University Center of Samaria Statistics Ariel University Center of Samaria Probability Ariel University Center of Samaria Introduction to Statistics for Economists A Ariel University Center of Samaria Introduction to Statistics for Economists B Ariel University Center of Samaria Statistics and Experiment Programming Ariel University Center of Samaria Mathematical Analysis Ashkelon Academic College Introduction to Computer Programming (C) Ariel University Center of Samaria Data Structures ( C++ ) Ariel University Center of Samaria Computer Organization Ariel University Center of Samaria, Ashkelon Academic College Digital Systems Academic College of Engineering, Tel Aviv Logical Programming (PROLOG) Ariel University Center of Samaria, Ashkelon Academic College Database Systems ( SQL ) Ariel University Center of Samaria File Organization Ashkelon Academic College Matlab Underg raduate Introduction to Computers Academic College of Engineering, Tel-Aviv Computer Usage Ariel University Center of Samaria Academic College of Engineering, Tel-Aviv Scientific Publications Refereed articles and refereed letters in scientific journals 1. E. Shmerling and K.J. Hochberg. "Asymptotic Behavior of Roots of Random Polynomial Equations", Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 130, Number 9, pages 2761- 2770, September 2002 2. E. Shmerling and K.J. Hochberg. "Solution of Jump Parameter Systems of Differential Equations with Semi-Markov Coefficients" Journal of Applied Probability, Volume 40, Number 2, pages 442-454 (June 2003) 3. E. Shmerling and K.J. Hochberg. "Sturm's Method in Counting Roots of Random Polynomial Equations", Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability,Volume 6,Number 2,pages 203-218,(June 2004). 4. K.J. Hochberg and E.Shmerling. "Stability and Optimal Control for Semi-Markov Jump Parameter Linear Systems”, Recent Advances in Applied Probability, Published by Springer ISBN: 978-0-387-23378-9, 2005, pp. 205-222. 5. M. Korenblit and E. Shmerling. "Algorithm and Software for Integration over a Convex Polyhedron", LNCS, Volume 4151 pages 273-283(August 2006) 6. .E. Shmerling. "Stability of Solutions of Linear Systems of Differential Equations with Periodic Coefficients" Functional Differential Equations, Volume 14, No 1-2, pp. 117122,January 2007 7. E. Shmerling and K.J. Hochberg. “Stability of Stochastic Jump-Parameter Semi-Markov Linear Systems of Differential Equations”, Stochastics: An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes, Volume 80, No. 6, pp. 513-518, December 2008 8. E. Shmerling. "Sufficient Condition for Stability of Stochastic Jump-parameter semiMarkov Linear Systems of Difference Equations". Functional Differential Equations, Volume 16, No 4, pp. 665-662, 2009 9. E.Shmerling. "Algorithm and Software for Defining the Distribution of Eigenvalues of Random Symmetric Matrices via Simulation". International Journal of Computer Mathematics. Volume 86, Issue 10 & 11 , pages 1979 - 1988., October 2009 10. E. Shmerling .”Asymptotic Stability Condition for Stochastic Markovian Systems of Differential Equations", Mathematica Bohemica ,135, No. 4 ,pp 443-448, November 29, 2010. 11. E. Shmerling.“ASYMPTOTIC STABILITY CONDITION FOR MARKOVIAN SYSTEMS OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS WITH SOLUTION JUMPS”, Functional Differential Equations, Volume 18, No 3-4, pp. 303-309, 2011. 12. E. Shmerling. “Algorithms and Software for Generating Sequences of Random Tuples in Special Simple Polytopes”, Journal of Communication and Computer, Volume 8, Number 3, pp. 180-187, March 2011. 13. E.Shmerling. “Distribution of Number of Roots of Random Polynomial Equations in Small Intervals” , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION, Issue 4, Volume 6, pp.397-404, 2012. Refereed Conference Proceedings 1. E. Shmerling. "Algorithm for Defining the Distribution of Zeros of Random Polynomials ".Proceedings of the 11-th WSEAS International Conference on Computers,Greece,,volume4,pages 657-660,2007. 2. E. Shmerling, A.Hirshberg. "Two- Stage Binomial Fixed-Width Interval Estimation", Proceedings of the 56-th Biennial Session of the ISI-2007. Bulletin of the ISI ,Vol. LXII, lxi 6196,2007 3. E.Shmerling. “ Stability of Stochastic Jump Parameter Semi-Markov Linear Systems of Difference Equations” , Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation of Materials Technologies ,MMT, University Center of Samaria, Ariel, Israel ,Volume 5, part 7, pages 150-152,2008 4. E. Shmerling. "An Algorithm for Defining the Distribution of Eigenvalues of Random. Symmetric Matrices" . Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering. CMMSE, La Manga,Spain. (pp. 628632), June 2008. 5. E. Shmerling. "An Algorithm for Generating Sequences of Random. Tuples on Special Simple Polytopes". Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, CMMSE. 2009,Gijon,Spain, Vol. 3 (pp. 989-994),2009. 6. E. Shmerling. ”Counting Roots of Random Polynomial Equations in Small Intervals”, Recent Advances in Computers, Communications, Applied Social Science & Mathematics , ICANCM’11, Barcelona ,Spain , pp. 228-232, September 2011. 7 . E. Shmerling. “A Sufficient Stability Condition for Linear Stochastic Markovian Systems,” Proceedings of ICNAAM 2011 - International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Helkidiki,Greece, American Institute of Physics Conf. Proc. 1389, pp. 19401942(2011) , September 2011. 8. E. Shmerling (co-author M. Ben Haim). “Algorithm for Counting the Eigenvalues of Random Matrices in Small Intervals”, Proceedings of the 2-nd EURO-SIAM Conference, Montreux, Switzerland,pp. 101-104, December 2011. 9. E.Shmerling. “Algorithm for Generating Discrete Infinite-Valued Random Variables with a Given Rational Generating Function”, Proceedings of 14th WSEAS International Conference on MATHEMATICAL METHODS, COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS (MAMECTIS '12) (MAMECTIS12) , Porto, Portugal, July 1-3, 2012,pp. 218-220. 10. E. Shmerling (co-author M. Ben Haim). “Modeling Vehicle Fuel Consumption at Conditions of the EUDC Cycle ” ,Proceedings of 6th WSEAS International Conference on ENERGY PLANNING, ENERGY SAVING, ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION (EPESE '12) (EPESE12) to be held in Porto, Portugal, July 1-3, 2012, pp.76-78 . 11. E. Shmerling (co-author M. Ben Haim). “Modeling Vehicle Fuel Consumption at Urban Operating Conditions”,Proceedings of 6th WSEAS International Conference on ENERGY PLANNING, ENERGY SAVING, ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION (EPESE '12) (EPESE12) to be held in Porto, Portugal, July 1-3, 2012, pp.79-81 . 12. E. Shmerling.“GA algorithm for generating geometric random variables of order k” , Proceedings of the 12th International Conference Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, La Manga - Murcia, Spain, July 02-05,2012,pp 1534-1537. Lectures and Presentations at Conferences and Invited Seminars 1. February 21, 2005, Ariel, Israel. Ariel Seminar on Functional Differential Equations. “Solution of Jump Parameter Systems of Differential Equations with Semi-Markov Coefficients” 2. April 4, 2005, Ariel , Israel. Ariel Seminar on Functional Differential Equations. “Stability of Semi-Markov Systems of Stochastic Differential Equations” 3. December 12, 2005 , Ariel ,Israel. Workshop: Functional Differential Equations. “Stability of semi-Markov systems of stochastic differential equations.” 4. September 14,2006, Ariel, Israel. Symposium on Functional Differential Equations "Stability of Solutions of Second Order Differential Equations with Periodic Coefficients". 5. July 26-28, 2007, Agios Nikolaos. Greece. The 11th WSEAS International Conference on Computers. "Algorithm for Defining the Distribution of Zeros of Random Polynomials". 6. August 22 - 29 2007 , Lisboa ,Portugal. 56th Session of the ISI - INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL INSTITUTE ( ISI-2007). "Two- Stage Binomial Fixed-Width Interval Estimation" 7. June 13-17, 2008 ,La Manga ,Spain. International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering,CMMSE – 2008. An Algorithm for Defining the Distribution of Eigenvalues of Random Symmetric Matrices . 8. May 12,2009 , Ramat Gan,Israel. Bar-Ilan University Seminar on Applied Mathematics. “ Algorithm and Software for Defining the Distribution of Eigenvalues of Random Symmetric Matrices via Simulation”. 9. July 1-4, 2009 , Gijon,Spain. International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering ,CMMSE - 2009. "An Algorithm for Generating Sequences of Random Tuples on Special Simple Polytopes" 10. July 20-24 , 2009, Brno, Czech Republic EQUADIFF12 Conference. “Asymptotic Stability Condition for Stochastic Markovian Systems of Differential Equations”. 11. . August 30 to September 3, 2010, Prague, Czech Republic .Prague Stochastics 2010 Conference. “ Simple Approximation to Generalized Geometric Distribution” 12. September 15-17, 2011, Barcelona, Spain.International Conference on Applied , Numerical and Computational Mathematics,”Counting Roots of Random Polynomial Equations in Small Intervals”. 13. September 19-25, 2011, Helkidiki,Greece. ICNAAM 2011 - International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics , “A Sufficient Stability Condition for Linear Stochastic Markovian Systems”. 14. December 29-31, 2011 ,Montreux, Switzerland , 2-nd EURO-SIAM Conference “ Algorithm for Counting the Eigenvalues of Random Matrices in Small Intervals” 15. July 1-3,2012, Porto, Portugal,Conference on MATHEMATICAL METHODS, COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS (MAMECTIS '12),“Algorithm for Generating Discrete Infinite-Valued Random Variables with a Given Rational Generating Function”. 16. July 02-05,2012, La Manga - Murcia, Spain, 12th International Conference Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering,“GA algorithm for generating geometric random variables of order k”. 17. August 27-September 2, 2012. Ariel, Israel, Functional Differential Equations and Applications 2012 Conference. “ System of difference equations for defining the distribution of geometric random variables of order k with Markovian parameter”. Present Academic Activities Submitted 1. E.Shmerling. (2012). Range Reduction Method for Generating Discrete Random Variables. (Statistics and Probability Letters) 2. E. Shmerling.(2012). Cumulative Distribution Function of Markov Order 2 Geometric Distribution of order k.( Functional Differential Equations). 3. E.Shmerling.(2012). System of difference equations for defining the Markovgeometric distribution of order k.( Functional Differential Equations). 4. M.Ben Haim and E. Shmerling. (2012). A Model of Vehicle Fuel Consumption at Conditions of the EUDC.(International Journal of Mechanics). 5. M.Ben Haim and E. Shmerling.(2012). A Model for Vehicle Fuel Consumption Estimation at Urban Operating Conditions (International Journal of Mechanics) 6. nE.Shmerling and A.Bronshtein.(2012) Introducing Moments about the Origin in Probability and Statistics Courses(PRIMUS) 7. Michael Ben-Chaim, Efraim Shmerling and Alon Kuperman (2012) Analytic Modeling of Vehicle Fuel Consumption. Energies . 8. Michael Ben Chaim, Efraim Shmerling and Alon Kuperman(2012).Fuel Efficiency Evaluation of Gas Turbine Engine Based Hybrid Vehicles. CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. In preparation 1. Range Reduction Method for Generating Continuous Variables. 2. Counting the Eigenvalues of Random Matrices. 3. 4. 5. Generating Discrete Random Variables with a Rational Generating Function. Rational Interval of Vehicle Element Preventive Repairs Periodicity Depending on Age Reduction. Rational Interval of Vehicle Element Preventive Repairs Periodicity Depending on Age Reduction. 6. Periodicity of Preventive Repairs of Vehicle Elements with Diagnostic Parameters.