Rising 10-12 Registration Form

Print Name_____________________________________
2015-2016 Western Alamance High School Upperclassmen Course Selection Form
Please choose 8 courses marking the adjacent box with an “x,” and 3 alternate courses marked with an “A” (Always have a
back-up plan!). Refer to the online course guide for course descriptions and suggested pre-requisites.
AH: Founding Principles, Civics, and Economics Honors
American History I
American History I Honors
American History II
American History II Honors
Turning Points in American History Honors
(Fall – should be paired with US History AP)
U.S. History AP
European History AP
Human Geography AP
Psychology AP
US Government and Politics AP
Cold War History
World Religions
English I
English I Honors
English II
English II Honors
English III
English III Honors
English III AP
English IV
English IV Honors
English IV AP
Speech & Debate
Creative Writing
Foundations of Math I
Math I
Math II
Math II Honors
Math III
Math III Honors
Essentials of College Math
Discrete Math
Discrete Math Honors
Pre-Calculus Honors
Calculus AP AB
Calculus AP BC
Statistics AP
Earth/Environmental Science
Earth/Environmental Science Honors
Biology Honors
Physical Science
Chemistry Honors
Biology II Honors – yearlong with Biology AP
Biology AP
Chemistry II Honors – yearlong with Chem AP
Chemistry AP
Environmental Science AP
Forensic Science Honors
Anatomy & Physiology Honors
Physics Honors
Physics I AP
Social Studies
World History
World History Honors
World History AP (for sophomores with a Civics credit)
Am Hist: The Founding Principles, Civics, and Economics
Latin I
Latin II
Spanish I
Spanish I for Native Speakers
Spanish II
Spanish II for Native Speakers Honors
Spanish III Honors
Spanish IV Honors
Cultural Arts – Upper levels may require audition
Beginning Fall
Beginning Spring
Intermediate Fall
Intermediate Spring
Proficient (Honors) Fall
Prof (H) Spring
Advanced (Honors) Fall
Adv (H) Spring
Jazz Ensemble
Beginning Fall
Beginning Spring
Intermediate Fall
Intermediate Spring
Proficient (Honors) Fall
Prof (H) Spring
Advanced (Honors) Fall
Adv (H) Spring
Wind Ensemble
Beginning Fall
Beginning Spring
Intermediate Fall
Intermediate Spring
Proficient (Honors) Fall
Prof (H) Spring
Advanced (Honors) Fall
Adv (H) Spring
Vocal Music
Proficient (Honors Ensemble) - may be taken year long
Proficient (Honors)
Advanced (Honors)
Dance Company (Proficient Honors)
- Schedule corrections can be made over the summer during a schedule change window. Changes may not always be granted during and
after that period due to class allotments. Schedule changes will only be made under special circumstances once school begins or mid-year.
-Course Descriptions and pre-requisite recommendations can be found in the “Course Registration Guide” online on the WAHS website under
Student Life and Course Registration.
Print Name_____________________________________
Visual Arts
Proficient (Honors)
Advanced (Honors)
Art AP 2-D Drawing & Design/AP Studio Art
Theatre Arts
Technical Theatre
Proficient (Honors)
Proficient (Honors)
Advanced (Honors)
Advanced (Honors)
Business Technologies
Accounting I
Accounting II (Honors Option)
Principles of Business & Finance
Personal Finance
MSITA Word Powerpoint (Honors Option)
MSITA Excel & Access
Multimedia & Web Design (Honors Option)
Marketing (Honors Option)
Sports & Entertainment Marketing I
Sports & Entertainment Marketing II
Introduction to Computer Science
Introduction to Automotive Service
Automotive Service I
Automotive Service II
Automotive Service III
Core & Sustainable Construction
Carpentry I (must have Core & Sust credit )
Carpentry II
Carpentry III
Cabinetmaking I
Cabinetmaking II
Drafting I
Drafting II Architecture (Honors Option)
Agriscience Applications
Agriculture Mechanics I
Agriculture Mechanics II
Horticulture I
Horticulture II (Honors Option)
Horticulture II – Turf Grass Management
Foods I
Foods II
Interior Design
Parenting & Child Development
Teen Living
Courses Offered at CTEC (must choose 2)
Biomedical Technology
Health Science I
Health Science II
…Continued Courses Offered at CTEC (must choose 2)
Nursing Fundamentals (2 blocks – must have HS II)
Pharmacy Technician (Must have HS II)
Computer Engineering Technology I
Network Engineering Technology I
Computer Programming I
Computer Programming II
SAS Programming I (must have Comp Prog I)
AP Computer Science
PLTW I - Introduction to Engineering Honors
PLTW II - Principles of Engineering Honors
PLTW III – Computer Integrated Manufacturing
PLTW IV - Engineering Design & Development
Digital Media
Scientific Visualization I
Scientific Visualization II
Game Art Design (must have Sci Vis I)
Introduction to Culinary Arts (Fall –paired with CA I)
Culinary Arts I (Fall – paired with Intro to CA)
Culinary Arts II (Spring - 2 blocks)
NCSSM Genetics and Biotechnology Honors
NCSSM Forensic Material & Accident Investigation Honors
NCSSM Aerospace and Engineering Honors
NCSSM African American Studies Honors
Online Courses (VPS) to be taken @ CTEC
Physical Education
Health/P.E. (req.)
Sports Education I (P.E. I)
Sports Education II (P.E. II)
Physical Fitness Fall (Weightlifting for Athletes)
Physical Fitness Spring (Weightlifting for Athletes)
Physical Fitness (Weightlifting for Non-Athletes)
ROTC I – Naval Science I
ROTC IB – Naval Science IB – Spring only after NS I
ROTC II – Naval Science II
ROTC III – Naval Science III – Spring only
ROTC IV – Naval Science IV
ROTC I – Advanced Military Studies I – Spring only
ROTC II – Advanced Military Studies II – Fall only
Special Programs – Juniors and Seniors Only
**Requires Application and/or Teacher Recommendation
CTE Internship*
Leadership (formerly STARS/PALS)
Media Assistant
Online Learning (NC Virtual Public School – NCVPS Host)
Yearbook Publishing
Elon Collegiate Start (seniors only, 3.0 UW GPA)
ACC Career & College Promise ( Jrs & Srs only, 3.0 W GPA)
Early Release (Fall and/or Spring – Srs ONLY)
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
- Schedule corrections can be made over the summer during a schedule change window. Changes may not always be granted during and
after that period due to class allotments. Schedule changes will only be made under special circumstances once school begins or mid-year.
-Course Descriptions and pre-requisite recommendations can be found in the “Course Registration Guide” online on the WAHS website under
Student Life and Course Registration.