First Visalus LID Call with JMC July 8th 2014: House Keeping for

First Visalus LID Call with JMC July 8th 2014:
House Keeping for Calls:
We want this call to be conversation like so please keep your own line muted so no
background interference will happen on the call recording. Keeping your phone
lines muted will allow you to control your contribution to the topics in a
conversation like way.
The 5 E’s for Visalus Culture :
Environment-Example-Expectations-Equipping-Emotional Stability
This call will focus on 2 things:
1. Environment at a deeper level
2. What a leader needs create to develop other leaders
Environment Deeper:
ATB Financial a banking institution in Canada they have a banner hung saying:
“Why do we lead?”
“We want to bring out the very best in others. Why? So that as a company we can
produce outstanding results!”
Reason for The Table:
We are going to do over these next several months? Bring out the very best in you,
in those your training and mentoring that will bring out Outstanding Results!
We hope to help create in you a leader who has depth and maturity.
A growth Environment is a place Where…
1. Others are ahead of youIf someone is ahead of you who is it?
Who is at the Head of the class?
Who is most Experienced?
Who has the highest titled position?
Who has the greatest Influence?
Who is the best leader?
Who is the Top Producer?
Who is the MVP, the One player that you have to have?
All of the questions above are all important! People need one main reason to start
following you, but many reasons to keep following you!
To be able to have all of this in your Leadership bag makes you an invaluable player
The Table Goal is to Make You the MVP! How?.....
~Close association with John Maxwell, Mark Cole and Erin Miller
We will hang in there with you and give you 100%.
~Cutting Edge Content
~Table interaction – Iron sharpens Iron. When you have good people
together it JUST doesn’t get any better than that.
~Application A.C.T.- We will help you to flesh this out for you.
*Apply *Change *Teach
Note the person in the lead cannot afford to stop!
JM- “The moment that you or I stop someone else is going to pass us.”
Write this down…I CAN NOT AFFORD TO STOP!
JM is currently working on 6 Books in Production, 3 days of recording etc.
The reason I have the leadership privilege I have is due to one thing…I am still
producing. You see the moment I stop production is the moment I loose my
leadership status. Production gives you depth.
2. Is a place where you are continually challengedEveryday you want to wake up and gulp! Most people wake up and yawn.
Ask yourself:
What are you gulping on? What are you doing now that makes you suck air?
Write it down.
The Great separator from average leaders to great leaders is the challenge of a gulp.
JM- “I love challenge because it takes whiners and sends them home...but it raises
winners to the top.”
JM ExampleChoose and hired his assistant Barbara based on the expectations he set of major
stretching pressure. She said she could handle pressure.
3. Is a place where the focus is always forward-
JM- “Everyone has distractions. My life has been full of distractions and
distractors but I won’t carry that baggage.”
Nehemiah responds “I can’t come down I am building a wall.”
How do you stay focused when Chi Wawa’s are nipping at your ankles?
How will you respond?
3 Ways to Focus Forward:
Keep growing in your life.
“Growth is the only guarantee that your tomorrow is going to get better.”
JM- “I don’t have any rear view mirrors. You can’t drive a car forward while
always looking into the rear view mirror.”
JM Example- Recently honored by naming of building after me.
“Honors from the past shouldn’t keep you from building your future. The best days
are ahead.”
Keep Control of your life. For if you don’t, someone else will.
Control your calendar
The question is not will your calendar be full the question is who is going to
fill it.
Set expectations up front
State how much time you have with people on the front end.
Live by your priorities
Other people’s priorities won’t be yours…carve your priorities out.
Be time conscious
Be aware of time and realistic of time. You only have 24hrs in a day.
JM Example- Asked everyone on his staff to write down what they accomplished
over a one hour period of time (application). Then he inspected how the staff spent
their time and helped staff identify where they were wasting their precious time
JM Example- Asked his assistant to send this response to invitations:
John Maxwell thanks you for your letter but regrets that he is
unable to accept your kind invitation to…send and
autograph/help you in your project/provide a photograph/read
your manuscript/cure your disease/deliver a lecture/be
interviewed/attend a conference/talk on the radio/act as a
chairman/appear on TV/become an editor/speak after
dinner/write a book/give a testimonial/accept an honorary
degree. 
Is a place where the Atmosphere is AffirmingAsk yourself these questions:
1. Who brings out the best in me? How do they do it?
2. Who do I bring the best out of? How do I do it?
JM- “When people begin to operate with this type of intention, the threshold of
potential begins to be revealed.”
A place where You are out of your Comfort ZoneComfort Zone Scenarios:
Out of my gift zone & out of my comfort zone =
In my gift zone & in my comfort zone
are not pressing yourself)
Coasting (when you
In my gift zone & out of my comfort zone
make mistakes and fail but you are in your gift zone)
Creative (When you
A place where you Wake Up Excited-
The Great Mystery:
I am continually amazed at the mass of people who are bored in this world! There
are 7.174 Billion people in this world and most of them totally board.
Why do I wake up excited about my life?
6 reasons:
1. I am Called to make a Difference. (If you have been called to something
you don’t have an option to quit.)
Recognize that there is a difference between a Career and a Calling…
“A Career is when you are bigger than your purpose, a Calling is when your
purpose is bigger than you.”
2. I am Helping People. Every day I say to myself “Today I get to help
3. I am Good at what I do.
4. I am getting Better at What I am Doing.
5. I Love the People I work with – at 67 years of age you better love the
people you work with because life is too short to work with people you
don’t like.
6. I am making Money- it’s the least of the 6 reasons I wake up excited.
Making money allows the opportunity to give a lot of money away.
A place where Failure is not my Enemy-
JM- “My passion to try and learn is so much greater than my fear of failing.”
How do you know that failure is not your enemy?
1. When you value the Lessons it has taught you
2. When it does not control you.
3. When you use your failures to teach and help others.
JM- “If all I do is teach out of successful principals and not failures then I am not a
leader developing individuals on my team holistically.”
Why should you feel responsible to teach from your failures?
1. It Makes Me “Reachable” and Relateable (Success Gap)
2. Your failures have many Lessons to teach Others
3. Yes you have Failed many times (it keeps you real and Humble)
A place where Others are Growing-
“Others” is the most important word in a leaders vocabulary.
There is no way to define leadership w/o “Others”.
The only way you can evaluate leadership is how well you lead others.
Ask people!
“How well am I doing in my leading you?”
“How well are you doing in leading your people?”
JM- “My legacy is to help people that are good become great.” “With others there I
no limit.”
To Grow others I must….
Grow Myself
Put Others First
Give Up and Let Go
Be Patient (You all ready know the answers “been there done that.” It
takes a lot of patience to have all the answers.)
Be Transparent
Show and Tell (Don’t work alone)
Have a Game Plan
Stay only with those who stay in the game and keep growing.
Constantly Evaluate and Hold Accountable
Only Grow Those Who will Grow Others.
9. A place where People Desire ChangeChange does not always = Growth
Growth does not always = Change
People Change when they…
Hurt enough they have to
Learn enough they want to
Receive enough they are able to
10. A place where Growth is modeled and ExpectedThe Table is the Catalyst for Visalus’s Growth Environment!
Ask yourself these questions;
1. Are people ahead of you at your Table?
2. Are you continually challenged by those at the Table?
3. Is the main focus on building for the future?
4. Is the atmosphere affirming and lifting?
5. Do people feel stretched or comfortable at the Table?
6. Is there an air of anticipation and excitement evident at the
7. Does the Table allow openness and learning from failure?
8. Is the person sitting next to you growing?
9. Is there a willingness to make needed changes modeled at the
10. Is the table the place where you look at each other and say
“We were in the Room!”